Scott Pushes For Tax Cuts – Again

April 29, 2011

In his weekly radio address, Gov. Rick Scott reiterated Thursday his plea for tax cuts in the budget.

“Some in the Legislature doubt these tax cuts can happen. I am confident they can and should get it done,” Scott said. He added that “with strong, conservative legislator leaders like House Speaker Cannon and Senate President Haridopolos, I cannot imagine a budget that doesn’t include tax cuts that will create jobs.”

Legislative leaders have stalled for weeks on answering definitively whether they would put tax cuts in the budget.

Cannon responded to the address Thursday by saying “we are doing everything we can to get him some meaningful corporate tax relief,” adding that there are “no promises” and it’s too soon to guarantee tax cuts.

By The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Scott Pushes For Tax Cuts – Again”

  1. billy on April 29th, 2011 11:09 pm

    Love ya Scott

  2. Kathy on April 29th, 2011 5:27 pm

    You are brain washed. The reason corporations won’t come to Escambia County, is we are the the number 1 most polluted county in the state of Fla. Rank 10th in the nation. Our cancer and infant death rate is extremely high. There is no healthy life in Escambia. Plus there is no space close to a large metropolitan area. There is no metropolitan area here. Next Fla has the highest rate of sink holes in the United States. Just like one of the senators said he never has heard that industry and corporation won’t move here because of taxes. Many corporations are in Miami.

  3. Jane on April 29th, 2011 9:57 am

    The reason that Alabama has lots of businesses there is that they offer tax incentives to businesses. This is why Escambia County and Florida have such high unemployment…businesses go where there is a business friendly environment!

  4. Name (required) on April 29th, 2011 9:19 am


    The paycheck that ‘the working man’ gets come from…
    ,,, corporations. If you want to get folks back to work,
    you have to give business incentive to hire.

    Right now, because of Obamacare it is a terrible penalty
    (for example) for a business to hire it’s 51st employee. If
    you can create tax incentives to encourage business to;
    come to Florida, and hire more employees then you help
    “us working folks”….

  5. Don on April 29th, 2011 8:41 am

    Funny thing the Gov. really worries about his corp. buddies like they need more money what about us working folkes!!!!!!