New Stats Detail Local Crime Rate

April 27, 2011

The 2010 Uniform Crime Report was released Tuesday, and shows a slight decrease in crime in Escambia County. The report also shows that, with the exception of murders, less than half of offenses in Escambia County resulted in arrests during 2010.

Escambia County’s crime rate dropped two-tenths of a percent from 2009 to 2010, while Santa Rosa’s rate increased by 4.1 percent. Murders, rapes and larceny increased in Escambia County, while the number of robberies, assaults, burglaries and vehicle thefts decreased.

For the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the primary agency outside of the city of Pensacola, less than half of all reports resulted in arrest, except for a 54 percent arrest rate in the county’s 26 murders in 2010.

Only 11 percent of the 2,665 burglaries results in arrests, while 21 percent of robbery and larceny reports resulted in arrests.

More local statistics are below.

Florida’s crime rate fell in 2010 to its lowest level in 40 years as the frequency of violent crime dropped 10.1 percent and non-violent arrests were down six percent from the year before. Overall, the state’s crime index dropped 6.7 percent.

“With six law enforcement officers killed in action in the past four months, the news of these drops reminds us that public safety comes with the commitment of selfless public servants,” Gov. Rick Scott told reporters when announcing the crime figures. The number of murders in Florida dropped by 2.9 percent, forcible sex offenses decreased 3.3 percent, robberies declined by 15.6 percent, and aggravated assault decreased 8.9 percent. In addition, the rates showed declines in burglary (-7 percent), larceny (-4.4 percent), and motor vehicle thefts (-17.5 percent). Domestic violence offenses declined 2.7 percent statewide.


18 Responses to “New Stats Detail Local Crime Rate”

  1. David Craig on April 30th, 2011 2:16 am

    Statistics by themselves do not paint the complete picture. Sheriff Morgan has spoken several times about how these numbers may have been manipulated in the past. For example, if reports were discouraged & crimes coded as lesser offenses then the stats would reflect the appearance of a lower crime rate comprised of less serious offenses. The Morgan administration has been encouraging citizens to report all crimes and the sheriff stated that this would lead to higher crime statistics overall. With TAC, Desk to Roads, the expansion of Neighborhood Watch groups and Clean Sweep Operations the number of crimes reported and commensurate statistics have naturally increased. Some clearance rates are greater and some lesser than national averages for the specific types of crimes. Murder in our county did spike last year but in 2011 there have only been 2 homicides in Escambia County to date. We are pleased to see that 3 new Neighborhood Watch Groups have formed in Farm Hill, Mid County and Cottage Hill. Timely reports of crime and suspicious activity to our dispatchers at 436-9620 will lead to improved enforcement and higher arrest rates. Please consider forming a Neighborhood Watch group where you live. Call 436-9281 or email me at With your help we can build a better tomorrow. David Craig, Coordinator of Community Oriented Policing at the ECSO

  2. Wondering on April 29th, 2011 6:56 am

    that dead weight is David Morgan. He is holding the S/O down.

  3. Everett on April 29th, 2011 1:28 am

    When the thugs have a no snitch policy, it’s hard for the SO to do their jobs.
    Hard to believe the high number of larceny crimes. We are the new murder rate champs for the state. The rest of the crimes are down from a year ago. It’s a good start. Hope the trend continues.

  4. truth on April 28th, 2011 11:56 pm

    sounds like “Time to take Notice”
    might be some of the dead weight holding the Sherriffs office down

  5. RU Serious on April 28th, 2011 9:17 pm


    Are you serious?

    Take the handcuffs off….. REALLY?

    What are you talkin about?

    How about these folks just do the job they are paid to do “within” the letter of the law.

    Haven’t we seen enough abuse of power during this administration already?

  6. Time to take Notice on April 28th, 2011 6:30 pm

    You the citizen can help your deputies out be asking him and his administration to take the handcuffs of your deputies and let them do the job you the citizen pay them to do and just maybe the crime rate will go down.

    Get out and talk to the deputies if you really care to know what’s happening with your Sheriff’s Department, I am sure a lot of them will tell you what’s happening.

    Only you the citizen can make changes in your County.

    Personally I am ashamed to see this report, I am proud to work at the S.O. and I know there are lot of deputies that care about the citizens and care about their jobs, but make no mistake all of our hands are handcuffed since Morgan and his administration and been in office.

    Morgan loves the cameras and loves to talk, but now with this report his magician days are over with all the smoke and mirrors, this report clearly shows behind all of that there are serious problems that need to be addressed.

    So let’s all make a change in 2012.

  7. joe on April 28th, 2011 4:21 pm

    David for a non murderous, non violent
    and non slanderous society
    and honest politicians and lawmen

    Mr. Green, good luck with that one.

  8. David Huie Green on April 28th, 2011 1:41 pm

    ” I believe somewhere a few years back. Morgan was saying he was going to do something about either murders, and or violent crimes in this county”

    If he promised to catch those who did the foul deeds, that’s reasonable, within the rules of evidence. He couldn’t be expected to catch all because not all do their crimes in front of reliable witnesses.

    If he promised to stop them from happening in the first place, feel free to jump on him for impossible promises, just not the murders themselves. If he didn’t actually say that, please apologize because he is a very sensitive soul and you shouldn’t hurt his feelings that way. You wouldn’t want to be mistreated that way.

    David for a non murderous, non violent
    and non slanderous society
    and honest politicians and lawmen

  9. Wondering on April 28th, 2011 6:48 am

    Mr. Green, I believe somewhere a few years back. Morgan was saying he was going to do something about either murders, and or violent crimes in this county. This was when he was doing all of the Ronnie Mac bashing. I am going to attempt to find it. But I say “citizen” says it all. Morgan has got to go.

  10. citizen. aka victim on April 28th, 2011 1:39 am

    So, what is the plan of action Sheriff Morgan? we are counting on you to make this better.

  11. Driv3n on April 28th, 2011 1:23 am

    Considereing these stats…

    stay in ur car…it seems pretty safe.

  12. David Huie Green on April 27th, 2011 11:55 pm

    “Pensacola is #1 for the most murders per capita.- – - At least the good ol’ sheriff is puttin’ us on the map for sumthin”

    He sometimes comes across as obnoxious, but in all fairness nobody can blame him for murder unless he committed the murders or knew in advance the murders were about to happen. He can’t tell the future and I sure don’t want him arresting anybody who MIGHT commit a crime at some time in the future. That would be a crime itself.

    David for fairness

  13. citizen on April 27th, 2011 10:56 pm

    Well, the good Sheriff said during his campaign that he could do something about violent crime. Has he? It appears that he hasn’t by these stats. This man has no idea how or what to do to get a handle on this. He needs to be replaced. All he’s done is give friends like David Craig a job who couldn’t get one under any other Sheriff. He puts on that Military/Sheriff/Deputy/Dress Jacket and jumps in front of what ever camera that will take his picture and runs his mouth about everything under the sun other than an answer to make this county safer. I forgot, he did say that we as parents/citizens need to take back our own streets. The last time I checked, it’s our tax dollars that are used to protect and serve. I guess he hasn’t found that line on his ID card yet. What a loser. Elect anyone other than Morgan in 2012.

  14. Wondering on April 27th, 2011 7:56 pm

    I do believe that the Sheriff’s Office does not assign an Investigator to crimes like Petit Thefts and Criminal Mischiefs. If the responding Deputy does not follow-it up him or herself, it will not be solved.

  15. We are #1 on April 27th, 2011 6:38 pm

    We’re number one…..we’re #1……we are ##### 1……..

    Yeah baby that’s what I am talkin’ about.

    In your face Jacksonville and Miami:

    Pensacola is #1 for the most murders per capita.

    At least the good ol’ sheriff is puttin’ us on the map for sumthin……

  16. David Huie Green on April 27th, 2011 3:48 pm

    If all criminals were caught every time they committed a crime, fewer would choose crime as a career path. On the other hand, just arresting folks without clear proof of guilt is a worse waste of public funds than waiting until you are sure you have the right suspect. Even a one in nine arrest ratio means you can’t commit as many burglaries as a career requires before facing the long arm of the law.

    Even an acquittal eats into your stealing time and is expensive.

    David for getting the guilty
    protecting the innocent

  17. joe on April 27th, 2011 11:57 am

    if this was my childs report card they would be grounded!
    we as voters need to look at this closely and put pressure on our elected officials to make improvements and change this. if the elected officials can not do it, then it is time for new people in those jobs.
    most of the crimes show less than 1/3 arrest rate.
    it looks to me like Escambia County is the new Disney land for criminals. they have a 2/3 chance of NOT GETTING CAUGHT!

  18. isnt that surprising on April 27th, 2011 3:10 am

    Escambia County:

    Car Theft has gone down the most..

    I’m glad to know I don’t have to worry so much about my vehicle. But now maybe I should focus more on my life since murder has gone up 60%.