Students Learn The Buzz About Bees

April 13, 2011

Second grade students from Jay Elementary School  recently had the opportunity to learn about bees. Roy Smith and Ernest “Peaches” Peach of the North Escambia Bee Association spoke to Mrs.Roberson, Mrs. Steele, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Floyd’s  second grade classes, teaching them all about the different jobs of bees, their life cycle, the art of beekeeping and all about honey. Pictured top: “Peaches” shows a demonstration hive to students.  Pictured inset: Peach and Roy Smith (left) explain beekeeping. Submitted photos by Julia Thorton for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Students Learn The Buzz About Bees”

  1. bleeding blue and orange on April 15th, 2011 1:13 pm

    Thanks Mike and William. It is a shame you don’t see roadside stands like in the past. I used to pass by stands all the time working in Milton but I just cant seem to find them anymore. You cant beat local honey though.

  2. Mike Willett on April 13th, 2011 9:24 pm

    These guys are at the Pensacola Interstate Fair every year, and they always have a lot of great info about this fascinating hobby. Great stories too!

  3. William on April 13th, 2011 12:15 pm

    >>Do you have any contact info to get local honey from them?

    Not right off hand. But I’m working on that for you. Anyone else know where to get local honey?

  4. bleeding blue and orange on April 13th, 2011 12:08 pm

    Do you have any contact info to get local honey from them? Thanks and love your storys William.

  5. whitepunknotondope on April 13th, 2011 9:08 am

    What a neat experience for the kids.

    Thanks to Roy and Peaches for donating their time to give these kids an up-close education on bees.