Northview Student, Businesses Honored For Ethics

May 18, 2011

Tuesday, the BBB of Northwest Florida presented its sixth annual Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics, Customer Service Excellence Award and Student Ethics Scholarships for Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.

The BBB also awarded three, $1,000 Student Ethics Scholarships each to Sarah Malinda Killam from Northview High School, Amber Briana Cotten from Pace High School and Sarah Renee Green from Pace High School. At Tuesday’s awards ceremony, the scholarship winners read their essay on character building, submitted as part of the application process.

The Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics was created to publicly recognize business and charities that insist on exceptionally high standards of behavior dealing with customers, vendors and employees.

This year, your BBB Foundation received several outstanding nominations. Island Realty of Pensacola Beach and the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce both received Honorable Mentions for the Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.

The Torch Award winner for a small business, Medi-Weight Loss Clinics, was recognized for their values-based management. The Torch Award winner for a mid-sized, Sea Gallery Stores, plays an active role in the community and chamber of commerce to promote other businesses in the area.

The recipient of the Torch Award in the charity category goes to Gulf Coast Kid’s House. The non-profit provides child-friendly services, minimize trauma to affected families, and educate the community about child abuse.

The Customer Service Excellence Award honors an individual that goes above and beyond in their customer service activities.

BBB’s Customer Service Excellence Award winner, Gretchen Shields with Granny Nannies, was highly recommended by her both her boss and clients. Amber Wright, BBB Dispute Resolution Specialist, was also recognized with a Customer Service Excellence Award.

Pictured top: Sarah Killam of Northview High School accepts a $1,000 BBB Student Ethics Scholarship Tuesday. Pictured inset: Killam reads here essay on character building, which was required as part of the application process. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Northview Student, Businesses Honored For Ethics”

  1. N.Nall on May 19th, 2011 6:33 am


  2. cousin on May 19th, 2011 2:41 am

    Proud of you!

  3. JIM W on May 18th, 2011 5:03 pm

    Congrats to all. Good job BBB keep up the great work it takes effort to raise those monies just in case people over look that. Thanks for a job well done.

  4. Priscilla Lewis on May 18th, 2011 10:34 am

    Congratulations Sarah!

  5. xpeecee on May 18th, 2011 7:23 am

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )