600 Students Take On Sunshine Math; Wins For Molino Park, Jim Allen

May 8, 2011

There was lots more than two plus two Saturday at the University of West Florida Field House as about 600 third, fourth and fifth grade students from almost every Escambia County elementary school took part in the annual Sunshine Math Competition.

Students competed both individually and as teams in the event that challenges their math skills. The math whizzes were chosen as the best from each school in their weekly Sunshine Math events.

Among the North Escambia participating schools, the Jim Allen Elementary School “Team 1″ took first place for the fifth grade, and Molino Park Elementary “Team 2″ took finished in third place for the third grade.

In the individual categories, Dalton Brown of Molino Park finished third in the fourth grade division.

For a more photos, click here.

The complete winner’s list was as follows:

Team Competition Winners

Third Grade
1st Place: Hellen Caro, Team 1
2nd Place: Pensacola Beach, Team 1
3rd Place: Molino Park, Team 2

Fourth Grade
1st Place: Hellen Carro, Team 1
2nd Place: Hellen Carro, Team 2
3rd Place: Longleaf, Team 1

Fifth Grade
1st Place: Jim Allen, Team 1
2nd Place: McArthur, Team 2
3rd Place: N.B. Cook, Team 1

Individual Competition Winners

Third Grade
1st Place: Lizzie Davis – Cordova Park
2nd Place: Sophie Faircloth – Pensacola Beach
3rd Place: Nolan Costa – Hellen Caro

Fourth Grade
1st Place: John Dixon – Longleaf
2nd Place: Maxwell Alderman – N.B. Cook
3rd Place: Dalton Brown — Molino Park

Fifth Grade
1st Place: Drake Taylor – Scenic Heights
2nd Place: Kareem Bataineh – Cordova Park
3rd Place: Prescott Morre — Lipscomb

Pictured top: Jim Allen Elementary School “Team 1″ took first place for the fifth grade and (pictured inset) Molino Park Elementary “Team 2″ took third place in the third grade category. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “600 Students Take On Sunshine Math; Wins For Molino Park, Jim Allen”

  1. Nana on May 23rd, 2011 8:39 am

    McKenzie, I am so proud of you and your Molino Park Elementary 3rd Grade teammates for finishing in 3rd place in this competition! Keep up the good work!

  2. Nana & Pa on May 11th, 2011 5:33 pm

    Braden, We’re so proud of you and your 3rd grade team @ Molino Park for finishing in 3rd place. Keep up the great work & go for it again next year!!
    We love you bunches!! :)

  3. Nana on May 11th, 2011 10:04 am

    I’m so proud of you, Natalie Gandy for being on the team from Pine Meadow, and for being named student volunteer of the year. Love you so much!

  4. Nana on May 10th, 2011 2:39 pm

    I’m especially proud of Molino Park 3rd grade, Team 2 for their hard work, accomplishment and award. I was impressed to see so many students & their families attend this important event on a Saturday morning. Children need the support of their families and teachers. Congratulations to all participants!!

  5. Delaney on May 9th, 2011 7:17 pm

    I would like to send a special shout out to my team, Bratt Elementary “Team 2″, And also to the other Bratt teams. And most of all, our math coach, Mrs. Jackson

  6. Marsha Cook on May 8th, 2011 9:39 pm

    Congratulations Dalton. Keep up the good work. I’m so proud of you.

  7. Molino person on May 8th, 2011 1:41 pm

    Congratulations Molino park!!!!!

  8. Mrs. H on May 8th, 2011 9:35 am

    I am so proud of all our Molino Park students, especially my 5th grade “Girl Power” teams! You girls were AWESOME!