Molino Couple Pleads Not Guilty In Cancer Scam Case

April 28, 2011

ride-for-sonja-10.jpg Molino couple accused in a fake cancer scam that raised thousands of dollars have both pleaded not guilty to the charges against them.

Sonja Marsell Luker, 42, and Gerald Christopher “Chris” Luker, 43, were due to appear in court today before Judge Joel Boles for an arraignment hearing on felony charges of fraud and grand theft. Through their attorneys, both Lukers waived arraignment and pleaded not guilty prior to today’s hearings, according to the State Attorney’s Office.

But the Lukershave  requested a trial by jury. A trial date has not yet been set.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, numerous fundraisers were held between May 2004 and October 2010 that raised over $19,000. Evidence shows that about $14,000 was used to avoid foreclosure on their home in 2009 and about $4,000 in cash was used by Chris Luker to purchase a 1997 Harley motorcycle.

The Sheriff’s Office investigation found that Chris and Sonja Luker personally received money from friends, family, church members and co-workers under a “scheme” that Sonja Luker was being treated for cancer. Investigators believe both Chris and Sonja Luker are guilty of fraud in the scheme; witnesses said the couple was observed together at fundraisers talking about her cancer treatments.

For an earlier story about the arrests, click here.

Pictured above: Sonja and Chris Luker (in black shirts) are seen in a 2009 photo from a motorcycle ride fundraiser that benefited her alleged fight against cancer. file photos, click to enlarge.


36 Responses to “Molino Couple Pleads Not Guilty In Cancer Scam Case”

  1. Mad on April 30th, 2011 11:34 pm

    @allistair how would you fell if you gave $100’s to them and they bought a new car

    Who’s laughin now!!!¡¡¡???¿¿¿

  2. MAd on April 30th, 2011 11:18 pm

    @allistair or way ever she basically stole people’s money how would you feel if u gave her over $1000 and she bought a new car with it that’s wat she did with mine so you have nothin to laugh about

  3. tina marie on April 29th, 2011 4:04 pm

    I have denied they could do this, been mad, felt betrayed, cried, grieved for the children they have come in contact with. I am now praying conviction. I pray that they will see the error of their ways confess their sin plead guilty and take their punishment. Because as Sonja posted just recently posted on her facebook

    ” If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9″

    I think the key word Sonja is confess your sin. Pleading not guilty is not taking full responsiblity for your actions.

  4. terri sanders on April 29th, 2011 10:09 am

    They pled not guilty becasue that is the fastest way to ensure no jail time but accept a plea bargain and will walk away basically free.No one likes to admit that they have wronged someone,but that is a mark of maturity and Godliness. Thousands of people are struggling to keep their home,us included but to deceive people is robbery plain and simple.the economy is going to get worse and lots of people will continue to lose their homes and jobs.Times will get tougher,but those who trust in the Lord will be able to gain strength to go on,trusting him to provide what they need. Most of what we think we need is nothing more than luxeries we think we have to have.If you have a house to live in,food to eat and a little bit of money,you are better off than 98 % of the world’s population.

  5. poohbear on April 29th, 2011 9:21 am

    Truth, you really told it like it is. Thank you for such a good way of putting it.

  6. Molino-Anon on April 29th, 2011 9:01 am

    They want a jury trial because they know it will be X months before going to trial, this could drag on for a year or more, and the whole time they’re out of jail free to do what ever they wish.

    This is the Molino version of an OJ trial coming up folks.

  7. truth on April 28th, 2011 11:46 pm

    dirt is just that, DIRT!
    nothing more, nothing less
    when you water it down, you have mud
    but when it dries, it is still DIRT.
    these people will be the same after this is all said and done.
    their attorney will try to water it down, and make the case cloudy
    But when it dries,
    They will still be DIRT!
    nothing more, nothing less

  8. In and Out on April 28th, 2011 11:13 pm

    They want to go to trail so they can plea bargain and only get probation. Come on folks.

  9. Allistair on April 28th, 2011 8:30 pm

    If found guilty,
    Who did they hurt?
    Did anybody mortgage their house to help them?
    Were we really cheated out of anything? … We all got to feel good about helping someone.
    Laugh it off.. it was a good joke
    I can’t wait to see what they do next.

  10. Pineville PI on April 28th, 2011 7:18 pm

    God is a LOVING, CARING, FORGIVING God, but God also said Vengeance is mine. God is a just God and has shown his displeasure many times in the bible. Evil will NEVER prevail over Good and one must be accountable for their actions. We can all pray for this couple but faith without works is dead, they need to be praying for theirselves and ask for forgiveness and if not, don’t be suprised what may happen!

  11. southern_loner on April 28th, 2011 5:54 pm

    really? wow. maybe their hoping they can plead insanity after this, since they’d have to be down right stupid to think they could plead not guilty when EVERYONE knows the truth. sad sad people.

  12. To the Scammers on April 28th, 2011 5:13 pm

    I didn’t know the Lukers , only knew of them. But I do know several of the people who helped organize these fundraisers. When the sheriffs investigator came to my place of business to question one of the organizers , she was appalled…….she said theres no way Sonya & Chris lied they are good people…….she has cancer…….she lost her hair……it was all a scam. Chris went to work and let his co-workers donate to this scam……never once refusing to take the money. This went on for years…….never refusing to take the money, then Sonya’s mother is going to comment stupidly………they never ask for these fundraisers……….no they didn’t , but they didn’t refuse the money either , that’s where the fraud was committed. Have you ever heard of the phrase……Just Say No , Thank you?? And keep your house out of forclosure, maybe……….but to take scammed money and go buy a Harley Davidson…….that is fraud……and that is a felony folks. I understand the remarks by your son , he’s disappointed in his parents and embarrassed I’m sure, but you are the ones he should be mad at , not the good people of this community who tried to help you, in your so called time of need. Mr.&Mrs. Luker , have you ever read The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf?? Yes , I agree….. plead guily , do your time, and learn from your mistakes.

  13. AvidRelay4Lifer on April 28th, 2011 2:05 pm

    Again, I say, “Please, Judge, don’t make this couple serve time by working with cancer patients.” Our sick loved-ones deserve care from someone who is caring, loving and compassionate!! Let’s not punish the cancer patients!

  14. Kay on April 28th, 2011 1:46 pm

    I only contributed $20.00 and I didn’t know them anyway, but what
    really bothers me is that they used some one’s child as their mascot
    and involved other children and now what are the children to think. The only other
    thing of course is that they have the gaul to make this town pay
    for a trial and for it’s citizens to sit through another of their farces. Every one I am sure would have relented a fraction on them if they had thrown them selves on the mercy of the judge and the town and said – ” I DID IT AND I’M SO SORRY”.

  15. rukiddingme on April 28th, 2011 1:25 pm

    Being a cancer survivor myself, I would not wish it on anyone. But I would wish for them to admit to the wrong they have done to community, families, as well as themselves. I feel that they both should do some community service/volunteer work with patients that have cancer. Help them. Bring them a drink when the radiation to the throat does not allow them to swallow. Sit with them when the chemo does not allow the food to stay down. Maybe then, and only then, they will see what a terrible thing they have done.

  16. abrykin on April 28th, 2011 12:21 pm

    Not guilty.Come on.What Doctor is going to say he treated her?Their best defense is insanity.

  17. jp on April 28th, 2011 12:01 pm

    According to the Bible “thy sins will find the out”. Also, sin is sin in the eyes of God.
    “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. It matters not what sin you
    commit that matters it is how you correct it that counts. Admit your sins before God
    and man and make restitution. Learn from your foolish ways and repent.

    God is great and can and will forgive us of any and all transgressions. I truely believe
    if this sin is confessed to and true restitution is made to those who simply tried to
    help someone they thought was in need, the community, for the mostpart will be
    good enough to forgive and forget. At least I hope so!

  18. Bama Boy on April 28th, 2011 11:55 am

    @Concerned. Our God is a forgiving God. But only to those who repent!! They are thumbing their nose at God and this community. Jesus did not die on a cross for people who thumb their nose and shake their fist at God but for those who repent and are broken for their sin. I am sick and tired of hearing how God is this and God is that. Read the bible and you will encounter a God diffirent from what you think or what you feel!!

  19. Monica on April 28th, 2011 11:53 am

    Our God is a very forgiving God… when we repent. I am praying for this couple and everyone else that has been hurt by this unfortunate situation.

  20. Reader of the News on April 28th, 2011 11:40 am

    @Josh, you must be careful what you say (write) no matter what someone has done, you shouldn’t wish anything on them, it can come back around. I’ve seen it happen. We should pray that they step up and ask forgiveness and justice will be done. This is hard to understand why someone would fake such a terrible illness that destroys lives, I wouldn’t wish what my loved one went through on anyone.

  21. WORRIED RESIDENT on April 28th, 2011 10:46 am

    I believe thy’re waiting on the people they scammed hearts to soften (by the time to testify at trial), or for the DA to think it’s more cost effective to make a plea deal. That’s what I think they’re hoping will happen. Actually it probably will happen (one or the other).

  22. friend no MORE..... on April 28th, 2011 10:17 am

    INSANITY: such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility…..

    yea right…. i have known sonja for 13 years, and never once did she ever act like she had no idea what she was saying, doing, involved in, ect.
    you can not be forgiven if you will not own up to your Sin’s Sonja and Chris.
    for me, it has not been about the money, although i do belive that someone else may have need $20,000.00 more then you, or $14,000. to get their house payment up to date. but it is the hurt that you first caused people, when they though you had not much time to live with the Camcer. then to take that money, knowing that you DID NOT have Cancer, and now try to claim that you are insane because of things that happend during your chilhood. give me a break.
    what about Chris? is he Insane as well? i dont think either of you are crazy. i think someone, like your dad who is known for screwing people, told you to play crazy.

    no matter what, you or chris will ever be able to hold your heads up high again.
    i don’t even know how you could show your face at all in Molino. and i hope all those kids at the ball park, know what kind of people you and chris really are.

  23. Rider on April 28th, 2011 10:08 am

    I have personally seen the effect these two have had on the Good , giving people of this community. Robbery is one thing with a weapon. But to use peoples hearts against them is the lowest.

  24. toofunny on April 28th, 2011 10:06 am

    @ concerned you don’t have to comment back, but i strongly disagree. How could you say that people commenting on a story is hurting them. They hurt theirselves and other individuals who were kind hearted enough to feel like they should help this couple to find out it was all a scam….i’m concerned you’re reading a different story.

  25. huh on April 28th, 2011 9:17 am

    Unless they can produce medical documents proving she had cancer i cant help but feel the judge will throw the book at them and give them the max sentence that the charges hold for this.

  26. concerned on April 28th, 2011 8:59 am

    I have been following this story and I am a mother of a young adult that was bullied by words and it seems to me that is what is happening here. Our God is a forgiving God and I am sure this couple has been through enough without all this on here. I know everyone is titled to their opinion but some of this one here is worse than my child ever had to read.
    This is the only statement I wiill put on here so if someone comments to what I have wrote don’t expect a comment back from me because I don’t stoop that low. I will be praying for this couple.

  27. toofunny on April 28th, 2011 8:46 am

    I feel like that ATT commericial where the guy drops his phone in the urinal and says, “Really?” What are these two thinking??? You scamed your own community and friends and think they will have more sympathy to say, “hey you know what? they aren’t guilty…” you’ve got another thing coming..God doesn’t like ugly and what you did is really low. I got one more question, on what basis do you actually think you’re not guilty?? You must’ve been buying crack w/ the money you stole from people who tried to bless you. Good luck and God bless!

  28. Jane on April 28th, 2011 8:45 am

    For once I would like to be on that jury! Guilty! I hope they read this story on their new scam-bought computer and realize they are creeps! Maybe god can forgive them but some people won’t.

  29. my2cents on April 28th, 2011 7:42 am

    @ ■Dead Poets===spot on!!

    This is a shame!

  30. JoshBaker on April 28th, 2011 7:11 am

    I hope they get cancer for real.

  31. BamaDude on April 28th, 2011 6:45 am

    This “not guilty” plea is a slap in the face to all their friends that they lied to and swindled. It is time for this pathetic couple to put on their “big boy pants” and take ownership and responsibility for their actions. I am glad that I NEVER knew them and NEVER game money to them!!

  32. Safebear on April 28th, 2011 6:15 am

    By pleading “not guilty” they will now cost taxpayers more money – and when they get sent to jail, they will be supported by taxpayers.

  33. Dead Poets Society on April 28th, 2011 6:07 am

    Roses are Red
    Violets are Blue
    Big John and Big Lulu
    will be in the pokie
    waiting on you

  34. mary on April 28th, 2011 5:55 am

    Here we go..waste of tax payer’s money..they should just say YES WE ARE GUILTY..they are…or even plea “No Contest”..I’m fighting kidney failure & cant afford to do any more tests other than just plain bloodwork & I have insurance but I’m not out asking for $$$….This couple makes me sick..I lost my mom to cancer when I was 7..SHAME on them…is all I can think of…

  35. poohbear on April 28th, 2011 5:19 am

    I can’t believe they pled not guilty. Now there is going to be a trial that is going to cost the state money. They must be thinking the people they cheated out of their money won’t testify against them.

  36. joe on April 28th, 2011 1:32 am

    they would have a better chance with a judge than a jury of their peers. they need to remember the jury of peers will be the same “peers” they scamed. and no one is forgeting this any time soon, I hope i get called for jury duty.