State Attorney: Deputies Justified In Shooting 25 Times At Suspect

April 9, 2011

The State Attorney’s Office says Escambia County deputies were justified when they fired their weapons during the October hostage standoff that seriously wounded Deputy Jeremy Cassady.

On October 29, deputies responded to a home off Scenic Highway were Phillip Monier was holding his ex-girlfriend Jackie Rosenbloom hostage. According to the State Attorney’s report, Cassady fired the first shot at Monier’s head and missed. Fourteen deputies in all fired a total of 25 shots, none of which hit Monier.

The hostage, Rosenbloom, was struck a number times in the pelvis and leg. She survived her injuries.


15 Responses to “State Attorney: Deputies Justified In Shooting 25 Times At Suspect”

  1. terrycanal on April 10th, 2011 5:17 pm

    @molino man; What crime did the hostage commit? Sorry sir the only coward was the deputy(s) that consciously chose to abandon thier trainingand turn thier back on the badge. Never I repeat NEVER should anyone BLINDLY shoot a gun at someone! There is no excuse for that.

    An “armchair quarterback?” I am pretty certain I have more combat time than you. Against TRAINED soldiers not drug addicts. I wouldn’t care if the suspect got his head blown off. My concern is the innocent person that somehow got shot five times. Again there is no good excuse for that.

  2. Time for change on April 10th, 2011 2:47 pm

    Once again, the innocent are the victims.

  3. Molino Man on April 10th, 2011 11:28 am

    @ Terry.. you seem to overlook the crime. This is not about a cops missing a target…all involved had all the traning to take the man down but in a hostage situation..You can never play “armchair quaterback”. Too bad for the outcome but at least all survived . Sorry I can’t say that for Monier…he’s a coward.

  4. Name (required) on April 9th, 2011 7:10 pm

    I am glad they were found to be ‘justified’.

    Any who feel ‘justified’ to second guess, criticize, or generally cast dispersions
    should realize that the perspective from behind your keyboard is very very
    different then being in harms way.

    Our LEO’s place themselves in harms way every day to protect all of us. Live fire
    is VERY different then what you may perceive from watching tv or playing video games. 25 shots may well have been restraint. If I or my loved ones were in harms ways, I would expect the count to be MUCH higher….

    God bless the Escambia County Sheriffs Office!!!!

  5. xpeecee on April 9th, 2011 3:21 pm

    Thank you, Sir for your past service. However, I think you are full of it! I am thankful for our heros (Deputies), who face death every day for us…

  6. TerryCanal on April 9th, 2011 2:32 pm

    What gets me is everyone is rewarding the deputy for failing. NEVER REWARD FAILURE. In any other city there would be somekind of protocol change or something. Instead they are ignoring the wrong decisions made by the deputies, And praising him as a hero. And sadly they same mistakes will be made again.

  7. TerryCanal on April 9th, 2011 2:27 pm

    As soon as they saw that it was a hostage situation then they should have called in the negotiator, not initiate a gun battle. He did not shoot unitl Cassidy shot at him.

    Stress this and stress that. They are trained to be in stressful situations.

  8. TerryCanal on April 9th, 2011 2:25 pm

    No it is disgraceful to blindly shoot your weapon at a hostage. We should thank god the hostage is not dead, she was after all shot FIVE times. Maybe the deputies are in the wrong line of work. If you take the heat/pressure get the heck out of the kitchen. A lot of time and money went into training these deputies and to forget your training is just plan disgraceful.

    And I have had rounds shot at me overseas and I did not choke. The weak links in our unit were reasigned so they would not hurt us, an innocent person of themselves.

  9. Think on April 9th, 2011 1:54 pm

    I think people are too quick to judge. Those deputies were reacting under
    Extremely stressful situations. No one should judge them. You weren’t
    There and can not possibly know what it is like to see someone hold someone hostage and then watch as they shoot at you and hit one of you. It’s a disgrace to think that you can judge especially when Jeremy almost died and still isn’t out of the woods yet! Instead why dont you thank God everyone involved is alive!

  10. I guess you know all. on April 9th, 2011 1:43 pm

    The reason they did not initially call in a hostgage negotiator is they did not know it was a hostage situation until they entered the house. If you think they are a bad shot lets drop some rounds unsuspectedly on you at close range and see how accurate you are returning fire.

  11. terrycanal on April 9th, 2011 12:01 pm

    When the suspect took a hostage I wonder why the deputies did not call in the hostage negotiator? Instead they tried to be a hero at the hostages expense. There should be a charity drive for the hostage!

  12. terrycanal on April 9th, 2011 11:20 am

    The hostage was shot five times by the deputies! And they only hit the suspect once in the finger!

  13. huh on April 9th, 2011 9:33 am

    Bad shot!!! 25 shots fired and they managed to hit victim and missed the target. I believe some training is in order

  14. jim leath on April 9th, 2011 9:04 am


  15. xpeecee on April 9th, 2011 7:52 am

    Don’t threaten a deputy – don’t get shot at! Sorry they missed!