Tate High Sex Assault Suspect, 16, Pleads No Contest; Gets Probation

April 11, 2011

The 16-year old accused of the sexual assault of a another student at Tate High School pleaded no contest this morning to charges against him.

Raymond Eugene Teamer will remain on probation until he is 19-years old, must avoid contact with the victim, undergo counseling, perform 40 hours of community service, have at 8 p.m. curfew and was ordered by Circuit Judge Ross Goodman to write a two-page letter of apology to the 14-year old victim.

According to the arrest report, Teamer exposed his genitals to at least four people while attending a class at Tate High School on March 1. He is also accused of grabbing the girl by the neck and forcing her head down into his bare crotch. He was charged with felony sexual battery and indecent exposure.

Teamer  had remained held in the Juvenile Detention Center since his arrest in early March.


38 Responses to “Tate High Sex Assault Suspect, 16, Pleads No Contest; Gets Probation”

  1. David Huie Green on April 14th, 2011 10:12 pm

    “if you’re innocent then you DON’T accept a plea deal.”

    I posted previous note before this, didn’t mean to argue—-but, you know me.

    Anyhoo, there have been cases of people who are factually innocent pleading nolo contendere. They just don’t want to gamble with potential consequences.

    If you’re facing the death penalty and the facts seem lined up against you, 5 years with Big Bubba may sound preferable to Old Sparky, even though he’s retired.

    Some who have been freed by DNA evidence after twenty years pled nolo contendere or even guilty to a rape DNA shows they COULD NOT HAVE COMMITTED as charged. They may have stood by and figured that was just as bad, may have even been waiting their turn and missed their chance for whatever reason. (I suspect some may even be chimeras–single humans formed from two different fertilized cells–and their crime scene DNA doesn’t match their cheek swab DNA, but have never seen where such was proven.)

    There was an interesting case in Pensacola several years back when the defendant said “Nolo contendere even though I’m innocent.”

    The judge explained to him nolo contendere was an admission of guilt and asked why he was pleading it if he was innocent. The man explained that “somebody” had told him it would be better to plead that for his first offence charge since he would get a lighter sentence if he didn‘t fight it.

    The judge asked him to identify the lawyer who so advised. He couldn’t. The judge looked at the listed evidence and the charges and threw the case out.

    David considering reasons for false actions,
    not that they apply here

  2. David Huie Green on April 14th, 2011 9:54 pm

    “no·lo con·ten·de·re
    A plea made by the defendant in a criminal action that is substantially but not technically an admission of guilt and subjects the defendant to punishment but permits denial of the alleged facts in other proceedings.”

    For example, a victim could not use “nolo contendere” in a civil suit but could use “guilty” in one.

    In fact, a judge can even throw out a plea of GUILTY for a number of reasons. Interesting world in which we live isn’t it?

    Point goes to Mary

  3. Bjay on April 14th, 2011 9:53 pm

    @ Mary- So your saying that you were guilty when you plead out to the charges and they withheld ajudication on you? My point is still the same and “David” pointed it out in much more detail than me but if your innocent then you DONT accept a plea deal. I have had my fair share of troubles as well but I plead out because I was guilty. This thug is GUILTY! PERIOD! He needs a more severe punishment and I hope it finds him.

  4. Mary on April 14th, 2011 4:28 pm

    @ Bjay…No No No..only the judge can “adjudicate” some1 guilty..when I was younger(much) I wrote a bunch of bad checks…I pleaded no contest to all of that & I pleaded no contest on DUIs….Yeah I was guilty but I could have wasted the tax payers $$$ & plead “not guilty” & gone to a “Judge” or “Jury” Trial….& maybe got lucky & found not guilty…I just wanted it all over with!!! AND..by the way..some of it ..I was “adjudicated” NOT GUILTY on some of the above mention “crimes”..

  5. Mallory Taylor on April 14th, 2011 3:48 pm

    Shame is our sheriffs office failed to report this when it happened. Their sro knew early and the sheriff spoke to soon against the school board. The sheriff owes the superintendent an apology.

  6. Bjay on April 13th, 2011 11:44 pm

    @ David- Thank you for pointing out what most of us understand but a few just cant seem to grasp it. For the slower people No contest = GUILTY!

    @Tatemom- I assure you that out of all of the stupid things I did while a teenager, or even since then, I have NEVER “grabbed a girl by the neck and forced her head down into his bare crotch”! I dont care if he was 12 he should be in jail! If it were your daughter you would agree. I totally get the “kids will be kids” thing in most cases but not in a “felony sexual battery and indecent exposure” case.

  7. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2011 11:24 pm

    “Entering a plea of “no contest,” simply means he is not contesting the matter, NOR pleading guilty.”

    The code for disposition of a case is:

    Legally, there is no difference between guilty and nolo. When you say you don’t contest the charge, you are saying you do not disagree with it. It’s like a double negative, if you don’t disagree with it, that means you DO agree with it.

    But this isn’t grammar, rather how it is looked upon by the courts. It’s usually used when presented with the evidence against the one charged and he can see it’s sufficient to convict so he agrees to the charge to avoid danger of the maximum penalty possible. The prosecution accepts a nolo in exchange for recommending lower punishment and not having the expense of court time.

    They also avoid the danger of a juror who says, “I don’t care if it’s obvious he did it; I just won’t vote to convict because the victim had it coming because she wasn‘t wearing a burqa. Besides women shouldn‘t be allowed in school with men.” In such cases they can usually still get a conviction but have to retry the case.

    David contemplating sharia law
    and similar attitudes

  8. William on April 13th, 2011 6:21 pm

    >>>Finally, why was this boy’s full name and photo published publicly? It is my understanding that it is against the law to reveal identitiies of juveniles without consent of their PARENTS, except in extenuating cases where they are charged as adults.

    Because he was charged with a felony. The name, address and photo of any juvenile charge with a felony is public record in Florida. That’s why the Sheriff’s Office emailed the info and photo to all local media.

  9. Tate mom on April 13th, 2011 3:42 pm

    Several points:

    1. Entering a plea of “guilty,” means just that. Entering a plea of “not guilty” means the case would have to go through the process of an actual trial (by judge), dragging out for many months, and at significant expense to the taxpayers. Entering a plea of “no contest,” simply means he is not contesting the matter, NOR pleaing guilty.

    2. Let us remember that this guy is S I X T E E N Y E A R S – O L D. SIXTEEN YEAR-OLD BRAINS do not work like adult brains. They do not always make sound choices and decisions (both males and females), THAT IS WHY THEY ARE CONSIDERED MINORS! They are not ready to fly solo in the real world on their own. Their minds and decision-making skills are developing—and, yes, they make mistakes. The idea is that hopefully they learn from those mistakes.

    Get a grip, people. Look back on your own teen years, and think about how many fantastic decisions you made before you actually grew up.

    3. Finally, why was this boy’s full name and photo published publicly? It is my understanding that it is against the law to reveal identitiies of juveniles without consent of their PARENTS, except in extenuating cases where they are charged as adults.

  10. hawghead on April 12th, 2011 7:20 pm

    I’m sure we will hear from this guy again in the future. A slap on the wrist at age 16 will lead to a lenghty prison sentence by age 25. I just hope some innocent person does not suffer again at his hands. Judge and prosecutor get ready he’ll be back in hands sometime in the not so distant future…..

  11. Kimberly on April 12th, 2011 6:13 pm

    I hope that everyone on here saying things in defense of “poor lil baby boy” will remember his name and mug shot for future reference……..
    THIS is disgusting!
    btw.. Raging hormones? You. Have. Got. Be. Kidding!!! Good grief!

  12. ProudArmyParent on April 12th, 2011 12:41 pm

    ■Floridian , are you nutz! At the least Raymond exposed himself in a classroom, that alone makes him a SEX OFFENDER! It is called lewd and lascivious, it is a crime!

  13. ProudArmyParent on April 12th, 2011 12:34 pm

    Here is my thought: why the 8pm curfew? He does his dirty deeds in broad daylight, it the middle of a full classroom! Where is the sence to this judges reasoning. If I had any child going to Tate and he came back there my child would be out of there so fast.

  14. kb on April 12th, 2011 12:33 pm

    I agree with others who have pointed out that both students were in the wrong. The boy deserves punishment for his actions, but he is not the only guilty party involved. I know that in a room full of other students and a teacher, no one would have forced me to do anything of this nature. Why did this young lady not scream or bite him?

  15. Bjay on April 12th, 2011 11:47 am

    Somebody please explain to me where this girl has been forced down on a guy before this incident. I keep reading that she has done this several times in her past. So that means she was FORCED on a guy before. If your saying that she has been caught doing sexual favors then wheres your proof? A teenage kids gossip isnt proof. Its a sad day when people try to bash a victim. I am ashamed of the north end right now. We are supossed to be better than this.

  16. Football Mom of 3 on April 12th, 2011 11:25 am

    Right on Concerned Mom – you took the words right out of my mouth!

  17. bjay on April 12th, 2011 11:11 am

    @mary- No contest means that he he is not contesting the charge. It means hes not fighting what they are charging him with. It means he’s guilty! He is choosing to not fight the charge claiming his guilt. He is guilty! And for somebody to to bring the VICTIMS past into it is rediculous. Was you son there when this girl did the stuff she is being accused of? If niot then its just rumor. When it first started it was just ione time in her past and now its several? Sounds like a rumor without any fact base, unlike this thug who is guilty and he plead out.

  18. Concerned mom on April 12th, 2011 10:36 am

    I have a son and he goes to Tate. I have raised him the right way and he would never do anything like this; however not all children have the luxury of being brought up in a good home. I am not okay with this young man’s behaviour but you can not condem only him. We as a society are just as responsible. My son tells me things constantly that happen on school property and nothing is ever heard of it in the news. Where was the teacher when this was happening? For that matter – how can witnesses who saw the crime just watch and not get a teacher. My understanding from other students at Tate and not just my son is this girl is not exactly innocent not that I am saying she deserved it but do we really know the whole story??? Besides when it happened or supposedly happened she told no one. Just think about it before you start labeling this young man as a thug – he may just be a teenager with raging hormones that someone needs to explain what is acceptable and what is not.

  19. joe on April 12th, 2011 10:22 am

    This punishment is a joke! this is just a slap in the face to the comunity, it confirms that the judicial system needs to be overhauled. this young man will not learn from this. he should be in jail and listed as a registered sex offender! this is an outrage!

  20. David Huie Green on April 12th, 2011 10:09 am

    “The girl should be punished”

    A young gentleman exposes himself to at least four people and shoves one’s head down into his groin- – - and you attack the girl.


    David for attacking victims??

  21. Mary on April 12th, 2011 9:32 am

    @ BJAY…he did not plead guilty..he just didnt say he did or that he didnt..NO CONTEST!!! yeah if it was MY daughter….there would be a problem…But I have 2 girls(grown) ..they would have never done this & as the story states..this is not the 1st time the girl was involved in the same sort of “Thing”..wasnt even the 2nd..so what has the mother been doing instead of raising her girl the rite way.

  22. xpeecee on April 12th, 2011 7:43 am


  23. Bjay on April 12th, 2011 12:04 am

    What does the girls past have to do with this thug grabbing her by the back of her neck and forcing her down on him? “another teacher” and “floridian” you 2 have serious problems in your head! This thug accepted a plea saying that this was true. Dont defend him and dang sure dont belittle the victim. This boy better be happy it wasnt my daughter because it wouldnt be done yet if it was.

  24. Floridian on April 11th, 2011 10:43 pm

    The girl should be punished for lying in court ! This is not her first time doing this ! I think the punishment was perfect . Raymond has never been in trouble like the girl has !

  25. ProudArmyParent on April 11th, 2011 9:35 pm

    Ok, are you kidding me? Where is the punishment> At least tell me he has to register as a Sex Offender, cause that is what he is!

  26. another teacher on April 11th, 2011 6:33 pm

    “Mary on April 11th, 2011 12:51 pm
    Maybe the Judge took into consideration of the girls past..”

    How right you are Mary. What this boy did was WRONG. The fact that this was not this girl’s first, second or third time involved in this sort of behavior, going back to 7th grade – should be taken into consideration. They both need counseling, and both should be punished.

  27. MO on April 11th, 2011 4:19 pm


  28. ME on April 11th, 2011 3:31 pm

    Im sorry, I still dont see how this happened in a room full of people and the teacher didnt see or hear anything

  29. little raine on April 11th, 2011 3:30 pm

    Boy is the system messed up. If it were my son he would be under the jail.
    Yes we are in BIG trouble.

  30. Parental Frustration on April 11th, 2011 3:17 pm

    Although Teamer’s court hearing this morning was PUBLIC, the Assistant to the Asst. States Attorney would not say if Teamer’s plea deal included any counseling. The Assistant said: If it were your son, would you want the public to know the details of his plea deal? WOW what a reason for not saying if Teamer would go to “counseling” or not. AMAZING!

    I see NOW why he got such a flimsy slap on the wrist.

    We are in BIG TROUBLE people! BIG!

    Teamer might be able to go back to Tate next year if Tate says it’s okay. From what I’ve seen, Tate might roll out the red carpet for him.

  31. more questions than answers on April 11th, 2011 1:30 pm

    Why does he not have to register as a sex offender? Why does he not have to write letters of apology to the other people in the classroom that he exposed himself to?
    What if the girl decides to come back to school at Tate? How will they avoid contact? Will he or has he been expelled from Tate?

  32. Mary on April 11th, 2011 12:51 pm

    Maybe the Judge took into consideration of the girls past..even though they are not supose to..they do…AND..Maybe…the guy just pleaded “no contest” to get it over…NO rapist should NOT get probation..it happens all the time..My rapist put a butcher knife to my neck & he got probation ..the charge…Sexual Battery w/LITTLE force..Go figure….Hopefully ALL learned a valuable lesson & move on to a better life!

  33. Bjay on April 11th, 2011 12:15 pm

    This is crazy. I hope the parents of the victim has the same mentality of me because justice hasnt been served yet. I wonder if we will see “tateteacher” and all 3 of his friends on here defending him since he basically admitted to the crime. And how about all of these idiots on here bashing the victim because of her past. You all were idiots and I hope this outcome (although not enough) shows you that your boy is a thug and deserves to be in jail.

  34. paul on April 11th, 2011 11:39 am

    ” He was charged with felony sexual battery and indecent exposure.”

    I don’t have any faith in our justice system and this is just another reason why. A person should Never get probation for rape, I think we’ll be hearing from this one again..

  35. Spanky on April 11th, 2011 11:30 am

    It’s ok…..cause florida is passing a law that reduces the punishment for minors sending porn via text messages. So next time he can just take a pic of it and send it that way. This world is something else.

  36. A JOKE on April 11th, 2011 11:13 am

    What was the point of even arresting him. Could have gave him a slap on the wrist at the school. This is sending a message to all boys and men. They can get away with anything as far as the law is concerned! Girls just need to have the confidence to BITE and KICK and boys will learn a lesson!

  37. Molino-Anon on April 11th, 2011 11:04 am

    What a joke of an outcome, if it where my daughter he done this to he wouldn’t have to worry about pleading anything.

  38. Splat on April 11th, 2011 10:45 am

    this punishment is a flat out joke and disgrace.