Cornered Burglar Tries To Lure Cops To Fake Burglary (With 911 Call Audio)

May 10, 2011

A Santa Rosa County man called 911 from inside one business that he was burglarizing to report a burglary at a business nearby in attempt to throw off cops that were closing in on him. His creative phone efforts failed.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office responded to a burglary at Kiley’s Store in Milton where they found someone had broken in through a boarded up front door. As deputies were working to determine if someone was inside the building, burglar Travis Monroe Laseter called 911 to report that three black males were burglarizing a nearby business.

Laseter abruptly hung up on 911 dispatchers, saying that the burglars were about to see him. Deputies searched both businesses and only found Laseter inside the first business. When 911 dispatchers called the cell phone back, they received Travis Laseter’s voice mail.

Laseter, 35,  was charged with burglary and making a false report. He was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail with bond set at $17,500.


15 Responses to “Cornered Burglar Tries To Lure Cops To Fake Burglary (With 911 Call Audio)”

  1. REALLY?! on May 10th, 2011 10:43 pm

    How can you call that stupid? Stupid was doing it in the first place, the PHONE CALL was really a good move. What did he have to loose? Personally I would have called a buddy to drive real fast by in a car with 3 wheels playing the Smokey and the Bandit soundtrack real loud to create a diversion. But from the looks of the mug shot he might not have a friend with a working 3 wheeled car, so life gives you lemons…..

  2. David Huie Green on May 10th, 2011 5:38 pm

    smart enough to try that, smart enough to get in a safer, more honest line of work

  3. Molino-Anon on May 10th, 2011 3:50 pm

    “…it’s me again Margaret… Hello, is this Margaret? You don’t know me Margaret… but I know you! When I get out Margaret I’m coming over there with an egg beater, and a live chicken! and some peach preserves!”

  4. JIM W on May 10th, 2011 3:49 pm

    There are times in life you see or read about something that is so crazy it is hard to beleive. This is one of those times. Holy smokes how dumb can you be. He should be on the show the dumbest crooks or what ever it is called because he is about as dumb as it gets. Creative but very dumb!

  5. Fay on May 10th, 2011 2:21 pm

    Stupid… And calling his mom lol.He wasn’t feeling No Shame.This is the delayed gift he gives his mother for Mother?s Day.Shame,shame!

  6. noh8rs on May 10th, 2011 11:58 am

    What was he doing in the back of a police car with a cell phone?

  7. Holly on May 10th, 2011 11:28 am

    What an idiot. Was he trying to call his mom from the bck of the police car and called the police again by mistake? lol

  8. SW on May 10th, 2011 10:31 am

    @Worried Resident

    Great point.

    The look on this guy’s face in the mugshot couldn’t have been scripted any better, either.

  9. WORRIED RESIDENT on May 10th, 2011 9:41 am

    DUMB crime of the week!!

    Just glad there weren’t any black males in the vacinity!

  10. SW on May 10th, 2011 9:06 am

    You gotta give this guy credit for thinking fast under pressure.

    No less dumb, but creative.

  11. MolinoGurl* on May 10th, 2011 9:00 am

    LOLOLOL!!! Glad nobody was hurt though :)

  12. shaemae on May 10th, 2011 8:50 am

    Really now!!! So funny! This needs to be sent to some reality show!

  13. bleeding blue and orange on May 10th, 2011 7:40 am

    This was too funny! You have to listen to the calls, this was a good laugh this morning.

  14. Joe on May 10th, 2011 6:16 am

    people will do anything in desperation, but still not smart!

  15. local on May 10th, 2011 12:27 am

    There are some smart people in this world.