Video: Scott Won’t Sign Budget Without Tax Cuts

April 18, 2011

Gov. Rick Scott said in his weekly radio-video address that any budget he signs into law will include tax cuts, and warned, “I will not compromise on these principles.”

So far, budgets passed by the House and Senate don’t have room for tax cuts, but as negotiations between the two chambers begin after the Easter break, it’s possible lawmakers could figure out a way to include them.

Neither House Speaker Dean Cannon, R-Winter Park, nor Senate President Mike Haridopolos, R-Merritt Island has ruled them out, though both have expressed skepticism. The budget has to be cut by around $4 billion from this year’s spending plan because of falling tax revenue.

In his address, Scott said that for him to sign the budget will: reduce the size of government, reduce the cost of government and “pass those savings on to taxpayers in the form of tax cuts.” Scott has line item veto power – and could also veto the entire budget.

“Business and property tax cuts are critical to making Florida number one in job creation,” Scott said in the weekly address.

The Legislature is scheduled to end its session May 6.


12 Responses to “Video: Scott Won’t Sign Budget Without Tax Cuts”

  1. sierra on April 19th, 2011 4:07 pm

    Impeach him NOW!

  2. Northender43 on April 19th, 2011 12:37 pm

    If we keep giving EVERYONE (people, businesses, and who knows who) breaks then eventually there will be NO $$$$. The people voted for the extra homestead exemption which is partially what is HURTING OUR SCHOOLS. NO ONE IS TO BLAME FOR THE SITUATION FLORIDA IS IN EXCEPT OURSELVES!!!! The people of Florida voted for all this stuff and the current government …. NOW live with and next time WE might think before we vote.

  3. David Huie Green on April 19th, 2011 12:02 pm

    “It just puts more money in the owners and shareholders pockets and many of them don’t even live in Florida”

    So letting owners keep more of their own money is a bad thing?

    That’s because all property should be held in common by the people and dispensed as the government deigns?

    Wouldn’t knowing you wouldn’t be robbed by the government attract you to a place, knowing you would be robbed repulse you? What would be good for the long term or even short term future of the state?

    I’m not saying I agree with our leader here, but wonder at the opposite attitude too.

    David fascinated by attitudes of entitlement

  4. North-end drop out on April 19th, 2011 8:16 am

    Amen – Olin – you hit the nail on the head….I hope everyone that voted him in is happy…..we will no longer have a state to live in when he leaves office, unless the senate and legislative take over an override his veto…..I hope they have the gutes to do this……

  5. PSU1Earl on April 18th, 2011 2:15 pm

    Ding, Ding, Ding! Sandra, you win the prize! That’s exactly right! The old supply and demand… remember folks, that crazy idea of market economy that made the country great! It has nothing to do with taxes, less taxes or more taxes… Florida has one of the country’s lowest corporate tax, and it does not matter… It just puts more money in the owners and shareholders pockets and many of them don’t even live in Florida… It’s insane!

  6. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2011 12:57 pm

    If reducing taxes were the solution, eliminating all taxes would be the perfect solution. it might not be, though, because it wouldn’t leave any money to pay for goods and services.

    If raising taxes were the solution, taking everything would be the perfect solution. It might not be, though, because then the people wouldn’t have any money to pay for goods and services.

    Where’s Goldilocks when you need her? the one who can find the perfect bowl of porrige or in this case mixture of taxes, goods and services?? On the other hand, she did break a stool or two….

    David thinking thought might be useful,
    not just knee jerk reactions

  7. Sandra on April 18th, 2011 12:02 pm

    I dont understand why people think that giving a tax cut to a business will allow them to hire more employees. If I owned a business i woulndnt hire employees based upon how much capital was freed up by less taxes, I would hire employees based upon my business’s need. If you only need twenty employees to manufacture the amount of widgets that you are selling, what good would it do to hire ten more just to sit around and do nothing? Should I hire the ten more employees based on the fact that I now have less overhead or should I hire them when the market dictates that I need to up my production.

  8. Jim on April 18th, 2011 11:44 am

    It’s a simple matter of balancing income with expenditures.
    If we don’t have it, why would anyone want to spend it?

    Who do those that oppose spending cuts expect to pay for what they want?

    Tax breaks for businesses allow businesses to hire more employees and or expand their business, creating more tax revenue for the State in taxes. It is a simple, proven concept.

    The problem with spending for everything that we (Florida) wanted is that eventually we (Florida) runs out of “other people’s” money – and we (Florida) have……

    Wanting things to be the way they were won’t make it so.

    It’s a rapidly changing world and things change. It is common sense to plan for what you will do if your occupation no longer exist. Besides wringing your hands and expecting someone else that can’t afford it, to pay for your lifestyle.

  9. T on April 18th, 2011 11:23 am

    ……..And we voted for him why?

  10. Olin Schultz on April 18th, 2011 9:25 am

    Mr. Scott (because I feel he is not worthy of being called Gov.) keeps screaming that he is creating jobs? Then why is he taking away from state employees? Running the state of Florida for his own gain is more like it! Who cares if prisons shut down and criminals run the street! They will run the streets because he is also messing with state retirement for law enforcement. There is always three sides to a story and two matter not! The truth is when it comes to Gov. Scott, he is in it for his own gain and to heck with the others!

  11. Name (required) on April 18th, 2011 9:00 am

    I am glad he is holding out for the tax cuts he touted in his campaign.

    People need jobs,and business is not going to create them without relief.

  12. gosh on April 18th, 2011 7:17 am

    i couldn’t even take him seriously. i hate when they read from a teleprompter instead of just talking! none of what he said had any sincerity in it at all.