Poarch Creek Indians Donate Half Million Dollars To Tornado Relief

May 7, 2011

The Poarch Band of Creek Indians tribe is joining in efforts to help tornado victims by donating a half million dollars to relief efforts.

In announcing the donation Friday, Tribal Chairman Buford L. Rolin said, “I think everyone who has seen the pictures of the destruction caused by the tornadoes that struck our State wants to help any way that they can. We hope this donation will help begin to ease some of the suffering of our neighbors. This is the first of what we want to do to help, and we look forward to continue to work with relief agencies on the ground in the affected areas.”

Members of the Poarch Creek Tribal Council voted to make the donation after members of the Council toured the destruction last week. The donation, which is part of the Tribe’s ongoing Planned Giving Campaign, will be distributed to several organizations. Both the Birmingham and Tuscaloosa Chapters of the American Red Cross will receive $50,000. The Tribe will donate $100,000 to Governor Bentley’s Emergency Relief Fund. The remaining $300,000 will go to the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Disaster Relief Fund to assist in additional disaster relief efforts that will be distributed according to local needs throughout the affected areas.

“All of us at Poarch Creek still remember how relief organizations like the Red Cross helped us after Hurricanes Ivan and Dennis hit our area,” said April Sells, tribal emergency management director for the Poarch Creeks. “We had so many people in the area without food, water, electricity, or ice. Thanks to the Red Cross, we were able to feed everyone in the community twice a day after the storm and take care of their basic needs. We are thrilled to be able to give back to that organization and others who are helping families who have lost so much,” she said.

“We feel for the victims of this disaster and want to do anything we can to help,” said Robert McGhee, tribal council treasurer and governmental relations advisor. “Immediately after the tornadoes hit, the Tribe’s emergency management response teams were dispatched to the area to help with disaster relief. The Tribal Council hopes this donation will be another way the Tribe can continue to assist Alabamians weather this disaster. And as efforts to rebuild begin, we will continue to do what we can to aid families as they start anew.”


10 Responses to “Poarch Creek Indians Donate Half Million Dollars To Tornado Relief”

  1. OldMarine on May 8th, 2011 5:30 pm

    Thank you Poarch Creek Nation.

    I feel proud of you even though I am only 1/8th Creek and know none of you

  2. Bam on May 8th, 2011 1:10 pm

    I hope Gov. Bentley is keeping count …. maybe $4 million the Tribe has giving back to the community.

  3. bob hill on May 8th, 2011 9:12 am

    I wish I could add something, maybe please on the non smoking!!!!! Thank you to the Creek Nation!!!

  4. Molino-Anon on May 7th, 2011 11:07 pm

    awesome! so all the money I’ve lost there gambling DID go to a good cause!

  5. kelly on May 7th, 2011 5:54 pm

    that is really awsome they have decided to do that…… and all the ppl who down them thank u sooo much for the help of those in need

  6. bgr on May 7th, 2011 4:02 pm

    such generosity from a source that gets so much negative publicity…and you can surely bet the “Governors Relief Fund” did not turn it down…..just for the record…I am not a Native American…thank you Poarch for all that you give back to the community!

  7. jcellop on May 7th, 2011 11:21 am

    theyve got my vote!!……i appreciate their generous spirit….i just visited the casino a few days ago….had a good time!…i wish that theyd make half of the casino NON-SMOKING though……(i go more often if it were)

  8. WORRIED RESIDENT on May 7th, 2011 9:08 am


  9. Jeri on May 7th, 2011 7:36 am


  10. joe on May 7th, 2011 2:38 am

    who says casions are bad? when the tribe continues to donate money for local causes and organizations I think it is good. They have given so much money to the local community for schools and churches. It is no suprise they donated for disaster relief as well. Thank you Creek indians for helping those in need.