Playground Blaze Causes Minor Damage

May 26, 2011

A playground blaze caused minor damage Wednesday afternoon at the Bratt Community Park on West Highway 4. The fire burned a large area of wood chips around the park’s playground equipment, which was not damaged.  The cause of the blaze was not immediately available.

The Century, McDavid and Walnut Hill stations of Escambia Fire Rescue responded to the 4 p.m. fire.

Pictured: Firefighters work to extinguish smoldering wood chips on the playground at the Bratt Community Park Wednesday afternoon. photos, click to enlarge.



10 Responses to “Playground Blaze Causes Minor Damage”

  1. Concerned Parent on June 4th, 2011 12:41 am

    I can’t stand when people immediately blame things on “certain” children. No where in this story does it mention how it happened. ALOT of children have been hanging around that park. I PERSONALLY have met these kids. Infact, my five year old daughter played with them at the park once. And I know for a FACT it was the kids that lived in the trailer. I was watching them play from a good distance away. My daughter tripped and fell and one of them helped her up and made sure she was ok. Then they were playing tag and had a tiff. My sweet angel started hitting them. She was upset because they were faster than her and kept tagging her. They kinda laughed at her and asked her if she wanted to play something else. In my book… those kids are not so bad. Were you a perfect angel growing up? As far as the picnic tables. Well, is there a skate park in Bratt??? No! Any kid would do that. How do you know they did not turn them back over after they were done using them as ramps? I find it creative:) FYI I met the father once. He was upset about something that one of the boys did and was completely controlling that situation! And climbing the rafters? I use to climb rafters when I was a kid and there is nothing wrong with that, I wasn’t hurting anyone or damaging property. Its a bit dramatic to assume they will turn into Murders and Rapist over this. And I don’t think I would be going down to ANY place of business to call the police on a couple of kids for this. I am sure those good people don’t want to get involved in all this.

  2. mom on May 28th, 2011 8:28 am

    how old are these kids? They have taken a stand on “their ground” as they see it. They know no one will stay there if they are there, so they have it all to themselves. If this continues, the whole place will be destroyed. It’s going to take a policeman to go visit them at home and warn them. Apparently talking to the parents isn’t going to do any good. Heck, if they have dirty mouths and are as aggrevating as yall say they are, WHO WOULD WANT THEM AT HOME?!!! These are kids we will be reading about in years to come…they already are juvenile delinquints, what’s next???? ROBBERY, RAPE or even MURDER. This has to be stopped NOW. What’s going to happen this summer when parents or grandparents want to take their kids there for the summer. It’s a shame for all the hard work and money parents and volunteers put into this for a few kids to destroy. It’s time for you parents who use the park to run those little BRATS OFF once and for all. I say for several parents to sit idle and watch for them, then go up to them when they aren’t expecting it and run their BUTTS HOME to momma and daddy!

  3. Angry Parent on May 27th, 2011 7:24 pm

    I took my children there last week, and we left after only 15 minutes, because of these children. They do live in the trailer, and I know who the parents are, but, the parents are very irresponsible, and let the kids do Whatever they want.

  4. puddin on May 26th, 2011 6:17 pm

    Ok, so at least two different people have seen these kids doing things that they shouldn’t have. So why not call the POLICE!!!!!. We all have cell phones nowdays. Or get off your bottom and go to the store, less than a mile away, on they corner and call. We must hold our children, thier parents, and anyone else involved, responsible. Watching them and saying “oh my, that’s awful, someone should do something”, isn’t cutting it people. Lots of our tax dollars went into it. Thats money you and I worked our behinds off for. Donn’t let a few little stinkers ruin it for everyone. I love taking my grandkids there and I’d like to continue being able to do that. Maybe we could even hire the people who live in the house right there near it to be a sort of security guard. My point is, if you see something, do something about it. Take a stand.

  5. concerned on May 26th, 2011 3:36 pm

    Yes I to have seen these same kids doing the same thing at the park. I have also called them down about their nasty mouth discussing things that no 3 or 12 year old needs to be hearng or at least not mine.

  6. bgr on May 26th, 2011 3:23 pm

    Why do people, if you see fit to describe them as that, feel it is their irresponsibility and total disregard for community property, to destroy something that individuals have worked so hard to improve. Today it just seems that “kids” are allowed to run around rampant with NO respect for anything of anybody…this whole thing disgusts me….maybe some surveillance cameras could be of some assistance…OOPS…forgot, they’d figure out a way to destroy them too!

  7. little yank on May 26th, 2011 3:17 pm

    what a shame…Thank goodness the best fire dept around was there ! WHVFD !!

  8. Ruthanne on May 26th, 2011 12:44 pm

    I met a friend of mine at this park Easter afternoon to walk. There were several older kids there (I think they may live in the trailer close to the park) Anyway, they were climbing the rafters, literally, and jumping off. They turned over some of the picnic tables and one of them was even riding his bicycle across the tops of the tables.
    I wish I would have had my cell phone with me so I could have taken their pictures. Maybe someone would have recognized them and contacted their parents.

    I don’t live in that area, but it is such a nice place, I hate to see it destroyed in so short a time since its opening.

    I certainly hope it wasn’t some of these kids that started the fire!

  9. mr on May 26th, 2011 10:52 am

    There going to have to gate this park to because of stupid people.

  10. Mom of Twins on May 26th, 2011 9:52 am

    Wow, thank goodness no one was hurt.. Is the county going to replace the burnt woodchips?? Are children going to be allowed to play there now. Or is it roped off.