Tiny Town Files Suit To Block Giant Landfill

April 25, 2011

The tiny town of Repton, Ala., has filed a lawsuit seeking to stop a mega landfill planned for their backdoor and upstream from the North Escambia area.

Attorneys filed the suit in Conecuh County Circuit Court on behalf of Repton (pop. 280) and Mayor Terri Carter seeking an injunction to block the 5,100 acre Conecuh Woods landfill approved 3-2 last week by the Conecuh County Commission.

Conecuh Woods’ landfill, will include a 1,600 acre “disposal cell” from Range to Repton to near the Big Escambia Creek. Big Escambia Creek flows southward into Escambia County, Alabama, through Flomaton and drains through a North Escambia swamp into the Escambia River and then Escambia Bay.

Many other governments in South Alabama and Northwest Florida have passed resolutions in opposition to Conecuh Woods, including Escambia counties in Alabama and Florida, Century, Atmore and Flomaton.

The lawsuit claims there are “numerous factual errors” in the landfill application and it disregards threatened or endangered species in the area, ignores the water table that can approach withing 25 feet of the surface and numerous other items.

The lawsuit also claims the Conecuh County Commission ignored the public outcry against the facility and that they ignored several potentially negative aspects of the landfill.

Pictured top: Repton, Alabama, Mayor Terri Carter addresses the Century Town Council recently in opposition to a proposed 5,100 acre landfill in Conecuh County, Alabama. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Tiny Town Files Suit To Block Giant Landfill”

  1. matt on April 29th, 2011 12:29 pm

    Well, how about let’s ride out to kirkland creek and look at all the trash dumped out there illegally. Or down to cedar creek there’s more illegal trash dumped there too. Pretty much any dirt road you drive down, that’s right you guessed it illegally dumped trash. But’s it not a problem. This landfill won’t take hazardous material, and it’s completely green. Do y’all even know what that means? I mean the dump would only give conecuh county 251 million dollars. But hey, their kids don’t need better educations, or better schools to send them to, or better roads,. etc, etc,. Y’all are more worried about a creek that would not be harmed in the first place. Lord have mercy do some research.

  2. Terri Carter on April 26th, 2011 2:39 pm

    Thank you to all the NO DUMP supporters! It took everyone screaming to get the attention we needed to fight this monstrosity. We do believe we will win this fight! I am a faithful person and believe that God has always been leading us thru this battle. But, we realize that while HE leads, we still have to do our part and work. Less than two weeks before the vote, by Divine Intervention, we were able to retain the BEST legal team in the state, Balch & Bingham! THANKS BE TO GOD! And, Citizens for a Clean Southwest Alabama have tried to cover all the avenues to victory not only thru legal means, education of the public and public officials, public relations but also legislation. So if one fails, the next may be victorious. A special THANK YOU to Representative Alan Baker & Harry Shiver who are working hard on legislation which will certainly make a difference right now and in the future! We do believe in personal responsibility in Repton but we DONT believe that ANY COMMUNITY should be saddled with the nations largest DUMP! Because of the issues that landfills create and the potential dangers, a wise Commissioner once told me that landfills should be built out of NEED not GREED! There are some things you make money on and some things that cost you money in order to do the RIGHT THING! The Town of Repton and the Repton Restoration Society is sponsoring the Heritage Homecoming Festival and WJ Attractions Carnival this Saturday, April 30th in Downtown Repton. All food sold will benefit our NO DUMP cause – Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Homemade BBQ Plates etc. And, Carter Hospital Museum Tours will be available from 1pm-3pm. You must pick up your FREE Tour Ticket from the Repton Civic Center in Downtown. We invite everyone to visit and be a part of NO DUMP this Saturday!

  3. OMRBH on April 25th, 2011 11:16 pm

    Yup. David and Goliath all over again. Go get um, David!!!!!!!

  4. NEResident on April 25th, 2011 10:18 pm

    Dear God, I hope this has some positive effect. Fishing and going to the creek to swim and play are some of the very few nice things to do around here. What do we pay tax money for?

  5. Sandra on April 25th, 2011 9:07 pm

    We elect them and the special interests control them. If you look closely at any politician you can see the puppet strings. Special interests are at the end of it.

  6. Pauline on April 25th, 2011 6:46 pm

    Three of the five Conecuh County Commissioners disregarded the will of the people and voted “YES” to approve the dump. The real question is why they would oppose the people they were elected to serve. Of course, they are silent on the matter. The truth will come out, it always does.

  7. dave on April 25th, 2011 4:15 pm

    My roots run very deep in this area, my great grandparents are buried in Deer Range, along with my grandparents and mother and father, I had hope that one day when i retire that i could move back to this area, its has been a dream of mine for over 50 years, but i will not come home to a dump. I have heard that the 3 people that voted for this dump cannot be reach, I hope that they are thinking about their action when they go to bed at night, they have TRASH alot of dreams for alot of good people, I hope God will grant the people of this area a miracle and show them how to stop this dump. $ signs should not be more important then the people of this area,

  8. art on April 25th, 2011 1:50 pm

    more power to ‘em.

  9. me on April 25th, 2011 12:39 pm

    Which goes to show that normal people dont have a say in anything. Im surprised that they have passed a law suit. I hope now the Conecuh County Commission will listen to us normal people.

  10. Thinker on April 25th, 2011 11:06 am

    Public figures who ignore the will of their electorate ought to do jail time, be placed in a stock on the public square and/or tarred and feathered and driven from their homes as their actions will surely drive others from theirs. Experts have testified that the landfill would be a big mistake. A good hurricane would make the “liners” a big joke…and one that wouldn’t be very funny.

  11. Kay on April 25th, 2011 10:54 am

    Good for them. David slew Goliath, besides it’s the right thing to do.
    This would have lead to nothing except more polution of our waters
    and natural resources.
    Just what we all want to see….RIGHT!

  12. Bell on April 25th, 2011 9:07 am

    I can’t believe public officials going against those that elected them. When they’re not re-elected maybe they can work for the dump. Oh, ethics rules comes into play and they will have to wait two years for that job.