No More Saturday Service At Walnut Hill Post Office

April 2, 2011

Saturday lobby service at the U.S. Post Office in Walnut Hill is no more.

The post office retail lobby will now be closed on Saturday. However, mail will still be placed in post office boxes by no later than 9:30 each Saturday. The retail lobby will continue to be open from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.

The U.S. Post Office in Walnut Hill is a contract facility operated by Escambia River Electric Cooperative.

Pictured: The U.S. Post Office in Walnut Hill. photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “No More Saturday Service At Walnut Hill Post Office”

  1. David Huie Green on April 2nd, 2011 1:46 pm

    “What are the people who work Monday through Friday supposed to do when they need postal services?”

    A mail box might fix your problem.

    I had a similar problem back when working in Morgan City, living in Amelia. I left before the post office opened, got home after it closed. They locked the doors because vagrants would sleep inside otherwise, which wouldn’t have been so bad had they gone outside to relieve themselves. Anyway, I bought a mail box so I could get my mail when I returned home. I brought it back with me when returning home, still use it.

    Of course, you might have other postal needs but the mail carrier can meet most of them if you can catch him or her or leave a note making a request.

    Just a thought

    David trying to be helpful
    (as always–trying)

  2. Concerned parent on April 2nd, 2011 1:58 am

    What are the people who work Monday through Friday supposed to do when they need postal services? I think this is ridiculous! I have a hard enough time catching them open as it is.