Tax Hike: Shopping Now More Expensive In Atmore

April 1, 2011

Shopping, living, buying gas and even dying is more expensive beginning today in Atmore thanks to new tax hikes.

The Atmore City Council voted to raise many taxes and fees — including the city’s sales tax. Beginning  April 1, sales tax is up one percent — from 8 to 9 percent, along with increases in several other taxes:

  • Atmore’s gas and fuel tax jumped from 2 cents to 3 cents.
  • Lodging tax, such as that on motel and hotel rooms, increased from 8 percent to 10 percent.
  • Atmore’s rental tax on tangible items like vehicles, trailers and clothes jumped from 2 to 5 percent.

City officials said the higher taxes are needed in order to maintain city services despite money saving measures like purchasing used police cars and fire trucks.

The price of a lot in a city-owned cemetery was doubled back in February for residents within the police jurisdiction — from $450 to $900. For everyone else, cemetery lots are now $1,000. There’s also a $125 perpetual care fee, and a $100 burial permit fee.

Pictured: Two shopping centers in Atmore. photos, click to enlarge.


38 Responses to “Tax Hike: Shopping Now More Expensive In Atmore”

  1. Sick on April 6th, 2011 7:48 pm

    I’m sick of the criticism towards Mayor Shell:

    a. I’m very confident that Mayor Shell has given more unselfish service to this community than any of you that are whining. I’m also confident that he is far more experienced with helping our community than anyone else… contest.

    b. I suspect that most of you that are complaining about a 1% tax hike are the same folks that feel “entiltled” to get things for free or a yearly 5% pay raise. But a pay raise for you all is okay…..right? If you want to see our town improve, it costs money.

    c. Concerning bussiness growth, it was only a short time ago when there were many vacant buildings along Lindberg Ave. I believe each building space is full now (except for maybe one).

    d. Concerning “not allowing pets in the park”. I agree with this. I really don’t want toddlers, children and myself stepping in dog poop. ………and “no”, I do not believe any of you whiners will clean up behind your pets.

  2. ????????? on April 6th, 2011 1:46 pm

    Get ready to move ur kids to Fl schools too if you go elsewhere to shop….you spending money elsewhere will hurt your kids and grandkids, but will help those kids in Bay Minette, Pensacola, Mobile and Bratt…..going elsewhere to shop and eat out takes GAS money people….you would rather spend more in gas and keep on making them rich while your hurting and taking away from your own……

  3. rukiddingme on April 4th, 2011 12:19 pm

    The 1 percent in the taxes is not as bad as the gas prices. I went to lunch today at 11, and it was 3.53. Thirty mintues later going back to work, it was 3.59. Now that is what scares me to death. As far as I know there is no one getting a cost of living increase on their paycheck to help out. And in as much as the 1 percent could’ve been worse, I am still going to Fla with the rest of you to buy groceries. The Piggly Wiggly in Century is really nice, and different selections as well.

  4. Meme on April 3rd, 2011 5:33 pm

    We live in fl but would often go to Atmore to eat out or shop but now we will go elsewhere. Money is too tight right now to hand it out when it’s cheaper elsewhere! What a shame, believe it will hurt Atmore in the long run!

  5. sista on April 3rd, 2011 7:48 am

    Let’s quit talking and do something about it. When is the next election? Find out and be a good citizen and vote them out.

  6. Veritas on April 3rd, 2011 1:26 am

    When there is war… profit is to be made to the elites. The U.S. imports over 60% of its oil. So when oil goes up… EVERYTHING GOES UP! Don’t you idiots understand the game we are in??? No you don’t. You’ve been dumbed down and programmed to be an idiot without using logical and critical thinking skills. You’d rather care about who Nick Saban is going to recruit this year, watch your American Idol, watch your sports entertainment, what is Charlie Sheen going to do next, Lindsay Lohan, US weekly magazines, etc.

    Stop whining about the 1%! Get ready for gas to go up to $6 bucks a gallon very soon. Americans have had it too easy. We need some rough times to wake people up so they’ll look “outside the box”. Stop being SHEEPLE!

  7. mike hall on April 3rd, 2011 12:08 am

    The city counsel is delusional. What do they think they live on an island?

    The end result is LESS tax revenue for the city. PEOPLE WILL JUST SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE.

    Another case of stupidity in city leaders.

  8. Scary on April 2nd, 2011 9:20 am

    And I will be taking my business into Florida as well……..

  9. C W on April 1st, 2011 11:42 pm

    Many people in Atmore don’t think twice about paying 10% tax at WalMart in Bay Minette, in addition to the gas. I already do, so this won’t change anything for me.
    I even shop at Winn Dixie in Bay Minette.

    As for going across the line to shop at Piggly Wiggly, I’m sorry but that place is nasty! If I happen to be in Pensacola for something else, sure I’ll go to Publix or WalMart.

  10. Mayor Issue on April 1st, 2011 10:29 pm

    I think someone on in the “Tribe” should run for mayor….then the city should work with Poarch then….

  11. Fl resident on April 1st, 2011 10:27 pm

    Atmore is a dying town, and raising the taxes to 9% is not going to save the town…I grew up in Atmore and now live in Florida. I have tried to support local businesses, but this is ridiculous…I will now be HAPPY to drive to Brewton and go to Walmart or go to Pensacola to get groceries. Get this mayor OUT of office!

  12. bmr on April 1st, 2011 9:26 pm

    Well if you people in Atmore do not like what is going on, you sure can vote them out. so either ,we in florida do not have a say accept we will shop at piggly wiggly. or in pensacola or century. but you folks in atmore need to rise against the your either do something about it or quit complaining.

  13. Atmore native on April 1st, 2011 3:47 pm

    Atmorebusinessowner….I **think** the only requirement for running for mayor is that you must live inside the city limits and be over 18. Likewise, if you wish to run for city coucil, you must live in the district which you run for. You have to file some paperwork with city hall, but I believe it is just a form stating your name, legal address, and your intent to run for public office.

  14. Atmorebusinessowner on April 1st, 2011 3:16 pm

    Does anyone know what are the requirements for running for mayor?
    We have a lot of people in the community with the energy, education, experience and social skills to do a better job than the current Mayor.
    I for one think if you can get a atmosphere where people can disagree and bring different perspectives to the meetings that there are some very good people on the council. I think the ones there now are too afraid to disagree or they will be on the outside looking in.
    Atmore needs everyone pulling in the same direction but bringing the experience from the diverse community which is Atmore (think about all the different cultures in Atmore). What if they had the same goal? New jobs and industry.
    Hopefully we can find a great candidate to get things moving forward.

  15. Atmore native on April 1st, 2011 2:52 pm

    Before the current mayor and city council can be voted out, someone has to actually run against them. Competition for the positions would make everyone work harder at their jobs. Until then, the “good ol’ boys” will continue doing whatever they want with no accountability. Also, and let me say I’m not a Shell supporter, but all of this doesn’t fall solely on his shoulders. We have the city council there who are supposed to be representing their districts. However, I have tried to talk to my councilman several times, and I’m always told there is nothing he can do about it. Another beef of mine is how short the city council meetings run….approximately 15-20 minutes twice a month. There is no way city business can be tended to in that short period of time.

    Back to the subject at hand….All I want to know is why the citizens of Atmore didn’t get a vote on this tax hike? I’ll be with the rest of you grocery shopping in Florida.

  16. brandy on April 1st, 2011 1:48 pm

    I guess that means I will be buying my gas and groceries in Florida. We need some new folks on our city council and a new mayor.

  17. friction against the machine on April 1st, 2011 1:01 pm

    I was personally in a campaign meeting sponsered by a local group in 2008 and heard someone ask councilman web nall an opinion about a city business issue and he said ‘mayor shell said it best.’ That’s the problem shell and his cronies have a choke hold on this community. Added to the problem is that the poplus is unrealing to take a stand and vote them out!
    Do all of you think shell and nall just woke up one day and decided to serve their own agendas? No, this has been going on for years which is why atmore is at the bottom of the heap of local muncipalities. Voters have a responsibility to their comminities just like politicians, if you don’t vote don’t complain.
    It is hard to get good information to base a decision on in this town so being informed requires doing a little work. This website seems to be the equvilent of radio free europe during the cold war. Both papers in atmore are puppets of the regime. Supposedly regime offficials asked the local papers to bury the tax hikes in the back pages of the paper back when it first passed. Everyone should boycott these newspapers and organize against the atmore click. Wake up, vote the bums out

  18. atmore lady on April 1st, 2011 12:24 pm

    It is time to vote him out. It has been time for a change in Atmore. Nothing is here. The kids have nothing to do positive so they get into other things. What about a bowling ally? Bring back the skating rink with security or game rooms. That will give our teens something to do and some jobs for the Atmore people. What about more businesses like, food stores, clothing stores, supply stores, etc. There is nothing to do in Atmore. We have no choice but to move or shop else were. I see comments that dog Wal-Mart bc they do not have American made products well the people in America is the reason why. Everything in Atmore is going up but no jobs and no help. Florida has so much to give and offer. Where is all our money going? oh,i forgot,gas,high light bills, ridiculous water bills and fee’s, high food prices now higher tax. Yes, bay minette did increase their taxes but for a good cause. Nobody told the Mayor to invest millions into the river cane project knowing that no businesses would come here or that he wouldn’t allow them to come here. He should have played his cards right and things in line before planning such a large project that is now becoming land for farmers. Let’s speak up Atmore and get rid of these people and make a bigger and better future for our kids and grandkids. Atmore has potential; we just have to stick together. The Indians is not to blame, they just a leader with common sense and one that cares for their own.You cant even die and get a reasonable burial.Sad,Sad,Sad.

  19. Anit-Mayor Shell on April 1st, 2011 11:42 am

    Sounding like another socialist terrorist to me. It’s time for CHANGE in local government in the Atmore area. How much more can stand to be lost here. The citizens are in no way a concern to this bunch of quacks in office right now. There needs to a complete cleansing of the system in Atmore. Out with the old..(this is YOU Mr.Shell) and IN with some positive and competent leadership for Atmore. Now lets go to the piggly wiggly……

  20. Look at the math on April 1st, 2011 11:30 am

    $200 in groceries is $218 in Atmore now, still $200 in Florida.

    $50 in medication in Atmore is now $54.50.

    With no tax on food or meds in Florida, look how much you can save.

    That’s $22.50 in tax I can save by not going to Atmore. That buys my gas to get to Pensacola where the selection is wider and the prices are cheaper. The $200 in groceries in Atmore might cost you $175 at the right store in Pcola…so that $47.50 I’ve saved by staying out of Atmore.

  21. Atmorebusinessowner on April 1st, 2011 11:26 am

    mercyme: Please tell me you really don’t think the Indians are the issue. Big surprise that they want to get things done to help their business. Most business owners would try and get things that help their business. Could you imagine what this community would be like with out their support? Think of the money they put into schools, the money they put into the Chamber, the money they put into almost every business in this community. I know I would be in a lot worse shape business wise if it were not doing business with me. What would unemployment be? Time to get off of the envy pill with the Indians and figure out how to become a good partner. Look how well it works for Shell when you try to work against the Tribe. I for one am sick and tires of all the racist people envious of what they have built . Hard work pays off. They were given nothing read your history.

  22. mercyme on April 1st, 2011 11:03 am

    Atmore officials are not only out of touch with with the constituents who elected them, they are being bullied and bluffed by the Indians AGAIN. The recent meeting where the Indians asked the City for permission, or consent, or whatever to put more land into trust is because trust land, and any economic development on trust land, cannot be taxed. Also more casinos and gambling activities can be put on trust land with no intervention from anybody. Federal Marshalls can go on trust land with a valid federal legal reason, but no other law enforcement can go there without tribal permission. Smoke and mirrors, and Atmore officials are falling head over heels for it hook-line-and-sinker. The biggest parts of Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi used to belong to the Indians and it looks like it will again.

  23. Atmorebusinessowner on April 1st, 2011 10:40 am

    Soapbox Congrats on you and Shell agreeing on the dog issue. It seems in most communities the dogs on leashes with their families in the parks work. But I am sure you and Shell are right and should decide for the rest of us. Why not let the community decide. And befor you start I don’t own a dog. I just think this is the overriding issue with our communtity. You have a few people who take a minority opinion and dictate to the majority because they know whats best. Well I for one am questioning if they know best. When is the last time you saw a new business open up in Atmore? How many new jobs are being created? What roll did the Mayor or City council play in securing that business. The pie is getting smaller, our leadership answer is to get a bigger slice. What happens to the business. They become less profitable. Look and see how many business’s have gone out during this administration. Whats a thriving business in Atmore?

  24. judith on April 1st, 2011 10:31 am

    just a word about some of the mess in atmore just shop with a broke arm have a buggy of groceries ha they stand there and watch you struggle and want even help hello winn dixie i left and not coming back check and see how much i bought with your card awole lot about 300.00 t0 400.00 at a time a week goodbye hello walmartas for sheel wake up have been told buy those that know he want let the pappers print any thing about the crime that is going on in atmore

  25. Soapbox on April 1st, 2011 10:08 am

    If you want to own and dog. Let him go in your yard, not the park. One thing I am in agreement with Mayor Shell about, only thing.

  26. Atmorebusinessowner on April 1st, 2011 9:27 am

    Oh and by the way Mytwocents the reason you cant take your dogs to the park? Mayor Shell has decided against no other reason given nor I guess needed. As long he wants something no one on the board will oppose him. Maybe the council should cut their pay also since they just move their lips while Shell talks.

  27. Atmorebusinessowner on April 1st, 2011 9:23 am

    Mom: Baldwin county raised taxes last year to support shortfalls on education and it was voted on. Bay Minette has not raised city taxes since 2008 if the facts matter. Atmore raised city taxes with not only not having a vote but also not
    announcing they were going to discuss the matter priior to their meeting where they passed it.
    John you are right the mayor has reduced his pay. I would rather spend the extra 10k to have leadership that is willing to work hard to create new opportunities for this community. Every supporter for Shell points to his reducing his pay. Here is a strange idea point to something he has accomplished instead.
    I know for a fact our city mayor and council did not even know about the car company trying to come into Bay Minette until a State Rep called to say they were headed to Gulf Shores to meet with the group. We are out of touch with not only outside businesss leaders but also the local ones.
    Hopefully someone will run who cares more about leading and finding oportunities then the good ole boys. If not heres to our kids and grandkids continueing to move off to start there adult careers.

  28. concerned citizen on April 1st, 2011 9:16 am

    I imagine a lot of Atmore folks will be buying their groceries and several other items in Florida now.. This could shrink the tax base to the point that they might actually collect less tax even though they are charging more.. I really hope that this does not happen..

  29. Mytwocents on April 1st, 2011 8:37 am

    You cannot even take your dog to the park for a walk in Atmore, but in every city I have ever been you can. Even in Washington,DC. I will not shop in Atmore or stay in any hotel here. We need a new mayor for sure and one that will tell us what is going on in business when he writes in the Atmore News Magazine each month, we are tired of his personal life. Who cares, we need leadership not socializing.

  30. momto2wonderfuldogs on April 1st, 2011 8:33 am

    how can you get a new mayor when no one wants to run for the office…looks like Atmore has no choices. I find it really hard to believe that no one will run for this…we have a lot of younger people out there with great business ideas that work in the community that would be GREAT, but nobody wants the job. Bay Minette raised thier taxes last year so stop saying no other city is doing this, they are …all the time and it’s the voters that do it, not the city officials…..

  31. JohnJohn on April 1st, 2011 8:20 am

    According to an article in a local newspaper, around the end of 2010, Mayor Shell made a decision to cut his own pay from $35,000 per year to $25,000 per year. So, willie, as far as that goes, get your facts right. If anyone doesn’t like the way things are being handled in our town, either speak up and try to change things, or leave…

  32. willie on April 1st, 2011 7:50 am

    Maybe they could cut the salary of the Part time mayor. He makes almost $50,000 a year and drives a city car. All for a part time position. Its time to see how many are doing for what they call “PUBLIC SERVICE” Yeah right, cut their pay and see how long they stay.

  33. Atmore lady on April 1st, 2011 7:48 am

    I will not be shopping to much around atmore.I know we need to try to put money into the city in which we live but the more we put in the -two month trip for food and clothing.Some thing truly needs to be done to ole Mayor Shell.

  34. Stu on April 1st, 2011 7:03 am

    Hello, Piggly Wiggly

  35. Mike on April 1st, 2011 6:46 am

    Who voted for these guys?

  36. cj on April 1st, 2011 6:42 am

    I think its crazy, you don’t see other city raising their price..its already hard enough with two people working and one has two jobs..I think if they would spend the money wisely then they shouldn’t have to raise any taxes..and dont let them lie to you..most fire departments get donated fire trucks! I think its a lot of bull!

  37. johnny on April 1st, 2011 4:28 am

    I for sure now will shop in Florida!!

  38. Atmorebusinessowner on April 1st, 2011 12:46 am

    Another example of tired ideas by a out of date mayor and puppet city council
    Not only have they done nothing to increase our economy they continue to waste
    the current tax dollars coming in. (rivercane) Hopefully we have seen enough of
    Mr. Shell and will get new leadership that will work with our Indian neighbors not
    against them. We cannot afford Shells ego anymore. What has the current administration done to create jobs? I can tell you as a business owner in Atmore nothing that I know of. Time for change and leadership that is going to create good jobs for our kids and grandkids (not make excuses), not create new taxes because we were poor stewards of the money that they were entrusted to them manage. Just my 2cents. Since this was not voted on by the public.