One Dead, One Injured In Escambia County Shooting

May 17, 2011

One person is dead and other is recovering after a double shooting in Escambia County.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to Diego Circle of Massachusetts Avenue about 11 p.m. Monday where they found Broderick J. Jermaine, 31, shot to death in a driveway. Michael V. Wells, 24, suffering from a non-life threatening gunshot would to the leg, was found in a nearby park.

Several witnesses were located but provided few details about the shootings, according to the Sheriff’s Office.  There were no arrests.


10 Responses to “One Dead, One Injured In Escambia County Shooting”

  1. NWFLA Linda on May 18th, 2011 11:05 am

    To NO: the expression “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns” applies here.

    Also on news coverage last nite, the reporter asked one guy what needed to happen to change things. Guy’s answer “cops need to do their job”. Reporter followed up by asking how could cops do their job if no one would ever provide any info. Shoulder shrug. Another woman interviewed assured the reporter that baby, we all want to live. Ain’t nobody gonna say nothing. So, maybe the cops should round up as much of the entire neighborhood at one time as possible. Question each person privately and do so while everyone is in that same location. Then, if any actionable info comes from that gathering and some of these cancers are eradicated/removed from the streets, it would be difficult to pinpoint where exactly the info came from. Might be difficult for the punks to go out and kill the whole neighborhood. Either that or arm all of them, blockade the area and turn ‘em loose.

  2. Wow!!! on May 17th, 2011 9:19 pm

    They need to take better aim.

  3. jp on May 17th, 2011 8:40 pm

    To “NO”:

    I’m sure you think guns are the problem. I have a news flash for you-there has never been, or will be, a gun built with the ability to decide what it will be used for. Autos
    kill far more people every year than “misused” guns. If you really want to improve
    things stop harping on more “gun laws” and consentrate on laws to stop “law abiding
    citizens” from driving cars with a cup of coffee on the dash, and a cell phone plastered
    to the side of their head while putting on eye make-up and attempting to drive with their
    knees against the wheel. I know this happens because I see it several times every day
    on my way to work. Oh yes, most of these “drivers” are running about 15mph over the
    listed speed limit.

  4. bwayne on May 17th, 2011 8:31 pm

    No matter how many gun laws are passed, the criminals will always have guns, and if the average citizen is kept from having guns, we will be at the mercy of every thug walking the streets.

  5. Name (required) on May 17th, 2011 6:41 pm


    The shooting took place in the apartment complex where their was a near riot a couple weeks ago. The ECSO was trying to apprehend a suspect, and the crowd gathered around them and pressed in…. units had to be called out to keep the crowd from a riot.

    On the news this evening, they were interviewing some of the neighbors.. they said that they would never help law enforcement…

  6. gun slinger on May 17th, 2011 4:54 pm

    i have had guns all my life and never once pointed one at anyone! it is the person who has it in their hands that is the problem.

  7. just my words on May 17th, 2011 2:59 pm

    Guns don’t kill people, people kills people..

  8. Walnut Hill Roy on May 17th, 2011 2:37 pm

    Gun laws only affect the law abiding citizens and they are not the ones causing the problems. By their very nature criminals are non-law abiding and don’t care even a little bit about the laws that are passed.

  9. ginger on May 17th, 2011 2:20 pm

    Guns are NOT the problem it is the thugs that get them and thugs will get their hands on anything anytime they want it no matter what the laws are. I thank God every day for the 2nd ammendment to keep me safe and give me peace of mind. I am a proud owner of several guns and I know that if anyone ever tried to break into my home or hurt me I would be protected!! You cant carry a cop in your pocket and they will be the first ones to tell u that u better protect yourself it might take them a while to get to u to help u and it only takes one second for the intruder to hurt u. Especially in this day and age with all of the violence and robberies anyone that does not have something to protect their self is just plain foolish. If someone ever tried to hurt u then u would wish u had one. Protect yourselves from these thugs people!!

  10. NO on May 17th, 2011 1:14 pm