FCAT Writing Scores Good News For Local Schools

May 5, 2011

FCAT writing scores are out for fourth, eighth and tenth graders, and they are good news for North Escambia area schools.

Over three quarters of elementary school students in the area scored a proficient 4.0 or above , and each of the schools — Bratt, Byrneville, Jim Allen, Molino Park and Jay were up several percentage points over last year.

At the middle school and high school levels, over 80 percent of eighth grade students a Ernest Ward, Random and Jay scored a 4.0 or greater, as did the tenth graders at Tate, Northview and Jay high schools.

Jim Allen and Jay were on the only area elementary schools to surpass the state average of 81 percent of elementary students at 4.0 or greater. Bratt, Byrneville and Molino Park were below the state average.

At  the middle school level, Ernest Ward, Ransom and Jay all surpassed the state 82 percent at 4.0 plus. And among area high schools, Northview, Tate and Jay has more than the state average 75 percent at 4.0 or greater.

The table below shows the percentage of fourth, eighth and tenth grade students cores a 4.0 and above on the FCAT writing test at North Escambia area schools.


12 Responses to “FCAT Writing Scores Good News For Local Schools”

  1. Idea on June 19th, 2012 12:16 pm

    Here is an idea… why dont they take a test that compares these schools with other schools in the nation? Why dont they take the SAT’s like everyone else? I took the fcats growing up and I didnt have great grades and aced them everytime. What does that tell you? FCAT is a joke!!! Test made up to make Florida feel better about their school system!

  2. Bam on May 8th, 2011 1:43 pm

    Jay school usually do good on these test, glad to see it continue so. Both my kids graduated from there, A/B honor roll and band members. Of course its not just up to the teachers and school but the PARENTS need to be active right along side them.

  3. Lauren on May 6th, 2011 9:09 pm

    Great news to hear Nancy, you and all the other staff at EWMS keep up the good work. Also kudos to Karen Hall and the scores at Bratt increase of over 30 per cent way to go kids be proud of yourselves you deserve it.

  4. Pcolateacher on May 6th, 2011 2:47 pm

    To Teacher~ If you will look closely, Ransom Middle School is at the top for the district over Brown Barge. Ransom’s students performed at a rate of 89% proficiency. We should be proud of these kids all the way around. During times when we are fighting budget cuts, no new textbooks in sight, and deminishing parental involvement it’s tough to do what we do. I congratulate my fellow teachers throughout the district.

  5. BrattMom on May 6th, 2011 8:23 am


  6. Teacher on May 5th, 2011 10:47 pm

    Wow! The above results compare one group of students to a different group of students……… It would be best to compare the proficiency percentage of the same group from one year to the next, to show growth. Eighty-eight and 85 percent proficiency is amazing for Ernest Ward! To be third place in the school district is outstanding, especially considering that Brown Barge Middle School (First place) students are hand selected and the fact that Ernest Ward has taken on the status of full-inclusion. This means this 8th grade writing test was given to all students, even those functioning on 3rd or 4th grade levels. The students and teachers did a wonderful job.

  7. joe on May 5th, 2011 6:06 pm

    let me clarify in case my post sounded bad.
    I am glad it is all good. so EWMS went down, big deal. I don’t agree with this testing but like someone said “it is what it is”
    As far as EWMS, We love Nancy Perry, she is a fine administrator and wonderful leader. she has taught those kids more than book learning. she has taught them life lessons. I do not want anyone to think these scores reflect the overall school status. it is just a number from a dumb test. I think EWMS is the best middle school over all in the county! Hands Down, no other comes close. Best Staff, Best Leaders, best parents.
    I would not trade my childrens experience at EWMS for anything.
    keep up the good work EWMS Staff!

  8. PapaJ on May 5th, 2011 11:12 am

    All schools Good Job!!!! Nancy, You tell them! Keep up the good work!

  9. JW on May 5th, 2011 9:58 am

    Whitepunk, who allowed you to have children? Look NO ONE likes the FCAT, it is what it is.

  10. Nancy Perry on May 5th, 2011 8:20 am

    As the principal of EWMS I am extremely proud of our student’s performance on the FCAT writing. The state moved the “finish line” from a 3.5 to a 4.0. In addition every student in the building except for one took the writing regardless of ability. To finish as the 3rd highest middle school in the county I personally am PROUD!!! Congrats to the faculty, staff, students, and parents at EWMS job well done!!

  11. whitepunknotondope on May 5th, 2011 6:52 am

    How is this good news? FCAT and all standardized testing are screwing up our children’s education. I hardly consider anything like this good news.

  12. joe on May 5th, 2011 1:23 am

    looks like everyone improved execpt EWMS.
    I am Glad to see improvements as the bean counters look closely at these scores. I personally think it is a waste of time because standardized testing does not prove ability. A students ability to “demonstrate applied knowledge” is a better measure of learning, not standardized testing.
    the teachers and students are all distracted by this and it complicates the learning process. I am just glad the scores are good so the teachers and students can get back to real work.