Thrower Announces He Will Seek Atmore Mayor’s Office In 2012

April 16, 2011

Just days after Atmore Mayor Howard Shell announced that he will not seek re-election in 2012, a local resident has committed to seeking the office.

Chad Thrower, a gaming agent at the Poarch Creek Indians Tribal Gaming Commission, announced this week on his Facebook page that he has committed to compete in the 2012 mayor’s race.

“We must find ways to bring in more manufacturing companies and grow our retail and service industries as well,” Thrower said. “Once we accomplish that and fight to keep the businesses here we can start an economic cycle of prosperity for Atmore.”

Thower, 27, said he also has an issue with the “massive debt the city has assumed by purchasing the Rivercane property”.

Thrower is currently politically active with Congressman Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty organization. He currently manages six counties, including Escambia, as the group’s Alabama Campaign for Liberty Region I Coordinator.

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25 Responses to “Thrower Announces He Will Seek Atmore Mayor’s Office In 2012”

  1. keith griffith on August 12th, 2011 3:42 pm

    Atmore is a dried up ghost town , just look around and what do you see in Atmore? nothing there but a few nickel and dime restaurants. kinda got that bad part of mobile look going. somebody needs to step in office and get atmore back to where it was in the late 70`s, a thriving small town city USA .And furthermore anyone who is affiliated with campaign for liberty can`t be a bad choice for Atmore !

  2. Penny Honodel on May 5th, 2011 8:37 am

    I am a close friend and I have worked with Chad here in the Mobile Area.

    In all the conversations we have had, all I have even heard and seen out of Chad Thower is a great desire to make things better,Chad is very meticulous in his research on topics, and has brought light to alot of things here in Mobile Country and for the State for that matter.

    Chad being 27 years is extremely mature, and responsible. I do not feel that Chad has any agenda’s other than making the place where he lives a better and much brighter place.

    I personally would hand over anything that I value, to Chad Thower and completely trust the out come to be a “Great Success”.

    To all of Atmore… I would seriously consider Chad Thower for Mayor 2012.

    You will not be disappointed!!!

  3. FYI Atmore on April 20th, 2011 2:41 pm

    Educate yourself Atmore. Stop & have a conversation with Chad- then you will see what drives him. He does not work for the casino. He works for the gaming commision- which makes sure the federal rules are enforced at the casino. That’s his job. We all have jobs. His passion however is America & preserving her legacy. Not Indian take over of Atmore….

  4. MOM on April 19th, 2011 10:09 pm


  5. robert on April 19th, 2011 11:23 am

    I woked with Chad about 12 years ago. He is a good kid that is very respectful and he does get this position it will probably do this Town some good. I f were still a resident of ATMORE HE WOULD SURELY HAVE MY VOTE. Good Luck Chad hope you do well in this new venture.

  6. New Blood on April 17th, 2011 10:18 pm

    It doesn’t take long for one to look around and see that Atmore needs new leadership. Yes, it’s true that the local economy needs help, but the city needs a sense of pride too. I don’t know if new blood in city government is the answer or not, but let’s be honest… what’s it going to hurt? This good old boy network just isn’t cutting it.

  7. DCL on April 17th, 2011 6:40 pm

    As I said Chad may be the best Mayor this city has ever seen, then May be not. I am willing to give the man a chance, or any one else who can show me facts of how Atmore can grow.
    “I know the Truth” some of your comments are Wright, not about Chad. The people of Atmore do not owe anyone anything and should not humble down to anyone!!! Poarch Creek Indians have done a great job for themselves, I have lived in the poarch community for about 10 years, know a lot of the older ones and the young ones. If you are a Tribal Member hold your head high you have a lot to be proud of. I although do not qualify and I have some creek blood. If you know the truth then know this, at this time in society no one should humble down, we should work to make the entire community both Atmore and Poarch better and safer places. If for nothing else for our children who will inherit this we have created. George Carlin once wrote a piece; in the piece he made a statement that has never been truer than in today’s society, he said “ We can put a man on the moon, talk to our family half way around the world by phone or email, but we cannot or will not walk across the street to meet our neighbors”

  8. ME on April 17th, 2011 3:25 pm


  9. I know the truth on April 17th, 2011 3:12 pm

    I can’t vote in the city elections (I live in the county) however my parents can and I will encourage them to support Chad for his Mayoral race. I have had the opportunity to work with Chad for the last several years and he has a lot of valid issues and I believe he has a lot to offer Atmore (A new beginning) Chad speaks of bringing job opportunity to Atmore which we all know is very limited!

    @ Bobby: “I am not sure if everyone knows just how crooked and underhanded the gaming industry is or not but I see conspiracy written all over this one. And of course he is concerned with the debt the city has by purchasing Rivercane property. The casino wants to buy that property and he works for the casino” I don’t know you but feel like you need to be educated on some things, so next time you speak/write you can speak/write the truth: #1. Chad does not work for the Casino, never said he did, however he does work at the Casino. #2. Chad regulates the Casino to insure they are doing everything by the rules that are goverened by the Federal Government and yes we do have rules! #3. Chad is not a Tribal Member so what would he stand to gain by being in control of Atmore? If it were not for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, Atmore would still be nothing other than a little spot on the map! (the town of Atmore should humble down and thank PBCI for all their donations to the schools and I mean all of them within a certain radius, Florida & Alabama, Civic Organizations and much more not to mention all the real estate that has been purchased by Casino employees, and the jobs that were created for the local residents of Atmore! I do not know if Chad can run the city of Atmore or not but I do know he is willing to try and at least finally bring new things to the table to benefit Atmore and it’s people. I say get rid of the “click” that now runs city hall and keep Mayor Shells cronies from having the opportunity to keep Atmore down! You go Chad……Atmore needs people like you with new ideas!

  10. D.C.L on April 17th, 2011 8:56 am

    O.k. (Animal) your turn again to make the bid to run for Mayor………… Sound like Honesty is what some people are wanting. Always said everyone judge you by your looks and character. NOT THE MAN YOU ARE. WAKE UP ATMORE. stop looking at part of the picture. A quick story (no names will be used out of respect)
    A man received a call one day to help set up what is now Baldwin Counties Dispatch Center for all of Baldwin County. After a little while on the job he had to fire one of the employee’s, before doing so he and I talked he told me the problem, (He really had no choice) but when he fired the person he told them other business, you screw up you lose money… Maybe. In our work you screw up could be someone’s LIFE! Fast forward after being let go from that position (oh did I mention the employee was a relative to a political person in Baldwin county at that time) The man was asked to interview for Escambia County Alabama 911 when it was first starting up, when he appeared for the interview he was wearing will say casual wear (no suit and tie), he did not get the job and was told it was because of what he wore to interview in. The point is the man was more than qualified for the job. We tend to look at the person and not what they are capable of doing but what everyone else “says” they are doing. I do not know Chad Maybe he will be a great Mayor or Maybe not? But What everyone forgets is, ONE MAN DOES NOT RUN THIS CITY!!!! That is why you have Council members, oh and a voice. Think ATMORE.

  11. Meforone on April 17th, 2011 8:47 am

    I would vote for this Boy just so Atmore could get what it’s been asking for.

  12. Atmore Resident on April 17th, 2011 5:04 am

    Oh my mercy sakes……

  13. Mr. Deeds on April 16th, 2011 6:11 pm

    @Bobby, take a hike! Go Chad!

  14. no way on April 16th, 2011 3:41 pm

    Ron Paul — no way!

    Job killer!

  15. dola on April 16th, 2011 2:15 pm

    Our next mayor, and not one that so far behind on things before ever taking office. Go Chad go!

  16. gotsumthing to say on April 16th, 2011 12:13 pm

    i’m an old resident of atmore. live there all of my life until i moved to houston, texas at the end of 2008. i use to work w/this guy & he isn’t someone who i would want running the city of atmore. i still have family & friends there who this could effect. what has this little town become.

  17. SupportBobby on April 16th, 2011 11:52 am

    I concur with Bobby and nudo. The gaming official (industry) would love to run Atmore and own as much as they can without having to follow any government rules. They already have their own rules why stop now! They want to take over Atmore.

  18. Mike on April 16th, 2011 11:49 am

    The fact that he supports Ron Paul and likes books by Thomas Woods is enough for me to support him!

  19. nudo on April 16th, 2011 11:17 am

    I agree Bobby. Why would a gaming official want to be in control? Beats me..Wake up Atmore.

  20. Bobby on April 16th, 2011 9:29 am

    And of course he is concerned with the debt the city has by purchasing Rivercane property. The casino wants to buy that property and he works for the casino.

  21. Bobby on April 16th, 2011 9:27 am

    I am not sure if everyone knows just how crooked and underhanded the gaming industry is or not but I see conspiracy written all over this one.

  22. Happy on April 16th, 2011 9:03 am

    This is wonderful news. I was thinking to myself yesterday, “We need a young ambitious person to lead our city” Get out of debt with Rivercane. I will vote for Chad for sure.

  23. SCW on April 16th, 2011 8:55 am

    At least Atmore stands a chance now.We get the dried up boozehound who sucked all the life and money from Atmore while padding his pockets out.Wish I lived in the city limits .Chad may have people willing to stay in Atmore……..

  24. Mike on April 16th, 2011 7:32 am

    I normally don’t vote, but I will register and vote for this guy.

  25. Time for a change on April 16th, 2011 3:37 am

    Chad has my vote!!!