Northview Girls Track Team Members Awarded

May 18, 2011

Northview’s Girls Track Team concluded their season with a Tuesday night banquet.

The girls received a certificate, pin, and a letter for first year athletes. In addition, the following awards were given:

  • MVA Most Valuable Athlete- Given to the girls that earned the most points.
  • MVA Field Events(Jump) Laniecia Gomez
  • MVA Field Events (Throwing) Te’Andreia Knight
  • MVA Mid & Long Distance -Georgia Goetter
  • MVA Short Distance -Melissa Moretz(Not present)
  • MVA Hurdles – Laniecia Gomez
  • Take One for the Team Award-
    • This years motto for the girls. The girls that would push and advance the team.
    • Te’Andreia Knight, Naomi Cooler, Cheyanne Garnett, Shelby Nielsen, Jazzlyn Franklin, & Allissa Fiellin
  • Heart of the Team Award-
    • The girls that continued to uplift the team, positive attendance, help others, and kept it positive on the track and off.
    • Laniecia Gomez & Ashley Cunningham

(MVA is Most Valuable Athelete, given to the girl that earned the most points in an event.)

Pictured top: Members of the Northview High School Girls Track Team. Pictured below: Take One for the Team Award winners. Pictured bottom: Heat of the Team Award winners Laniecia Gomez and Ashley Cunningham; MVA award winners Laniecia Gomez and Georgia Goetter. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Northview Girls Track Team Members Awarded”

  1. camdenrenee on May 18th, 2011 1:27 pm

    Great Job Girls!! I graduated 3years ago and was on track all four years and loved it! We never had more than a hand full of girls at the end of the season though, so Im glad to see that more girls are sticking with it!!.

  2. NANA on May 18th, 2011 10:01 am

    congratulations Shelby. I’m proud of you and you are Beautiful! I LOVE you!

  3. xpeecee on May 18th, 2011 7:27 am

    Congratulations to Northview Girls Track Team members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )

  4. mom on May 18th, 2011 6:29 am

    contratulations shelby and you look beautiful!!