Morgan Announces He’s Running Again For Sheriff

May 21, 2011

The next election for Escambia County Sheriff isn’t until 2012, but there are now two candidates that have officially announced that they want the job.

Sheriff David Morgan filed his paperwork Friday with the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections announcing his intentions to run for the office again as a Republican.

Bill Chavers, who was originally Morgan’s chief deputy before being demoted about year later, prefiled as an independent candidate back in February, 2010.


26 Responses to “Morgan Announces He’s Running Again For Sheriff”

  1. David Huie Green on May 25th, 2011 1:02 pm

    “down here we indigenous people say kan-toe-mint”

    I wonder how long people have to live somewhere to become indigenous? I’ve known plenty of folks from Cantonment and worked there off and on, never heard it pronounced “kan-toe-mint” by any of them. Maybe they were all visitors, imports and immigrants like me.

    Or it could be one thinking, “The way I talk is the way everybody talks who is anybody and the way the other people SHOULD talk.” No law against the attitude, kind of cute, in fact.

    David wondering if I should pronounce Bluff Springs with a Q

  2. 429SCJ on May 25th, 2011 7:11 am

    Dear Wonderful if you had focused your efforts and worked smart and studied you would be in a young retirement and have the time and resources to do what you felt like doing. I paid my dues many paid it all to ensure that we have the freedom to engage in these little interactions and as far as the deputies wanting to get me, there are no chemicals in my blood stream. I think you should do a little soul searching and discover what is really creating your inner conflict. My therapy RX is a drive in the country. You are never too old to enjoy life!

  3. Wondering on May 24th, 2011 9:12 pm

    429SCJ, you say it is becoming difficult to be an outlaw in the Cottage Hill area, I suggest you get a job and become a productive member of society before one of those deputies gets you.

  4. Wondering on May 24th, 2011 8:51 pm

    You can type anything you want. But the truth is that Molino is shorthanded. Instead of crusing the northend like a teenager, flag a deputy down and ask him. Or better yet, let William investigate for himself and report on it. Two per shift and usually a supervisor. If one of the deputies needs off a supervisor will probably fill in. The deputies are not the problem, they are great guys. It is their leader General Morgan.

  5. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2011 7:06 pm

    Hello Wonderful! its called phonetics, up in New Jersey you most likely pronounced it can-ton-ment, down here we indigenous people say kan-toe-mint, If you believe there are no laws in the north end just uncap those hedders on a Friday night and start showing your behind and you will find out. I cruise the north end and those deputies are there, while your watching Sienfeld those cruisers are rolling through, get out and burn a little of that $4.00 gal gasoline and enjoy the beautiful north end and you will be surprised at what you see!

  6. Wondering on May 24th, 2011 4:45 pm

    429SCJ Spell check first, Just do this for yourself. Go to the Molino Precinct and you will see that the Molino and Cantonment areas are very shorthanded. Usually 2 deputies working at any given time. 2 deputies covering an area from Pine Barren Rd to the Alabama line, over to Santa Rosa County all the way south to West Roberts Rd. It is Morgan’s fault. Ask a deputy up there. If you can find one.

  7. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2011 11:21 am

    Sheriff Morgan has done an exceptional job, out beating the bushs for the bad guys! Its becoming difficult to be an outlaw around the Cottage Hill, Fam Hill, Kantomint, Molino metroplex, “I see law everywhere and few friends” William Bonnie.

  8. Kay on May 23rd, 2011 8:51 am

    I will post some of the things I have seen him do.
    He organized clean up of neighborhoods that needed his help.
    He organized traffic blitzes when people complained on here about
    the traffic, speeds, bullies and what have you.
    I have seen more police presents on 29 since he has been in office
    than I had seen the whole time Mc Mouse Good ole boy was sheriff.
    We also have had more drug busts and blitzes with everyone including
    DEA involved.
    DO WE NEED MORE! Heck yes.
    IS HE DONE! Heck no.

    More of the same please, you have just begun this fight.

    As for his Uniform, his Medals, or his Pictures.
    Sounds like a lot of jealousy if you ask me.
    He’s good looking, I don’t mind.

  9. Julie Booth-Moran on May 23rd, 2011 2:31 am

    Sheriff Morgan wil definitely get my vote. He has had a major clean-up job this term. Previous sheriff was just “one of the good ole boys” and was not effective as a leader. We need a STRONG, TOUGH guy for this very big job and I think we now have him. If you don’t break the law you shouldn’t have a problem.

    As for being on camera…I believe our sheriff is trying to Keep the Public INFORMED – that’s why he is in the lime light so much. He doesnot have to feed any ego- not that sort of person.

    We do have many more deputies in the century area than we did under the prev sheriff.

    Morgan for Sheriff 2012!

  10. Citizen on May 22nd, 2011 10:09 pm

    Good things about Morgan are far and few in between. He didn’t open the Walnut Hill Pct as promised . He only has a Reserve Officer up there one day a week for a couple of hours when he can make it. He hasn’t giving you the added Patrol Units up there that he said he would, but if you ask him, he doesn’t have any more up there due to the calls for service don’t justify them. I guess he’s waiting for the North End to go to the dogs like Brownsville before he gives you more Officers, He can’t operate the Air Frame due to it costing 1500.00 an hour under McNesby to fly, but now under his admin, he can afford it with so called grant money which is also what was being used under McNesby, he only sent one traffic officer to McNesbys moms funeral due to all of them being tied up on other escorts so it was said, he has a Chief Deputy making about 190.000 a year with benefits, he hired [BLAB TV] David Craig [ starting pay of 65.000 which is double what a starting deputy makes] who ran all of his commercials when he was campaigning but it wasn’t payback for all his hard work, He was going to raise deputy pay to 35.000 a year and never has, he was going to recognize edcuation and he did by promoting a Captain to Commander then to Chief Deputy who had nothing but a high school edcuation, it goes on and on. I will let you know the only good thing is there’s another election in 2012 and he doesn’t have me nor my families vote.

  11. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2011 3:21 pm

    “Can anyone please post some of the good things that Morgan has done.”

    He is a wonderful, handsome man. He can’t help it if the cameramen tend to point his way. He likes to wear uniforms even if he is the only one with the uniform. (This brings up the question of whether one uniform can actually BE a uniform without any other to be like.)

    I might question his switch to SUVs since they tend to turn over and injure the drivers but I’m sure he looked into the matter and decided it was worth it. He also favors dark green over light green, but as a Green, I’m just happy he likes green.

    His only possible fault is that he doesn’t seem to understand why others think he has faults.

    David bragging on chief Law Enforcement Officer
    with no real problem, knowing he is sensitive
    and not wanting to hurt his feelings

  12. Kay on May 22nd, 2011 7:20 am

    I didn’t need a warning, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t see the lights flashed at
    me and the vehicles behind me. The guys behind me sure saw them and
    changed their attitude. Your attitude is to just slow them down, that doesn’t
    really work as I see every single morning on the way to work. There is never
    a morning or afternoon for that matter when I don’t have several cars pass me
    over the double line. If you slow them down for 30 mins. every other week,
    what about the all the other mins. all year long. No wonder we see them
    wiped out all over the highway in the early morning hours. I do keep wondering
    if the police and chief are not good ole boys, how come they won’t give them
    speeding tickets and they just keep warning them.

    So much for slowing them down and thinking they got it.

  13. Bjay on May 21st, 2011 11:24 pm

    Can anyone please post some of the good things that Morgan has done. Or even post some of the bad. Im just trying to learn as much as I can about who I may vote on. So far he looks like he is a camera hog to me but all I see is on the news. Please post some first hand experiences on here so maybe the truth will be seen.

  14. Kim on May 21st, 2011 8:23 pm

    Morgan will for sure get my vote. He has worked hard to improve conditions for the Northend! I am very happy with what he has accomplished!!

  15. Wondering on May 21st, 2011 8:14 pm

    One more thing, if you posters don’t think he is a “good ol boy” Take one look at his administration. Those same old boys who kissed McNesby’s but apparently removed their lips and planted them on Morgan because the same ones are in Morgan’s top Administration (only promoted to a higher rank), From the Chief Deputy on down. Everybody will be enlightened during next years election. The same Captain who was running the Traning division (whom Morgan said that there were alot of uneducated and inept deputies out there running around) he is still in charge of the Training Division. He still is not getting my vote.

  16. Wondering on May 21st, 2011 8:08 pm

    I can hope that some of the Northend voters can become enlightened. McNesby put some deputies that were really aggressive on the dope trade. I can remember the meeting where the community reamed McNesby and those deputies were transferred out of there. Morgan is only interested in the lights and cameras. He is the most arrogant man with the biggest ego that one can meet. He wears an Army Generals uniform with a green Air Force cap full of the scrambled eggs and you name it on on there. He needs to wear what his Deputies wear. Tone the ego down,…ie, telling the County Commisioners where they can cut the budget, and telling the Governor some tips on running the State. What is next??? He is not getting my vote!

  17. Bjay on May 21st, 2011 5:05 pm

    Morgan has done a lot better than Mcnesby ever did. Having said that, it doesnt mean a whole lot. I will probably vote for him again but Im going to wait to see who all is running. The worse thing you can do is make your mind up before you know who all is involved. Just because he is better than Mcnesby doesnt mean he will be better than everyone. There may be a person who can do his job better and not be camera chaser. If so they will get my vote.

  18. enlightened reader on May 21st, 2011 10:53 am

    Sheriff Morgan wil definitely get my vote. He has had a major clean-up job this term. Previous sheriff was just “one of the good ole boys” and was not effective as a leader. We need a STRONG, TOUGH guy for this very big job and I think we now have him. If you don’t break the law you shouldn’t have a problem.

  19. BarrineauParkDad on May 21st, 2011 10:36 am

    Sheriff Morgan has done an outstanding job so far, but there is more to do. I still believe he’s the man to get it done and he’ll get my vote.

    Kay, Why would you need a warning, if your obeying the speed limit / law?

    The deputies shouldn’t be hiding. Half the job is being visible to deter unlawful activity. As Barney would say “Nip it in the Bud” If you prevent it, you don’t have to deal with it. That makes for a better situation for the deputies and the citizens.

    Anyone who has a problem with the way Sheriff Morgan has done his job, most likely has reason to fear effective law enforcement.

    BPD for effective law enforcement

  20. Michael on May 21st, 2011 8:09 am

    He is a real sheriff and isn’t a good ole boy!

  21. Dan on May 21st, 2011 7:43 am

    ATTN: Jackie,

    We have a REAL Sheriff and he’s doing a great job !!!!!
    He had to clean up a lot of messes left behind by McJoke !

    GO MORGAN !!!!!

  22. Kay on May 21st, 2011 7:43 am

    Well he never did anything for me, but I see he has tried to do things
    for some, and I believe he had tried to clean things up and get some
    of the scum off the street. I still say to many of his officers look the
    other way at their friends, but I’m not sure what the sheriff can do about
    that, he can’t be everywhere.

    The officer that was on 97 yesterday or the day before just over a hill,
    I will say was a good try, but I was notified by every car that passed
    me by before I went over the hill and the guy that was pushing me
    got off my tail and both men put on their seat belts before the hill.
    Might want to try hiding next time.

    STILL Morgan will get MY vote and I still have hope and can still get
    ALL his officers to do their jobs no matter who they suspect, or
    who the victim tells them it is, right is right.

  23. M on May 21st, 2011 7:03 am

    BOOOOO!Just go away I say

  24. george on May 21st, 2011 6:41 am

    gets my vote, catch em and lock em up.

  25. jackie on May 21st, 2011 6:33 am

    The people of Escambia County needs to elect a real sheriff this time.

  26. joe on May 21st, 2011 1:54 am

    the juury is still out about this being a good thing.