Meth, Not Fish, Found Cooking At Lake; Two Arrested

April 7, 2011

Two people were arrested Wednesday afternoon after deputies discovered a fishing spot at a Century lake where meth, not fish, was being cooked.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies discovered what they said was an active methamphetamine lab in a wooded area on the shore of a gravel lake at the end of Cedar Street, just south of Old Flomaton Road.

Two people were taken into custody after the discovery. According to Escambia County Jail records, Mitchell Herman Dunsford, 25, and  Shaunathon Wayne Qualls, 26, were both charged with two felony counts of drug possession and one misdemeanor count of possession of drug paraphernalia.  Dunsford was also charged with marijuana possession. Both remained in the Escambia County Jail early Thursday morning; Dunsford with bond set at $47,000 and Qualls with bond set at $46,000.

As deputies discovered the alleged methamphetamine lab, they gave chase to suspects that ran from the scene. A portion of the meth lab — the bottle used in the actual manufacturing process — was tossed into a nearby stream.

Dunsford reportedly ran from deputies, leading to a brief, unsuccessful manhunt. While the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit was working to test and remove the meth lab, Dunsford returned to the scene with a relative.

Along with the drug paraphernalia, deputies also discovered fishing equipment — rods and reels and live bait.

Pictured top: Deputy David Bashore works to remove a bottle that was allegedly part of a meth lab thrown into a stream that feeds a gravel lake in Century. Pictured inset: The alleged active meth lab. Pictured below: Some of the items believed to have been used in connection with meth lab. photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Meth, Not Fish, Found Cooking At Lake; Two Arrested”

  1. new girl on January 22nd, 2012 4:54 pm

    to whom it may concern. I can tell you that at least one of these boys is doing well. clean and happy now.

  2. Amazed on April 13th, 2011 11:42 pm

    I am amazed to see some people so judgmental… Yeah… It was dumb… but how many dumb things have u all done in ur life… and to who ever u are calling names (snitch) maybe u should think of a good name for urself… I promise you you haven’t had the life that that boy has had…. is it a good excuse nah…. but don’t throw out ur comments without realizing that there people around that LOVE these boys and know them and grew up with them…. Maybe u should learn to keep ur mouth shut until u have something Intelligent to say… My guess is that would probably mean you wouldn’t speak anymore….. To Mitch and Shaun and their Families you are in my prayers….

  3. Just Family on April 11th, 2011 9:54 pm

    Wow these are some really interesting comments. It just amazes me at how people can open up their opinion when someone is caught doing wrong! Shaun is family and I have watched the ups and downs in his life, but what really gets me is that people can take the time to comment on this page but how many took the time to TRUELY help Shaun fight the demons that bound him? If everyone that took the time to write a negative comment on this page took the same amount of time to try and intervene then maybe we wouldn’t have so much of this going on. It takes only a few seconds to point the finger at what one does wrong but how many does it take to point that finger back at ones self and say what could I have done to help change these young mens life? It is true some people can’t be helped unless they want to be helped, but I know for a fact that this is not where Shaun saw his life going many years ago. He had alot of negative help getting where he is today! Who would raise their hands and take claim to that? Wheres the comments that say I helped Shaun get where he is? And Deb it’s probably better that Shaun is where he’s at because as sad as it seems he’s  much safer in jail than on the streets of his own home town.Which is truely sad. To the ones that disagree remember the demons that bind have no preference of person and some are more weaker to resistance than others. I love you Shaun regardless of your faults. After all who would love us if it wasn’t for FAMILY? 

  4. A Proud MOM on April 10th, 2011 11:57 pm

    To the person named Recovered,,, I’m very PROUD of you !!!! IF you can turn your life around to be a postive speaker about this addiciton,, Then jus maybe you can HELP so many more,, I don’t have to call you by name BECAUSE i know who wrote this so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK,,, love ya

  5. centuryhome on April 10th, 2011 8:15 pm

    I hate to hear about these boys who have so much potential, but made the wrong choices. I just have one question; if anyone in “law enforcement” can answer: WHY AREN’T THE OTHER METH LABS BEING RAIDED AND THOSE PEOPLE PUT IN PRISON? I know by NAME some of the people that these kids are getting this crap from, and no one is doing a thing about it! Why is that?

  6. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2011 5:47 pm

    To their credit, they weren’t cooking it at home where it would have created a fire hazard and endangered any small children, always assuming it was their meth and they weren’t just innocent bystanders, of course.

    David looking at the bright side
    of a bad situation

  7. DH on April 9th, 2011 9:48 am

    I hope these men get the help they need and as a family member of a recovering crack addict I personally know the toll that addiction takes on the families,so please keep in mind the families and the pain and suffering they endure and please pray for the families as well as the two men.

  8. recovered on April 8th, 2011 11:52 pm

    I am currenly a recovering meth addict.. I have over 2 years clean. I never realized the harm that it was causing my family or the community, when u use , u just ” dont care” … Meth takes that from you.. I was busted and realized that addiction is REAL.. You loose all control until u get halp or busted.. Being busted saved my life.. I now talk to students on the affects of “drug addiction” and am currently in school studying psychology to become a drug counselor.. I pray that these people use this as fuel to gain control over their lives.. Its easy to judge ” WHEN U HAVENT BEEN THERE” I understand now what I did not then… Things go wrong when good people do nothing…. Please if u know some one that is using HELP THEM, they dont have the capacity to help themselves… I pray for the mothers of these addicts , I know I put my family thur hell just like them but it was NEVER our intentions….. And Mikey , I agree with you , u can learn allu need by reading these stretched stories….

  9. Huh on April 8th, 2011 11:16 pm

    TO Brandy, apparently you have never stepped into the real world. My guess you’ve never got out of your house to much. If you have ever even turned your television on you would know that what happens in a child’s life effects them in their entire future. People say just get over it, to them people I say you go through abuse or loosing a parent or sibiling and tell me that same thing. True, you do have many things to turn to but drugs numb the pain and most sadly do turn to this. So brandy don’t judge an action of another until you know what they have been through and even then you shouldn’t judge them, but then again you should already know this since your apparently on a pedestal and better than your average person, right?

  10. bme on April 8th, 2011 11:08 pm

    I am so sorry Ms. Debbie, I pray that you are okay and I will pray for Shaun as well. I hope that you can get through this as best as you can and I know how you feel when it comes to rather having someone you love behind bars or dead, I have a situation all most the same and I just thank god that he is alive and I will be able to see him again. I wish jail on no one, but sometimes that may be the only thing that can help a person with a addiction, You know that your son is a good person, it’a just the drugs that sometimes shield the good and bring out the evil. I know things will get better and I know that you are a strong women, just don’t give up!

  11. Kay on April 8th, 2011 1:55 pm

    Looks like the outreach in this area is doing reaaaalllly well.

  12. century resident on April 8th, 2011 11:46 am

    to terri, this is a very good thing for this community. we need an outreach program designed specifically for people struggling with addictions. this town is in trouble. i just pray that they will be convicted to come get help. i hope that everyone else that is involved in this nasty drug will look at what is happening to these other people and straighten their lives up. century needs to be cleaned up. drugs need to be abolished and people need to look to God. we never know what day this world is going to come to an end. we all need to get ready.

  13. Terri Sanders on April 8th, 2011 10:13 am

    Grace Fellowship has a Celebrate Recovery Meeting every Tuesday night at six.Meals are provided.You cannot break the addictions alone.either a Christ centered program or a secular recovery program will help.Cry out to Jesus! Our church started this program to reach out to those seeking to stop the addictions.We “love them like Jesus would”We can give them hope and a future.We pick them up when they fall and celebrate when the stay clean whether a day a week or a month.Hopefully what is next is a program for the relatives who are in additions.

  14. Sad. on April 8th, 2011 8:33 am

    Thanks, Dola! Some people just don’t know how hard addiction can be. & No is perfect. They did wrong, I won’t deny that or try to cover it up but the bashing is really not necessary. Just pray that this will be the wakeup call they need and start living life like it was tended to live.

  15. dola on April 8th, 2011 7:19 am

    You people need to educate yourself a bit more on the subjects of addiction, popularity, and favoritism before telling the saddened mother of one of the two men what you might believe the best thing to do next. I went to school with, and at one point in time was good friends with these two guys and will say that they have made their share of bad choices, obviously. But no one is perfect, despite the way some of your rant and rave in your comments as if yourself a rare creation of near God perfection and righteousness. WRONG! Here’s another newsflash for you bunch of problem free perfect citizens, you may want so take a seat or at least brace yourself; for ever bust of a “meth-lab” you read about such as this one, ether online or on newsprint, what your not being told is the details of the three meth producing operations that aren’t raided. Just to clarify, from the looks of the pictures regarding this matter it appears that the “cooking” and “lab” terminology is entirely wrong, but I’m not going into a chemistry lesson, just wanting to bring some attention to the fact that times have changed and along with everything else evolving and progressing in life over the last 10 years, illegal drug production has also. I hope this is a wake up call to both these guys to get with God and stay on his path.

  16. Jellybean on April 7th, 2011 8:47 pm

    Hey! Is that a department issued pokin’ stick?

  17. Brandy on April 7th, 2011 7:31 pm

    I think everyone needs to stop making excuses for those who get on drugs.
    Everyone has the right to say no to drugs and those that get on drugs usually say that they have had a hard life or alot of problems in their life. I say it’s a bunch of crap. You choose to do drugs no one has twisted your arm to do it. And it’s ashame that our taxpayers money has to be used on those that choose to do wrong. They need to grow up and stop making excuses. What is this world coming too??

  18. Sad. on April 7th, 2011 5:59 pm

    && Ms. Debbie You are also in my prayers! I hope Shaun does get the help He needs.

  19. sad on April 7th, 2011 5:45 pm

    If you woud listen… You would know that Mitch is not MY SON. He is the FATHER OF MY CHILD. geez… Get your comments straight. I’m assuming you don’t know him so you have no right to judge him. End of discussion.

  20. broken hearted mom on April 7th, 2011 5:32 pm

    A mother cries..Shaun is my son and by far not perfect but still I love him with all my heart even when he breaks mine. Yes Shaun has a good heart just not good sense. I don’t know the whole story on this, I know they did not arrest him at the traffic stop but came back hours later to arrest him, Shaun was at his fathers house at the time so I’m not sure of whats what–or how much involved he was of this, either way maybe this will be his wakeup call–I much rather see him behind bars than visit his gravesite. I’ve done all I can do except keep praying and loving him. I love you Shaun but if you done the crime you need to do the time and get the help you need. Good job officers for stopping this meth from hitting the streets. I love you Shaun ..

  21. Molino Man on April 7th, 2011 5:27 pm

    To “sad” Put your money where your mouth is & get your “son” out of jail. He is taking up our taxpayer dollars as you rant & rave… come on… $4,700 isn’t that much ??

  22. jcellop on April 7th, 2011 5:07 pm

    to “really???” …google “meth lab decontamination enviroment” and you can see what the EPA has to say about the affects of meth lab contaminents have on our enviroment….if you were to ever attend one of the methamphetamine lectures sponsored by the ECSO, then you would have a better understanding as to the gravity of that meth container being thrown into the lake…you would also be shocked to know just how much it costs (taxpayers) to safely clean-up after the discovery of a meth lab.

  23. Sad. on April 7th, 2011 4:45 pm

    Look, I know he did wrong. They both did….& yes some of you’re statements are true very true.. I have known Mitch & Shaun for a long time. & no I’m not a dope head nor a loser. & I hope that he does serve some time because He needs it, a wake up call. Some time to get his head back on straight and think about what life is all about. When You’re on drugs You don’t have time to think or feel bad the actions you do. He has so much to lose. For one my SON. You want to put all the blame on Mitch but what about Shaun? He has been known to do the snitchin’ too! No body’s perfect but We need to help these guys instead of calling them every name in the book. Like I said before… Mitch is a GOOD HEARTED person… Some might not be able to see that side of him very often but I did. He has some made some very bad choices in life but haven’t We all? The best thing for everyone to do is pray that He can overcome his addiction which has total control of his life, right now….. and his SON & FAMILY.

  24. jcb on April 7th, 2011 3:57 pm

    Wow. I guess ol SNITCH Dunsford might finally do some time for something. If he doesnt try to turn states evidence on Shaun and cut a deal. This guy has ALWAYS been a dope head and a loser…

  25. wow on April 7th, 2011 3:02 pm

    Wow shaun looks awful ashame he looks like he’s 40 years old from that junk and he sure not gonna smile cause of his rotted teeth

  26. Sad. on April 7th, 2011 2:57 pm

    Well said… ‘by the way’

    Addiction is a hard thing to overcome and for those who hasn’t experienced need not to judge.

  27. by the way on April 7th, 2011 2:34 pm

    i grew up with these boys, theres not a lot to do in a little town like century or flomaton ! I was lucky enough to get away but i hope they get the help they need. neither one is bad at heart. but meth will steal your soul! people need to be thankful that they dont have any addictions instead of down gradeing people that do. Just saying!!

  28. Molino Man on April 7th, 2011 11:56 am

    I’m just finding it funny that Dunsford returned to the scene with a relative.. I don’t care who UR… thats makes headlines all over the USA. duhh?? METH TAKES UP JAIL CELLS on taxpayers backs.

  29. Sad. on April 7th, 2011 11:42 am

    I’m very sad to see this. Mitch is the father of our son. He’s a good guy on the inside although some can’t see that and I understand why but this is not the MItch I know.
    I just pray to God He will get the help He needs for He can become more involved in his Son’s life because My Son deserves it. I cry by just looking at this article because it’s the drugs. They get the best of good people. Please pray for his family. Thank you….

  30. David Huie Green on April 7th, 2011 11:37 am

    tires are good for the lake

  31. molino-anon on April 7th, 2011 11:20 am


    hey man, ever get on the internet much? You can google methlab and learn all you want to know about making the junk… just saying…

  32. Sandra on April 7th, 2011 10:20 am

    Mickey…if you want to read a story written to the specifications that you posted, might I suggest the PNJ. They never post descriptions and rarely gave names or gender.

  33. Really??? on April 7th, 2011 10:03 am

    Seriously, Hurting the wild life and enviroment. Have you ever been to stonelake, like the person said there is a tire in the water. It’s not that sanitary. I do agree that they need time in jail to realize what they have been doing to themselves and family, and to kick they’re bad habit.

  34. jcellop on April 7th, 2011 8:39 am

    if the “alleged” methamphetamine lab proves to be authentic, i would hope that the suspects are additionally charged w/the willfull attempt to contaminate/harm the enviroment/humans and wildlife…BTW, if anyone “hears” that meth is being manufactured somewhere or, knows someone is doing it, you can annonymously report it to escambia county investigators…..its far better to report a legitimate suspicion, or knowledge there of, than to turn a blind eye to it…we’ll never get escambia countys meth epidemic under control if the public doesnt responsibly get involved–it does affect everyone, TAXPAYERS included…if enough citizens of century want to have the ECSO provide a VERY informative meth education meeting (like we had in cottage hill) just ask them…knowlege is power.

  35. Oh Mickey on April 7th, 2011 8:12 am

    @ Mickey.

    The basics of journalism are who? what? when? where? and how?

    What an awful website this is to answer those questions and write a proper article. Imagine, doing things right? Good lord!

  36. xpeecee on April 7th, 2011 8:11 am

    @ Whatever:

    I am with you!

  37. i'm me on April 7th, 2011 8:04 am

    Did you get the tire out of the water too??

  38. Whatever on April 7th, 2011 8:02 am

    @ Mickey – Get real. If you don’t like the way William reports the news then click on that little red X in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

  39. Mickey Powell on April 7th, 2011 7:38 am

    Why would North Escambia write this story in this way?
    Why not a story saying:
    Two arrested for this incident.
    Names only
    No pictures
    No ages
    No gender
    No addresss
    No ID of law inforcement officers

    This story is an advertisement for someone who may want to try or even make this deadly trash. Now they know where to go and who to contact. Our local former Alabama Sheriff, would even tell on the radio what it takes to make it while he was seeking re-election. Don’t worry we have the same stories here in Escambia County Alabama too. And all of our LOCAL EXCUSE newpapers exploit it also. No drug related stories would cripple some of our local excuesses. I read the head lines and if I don’t reconize a picture it’s not ever interested to read the story because it’s SAME O SAME O SAME O.

    Mickey Powell

  40. justme! on April 7th, 2011 7:20 am

    All I can say is, it’s about time. I was wondering if he had a free pass or something because he was always getting arrested but never going to jail. Hopefully he’s going to punished this time!

  41. bout time on April 7th, 2011 6:14 am

    Well glad they got busted I heard they were doing it and guess its true

  42. Atmore mom on April 7th, 2011 2:48 am
