Woman, 78, Shoves Gun-toting Robbers Out The Door

April 9, 2011

A 78-year-old woman threatened at gunpoint in attempted home invasion fought back, and two suspects were in jail within about an hour.

Mary Collins, 78, was home alone at her residence in the 900 block of Twinbrook Ave., when three juvenile males came to her door asking if they could cut her grass. When she told them no, she closed the door and the juveniles walked away. About an hour later, while Collins was in another part of her home, she heard a noise and went to investigate. She found one of the juveniles armed with a gun standing in the residence.

Collins, according to a sheriff’s report, yelled at the suspect and shoved him toward the door. The startled suspect ran out of the house.

At around 12:07 p.m. Thursday deputies were dispatched to the incident and by 1:30 p.m. they had two suspects in custody. Arrested were 17-year-old Maurice Antoron Atkins, of Pensacola, and 13-year-old Luis Beuno Martinez, also of Pensacola. A third suspect, described as a light skinned black male wearing a grey shirt and jeans, was able to escape capture.

“We are working on identifying the third suspect in this case,” said sheriff’s spokesperson Deputy Chris Welborn. “We’re asking anyone with information concerning him or his whereabouts to contact us.”

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


12 Responses to “Woman, 78, Shoves Gun-toting Robbers Out The Door”

  1. Tierd of this crap! on April 12th, 2011 10:09 pm

    I sure hope they do more than slap them on the wrist, because they meant to harm her or they would not have come back. I sure hope I can be this brave if this ever happens to me. I’m proud of you Mrs. Mary, guess you showed them! LOL

  2. Another old lady-- on April 10th, 2011 10:07 pm

    Why were these children not in school? Such a shame—–once again—-parents not paying attention. Check on the children and make sure they are where they should be. The lady had enough sense to realize they were children and act accordingly——– Thank Goodness no one was harmed.


  3. AL on April 10th, 2011 5:03 pm

    Wow Jason – that is quite a generalization. I notice a lot of teens handing out food at the drive thrus, waiting tables, washing cars, mowing grass at the golf course, etc.
    I think there are a whole heck of a lot more good kids than there are bad ones – just bad ones get more press (at least good ones get it here too ;) ).

    It would be more accurate to say these 3 punks in particular are cowards -taking on an old lady. Good for her on not backing down, though it was very dangerous to attempt!

  4. Jason on April 10th, 2011 9:40 am

    Kids now days are cowards instead of getting out and makeing an honest living like the rest of us they are quick to pick up a gun and rob someone or pick up drugs and sell them GROW UP and learn the meaning of life. theses kids where lucky the little old lady didnt grab a gun and open up and fire on them

  5. EMD on April 9th, 2011 10:37 pm

    WOW! Mary Collins! You go girl!!!!!!! LOL!!!

  6. Kay on April 9th, 2011 4:25 pm

    @old soldier
    How could three who would look for what they would think is the weakest victim in town ever think they are sooooo small and weak in body, knowledge and mind themselves that they would lose…. at least they understood
    they would still need a gun against her, three couldn’t possibly take her. ….
    It’s sure going to be tough for them in prison if the three of them can’t take her
    even with a revolver.

  7. Just An Old Soldier on April 9th, 2011 3:25 pm

    The Iron Generation – Defeated Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, and Hirohito.

    Takes more than three little punks to get over on them. Youngsters don’t get that.

  8. kAY on April 9th, 2011 1:18 pm

    I hope they beat the stuffings out of these little creeps and I don’t care
    if their 14. It’s time these wanna be jailbirds give up all their partners in
    crime and learn what WE all know WHICH IS ” DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME”..


  9. Tina on April 9th, 2011 12:00 pm

    Wow ……. HOW STUPID …. Those kids have no idea how lucky they are to be alive… Seriously!!! Most people like that have a gun of their own now and not afraid to use it. There has been a rise in ‘Concealed Weapons Permits’ to show. It goes where they go!!! You punks with one foot in the door of a life of crime need to reconsider the CONSEQUENCES AND REPERCUSSIONS of your decisions and actions. She would not even been charged if she had killed you dead. Think about it………… then MAN-UP and get a job.

  10. jcellop on April 9th, 2011 7:13 am

    i am quite impressed! wow!!

  11. RHONDA on April 9th, 2011 2:23 am


  12. joe on April 9th, 2011 12:50 am

    good for her! I hope floridas gun law kicks in here and these kids are charged as adults. using a gun while comiting a felony is serious and caries a minimum sentence. I hope they get time. Glad the woman was not hurt.