South Florida Senator Calls For Northwest Florida Prisons To Be Privatized

April 8, 2011

A Florida senator filed an a legislative amendment this week calling for the privatization of the six state prisons in Northwest Florida, including Century Correctional Institution.

Senator Mike Fasano, declined to explain why he had targeted Century CI and the other prisons in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes and Washington counties. But the amendment stated that prisons in Northwest Florida should be privatized  “in lieu of privatization of South Florida prison operations”.

With the amendment to the Senate’s General Appropriations Bill, Fasano claimed the state could save $27 million of the states $390 million correctional budget with the move.

Sen. Greg Evers, whose district includes all of the targeted prisons, quickly spoke out in opposition to the amendment. Evers filed his own amendment to replace Fasano’s amendment and, instead, privatize prisons in South Florida.

Fasano is withdrawing his amendment, with Evers to follow suit.


9 Responses to “South Florida Senator Calls For Northwest Florida Prisons To Be Privatized”

  1. EnoughAlready on April 11th, 2011 10:58 am

    WAY TO GO SEN. GREG EVERS!!! Keep the bad boys on their toes!

  2. eab on April 9th, 2011 11:01 pm

    I have friends who work in the prison system (and, come to think of it, maybe some old cronies who are inside) and I don’t want anyone to lose their jobs but you have to admit, this is hilarious.

    I don’t know what Fasano was trying to pull or what kind of past he and Evers might have but this is just strange.

  3. Big Daddy on April 9th, 2011 3:14 pm

    Thanks to Senator Evers for standing up to Snake in the grass Fasano

  4. Just sayin' on April 8th, 2011 1:29 pm

    Ya know, a lot of older people PREFER to work instead of retiring. Too many older people fall apart when they quit working. Once they have “nothing to do”, their health declines and they soon die. Maybe she didn’t want to be one of those people.

    I’m not taking up for Rick Scott by any means. I don’t know enough about him to say one way or the other. I have heard the hearsay, but I haven’t seen the proof so I invoke my right to reserve judgment until he proves himself one way or the other as governor.

  5. Just thinking on April 8th, 2011 12:11 pm

    His mother looked kind of frightened of him in that commercial saying how grateful she was to him for giving her a job all these years – good Lord, couldn’t he let her retire with some of that Medicare money he made.

  6. Concerned on April 8th, 2011 9:12 am

    People, take out all of your fustrations in the 2012 Elections…..somehow for what ever reason we voted for a change in this country, now we see that change isn’t what folks thought was coming……….The Rich will keep getting Richer!
    Just still can’t understand why we continue to allow history repeat itself?????????????

  7. darryl on April 8th, 2011 8:25 am

    The problem with privatization of public functions is the notion that they can be operated profitably at all locations when in fact the rural areas will probably suffer from these types of policies. Public services are set up as such to provide all users equal service. Mail delivery, were it to be privatized would cease to operate in non-profitable areas; rural America.

  8. ProudArmyParent on April 8th, 2011 8:01 am

    Sounds to me that Senator Mike Fasano is one of Govenor Scott’s “do boys.” You people don’t know what you did when you voted for Scott. Our state is in for a long four years. Scott is out for himself and himself only. Who do you thinks companies will be putting in bids for these privatize prisons? Hmmmm. Think about it! Yeah his momma was right he is a”good boy,” oooops sorry make that one of the Good Ole’ Boys! The kind of Ole’ Boy that fills their pockets out of the tills.

  9. driven on April 8th, 2011 4:26 am

    This is just another way to make someone rich/richer…

    What a disgrace.