North Escambia Facebook Friend Reaction: Osama Bin Laden Dead

May 2, 2011

After the announcement Sunday night that terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden was dead, we asked our Facebook friends what they thought. A sampling of the responses are below.

You can join in the discussion in our comment section at the bottom of the article, or click here to join our thousands of Facebook friends.

  • “It is great news; a real morale builder. Great job by our troops; way to go! Now is it time to bring our troops home? The mission seems to be accomplished, Mr. President.” — Scobie Wilcoxon, Sr., McDavid
  • “I think the troops should receive the credit THEY deserve not Obama & I think America needs to have its guard up for retaliation…he didn’t do it alone, he was just the ‘head clown.’ — Jackie Morgan, Barrineau Park
  • “I have always supported our troops sorry it took so long, but Thank God it is over. Sorry for the families who have lost so much. I think they should burn his body at Ground Zero so some maybe able to put closure to what they lost. He does not even deserve a proper burial.” — Kimberlie Miller, Molino
  • “The mission is not over, there will be retaliation and more lives lost. We just (expletive) off a whole bunch of his followers but the fight will sill be worth it! God Bless America.” — Sara Lowery, East Brewton
  • I am an Air Force wife whose husband is in Afghanistan. Even though we miss him so much, I am so thankful for men like him who leave their families to fight and keep us safe.” — Emily White, Flomaton
  • “Good,good,good…I do worry of his followers cauing problems so continue to pray to keep troops safe and for them to capture Osama’s top men and come home safe. This has been a long journey for all men/women serving and the spouses/moms/dads/aunts/uncles.” — Jennifer Peebles, McDavid
  • “Have you hugged a soldier today?” — Susan Langston, Pensacola
  • “I guess, at a minimum, this at least gives a little bit of justice to the friends and loved ones I/we have lost for what seemed to be a lost cause. Kudos to all who have served, suffered and lost for the greater good. I only hope this brings some closure to the families and friends of the American Soldier, Sailor, and Marine.” — John G. Jones, Atmore
  • “What a great day for America & our Wonderful military! Thank You Bush because if it wasn’t for him this never would happen! Sad thing is what will America have to go thru now that this Evil man is in fact dead?” — Lindy Broome, Molino
  • “I think it is wonderful. The celebration at the White House is also great. I know there are many families who lost someone during 9/11 or lost someone in the military since who feel a huge joy over this. We all know that there could be some following problems, but for now lets rejoice at something we have all been waiting for since 9/11. Obama has proven to be a great President, but we need to remember he did not do this alone.” — Pennie Wright, Atmore
  • “Nah, I disagree. Bush had nothing to do with this. Any president would have done what he did. He just happened to be president when it actually happened. Not to demean the man, but that was pure coincidence.” –  John B. Jones, Atmore
  • “Good Job to our troops!!!” — Brandi Mattheiss, Cantonment
  • “I also am a veteran. We have to continue to take the fight to them.” — Casey Pritchett, Century
  • “There are so many things to be said…. But put simply, It was all in God’s timing and I praise the Lord that this war wasn’t in vain. We need to be in prayer now more than ever for our nation, our military and each other. I thank God for my loved one’s that have served and are serving to make this day possible.” — Melanie Dix, Walnut Hill
  • “I feel like the rest of the nation does right now. I feel like singing “God Bless America”, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and shooting off fireworks…It took almost 10 yrs, but it has been done.” — Rhonda Corley, Cantonment
  • “As a Navy wife facing my husbands first deployment soon I am relieved that there is one less thing for me to worry about and I think we are finally starting to see a faint glimmer of light at the end of this war. This is one giant step towards bringing our men and women home. Thanks to our troops who are still putting it all on the line everyday to keep us here in the US safe your are doing an amazing job keep up the fight .” — Lindsay Rector, Bratt native in Virginia Beach, Virginia


18 Responses to “North Escambia Facebook Friend Reaction: Osama Bin Laden Dead”

  1. MSgt Burham on May 4th, 2011 6:32 am

    We may have won the battle but the war is not over. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and all it means to me is another terrorist dead. These people get paid for killing Americans, so killing Bin Laden isnt going to stop the violence. We better not put our guard down, because like I said these people and their families get paid to kill.

  2. Sierra on May 3rd, 2011 10:25 pm

    Well Done Mr. President!! You deserve the respect of our nation’s highest office. You accomplished what 2 other Presidents were unable to do.

  3. WORRIED RESIDENT on May 2nd, 2011 4:39 pm

    Why can’t you give it a rest! He’s said he’s a christian. Why post that “stupid joke” at a time like this? Not funny at all!!!!

  4. Mixed emotions on May 2nd, 2011 4:21 pm

    Still very sad….God still loves this man regardless of what he has done and this man died not knowing the love of Christ. That’s a tragedy as well.

  5. K. on May 2nd, 2011 3:48 pm

    Turns out that Obama knew in august of last year where bin laden was – it appears they were both attending the same mosque.

    jokes aside, it’s about time that bin laden was gone.

  6. GGProudAirForceParent on May 2nd, 2011 1:49 pm

    To ProudArmyParent,
    That was beautiful what you wrote. We Military parents must stick together right? God Bless you and Yours.

  7. XYZ on May 2nd, 2011 12:55 pm

    Thank You………

    President Obama
    Secretary Gates
    All Security Organizations

    And to the most important group, my fellow soldiers past and present who deserve the most credit.

  8. whitepunknotondope on May 2nd, 2011 12:08 pm

    “…then, it was laid to rest at the bottom of the sea”

    Oh great, another reason not to eat seafood!

  9. jcellop on May 2nd, 2011 11:43 am

    actually, according to news reports on FOX, bin ladens corpes was washed and wrapped in a white sheet, as is the muslim custom…then, it was laid to rest at the bottom of the sea..personally, i dont have a problem with it, as it gives the muslim population (terrorists, muslim extremists and moderate muslim) one less piece of ammunition or excuse to fault the US for disgracing a muslim after death…also, it dilutes any attempt by supporters to position USB into martrydom….today, IS A GOOD DAY!!!

  10. jcellop on May 2nd, 2011 11:13 am

    strange coincidence that hitler also died on MAY 1st…two of the most hated men in world history!

  11. WORRIED RESIDENT on May 2nd, 2011 9:46 am

    Great job to EVERYONE involved!!! That’s a major headache taken care of!!
    I have never heard that before. Did you make it up? If so you ought to try to have it published. Hurry it’s already on the internet

  12. ProudArmyParent on May 2nd, 2011 9:13 am

    May 1st Prayer…Now I lay me down to sleep…one less terrorist this world does keep…with all my heart I give my thanks…to those in uniform regardless of ranks…you serve our country and serve it well…with humble hearts your stories tell…so as I rest my weary eyes…while freedom rings our flag still flies…you give your all, do what you must…with God we live and God we trust….Amen..

  13. Pat on May 2nd, 2011 9:00 am

    I have kept an AMERICAN FLAG flying for years. I am very proud to be an AMERICAN….ARE YOU ??? Display your flag for those that have lost their lives for our FREEDOM ….

  14. deBugger on May 2nd, 2011 8:38 am

    Not even the shark from “Jaws” wanted a piece of that package.

  15. whitepunknotondope on May 2nd, 2011 7:54 am

    Some people say what difference does it make? Well I can say that it makes a big difference to me.

    Knowing that this dog was shot in the head (most likely by a high caliber weapon, you can picture what that means), and his body dumped in the sea like garbage gives me a great deal of satisfaction.

    Note: The death picture circulating the web is a fake: I GUARANTEE there was not much left of this animal’s head.

  16. t2 on May 2nd, 2011 7:42 am

    It is amazing how we “Americans” still let him have a proper burial as his religion states, but yet, there are so many 9-11 victims that never got a proper burial. I guess it shows we are so much better than them. God Bless all the troops that have lost their lives, the ones still over there, their faimlies, the victims of 9-11 and their families.

  17. t2 on May 2nd, 2011 7:38 am

    @BoBo….You got that right!

  18. BoBo on May 2nd, 2011 5:13 am

    You can assured that he is in the deepest and the hottest parts of hell…and there are no virgins waiting on him…he now knows the truth