West Florida High Criminal Justice Club Takes Part In State Conference

April 26, 2011

West Florida High School of Advanced Technology’s Criminal Justice Club travels to Daytona today for the Florida Public Service Association Conference.

The FPSA is a high school based club for students who are involved in the studies of criminal justice, teacher assisting or firefighter assisting. The organization was founded in 1990 to assist teachers and students studying in these career fields to expand the knowledge of their chosen fields by competing against others from around the state. The competitions are designed by teachers based on the Florida Department of Education curriculum guidelines for each of these career fields.

Three North Escambia residents, Cheyenne Godwin and Kaitlin Howard of Molino and Josh Vihnanek of Walnut Hill, are among those competing this week. During the conference, Godwin will be campaigning for FPSA state historian.

Last year at FPSA Conference, WFHS placed in the following:

  • Community Service
  • Extemporaneous Open Statement
  • Extemporaneous Poster Display
  • CPR
  • Job Seeking Skills
  • Parliamentary Procedures
  • Scrapbook
  • Mr. Public Service
  • Ms. Public Service
  • Firearms-Novice
  • Firearms-Advanced (1st & 2nd Place)
  • Top Gun
  • Forensic Investigation
  • Accident Report Writing
  • Traffic Accident Report Writing
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Traffic Stop
  • 3rd in CJ Top Chapter

Teacher-sponsor for the group is Gerald Russo.

Pictured top: The West Florida High School of Advanced Technology’s Criminal Justice Club at FPSA 2010 in Orlando. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “West Florida High Criminal Justice Club Takes Part In State Conference”

  1. William on April 26th, 2011 9:36 am

    >>You also missed a North Escambia student. Kaitlin Howard is a senior and third time participant from Molino.

    Thanks. This was a submitted article; she has been added.

  2. Bill on April 26th, 2011 9:26 am

    Good luck to them all and thanks to Mr. Russo for his efforts. You also missed a North Escambia student. Kaitlin Howard is a senior and third time participant from Molino.

  3. Betty on April 26th, 2011 8:14 am

    Good Luck to all!