Ernest Ward Spring Play “The Bachelor King” Tonight

May 17, 2011

The Ernest Ward Middle School drama class will perform their spring play The Bachelor King at 6:00 this evening in the school gym. Admission is $3 in advance or $4 at the door.

The Bachelor King is a hysterical spoof of several popular reality TV shows. When poor King Evian uses his last dying words (as he falls out the window) to pass royal succession not to greedy Prince Daft but to Yokel, a foolish hillbilly, everyone agrees Yokel needs a wife to help him run the kingdom.

Reminiscent  of The Bachelor, his staff brings in eligible young ladies to vie for the new king’s hand, including Agatha Peabody, a high-society matron; Priscilla Tradewells-Ayers-Hollander-Morley, a four-times-married gold digger; Sally Valley, a ditzy cheerleader from L.A.; Crushin’ Kanisha, a New York City gangster-type; and Jane Claxton, a true-hearted cowgirl from Texas.

The five ladies are tested on their abilities in true American Idol fashion (no talent necessary, of course!), followed by a Survivor challenge.  Of course, Yokel has other problems to deal with — the price of gasoline has skyrocketed, jobs are being outsourced overseas, the stock market has tumbled and his self-appointed personal advisor Frederick Pilfer is busy draining the royal treasury.  Worst of all, the vengeful prince hatches a slew of unsuccessful, harebrained assassination plots against the new king.


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