Molino Woman Hospitalized Following Dog Attack

April 15, 2011

A Molino woman is recovering after being attacked by two large dogs Friday afternoon.

The incident happened about 2:15 p.m. outside a home in the 5000 block of Chestnut Road in Molino. The woman, who was in her 60’s, suffered bites to her legs, arms and back, according to Deputy Chris Welborn, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

She was transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola. Her name and condition were not available.

The dogs, which were described as “large and aggressive”,  were later captured by Escambia County Animal Control. They will be quarantined at the Escambia County Animal Shelter.

After the attack, the woman managed to retreat back inside the home.

Her cat was reportedly killed by the dogs.


31 Responses to “Molino Woman Hospitalized Following Dog Attack”

  1. spitfire on April 19th, 2011 12:40 pm

    This is what happens when un-thinking country-type people let their dogs run around the area and don’t care. This nearly happened to me last year in my own yard after I arrived home from work. I saw two dogs in my yard and said to the dogs “Go home!”. One of them started walking toward me growling and looking like he wanted to jump me. I had my long umbrella so I held it out toward him but backed to my front door, got the keys in the lock and went inside. I called the sherriff’s number and they said call animal control. I called animal control and they said they can’t go out at night because they can’t see where a dog is attacking from. I’ve also seen other people’s dogs in my back yard. I don’t let my kids play in the back without me. All Animal Control said was find out where the dogs live and they will investigate with the owner. Loose dogs have killed children all over. But people think it will never happen to them….. WRONG!

  2. pstair on April 19th, 2011 11:28 am

    my dogs are fenced- way it should be, but lets not forget that right in my backyard there are coyotes- and nothing can be done about them i am told, other than we can shoot them, but animal control will not do anything about them- they are right in field next to molino park school……

  3. Vivian. Abbott on April 19th, 2011 10:22 am

    They were pit bulls and was
    identified as that. But I expect no one will claim them

  4. Anita on April 19th, 2011 8:12 am

    Wow, we can relax now. Animal Control called me back 4 days later and wants to try to find the vicious dogs I called about on the 15th at 12:27.Just before they crossed hwy 29 heading west. I am so aggravated. Is animal control this far behind? I would have certainly thought someone who called and reported a dog in someones garage trying to bite a man, and I said they were very vicious, would get top priority. Mrs Vivian should never have been bitten. If the dogs had not left so quickly, she would not have, if you know what I mean. We are so sorry Mrs. Vivian.

  5. joe on April 18th, 2011 10:29 pm

    I love dogs, all kinds, large, small. cute or ugly. with that said, I also have no problem ending a dogs life that is coming at me or about to attack my family or myself. Owners need to be responsible for their animals and when they are careless things like this happen.

  6. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2011 12:30 pm

    sometimes I think you’re not a dog lover

  7. whitepunknotondope on April 18th, 2011 7:29 am

    “….I had problems with nieghbors dogs coming out at me but a quick squirt off vinegar water in the eyes or a cattle prod does the trick they wont bother you again.”

    So will cold steel.

  8. dad on April 17th, 2011 5:52 am

    So glad you are back home Ms. Abbott. I can’t imagine what a terrifying experience that must have been. Sorry for the loss of your cat too.

  9. bjay on April 16th, 2011 11:04 pm

    Vivian it is great news that you are ok. I wish you a speedy full recovery. Were they pitbull mix dogs, or dogs that appeared to be pitbulls, or full blooded pitbulls? I only ask because I have done ALOT of studying on that breed and I still cant pick alot of Pitbulls out of a lineup. There are many breeds that look like pits and I have seen a study from the American Kennel Club where it states that over %80 of pitbull attacks were wrongfully accused. Im NOT saying this is the case this time. Im just wondering if it was defenitly pitbulls. Im just trying to know for sure and I dont mean any disrespect towards you. I truly hope for your speedy recovery. I also hope that the owner of these dogs are brought up on charges.

  10. always bizzie on April 16th, 2011 9:34 pm

    Mrs. Abbott, I am so glad to hear that you are back home. I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I hope the dog owners are found and held accountable. There is no excuse for this. Owners should keep their animals confined to there property. Whodat, you are mistaken. There are no leash laws north of Well Line Rd. We found this out when our son was attacked. Even so, people are not allowed to let their animals become a nuisance to their neighbors. You can get a leash law passed for your road. You just have to have cooperation of a percentage of your neighborhood. Animal control can tell you how to go about that. And yes, animal control is overworked and understaffed.

  11. Vivian Abbott on April 16th, 2011 8:20 pm

    Thank you very much for your prayers. I’m back home. The dogs that bit me were pit bulls, they were chasing me , they were very vicious animals. I was bit on most of my body. If I hadn’t of gotten the garden flag stand they would have killed me.

  12. whodat on April 16th, 2011 7:51 pm

    I have dogs on my property and I live on a private road, people walk on the private road that dont live there, they decided to call animal control to pick up my dogs off of my private road, well needless to say I got my dogs back and at no cost to me. Make sure you are on a county maintained road before you take action, or you could be sued along with animal control and code enforcement. There is a leash law in escambia county which requires you to keep your dogs on your property, animal control is understaffed and they do not have enough officers to cover the whole county. I had problems with nieghbors dogs coming out at me but a quick squirt off vinegar water in the eyes or a cattle prod does the trick they wont bother you again.

  13. JuJu on April 16th, 2011 3:08 pm

    I keep my dogs in my yard..I live on Hwy 196 and also have a bull dog that gets in my fenced yard and goes after my dachshunds. from now on I am going to shoot then ask questions..tired of other people causing so much trouble for everyone else. I am a dog and cat lover..but I will protect my own. By the way..there is only one side to this story..the lady was attacked by dogs that were lose…not her fault..the owners fault and they should pay

  14. S on April 16th, 2011 8:57 am

    Dogs are pack animals. When one isn’t aggressive inherently, placed among more aggressive peers and they will learn behavior. Larger dog breeds usually are built for size and jaw power and are at greater risk for doing a lot of damage to someone. It is one reason keeping large cat breeds like Lions and tigers is not recommended. Ever have your house cat you’ve been petting suddenly turn and grab you when it thinks you are going to stop petting it. Now picture an animal 10-20 times that size getting upset.

  15. richard on April 16th, 2011 8:43 am

    i think it is all in how you train your dogs if the are aggressive or not. i have 2 american bull dogs and they both are lovable, but they still sound and look mean. they are like kids to us. they have their food water house and fenced in yard to run. if i can keep 80lbs americans in a fence i dont see why ppl cant keep other dogs in a fence,its not that hard. i wonder if the law about being in fear for your life would apply?

  16. M on April 16th, 2011 8:15 am

    I think a good ol’ shotgun would have saved this story spot. Keep off my property .

  17. Grace Dunn on April 16th, 2011 7:53 am

    To All of you who made coments on the dog story Thank s To some but I dont think you sould make coment,s when you don,t know the truth about it until you are in my shoes & know the truth dont coment ok .

  18. animal lover on April 15th, 2011 11:58 pm

    I have several dogs, all spoiled and loved — and contained on my own property! They are not a nuisance to my neighbors. If this area does not have leash laws, perhaps we should organize a group to get them. I live in the middle of nowhere and yet cannot go for a walk or ride my bike without other people’s dogs harrassing me. I imagine hand held stun guns might help? Any other ideas?

  19. Molino resident on April 15th, 2011 9:56 pm

    I was traveling on Hwy 196 this morning at 9:30 when I saw the Animal Control vehicle driving west on Hwy 196. The Animal Control vehicle was about a minute away from Chestnut (which runs off of Hwy 196). I remember this because I thought it was odd seeing the Animal Control vechicle on Hwy 196. This was the first time I had ever seen the A C vehicle on Hwy 196. Did they have another call early that morning?

  20. LULU on April 15th, 2011 8:24 pm

    I’m a dog owner and lover. I watch over my dogs just like I do my children. If you can’t supervise them, you better have them in a safe, secure place. People keep your dogs in your own damn yard!!!!! It’s not someone elses responsibility to keep YOUR dog out of THEIR yard.

  21. Bruce on April 15th, 2011 7:48 pm

    As a society we must all take a more aggressive stand against these dog owners. They show no respect for their neighbors or others. Stiff fines and mandatory jail time should be in order.

    Plus, citizens must defend themselves and their families against these animals and their owners. And that includes shooting the animal if needed to protect yourself, your children and your family.

    We have a similar and ongoing problem in Pilgrim Hills. Many folks out here are upset and prepared to take action.

  22. alwaysbizzie on April 15th, 2011 6:49 pm

    I hope she is okay. I am so sorry about her cat. I do not understand why dog owners will not keep their animals confined. Everyone seems to think since we don’t have a leash law out here you don’t have to control your animals. It is for their own safety as well as their neighbors. Most people don’t realize that animal control’s hands are tied. They do the best they can with the means they are allowed. Just recently a local judge ruled that Escambia County Viscous Dog Ordinance is unconstitutional because it does not provide enough protection for the dogs. To me that seems absurd. My son was attacked by a neighbor’s 3 dogs back in October while walking to his bus stop. The owner new they were a problem and asked my son to carry a stick to teach his dogs a lesson. After we talked with the owner he agreed to keep the dogs up when the students were going to the bus. Needless to say that did not last long and the end result was our son was attacked and had 3 bite marks on his legs. It could have been so much worse and would have been if our son had been wearing shorts. He did not require stitches but it was a long process to have 2 of the dogs declared viscous. It is ultimately up to the owner if the dogs are euthanized. The owner can decide to follow the guide lines of animal control to the letter and pay the fines. If they do so the animals can be returned home. It is the owners choice. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. We should all be responsible for our animals. We choose to have an animal therefore we should take care of our animals and keep them on our property. Neighbors do not help you choose your animal and they should not be subjected to your animals and the problems they cause. The lady today would not have been attacked if the owners of these dogs had been responsible dog owners. My son would not have been attacked if the owner had been responsible and been a person of his word. Even after my son was attacked the owner offered to place a stick out by the road to make the dogs leave him alone. In our case, animal control has done everything that they can to help but when their hands are tied and their funding cut they can only do so much. If you are an animal owner be responsible!

  23. sylvia on April 15th, 2011 5:52 pm

    I love dogs also, but these people should be held accountable for this. I pray the lady will be okay. I was chased by a dog while walking and the lady was standing at her door saying he want bite and all the time the little devil was nipping my ankles. If you going to have an agressive dog then put it behind a fence that is safe.

  24. EMD on April 15th, 2011 5:50 pm

    I always carry my walking stick I bought in the N. Georgia mountains for such possibilities whenever I go outside, even if only in my own yard. I have killed
    several snakes and warded off a dog or two with it. Good thing to have around here. It comes in handy for a number of things. Great low cost investment. I pray the lady is ok.

  25. saw them on April 15th, 2011 5:40 pm

    the dogs looked like bull dogs

  26. Name (required) on April 15th, 2011 5:33 pm

    I certainly hope the woman is going to be ok. I am a dog lover,
    but owners of aggressive animals need to be held accountable.

    I wonder what breed of dogs they are? I will not jump to conclusions,
    but will be interested to find out.

  27. Ifish4 on April 15th, 2011 5:18 pm

    Hopefully animal control realizes these dogs need to be quarantined permanently, as in dead.

  28. Anita Barnett on April 15th, 2011 5:09 pm

    About 12 the two dogs were in our garage. I told my husband and he went to the garage with a broom to chase them out of the garage. The dogs turned on him and got very aggressive. They left and I immediately called Animal Control at 12:27 and reported them and told them they were VERY aggressive. They got my number and address but I never heard from them. I feel so bad. Lady we will be praying for you.

  29. on chestnut on April 15th, 2011 4:49 pm

    i live on chestnut and was also chased by dogs by there which is not far from my home. i can no longer have my morning walks because of it. certain people around there let their animals run free and something needs to be done about it. this is not the first time this has happened!
    i hope she is ok.

  30. time for a change on April 15th, 2011 4:32 pm

    The owners of the dogs should be punished also!

  31. SUSAN on April 15th, 2011 4:08 pm

    That is just so sad about the lady and her cat. Bet she was trying to save her baby!