Good Economic News For Flomaton, Century: McDonald’s Opens

May 4, 2011

A new McDonald’s opened in Flomaton Tuesday morning, and local leaders say it will be a much needed economic shot in the arm.

The 24-hour location is what McDonald’s calls a “small-town retail store”. The location choice was not based upon the local population and demographics; rather, the store will depend on a high traffic count to be successful.

Flomaton Mayor Dewey Bondurant said recently that the expansion of Highway 113 — a joint Alabama and Florida project — is improving the economic outlook in his town, which, in turn, will help Century. He said that his town was excited about the opening of the new McDonald’s restaurant at Highway 113 and Highway 31 — a business that employees Century residents among the 60 hired for the new store.

Bondurant said he believes the four lane expansion of Highway 113 will eventually lead to more business growth in Flomaton.

“I loved it; it was really nice on the inside. They should get a lot of business being in the spot they chose,” said Bondurant. “I really enjoyed them and their service.”

Pictured top: A new McDonald’s opened Thursday at Highway 113 and Highway 29 in Flomaton. photo, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Good Economic News For Flomaton, Century: McDonald’s Opens”

  1. Everett on May 6th, 2011 9:26 pm

    A nice boost to the economy for the area. It will give burger king and whataburger a little competition. It’s also created some much needed employment for the area.

  2. Practical Bill on May 6th, 2011 3:55 pm

    There will now be another slice to cut from the areas money pie, trouble is now all the slices will be a little smaller. How many fast food places can survive.

  3. Lauren on May 5th, 2011 10:52 pm

    Hey Walnut Hill am very proud to say that I am 12 years WalMart free. I refuse to spend any of my hard earned money for anything at WallyWorld they dont sell anything I will every need. Kmart is my store and some others ya know people freak out when you say you don’t go to Wally World. What do you the same things I did before there was ever such a thing here in our county. JUST SAY NO LOL

  4. art on May 5th, 2011 1:34 pm

    quarter pounder….mmmmm….

  5. Kay on May 5th, 2011 9:40 am

    My children are not fat, I am talking about American children, which are
    all of our responsibility. It is a fact that I guess you didn’t hear, just how
    fat ( your words) American children are and how many have sugar diabetes, add, adhd , MSG problems, I didn’t even mention trans fat, that have given so many health issues. I was not even talking about fat, I was talking about health. There are so many issues surrounding fast food for our children (american children) they are just too numerious to mention. I guess with all your name calling you have some kind of vested interest in this Mc Donald. I am glad
    that you or your family have some job prospects or what ever your reason
    is, no hurt to you or your family way intended. Please when we are talking
    about the good of children and communities lets try to be civil.

  6. SharonF on May 5th, 2011 4:00 am

    There are always alternatives when you go to any resturant. Today I had the salad, good choice, very fresh. nice atmosphere and no guilt..Try it for a change. When you get your child a happy meals try the apple fries and low fat milk for the little ones, they think its a treat and it serves as a fast and good alternative to canned ravioli or spagetti. I am glad they are here… Welcome McDonalds..

  7. Walnut Hill Resident on May 4th, 2011 11:19 pm

    Nobody eats healthy anymore. You have no idea what is in the meat you buy the canned veggies, or any other thing you buy. It is always fix it in a minute or so and get out of the kitchen these days. If anyone takes more than 30 minutes to cook a real meal it would surprise me these days. Give the kids all the junk food they want and then you don’t have to worry about cooking food for them. Has anyone noticed how big the kids are today. What causes that to happen. Cuold it be something in our food doing that and the FDA has approved it as safe. When you buy a fryer at the store it weighs about 4 1/2 to 5 pounds. That is a hen not a fryer. They pump the juice to them to get them to grow off faster to make more money faster and they don’t care what your kids eat or you. Wal-Mart has 12% solution added to their so called fresh beef and pork. Ask them why they do that. I can tell you the reason it is a perserative to keep the meat looking fresh longer. Beef will only stay bright red for 2 days pork for 3 days without something to make stay pretty for a week or two. I happen to know this because I am and old meat cutter from the years way back when you could not add anything to your meats to make it stay fresh looking. Ask someone at Wal-mart to cut you a steak and see what they tell you. They don’t know how to cut meat it come from some plant miles away from here already packaged and ready to put out in the case. Thye are just stock people not meat cutters. Sad isn’t it when you know the truth about it.

  8. Jus here on May 4th, 2011 11:05 pm

    I’m glad Flomaton finally got a new place to eat. They really need the business and the job opportunities. I do not live there but I use to and visit there often.

  9. Not a Liberal on May 4th, 2011 3:26 pm

    Chrome, I think what Kay was saying is that maybe our community should invest in something other than another fast food joint to stimulate our economy. And for you to say that you go eat a hamburger to enjoy yourself is a little sad when there are so many other healthy things you can do to enjoy yourself… like go for a walk or ride a bike. You may think that eating a cheeseburger and french fries “feels good” now but when you’re having a heart attack and in agonizing pain, the five minutes of “feel good” time you spent stuffing your face will not be on your mind.

  10. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm on May 4th, 2011 2:28 pm

    Will Hardee’s now go out of business? Hope not.

  11. art on May 4th, 2011 1:04 pm

    good luck to all and congratulations on the new business in town. i am sure it will be very successful. but folks, my heart belongs to whataburger!

  12. Chrome on May 4th, 2011 12:33 pm

    Kay – Its not up to Mcdonald’s to “raise your fat child”. I learned a long time ago that if you want to enjoy yourself once in a while, go get a hamburger – if you want a healthy meal,go to a nice cafe that serves home cooking. I get tired of liberals telling me how I should eat,ok. Get you kid off the couch and make him/her do some chores around the house or if they are old enough get a job.

  13. Kay on May 4th, 2011 9:46 am

    Very sad that is the best we can do. Our children are already unhealthy.
    I am glad that it gave some jobs to people, that is at least a little ray
    of sunshine.

  14. debora reaves on May 4th, 2011 8:52 am

    i work there come by and see me and the gang

  15. eab on May 4th, 2011 12:49 am

    Let’s hope with this economic addition we can start closing ground on Atmore. Flomaton and Century industry are and will be fast food for now but maybe we can catch Atmore whose main industry is Finance, that is car title and payday loans.