Photos: Century First Baptist Church Easter

April 25, 2011

Easter events for the children and youth at the Century First Baptist Church included an egg hunt, fire truck tours courtesy of the Century Volunteer Fire Department and the Resurrection egg story.

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2 Responses to “Photos: Century First Baptist Church Easter”

  1. Carl & Sylvia on April 25th, 2011 12:11 pm

    So happy to see young people at First Baptist and see them having fun. Mrs. leslie has been a blessing to the church and to the young people. May God keep on blessing the young people of the church as it has been a prayer to see youth get involved in the church. We love and appreciate you Mrs. Leslie for all you do.

  2. Willene Bryan on April 25th, 2011 10:08 am

    Everyone really enjoyed there self’s. And the way Mrs. Leslie told the story of The Resurrection, the children were so into it, and participated in it with symbols that were in the eggs. The firemen were so healthful in explaining the fire truck and there duties. The egg hunt was so great and I know some of the children that had a blast in the Bounce House. Bless all of you for being there. Also we enjoyed hotdog’s afterwards.