Meth Lab Suspect Burned, Arrested

May 27, 2011

A Santa Rosa man burned in a methamphetamine lab gone bad is now facing drug charges.

Shawn Hinesley, 34, was dropped off at the Santa Rosa Medical Center wearing only underwear and with severe burns during the early morning hours of May 12. When deputies contacted his mother, she said no one should be living at the residence in question and told deputies she suspected there might be a meth lab at the home in Milton.

Deputies found a meth lab and several bottles that appeared to have exploded, partially burned clothing and a melted baseball cap. They also found Hinesley’s wallet and driver’s license.

Hinesley was arrested Wednesday after his release from the hospital. He was charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession of felony drug equipment and possession of listed chemicals. He was released from jail on GPS monitor due to burn-related issues, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office.


5 Responses to “Meth Lab Suspect Burned, Arrested”

  1. methkillsmorethantheuser on May 28th, 2011 9:50 pm

    Telling the police was the best thing she could have done for her adult son. Now he will probably be sentenced to Drug Court…which will require him to be tested 2-3 times a week , go to counseling and see the judge once a week for a few years to keep him clean. If he does not follow the plan..straight to lock up he will go. Usually that’s 7 to 10 years. Even if he only stays clean for the 2-3 years going thru drug court…the public is safer, and mom get’s a few more decent years with her son.
    Good job mom, you made the right decision!

  2. 429SCJ on May 27th, 2011 6:24 pm

    Mama tried!

  3. Agree on May 27th, 2011 11:56 am

    Molino Jim I could not agree with you more. Those were my exact thoughts when I read Mother/son’s post. And why is it always the Mother that is attacked when this type of story is posted? I never see “bet the Daddy is proud” or “where was the daddy”. And this is in no way an attempt at “men bashing”, it’s just an honest statement.

  4. molino jim on May 27th, 2011 8:36 am

    Mother/son— He is 34, so how much control can she have at this point in his life? You do the best you can but as an adult he makes his own decisions. I understand the desire for Meth is stronger than heroin or cocaine. It sounds as if she cooperated with law enforcement, so why not cut her some slack.

  5. I love mother/son stories... on May 27th, 2011 6:57 am

    He was “dropped off” at the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, in his underwear…? Mom must be so proud. I bet the melted baseball hat was red, with a script “A” on the front.