Principal Arrested On DUI Charge

April 12, 2011

An Escambia County principal has been arrested on a DUI charge.

Sheree Diane Cagle, 49, of Cantonment was arrested over the weekend by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and booked into the Escambia County Jail. She was released on $500 bond.

Cagle is principal of both Hallmark Elementary and Allie Yniestra Elementary. The schools will merge with Spencer Bibbs Elementary this fall to form a 800-student, $17 million high-tech elementary in downtown Pensacola.

Deputies stopped Cagle just after 6 p.m. Saturday on Highway 29 just north of Nine and One-Half Mile Road. The deputy reported that he could smell alcohol on Cagle’s breath, and she failed both a breathalyzer and field sobriety test. She tested about twice the legal limit for alcohol — .176 and .178.

On the way to jail, Cagle told deputies “that she was going to be in so much trouble” and asked “is there anyway this could just go away”, according to the arrest report.

According to the report, Cagle told deputies that she had consumed three margaritas and a beer at a Pensacola Beach restaurant about two or three hours prior to the traffic stop.


47 Responses to “Principal Arrested On DUI Charge”

  1. Joe on April 15th, 2011 10:15 am

    She must be a graduate from the Escambia School District , “JIM PAUL” school of instruction.
    setting the Example of Quality leadership for the next generation of leaders!

  2. The real Citizen X (quit stealing my handle ! lol ) on April 14th, 2011 8:27 pm

    for all of you people that are just saying “oh shes a good person” or “shes done great at her job” and suggesting that this crime should be ignored or not given that much weight, should consider the facts:

    This year, 10,839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes – one every 50 minutes.
    An average drunk driver has driven drunk 87 times before first arrest.
    Drunk driving costs each adult in this country almost $500 per year.
    One in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime.
    Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens and one out of three of those is alcohol related.
    ( And those statistics are climbing year by year.

    she is a public official and as such should be held to a higher standard, I dont care if you think its not serious, it is, its very serious, and yes she should lose her position or at least be demoted.

    I have lost a loved on to a drunk driver. the person that killed my loved one had less of an alcohol content then Mrs Cagle. She will get a second chance, she will be spared prison and most likely put on probation. THAT’S her second chance. what about the people killed in drunk driving related crashes, where is their second chance?

    Her continuing to be a administrator in my eyes is impossible

    Hers why:
    1 she obviously addicted to alcohol
    2 she lied about that addiction
    3 this action raises the question if she drinks at work? and if shes previously lied about being addicted to alcohol, then why would you think she would tell the truth about drinking at school?
    4 the school conducts random drug tests on students, and has a zero tolerance policy, why should the administrators be exempt from this policy ?
    5 her remarks to the deputy asking “isn’t there anything that we can do to make this go away?” Sounds dangerously close to solicitation, and implies that she would have tried anything to get out of this episode too.

    these are NOT the values I of a person that I would want my child to respect and think is a role model, or even mingle with on a daily basis.

    while she has done some great work in her past, that does not excuse this extremely serious crime

  3. David Huie Green on April 14th, 2011 6:43 pm

    “I might point out this is similar to saying Russian Roulette is a fun and harmless game as long as you don’t get a live round.”
    “No it isn’t. This is one of your rare blunders David. Were you drunk when you wrote this?”

    I never have been drunk. I’d have to drink first. I fear if I did drink, I might BECOME a drunk–as so many in my family did. I don’t know and neither does anyone who hasn’t drunk alcoholic beverages.

    So please point out my blunder. If a person doesn’t know for SURE he ABSOLUTELY won’t become a drunk or even just get drunk–possibly leading to driving fatalities or alcohol poisoning or some other fatal or crippling outcome related to actions taken during a drunken state, how does taking that first drink differ from playing Russian Roulette?

    –other than the fact that Russian Roulette only kills the one holding the pistol whereas drunk drivers frequently kill other people, of course.

    David willing to be corrected if wrong

  4. whitepunknotondope on April 14th, 2011 3:36 pm

    “Without disagreeing, I might point out this is similar to saying Russian Roulette is a fun and harmless game as long as you don’t get a live round.”

    No it isn’t. This is one of your rare blunders David. Were you drunk when you wrote this?

  5. Head Cheese on April 14th, 2011 3:37 am

    Patriot, I have 25 years bartending in this town… she has enough $$ from the taxpayers to get an atty that will throw the PBeach biz under the bus to keep her job. I’m not saying she is a bad person, it’s just the way things roll. I hope she has enough dignity left to take her licks and not throw it at some $2 hour bartender…… !!! :)

  6. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2011 11:34 pm

    “Research has shown that drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation is actually a GOOD IDEA for overall health”

    Without disagreeing, I might point out this is similar to saying Russian Roulette is a fun and harmless game as long as you don’t get a live round.

    David for avoiding dangers
    to others

  7. Michelle on April 13th, 2011 10:35 pm

    Ms.Sheree is a friend of mine and she is an amazing person. People make mistakes. She shouldn’t have been drinking and driving but nobody knows whats going on if your not there. If anything we should ALL have her and he three beautiful children in our prayers. I wish the best for her and DO NOT think she should lose her job over this.

  8. Polythenepam on April 13th, 2011 8:35 pm

    First off if you have never gotten drunk how would you know what you would or would not do?
    I’m curious, was it bad judgement or she couldn’t afford a taxi and a hotel room. If you can afford to drink at the beach you should have already made arrangements to stay at the beach or have a ride. Was she down at the beach by herself? Her friends didn’t look out for her? Yes the bartender and wait staff ARE responsible for saying when the cut off is.

  9. Ms K on April 13th, 2011 2:46 pm

    @ Citizen X.. I guess u dont know a person who has never done it as u dont know me. I dont drink at all. Surely wouldn’t while driving

  10. trippin on April 13th, 2011 1:25 pm

    I will cast the first stone as soon as i put down my joint…………. i don’t care who u are that was funny

  11. WWJD17 on April 13th, 2011 11:27 am

    Well first, I wasn’t implying anything based on the fact that I know her. I was implying that EVERYONE makes mistakes. If you were in her situation and you drank and drove, you would be asking for a second chance. It’s not like she is mediocre about her job and just does things to get by. She is a hard worker and puts everything she has into her kids. She made ONE mistake, give her a break. Because you may not choose to drink, you have made a mistake once or twice in your life also. She is being punished by the publicity of this that is definitely entirely blowing things out of proportion. This world is so judgmental- proven by most of the comments below. Looks at her profession and personal life in different manners. Yes, it was a bad example, but I know plenty of teachers I have had personally that show examples every day worse than drinking and driving and they still have their jobs. This event can show kids you can get up and move on with your life after a downfall. It can show FORGIVENESS and the ability to endure hard times to come back on top. Everyone needs to put themselves in her position and I think everyone would think alot differently.

  12. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2011 10:42 am

    “- – - the government didn’t have it’s nose in EVERY area of our lives, and they are NOT supposed to now, according to our Constitution. How many are aware we even HAVE a Constitution anymore?”

    Followed up by the question: How many are aware the Constitution is a limiting document on the powers of the federal government, that it does not limit the power of state governments in most matters?

    As well as the question: When are public acts protected as if they were done in private? That’s why I limit all my drinking and driving to the privacy of my own home. Or I intend to if I ever decide to take up drinking and if I could get the pickup through the front door.

    What we say and do in public isn’t a matter of government intruding into our lives; it is a matter of us involving others in our lives either to the good or to the ill–or more often–neutrally.

    Someone once pointed out that the people who scream the loudest about their right to privacy scream the loudest in general and show no real desire for privacy, involving everybody in earshot in their every word.

    David sometimes listening
    unwillingly to “conversations”
    from over a thousand feet away

  13. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2011 10:28 am

    “Let those of you that have never done wrong, come forward and cast the first stone.”

    But what if I don’t WANT to cast any stones?

    Still, it would be good if we had some means of protecting public safety in instances where people chose to drive in an incapacitated manner, endangering the lives of others as well as themselves. I don’t wish anyone ill but that includes not wanting her dead or living with the regret of having killed some small child or old person–or even worse ME–for being in her way when not at herself.

    Many people say, “Well, since we’re all sinners, we should just overlook bad actions by others,” or “I like her so we should just overlook – - – ” forgetting lives are at stake. Besides that, what kind of world would it be if we only enforced laws on people we DIDN’T like?

    David for careful drivers
    and safe pedestrians

  14. Patriot on April 13th, 2011 7:51 am

    For “Head Cheese”,

    Your “voice of experience” is lacking the same. How many DUI trials have you actually witnessed? I can virtually assure you that this trial will be complete by autumn.

  15. Bell on April 13th, 2011 4:40 am

    Let those of you that have never done wrong, come forward and cast the first stone.

  16. Head Cheese on April 13th, 2011 3:43 am

    This is the VOICE OF EXPERIENCE speaking…… her atty will throw the “BLAME” on some PBeach Bartender/Owner for the actions of an “ADULT” and drag this thru the court system for YEARS. :( then she gets go go back to YOUR children!!!
    So, the joke is on YOU. not so funny now, huh?………………. :P

  17. EMD on April 13th, 2011 12:27 am

    I must add, that this is a terrible example for students. Those in authority need to set a good example. When I was in school, I never heard of such things among teachers, much less principals. But, then too, the stress was less. Most parents taught their children how to act, and the government didn’t have it’s nose in EVERY area of our lives, and they are NOT supposed to now, according to our Constitution. How many are aware we even HAVE a Constitution anymore? Stress can surely make a mess, when we give in to it. Sad, but true. I could never do the job this woman does.

  18. EMD on April 13th, 2011 12:21 am

    This was NOT drinking in moderation, AND people should NOT drink and drive. However:

    “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

    Matthew 7:2

  19. WWJD17 on April 12th, 2011 11:06 pm

    She is an awesome educator and person. I know her very well and I know this was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and if this happened to YOU im sure you would want a second chance too. God calls us to forgive and I don’t think a grudge should be held on her to take away her job. She is great at what she does and my any means would this affect her students. She is an awesome person and the news is blowing everything out of proportion.

  20. really? on April 12th, 2011 10:26 pm

    molino jim … are you calling people with disabilities wild animals? Be careful, disabilities happen to everyone. You are making a judgment about a population that is varied as any other group of students.

    She drank, she got caught. It happens. She needs to enter a program about alcohol abuse and be very transparent about her recovery. She needs to pay the penalty and live the consequences. School employees do sign and ethics agreement so she might be suspended or terminated. She may even be moved to another, lesser program. It’s up the the board. Not us.

    I never have understood the whole concept of DRIVING to a bar to DRINK and then SURPRISE, you are drunk and driving. How is that a surprise? A lot of people have a drink, switch to water and wait for the sober to return. She could have done that.

  21. Cut the bull! on April 12th, 2011 10:20 pm

    To citizen X I guess you think if she had a wreck and killed someone that would be okay since you had also drank and drove. And Molino Jim, if the stress is to much that she has to get drunk and drive an automobile then she needs to look for a less stressful job. I’m sorry, but there is enough wrecks without people getting drunk and driving and maybe killing someone. If she killed some of your family would you still say well, she’s under stress? I seriously doubt it.To some of you guys it’s another pat her on the wrist and everything will be okay. I don’t think so!

  22. mother on April 12th, 2011 9:15 pm

    The place that she purchased the drinks should be held accountable.I thought that after a certain amount they were not suppose to serve any more.

  23. Citizen X on April 12th, 2011 7:52 pm

    Good luck Mrs. Cagle!! Don’t pay too much attention to what some of these folks are saying. I can’t think of anyone I know who hasn’t driven drunk at some point in their life. They just weren’t caught. People make dumb decisions after they have had a few. That’s why I quit drinking. Thank the Good Lord it is only a DUI.

  24. Wharf Rat on April 12th, 2011 6:51 pm

    Dang, David, I like your common sense….sort of like a local Samuel Clemmons.

  25. alexa226 on April 12th, 2011 6:30 pm

    cant we all just get off her back! i mean what is this???? imagine what she is going through… would you want people slamming you? no… i didnt think so. she seems like a fantastic woman. we all make mistakes. some are bigger than others. but that doesnt mean yall need to treat her like crap. if you were family members of hers would you be putting mean things online about it…? no. you might not agree with thier choice but you wouldnt do this. if anything you would still show your love and support, not treat her like crap. she knows she made a mistake… SHE KNOWS THERE ARE CONSIQUENCES!!!!!! the only reason you are putting mean things up is because shes a principle! she drank or had shown up drunk at school! let her keep her job…like the channel 3 news anchor and jim paul got to keep thiers.

  26. David Huie Green on April 12th, 2011 6:20 pm

    “Does anyone remember when Jim Paul got caught drinking and driving while representing Escambia County at a conference? Nothing happened to him, he kept his job, so why shouldn’t she?”

    Actually, if you will remember, he DID NOT keep his job. (That’s why Malcom Thomas has it now.) He was an elected official and we voted him out afterward, possibly just a coincidence, though, since Malcom has other strengths as well.

    Sheriff Seely was voted out of office after his similar action. I respected him more after the election when a reporter asked why he thought he lost his re election bid and he responded, “Drinking and driving.” At least he understood it wasn’t appreciated when those charged with enforcing the law broke it.

    David for understanding
    and fewer DUI related deaths
    glad Miz Cagle is still alive
    as well as those others endangered

  27. speedy2588 on April 12th, 2011 4:50 pm

    I think she deserves to keep her job, she wasnt drinking at school. It was her own time. Does anyone remember when Jim Paul got caught drinking and driving while representing Escambia County at a confrence? Nothing happened to him, he kept his job, so why shouldnt she?

  28. Don on April 12th, 2011 4:49 pm


  29. Ms K on April 12th, 2011 4:40 pm

    Why is this big news?????!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me? She is a principal over our students and she got caught driving under the influence of alcohol. What if, just what if she had hit somone head on, ran a red light, etc and killed one of your loved ones. Do u think it would be big news then. This person is suppose to lead by example. What a great lessons to the students. Give me a break. you all kill me depending sho it is, whether it’s new or not. I wonder if it had been our president, would u feel the same way. Would it not be news then. She needs to pay just like anyone else.

  30. bama54 on April 12th, 2011 3:36 pm

    The sad thing about this story is she will probably lose her job, and I feel is is just for a news story. Like ■fish621 said : why is this such a big news story? What makes this a big news story can someone please answer. I am just as bad as others on here, I like the big juicy stuff. I guess I call entertainment, but at who’s price? We should all get behind this lady and give her our support.

  31. fish621 on April 12th, 2011 2:58 pm

    I don’t drink, and I don’t care if you do drink, she got caught, but the real question is, why is this a big news story ? Is it because of her job ? I think the news paper and media need to find something else to write about or else write a story about EVERY person that gets a DUI . How about the teen age boy, or the old retired man or the young office girl. The DUI report has people from all age groups, all races, male and female, rich and poor, so why single out one person to write a big story about. She will pay for this mistake, but it is her business not all of northwest Florida. No, I do not know this woman, just wonder why the media thinks it is worth putting in the news. I do not like to be on the road with them either, but how many more are out there that don’t get caught?

  32. STUMPKNOCKER on April 12th, 2011 2:31 pm

    This lady was stopped by lawenforcement only after several drivers reportrd her driving all over the road and almost causing acidents F.H.P was also called.True she made a mistake just like anyone can,but i would like to see how she handles it,will she own up to it or will she deny it.I hope she makes the same choice that she asks her students to.

  33. El Duque on April 12th, 2011 1:59 pm

    There is no problem with her having a drink. The problem is her driving and drinking. I say let her be punished according to the law and be done with it. She should be able to resume her career and move on. Next…….

  34. Sara on April 12th, 2011 1:54 pm

    Cagle is very good at what she does (I taught under her leadership). The truth is she is not a martyr, nor has the system victimized her—she is extremely capable and very ambitious which is why she accepted the dual school challenge. Sadly, she will have to suffer this unfortunate mistake publicly due to her line of work , but I wonder why anyone is surprised by the media wolfhounds jumping on this story, they LIVE for this kind of thing. Cagle will rebound and I expect the school board and upper admin to support her and they should, she’s among Escambia county’s best and brightest. To the guy who said special needs students WILL be in the regular classrooms—”honey, where in the world do you think they are NOW ?!

  35. whitepunknotondope on April 12th, 2011 12:36 pm

    Research has shown that drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation is actually a GOOD IDEA for overall health. People who drink regularly are at a lower risk for all manner of serious health complications than people who never drink alcohol.

    Just sayin’.

  36. bama54 on April 12th, 2011 11:34 am

    recovery rocks> I guess in your eyes you should not have a job if an individual par-takes of adult beverages. I had a few role models back in the 60’s, and most of them enjoyed a cold beer, but their action in the classroom is what made them standout. Good role models are a thing of the past, I can’t wait to read someone was pulled over for drinking water.

  37. Bobby on April 12th, 2011 11:10 am

    Three margaritas and a beer didn’t get her BAC that high unless those margaritas were about 32oz a piece. .17 is wasted in a bad way. Lets not forget that you can’t believe what a drunk says. I am sure she drank a lot more than that. I don’t think she should be punished worse because she is a principal but I do think she should be held to a higher standard because she is a principal. A persons socio/economic ranking should play no part in criminal proceedings or punishment but I would definately have a serious problem with this as her boss.

  38. Football Mom on April 12th, 2011 11:09 am

    If I remember correctly, Jim Paul did it on county time, on a county trip, in a county rental car. I could be wrong but I dont remember them firing him over it????

    It would be crazy to think this woudnt get reported and I do believe your personal life does spill over into your work life, but now let her teach the children that people make mistakes. Let her show them that you can get up after you fall down. That would be a better learned lesson to any child much less some of the ones in that area.

  39. Concerned mom on April 12th, 2011 10:42 am

    I have to agree with molino jim – she wasn’t drinking at the school and it was on a weekend. I know a lot of people who go out to dinner or to the beach and have a few drinks that get behind the wheel and drive. If she wasn’t a principal of a local school would she even had made the headlines – the answer is “NO”. To be honest we shouldn’t judge anybody – it’s not our place and let’s face it nobody’s perfect. I’m sure she feels bad enough about all of this and really doesn’t need people bashing her. If she is a good principal I hope the school board remembers this and does not act too quickly to condem her without a lot of thought and consideration.

  40. art on April 12th, 2011 10:31 am

    wondering who this gal had dinner with just before she got behind a wheel….were they just as inebriated? shame on them for not taking her keys or driving her or calling a cab for her. it is insane to think a body is able to function and drive after 3 margaritas and a beer…i don’t care if it was 4 hours earlier. here is hoping she has insurance for rehab. otherwise, if this keeps up, prison will be her rehab….

  41. recovery rocks on April 12th, 2011 9:45 am

    Let me get this straight… People make mistakes and get charges. This affects their ability to get a decent job and decent wages for 7 years at minimum (even a misdemeanor), but a principal of an elementary school get’s a DUI, and everyone thinks that is ok? Not in my eyes. I would not want my child to see that bad behavior from her principal. Isn’t she supposed to be some sort of role model for the children? Private life fine, but as soon as she got behind that wheel it wasn’t private anymore. How would some people feel if she got into an accident and killed one of her students (God forbid)? I think someone being in a position like that should have their drivers license revoked for a while. Very disappointing :( She should have at least been responsible enough to call for a ride.

  42. bama54 on April 12th, 2011 9:14 am

    I myself would never take a drink?? We are so quick to judge the drinking!! I do feel like someone should have taken the car keys. ON the other hand how many on here have “EVER” drank and drove home? Can I see hands? As long as she can do her job, leave her private life alone!!! we need to take care of ourselves, and that is a “full time” job.

  43. molino jim on April 12th, 2011 9:06 am


  44. Confused on April 12th, 2011 8:41 am

    So “head cheese” I am a little confused. Where anywhere in the article does she throw beach business under the bus? I believe all she has done is admit to her actions, which does not excuse her, but definately makes her look a lot better in my eyes. She made a choice, and that choice was a mistake, which she will be punished for.

  45. really on April 12th, 2011 7:27 am

    to molino jim: if she can’t handle the job, they need to find someone who can. there are others who work for the school system also. everyone has to deal with stress, whether it be at home or in the workplace. that may justify getting drunk, but it doesn NOT justify being drunk and getting on the road and putting everyone’s life in danger. as those elementary children could tell you, “there are consequences for your actions”

  46. molino jim on April 12th, 2011 6:09 am


  47. Head Cheese on April 12th, 2011 3:10 am

    What’s really sad is that she will throw the Bartender and the Pensacola Beach Business under the bus to save herself…. :(