Escambia Man Gets 20 Years For Robbing Pizza Delivery Driver

May 20, 2011

An Escambia County man was sentenced Thursday to 20 years in prison for the robbery of a pizza delivery driver.

Dymielle Chandler, 19, was convicted by an Escambia County jury in January of robbery with a weapon, burglary of conveyance armed with explosives or deadly weapon, and aggravated battery with great bodily harm.

On January 27, 2010, Chandler was waiting inside the victim’s pizza delivery truck when he robbed her with a knife to her throat then fled on foot. Chandler was located by the Escambia County K-9 Unit hiding under a house which was located directly behind the parking lot where the victim’s car was parked. Also, the victim’s blood was found on the jacket that Chandler was wearing when he was apprehended, according to the State Attorney’s Office.

Chandler faced a maximum of life in prison.


5 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 20 Years For Robbing Pizza Delivery Driver”

  1. Kay on May 21st, 2011 7:33 am

    THIS is exactly why when a child does the first act of taking something
    that doesn’t belong to them, they should be yanked up and made aware
    that it WON’T be tolerated, even by mom and dad.
    If parents don’t teach them, this is the way their life will be.

  2. Max Hardcore on May 20th, 2011 11:56 pm

    When a person commits an aggravated crime against another with a weapon of any sort, they intend to use said weapon. It should be life because the perp had intent. It might be the only way to stem violent crime is to make the penalty so severe that people would think twice about committing the crime. But wait. people who rob what others have, have no conscience so it won’t stop anything.

  3. Dan on May 20th, 2011 2:25 pm

    20 years wasn’t enough !!

    If this thug serves his full sentence, which he probably
    won’t he’ll be only 39 when he’s free to roam OUR streets
    and commit more armed robberies.

    He should have been sentenced to at least 50 years !!!!

    Where are his parents???????

  4. joe on May 20th, 2011 11:21 am

    I am deeply saddened and upset that my tax dollars will now go to feed and house this criminal for the next 20 years. Oh wait, this is America, he will probably make parole and walk in 5 years! Obviously he is a very violent offender and I would not be surprised to learn of his involvement in more crimes while incarcerated. Prison rehabilitation is not the most successful so we have lots to look forward to when he is released.

    The sad thing is he probably only scored a few dollars, less than $100 from this violent crime. I have never known pizza delivery drivers to carry large amounts of cash. This shows just how much this dirt bag values human life.

  5. Kay on May 20th, 2011 10:14 am

    Blood on him from the knife at her throat for money, how vicious.
    He should have gotten life with no chance of parole, I sure don’t
    want to meet up with him on the street…..ever.