Obama Announces Osama bin Laden Is Dead

May 2, 2011

An intelligence-driven U.S. operation in Pakistan killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden yesterday, President Barack Obama announced in a nationally televised address from the White House late last night.

“Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan,” Obama said. “A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability.

“No Americans were harmed,” he continued. “They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.”

Obama noted that bin Laden had been al-Qaida’s leader and symbol for more than 20 years and continued to plot attacks against the United States and its allies.

“The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al-Qaida, yet his death does not mark the end of our effort,” Obama said. “There is no doubt that al-Qaida will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must, and we will, remain vigilant at home and abroad.”

The president revealed that shortly after taking office in January 2009, he ordered CIA Director Leon E. Panetta to make bin Laden’s death or capture the top priority of the U.S. war against the al-Qaida terrorist organization.

“Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground,” he said. The president said he met repeatedly with his national security team as information developed indicating bin Laden was at a compound in Pakistan, and that last week he determined enough information was available and authorized the operation.

The president emphasized that the war against al-Qaida is not a war against Islam.

“Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader,” he said. “He was a mass murderer of Muslims. Indeed, al-Qaida has slaughtered scores of Muslims in many countries, including our own. So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity.”

Counterterrorism cooperation with Pakistan helped in finding bin Laden and the compound where he was hiding, the president said.

“Indeed, bin Laden had declared war against Pakistan as well, and ordered attacks against the Pakistani people. Tonight, I called [Pakistani] President [Asif Ali] Zardari, and my team has also spoken with their Pakistani counterparts. They agree that this is a good and historic day for both of our nations, and going forward, it is essential that Pakistan continue to join us in the fight against al-Qaida and its affiliates.”

The president praised those who worked to find bin Laden and those who carried out the operation that killed him.

“Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome,” he said. “The American people do not see their work, nor know their names. But tonight, they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice.

“We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation,” he continued, “for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that September day.”

By John D. Banusiewicz
American Forces Press Service
for NorthEscambia.com

Pictured: Pres. Barack Obama announces Sunday night during a televised speech that Osama bin Laden is dead. Courtesy photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


56 Responses to “Obama Announces Osama bin Laden Is Dead”

  1. enoughalready! on May 5th, 2011 2:02 pm

    First of all, let me say a great big THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to our military and especially to the Navy Seal Team that managed to rid the world of the likes of Osama bin laden. Secondly, finally a newsworthy story to top the headlines of every publication in the world instead of the worn out drama unfolding across the pond about what will William and Kate be wearing, saying, doing or whatever. While the British were drinking, dancing, celebrating AND paying for the “royal wedding”, and the royals were flaunting their wealth by wearing crowns and riding in their outlandish carriages, the U.S. of A was getting down to business by preparing our elite Seal Team to take down OBL. Is it any wonder our ancestors fled the country across the pond to get as far away from it as they possibly could? Thank God April of 2011 will be remembered for the death of bin Laden and not what Kate’s wedding dress looked like.

  2. eab on May 5th, 2011 8:32 am

    David Lamb said….”eab… I did my research, tonight after returning from Denver in my motor coach. I drive for Arrow Stage Lines. You might have seen our buses in P’cola.”

    I said…(chuckle) Good job, David. I’ll take a look (pats David on the head). There does seem to be one point you are still missing though. When you are in a debate,discussion, etc. it is incumbent upon the person making the statement to present and verify their evidence. That’s a pretty basic tenet of both speaking and writing.

    Given the easy accessibility we have to information these days, both accurate and inaccurate, this fundamental rule of argumentation is more necessary than ever.

    You are correct that I could have looked it up but it was your statement so your responsibility to back it up. Thanks.

  3. David Lamb on May 5th, 2011 1:13 am

    eab… I did my research, tonight after returning from Denver in my motor coach. I drive for Arrow Stage Lines. You might have seen our buses in P’cola.
    You could have easily done the same by googling each topic I listed. There are many sources, I am going to only list one for each, but there are volumes on each.
    1. Closing GITMO CNN 12 Jan 2009
    2. waterboarding CNS news Apr 21,2009
    3. try in Fed courts rather than Military tribunals Brookings Aug5,2009
    4. Offending muslims ABC News oct19,2010
    5. Pull out of Afganistan NY times Dec1,2009
    Data is there all you have to do is GOOGLE IT!!

  4. Wharf Rat on May 4th, 2011 8:47 pm

    I’m just a “kibitzer” in this, although my family’s future in my country has great importance. If the heroic SEALS and the CIA, had gone in and completed the mission, and kept the pompous ” I’m here for you” politicians and the “breaking news” news media out of this. This could have remained one of the great mysteries of our time. Instead of inflamming our many enemies, we could have denied it ever happened, and awaited the next video from OBL.

  5. elmer_fudd on May 4th, 2011 7:53 am

    Good lord what will america do now we need a new boogie man

  6. eab on May 3rd, 2011 10:41 pm

    My apologies, david Lamb. So you meant that in your *opinion* Obama said these things. I wasn’t clear on that.

  7. David Lamb on May 3rd, 2011 9:24 pm

    Sources/ C’mon Listen to his speeches before election and after. He said all that I mentioned and more! IN my opinion, plus $1.00 you can buy a cup of coffee—-meaning it is my opinion!, Prresidents of the USA do not bow or lower their heads to anyone! Obama does! It has sent a message of weakness and makes our enemies think we have lost our resolve! Maybe the killing of Usama will restore some of that!
    He has made many statements about catering to the Muslims who have one goal…..KILL ALL INFIDELS. THAT IS YOU AND ME, GRANDMA,GRANDPA, SONS ,DAUGHTERS ….. They want to impose Shira(sp) laws on America. I will fight that to my last breath.
    I am sure that if you google any of those listed statements with Obama added sources will pop up.
    Just because I do not like the man does not mean that I cannot rejoice in his recent action and support this cause.

  8. eab on May 3rd, 2011 2:35 pm

    David Lamb said…Lets look at Obama’s record:

    1. I will close GITMO!
    2. Waterboarding and harsh interrogation is wrong!
    3. Try them in a court of law, miranda rights and all!
    4. Dont offend the Muslim world!
    5. I will pull out of Afganistan in July!

    David, i am familiar with some of these but I wonder if you could cite your sources for your statements as I kinda doubt a couple of ‘em.

  9. Jim W on May 3rd, 2011 2:20 pm

    Where oh where are the ones who complained about the interrogation methods? Where are you guys come out and say something now. The information was based on the reports gathered by some of those tecniques. Although it was not water boarding. I would also remind you that is was President Bush who gave the kill or capture order years ago and it was never rescinded as far as I know. The current President gave the go ahead for the extraction.
    Remember it was the the military who got the job done not the politician as usual. Just saying.

  10. David Huie Green on May 3rd, 2011 9:54 am

    “obama all you did was say yes.(the wheels of the government and military would keep turning with or without you)”

    That’s sort of his job. He isn’t supposed to do everything but to carry out the orders of Congress, pass or veto bills, appoint judges, things like that.

    David for separation of powers
    and giving good orders

  11. Polythenepam on May 3rd, 2011 8:32 am

    Ok I was wrong about taking OBL somewhere quiet for interogation, I agree with DHG though, we have to get information from OBL because evreywhere we cut the head off this snake three more will sprout. So no we couldnt just blow the whole compound up. Yes its interesting that the compound was so close to a Pakistan military base and we gave millions or billions to Pakistan. Possibley to look the other way when the time was right? Another interesting thing I noticed slightly off topic here, last week we finally got to see the alledged and long missing Hawaiiian birth certificate. This week obama is giving out medals of honor to World War II vets of Hawaiian descent. Thanks Hawaii for the birth certificate , you just wait, some more goodies are coming your way. And this in no way diminishes the service of those Vets.
    I for one will give credit where due Thank you CIA and Navy Seals for getting this scum OBL. obama all you did was say yes.(the wheels of the government and military would keep turning with or without you) Lots of people including the cleaning lady WERE responsible for ending OBL’s life. The media is already asking if we like obama any better now and my answer is still the same, Loud and clear , “hell no” !

  12. David Huie Green on May 3rd, 2011 5:57 am

    “Why was the compound not destroyed by team 6? News says that Pakistan launched fighter planes. To intercept and shoot down/menace our helicopters or to help US. I think the latter!”

    One would think total destruction was avoided to preserve information regarding other killers and stop them as well, also to avoid killing innocent bystanders. (Don’t kill the cleaning lady if you can help it.) That is my hope.

    And yes, most likely Pakistan wanted to shoot us down. They didn’t know we were there and it would have been foolish to have told them since as you pointed out they seem to have reached at the very least an accommodation with bin Laden.

    David still appreciative

  13. David Lamb on May 2nd, 2011 11:04 pm

    Let me say that rdespite my dislike of Obama. I AM impressed that he acted and authorized the mission. His “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” speach is premature as Bush was sooo criticized for.
    Lets look at Obama’s record:
    1. I will close GITMO!
    2. Waterboarding and harsh interrogation is wrong!
    3. Try them in a court of law, miranda rights and all!
    4. Dont offend the Muslim world!
    5. I will pull out of Afganistan in July!
    Just a few of his comments. Without the interrogation of GITMO detainees,under GW Bush, Obama would have no clue, so give them both credit where credit is due.
    I have questions, Why was the compound not destroyed by team 6? News says that Pakistan launched fighter planes. To intercept and shoot down/menace our helicopters or to help US. I think the latter!
    How could Bin Laden be only 100 yds from a Pakistan military facility and the US not be informed by their Govt? I smell dead fish!
    It still was great to hear of the success of the mission, Now I pray that retalliation is halted and that we find more and send them to sea too!
    Thanks all who had a part in this assault. As a etired AF member, I salute you all for risking your necks and getting it done, including Obama.
    Shucks, even Biden stayed awake long enough to act like a Vice President!
    Time to cut off ALL support and funds to Pakistan!

  14. comment on May 2nd, 2011 10:40 pm


    Let me say though, that I do find it humorous that President Obama is supposedly trying to “dig us out of debt” by going on the largest spending spree in history.

  15. comment on May 2nd, 2011 10:36 pm


    Don’t ‘worry’. My comment had nothing to do with your fearless leader, but with America’s foreign policy that began long before our current President took office, but really escalated during the Bush years.

  16. WORRIED RESIDENT on May 2nd, 2011 9:56 pm

    Were your comments some attempts at slighting President Obama? If so, he inherited that debt, and he’s trying to dig us out it, whether you can comprehend what is going on or not!!!!

  17. Bjay on May 2nd, 2011 9:47 pm

    Why is it people want to bash Obama for everything that happens “under his watch” but when something good happens “under his watch” they dont give him the praise he deserves? Oh thats right, they are republicans. Bottom line is this, Obama was more involved than to just say “go get em boys”. The SEAL’s did an amazing job carrying out their orders. To the person who says “obama knew he was there since august 2010″, you are wrong! He had intel that he was there but they have never actually seen him there until he was shot. Obama made a call that could have brought down a firestorm from NATO and he made it without any hesitation. Thank you Obama, Intelligence agencies, and ALL of our military for a job well done!

  18. comment on May 2nd, 2011 9:12 pm


    “Well, none of US are impressed by anything YOU’VE done, so let’s call it even.”

    Maybe so, but I didn’t cost the US trillions of dollars, putting our country into crushing debt and crippling our economy. I didn’t kill countless innocent lives. I didn’t take away many of our civil liberties. And I’m certainly not going to delight in the fact that a human soul was, in all likelihood, sent straight to hell for eternity by a Navy Seal bullet.

  19. Sara on May 2nd, 2011 9:05 pm

    Way to go NAVY SEALS! Well done President Obama! Git R Done!!! GOP forget about 2012!!!

  20. Wharf Rat on May 2nd, 2011 7:47 pm

    Congratulations to the men and women of our military. Good job! I’m not great fan of President Obama, and from what I understand this operation began four years ago, under another president. It’s OK with me for President Obama to bask in this success, but….it could have turned out like Operation Eagle Claw and Desert One, in April 1980, and President Carter publically accepted personal failure for the consequences. God Bless America!!

  21. sktmax on May 2nd, 2011 7:21 pm

    Im not a big fan of Obama, but the facts are coming out. He was involved in implementing this mission, and ordered it to be carried out. Im very impressed! Congrats to him, the military, and the intel agents.

  22. Ifish4 on May 2nd, 2011 6:43 pm

    What I would like to know is since he was in a large compound near 2 Pakistani military bases, people in the Pakistan government had to know where he was, how far up the Pakistan government ladder does this knowledge go. This just reinforces my belief that the United States should stop giving countries like Pakistan billions of dollars just to call them allies.

  23. David Huie Green on May 2nd, 2011 6:18 pm

    In total agreement with ■whitepunknotondope. You don’t second guess the people facing the guns at the time just be thankful for what they’ve done for you

    David for all involved in removal of this killer

  24. rollingwiththetide on May 2nd, 2011 6:12 pm

    Wake up American!! Obama has known where OBL was since August 2010.

  25. Molino-Anon on May 2nd, 2011 5:03 pm

    I find it amusing Bin Laden was killed right here near Obama’s re-election campaign to begin.

  26. Jerry on May 2nd, 2011 3:19 pm

    To give Bush or Obama either for this is ludicrous. Any CIC would have given to go ahead with this operation. Just because Obama gave the order does not make him any more responsible than the information that was gleaned under the administration of Bush. This was a result of hard work by the CIA, the NSA and the military. To attempt to politicize this is way past ludicrous it is just pathetic. This should be a great day for all of America regardless of part affiliation.

  27. C on May 2nd, 2011 2:56 pm

    I’m not an emotional person, but I do remember exactly where I was on 9/11 and how horrible it was to watch the videos of people jumping to their deaths. I remember wanting to grab my son out of daycare and just hold him because he was okay. The world is rid of a very evil person, and I hope that the families of all of the victims can get a little peace in that knowledge. I am so thankful for our troops who are out there keeping us safe.

  28. tigger on May 2nd, 2011 12:44 pm

    Obama did nothing except to authorize the operation. The people that made this happen are the CIA and Seal Team Six…so all of you that are trying to make this out to be something Obama made happen…no…our CIA and military got the intel from those folks from Guantanimo Bay prizon….(the one Obama wanted to shut down)….and pieced it all together…gave Obama the recommendation and he went with it……so…this is all due to our folks that protect this country on a daily basis…not Obama.

  29. AL Teacher on May 2nd, 2011 12:44 pm

    I think those who are saying President Bush did not get the job done and give ALL the credit to President Obama are ignorant. Obviously some of you have no idea how our government works, nor do you appreciate anything that anyone does for this country. Government is a team effort and there are many players on this team. Bush deserves credit for beginning an effort to combat terrorism on such a large scale and Obama deserves credit for continuing the effort and not giving up. The U.S. should be proud of both men for their accomplishments. Learn to give credit where credit is due.

  30. Kay on May 2nd, 2011 12:30 pm

    Bush past the chance to get Osama, when he was advised of where he was
    and did nothing. All talk and not very good talk at that,. LOL

  31. whitepunknotondope on May 2nd, 2011 12:06 pm

    “…President Bush deserves great credit for putting action behind those words. ”

    Yes we all know that many of you are still hurting from the fact that your lovably illiterate President Bush is no longer in charge, but President Obama deserves even greater credit for GETTING THE JOB DONE.

  32. ProudArmyParent on May 2nd, 2011 11:29 am

    Dear huh on May 2nd, 2011 3:46 am ;

    In 2001, President Bush said “we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.” President Bush deserves great credit for putting action behind those words. True bin Laden did not meet his punishment under the watch of President George W. Bush, but it was not from the lack of trying on his part. This great success would not have been possible without the tireless work of countless brave men and women who have served around the world in this War on Terror.

    This is a historic moment for the U.S. Justice has been done. God Bless the USA!

  33. jcellop on May 2nd, 2011 11:08 am

    i certainly do thank president obama for taking president bushs very wise advice and keeping guantanamo open and functioning!..since the major leads on the 2 curriors originated from one of their high value al queda detainees (khalid sheikh mohammed) held and questioned there……..we should also recognize the excellent work of the CIA working in conjunction with the navy seals special forces…JUSTICE! YES WE CAN!!

  34. WORRIED RESIDENT on May 2nd, 2011 10:52 am

    @ Poly, There is no way Bin Laden would have given up any info about his organization. We could have water boared him, or even put fire to the inside of his eyelids, he still would not have talked truthfully.

  35. whitepunknotondope on May 2nd, 2011 10:26 am

    “Wouldn’t it have been better to take him somewhere quiet and find out all he knows about the rest of his organization ?”

    I’ve never been in a “firefight”, but I can only imagine the scene in that compound, that when desperate people are firing at you with the intent to kill you and your fellow soldiers, and they’re using a woman as a human shield, it might be a TAD difficult to “take him somewhere quiet and find out all he knows about the rest of his organization”.

    LA LA LALA LA…..

  36. Polythenepam on May 2nd, 2011 10:20 am

    Is he dead? Can we see video of a bullet applied to the brain? Wouldn’t it have been better to take him somewhere quiet and find out all he knows about the rest of his organization ? Now we have to worry about who will step up in his place out of AL Quada. Should have done what ever it takes to get everything out of him then have a public beheading . . .

  37. Cynical on May 2nd, 2011 10:01 am

    All human life is precious and any loss of life is a tragedy. That said, payment for his crimes was long overdue for OBL. Like a bad check languishing in a drawer uncollected, his continuing existence cost others their lives. So in the same way as one might treat a rattlesnake or rabid dog, putting him down was a service to mankind.

    Won’t he be surprised to get to paradise and find the place is run by MORMONS? :-D

    No virgins for Osama.

  38. nudo on May 2nd, 2011 9:30 am

    DNA can be done quickly. 5-7 days is because of the back log of samples in line. There wasn’t a line on the ship he was in.

  39. just tired on May 2nd, 2011 9:11 am


    I doubt that all the details surrounding bin Laden’s death are being released, but who cares, as long as he is DEAD. He may very well have been killed several days before what is actually being reported, but they probably wanted to be very sure it was really him before imforming the public of his death.

  40. doofus on May 2nd, 2011 8:34 am

    DNA test in a matter of hours… nuts. It takes 5-7 days usually and 3 to rush one through. Makes you wonder when this really happened… and if he was leaking formaldehyde or nothing at all when shot, i.e frozen. Give me the proof!

  41. nudo on May 2nd, 2011 8:20 am

    Hey just saying? We don’t need facial recognition. They did DNA analysis. Just like they did on all the others that where hard to identify. Glad he’s dead. I’m glad they dumped him in the ocean so they couldn’t worship a grave.

  42. Bjay on May 2nd, 2011 8:08 am

    @justsayin- you asked this. “My question is, why not do more tests to be absolutely sure. There are plenty of plastic surgeons that can make someone look like him.”

    They did 2 DNA test to be sure. They had his sisters brain from when she died here in the U.S. several years ago and used it to verify that it was him.

  43. thankful on May 2nd, 2011 8:07 am


  44. whitepunknotondope on May 2nd, 2011 7:49 am

    “Am I supposed to be impressed?”

    Well, none of US are impressed by anything YOU’VE done, so let’s call it even.

  45. WORRIED RESIDENT on May 2nd, 2011 7:48 am

    Great job troops! YES WE CAN!!!!!! President OBAMAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

  46. xpeecee on May 2nd, 2011 7:34 am

    Congratulations to our military for a job well done!!!

  47. Sylvia on May 2nd, 2011 7:16 am

    It’s been a long time coming, and I hope and pray they got the real one! It is scarey that they going to want revenge.

  48. comment on May 2nd, 2011 7:09 am

    Am I supposed to be impressed?

  49. SW on May 2nd, 2011 7:09 am

    Does this mean ‘Mission Accomplished’?

    Does this mean the troops can come home?

    Write your senators and representative to ask those questions. I did.

  50. Bjay on May 2nd, 2011 6:39 am

    FINALLY! Thank you Navy Seal team and president Obama for doing this!

  51. whitepunknotondope on May 2nd, 2011 6:33 am

    “Details of exactly how the raid unfolded remain murky. But the al-Qaida courier, his brother and one of bin Laden’s sons were killed. No Americans were injured. Senior administration officials will only say that bin Laden “resisted.” And then the man behind the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil died from an American bullet to his head.”

    Thank you Lord!!!!

  52. art on May 2nd, 2011 5:40 am

    but never forgotten…

  53. Freddy Knowles on May 2nd, 2011 5:11 am

    Obama has now made a mark in American history, that will make him remembered forever.
    The pain of the victims of 911 and the grief of their loved ones has been avenged at last.
    More power to our President, Barrack Obama.
    I had a feeling he would do a great deed for our nation during his reign.

  54. Just Saying on May 2nd, 2011 4:52 am

    The news reports that his body was buried at sea shortly after he was onboard a US Naval ship. No reports of any possitive proof, other than that of facial recognition.

    My question is, why not do more tests to be absolutely sure. There are plenty of plastic surgeons that can make someone look like him.

  55. huh on May 2nd, 2011 3:46 am

    Thanks Obama for doing the Job that GW bush could not accomplish. Now bring home our troops and end the patriot act.

  56. American on May 2nd, 2011 3:10 am

    What great news! He’s been “buried” at sea. The sharks can feed on him now.

    Way to go Navy Seals!! It took only 24 going in the compound to get the job done!

    God Bless our Armed Forces!

    I’m sure his cronies will try for revenge so we all should remail diligent.