Two Convicted In Escambia Of Child Sex Crimes

April 14, 2011

Two men were convicted in Escambia County Circuit Court this week on child sex charges, according to State Attorney Bill Eddins.

Stephen Lewis Furney, II was convicted Tuesday of lewd or lascivious molestation, lewd or lascivious conduct and promoting a sexual performance by a child.

At the time of the offenses, Furney was already a designated sexual offender on probation after serving a state prison sentence for numerous other sexual crimes committed in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties in 1994.

Escambia County Circuit Court Judge Linda Nobles sentenced Furney to a total of 40 years in prison on the new charges and the violation of probation. On Wednesday, Santa Rosa County Circuit Court Judge Gary Bergosh sentenced  Furney to 107.25 months prison for the probation violation in Santa Rosa County.

Chad Rager was convicted by an Escambia County Jury of sexual battery by a person in familial authority, lewd/lascivious battery, lewd or lascivious conduct, and improper sexual activity with certain minors.

The defendant was convicted of sexual activity with his adopted daughter while she was between 14 and 17 years old.

Judge Joel Boles scheduled sentencing for May 19. Rager faces a maximum of 75 years state prison. He will also qualify for sexual offender status.


19 Responses to “Two Convicted In Escambia Of Child Sex Crimes”

  1. JURY FOUND HIM GUILTY on April 23rd, 2011 7:10 am

    This jury found Chad Rager guilty. The evidence speaks for it’s self. He wouldnt be behind bars if there was any doubt. Don’t know where you get your information, besides from the one convicted of the crime. Go ahead and believe what you want. It is your own little world. But this person not only admitted to what he did to this child, he was convicted of these charges. He deserves every day that they give him and more. Supporters of these type of charges need to get some help.

  2. Michelle on April 22nd, 2011 11:50 pm

    Chad is a good man….people should really look deeper before they judge….you dont know him…everyone has their own idea of what they think is the truth when ya’ll really have no idea at all….and the family he is said to have thrown out on the street omg really how about the mother of the girls leaving her children with Chad cuz she was being selfish and left Chad took good care of his family his family didnt do the same….and his friends love him…..Poor Chad Im so sorry your going thru this….I wish i could really say what I want to on here but ill keep my mouth shut……All of us love u chad and hope this comes out for u the best way it can

  3. Rager's got "friends" out there on April 19th, 2011 1:22 am

    Lot’s of folks defended him and helped him further deprive his family. They took family assets and gave them to his 25yr old girlfriend he left his family for. He threw them out in the cold of winter with no income or means of income while he ran a business and lived the high life. His “freinds” in Crestview and pensacola removed all the business assets which would have been at least some small compensation for what he put that family through. Not his friends. They haven’t even had the humanity to apologize for the slander and theft they committed against the wife and children.

  4. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2011 3:56 pm

    “Any act of sexual misconduct either directly or indirectly administered upon a child is absolutely the most despicable of all criminal offenses and I do believe deserve the maximum punishment allowed by law….With that being said, those who pass judgment on people without knowing complete details of a particular case should be shot for their ignorance..”

    So you think you should be shot for your ignorance?

    After all, no human ever knows complete details of a particular case. There were things said, looks given, mental states which simply can’t be fully known or comprehended by decent people.

    And yet you agree with us that they deserve the maximum punishment allowed by law. (In some cases some of us even believe the maximum allowed is still too small because we can’t torture those who tortured others.) We don’t have to know everything to know some things are bad.

    Admittedly, automatically judging someone guilty just because someone else charged them is a bad thing. (Sometimes people lie.) But if guilt is established, judgment is called for, even if we don‘t know everything.

    David in a state of ignorance
    –and happy to not know some details

  5. John Doe on April 15th, 2011 2:42 pm

    Any act of sexual misconduct either directly or indirectly administered upon a child is absolutely the most dispicable of all criminal offenses and I do believe deserve the maxium punishment allowed by law….With that being said, those who pass judgement on people without knowing complete details of a particular case should be shot for their ignorance.. I, myself, was charged with lewd and lacivious acts on or in the presence of a child under the age of 16 years as well as kidnapping many years ago.. Though I was found innocent of the charges this information can still be found using most background checks, most of which do not offer the information that I was aquitted after jury trial.. They also wont inform you that I was only sixteen years old myself when these allegations were made. Pensacola, Florida has one of the most corrupt, disorganized, and seriously flawed criminal justice systems in the entire country.. The supervisors of most of our law enforcement organizations were lucky to have made it through grade school and I would say suffer from serious endowment issues. One good thing is, if you need a job, i’m not sure that merely being literate is absoulutely a qualifying factor for becoming and officer here.. Sad, but so very true!!

  6. Cheryl on April 15th, 2011 1:11 pm

    I totally agree with David. no matter what the caliber. They deserve something much worse than that though.

  7. David on April 15th, 2011 10:11 am

    If it’s a brain disorder, then how about a .45 caliber lobotomy?

  8. The Chair on April 14th, 2011 10:09 pm

    Don’t know exactly what news shows and documentaries I got this thought from, but I thought it was now the general consensus among shrinks that these sickos cannot be rehabilitated.

    I think they should be put on an island surrounded by shark infested waters, a small island, that is 24/7 patrolled by policemen who have had a child relative sexually abused, and given a few old pots and pans, tin plates, and seeds.

    The thought that hard working taxpayers’ money has to go for housing, clothing, and feeding these dregs of society, not to mention the cost of the trial, the gaurds salaries (some of who would take a bribe to make their life inside a little more comfortable), etc., is just too much!

    But since that’s not possible – yet – how about the chair right off the bat!

  9. stereotpyes on April 14th, 2011 9:05 pm

    No one really “looks” like a child molester. Everyone needs to realize that anyone (men and women) can be capable of hurting others. We have to look out for each other, our kids, and each others kids. If there was a certain look, then we’d know who to stay away from.

  10. Kay on April 14th, 2011 4:36 pm

    Any sentence other than life behind bars or death is too short. The victims will never stop hurting, why should the perpetrators? I hate to see anything killed
    except pure evil and I certainly believe this fits the bill.

  11. Just sayin' on April 14th, 2011 3:20 pm

    TO That one guy said,

    Actually, in prison, EVERYBODY wants to know WHY everybody else is in there and child molesters are considered the scum of the prison. They are “shown” how it feels by the bigger guys. This is how it works. Guards know this. So does anyone who has been there or had a loved one there.

  12. yep on April 14th, 2011 11:42 am

    Can’t we just line them up behind the ’shed’ and get some target practice in? I would SO volunteer if they did.

  13. Army wife21 on April 14th, 2011 10:14 am

    I agree with Robert!!! if they still did that, we wouldn’t have the problems we do today! our system is so messed up!

  14. abry on April 14th, 2011 9:44 am

    The only way to stop these perverts is to never,never let them out of prison.

  15. robert on April 14th, 2011 7:58 am

    short rope and a tall tree

  16. Randy Daniels on April 14th, 2011 7:47 am

    Isn’t is weird that these two guys “just look” like child molesters?

  17. That one guy said on April 14th, 2011 7:44 am

    I think there’s a misconception about how much “bubbas” care about someone’s criminal history. Be it child molestation, arson, murder or dealing.

    Prisoners are concerned with what’s to eat, being entertained, who’s coming to visit them, their release date and what fellow prisoner they can scam/rip off to make their own life (while incarcerated) better.

    I’m not sure if there is a fitting punishment for child molesters, obviously it’s a brain disorder but, is there a rehabilitation that would actually “cure” them? Prison won’t cure them, it will just make them wiser to getting caught in the future.

    Not to say they wont’ be caught again, the odds are that there will be more victims and longer time periods between run ins with the law.

    You bumpkins watch too much T.V.

  18. ???? on April 14th, 2011 7:01 am

    let the parents loose on him…if it were my child hed never seen the light of the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. This burns me up!!! on April 14th, 2011 1:50 am

    NOT that the first guy got so much (well deserved) time or that the other guy faces such a long term either…….but that anybody would DO such a thing. The first guy was bad enough, but RAGER?!? To molest a child you had adopted, who is supposed to be your own child (after the adoption)???? HOW can anyone do this? I wish they would send both of them to prison for the rest of their lives. Bubbas just looooove child molesters.