Proposed Amendment Targets Federal Health Overhaul

April 26, 2011

Readying for a ballot fight in 2012, the House Health & Human Services Committee on Monday approved a proposed constitutional amendment that targets a key part of the federal health overhaul.

The proposed amendment says laws or rules “may not compel, directly or indirectly, any person or employer to purchase, obtain or otherwise provide for health care coverage.”

The Senate has already approved its version of the measure, which would seek to allow Floridians to opt out of the “individual mandate” in the health law that President Obama and congressional Democrats passed last year. That mandate will require almost all Americans to have health insurance in 2014. The Health & Human Services Committee voted 8-6 for the proposal, sending it to the full House.

Sponsor Scott Plakon, R-Longwood, said it would allow people to make their own choices about health care. But Rep. Elaine Schwartz, D-Hollywood, said it is one of several attacks by Florida Republicans on the health law.


3 Responses to “Proposed Amendment Targets Federal Health Overhaul”

  1. Lady on April 26th, 2011 9:21 pm

    I hope this “forced” health care bill is repealed. I know we need health insurance very badly especially as we get older but it’s got to be affordable. My advice is to prepare for health insurance when you are young. Don’t depend on Medicare because that isn’t a “drop in the bucket” when catrostophic illness hits. Just as we save for bad times, we must save, save, save for our illnesses. When you get ill and have to have “round the clock” care that is when you must have that “rainy” day savings ready. I’ve seen families wiped out because they had so many medical bills before leaving this old world. Young people, think about this as you work and bring home good pay checks. It may not always be that way.

  2. Jane on April 26th, 2011 6:16 pm

    It is one thing to have a choice, quite another to be forced to purchase something you can not afford! The health care plan removes the preexisting conditions from health insurance companies, so they can’t use that as an excuse, however, they CAN charge you more for insurance! Do some research and you will find this is a BAD bill, which will just cost people more than the can afford and reward the insurance companies for all their lobbying in Washington!

  3. dad on April 26th, 2011 6:33 am

    “Sponsor Scott Plakon, R-Longwood, said it would allow people to make their own choices about health care”

    That sounds nice but when you have a preexisting condition. Which can be anything, high blood pressure, high cholestrol, etc. insurance companies don’t want to cover you. So most people really do not have a choice.