Mandatory School Uniforms At Bratt Elementary Next Year?

April 1, 2011

The Bratt Elementary School Advisory Council wants to know if mandatory school uniforms should be considered for the next school year.

The advisory council is conducting a survey “to see what parents and guardians thought about the idea before going through the process of bringing the option to a vote”. With their child’s report card Thursday, parents and guardians received a survey form asking if the SAC should consider the option of school uniforms. The survey form is not a vote for or against school uniforms for the 2011-2012 school year.

According to the survey form, the “Escambia County School District is asking schools to consider the option of having mandatory school uniforms”.

For a copy of the survey form, click here.


39 Responses to “Mandatory School Uniforms At Bratt Elementary Next Year?”

  1. #1mom on April 5th, 2011 6:31 am

    to mom who wants to know where all the “hat day” money goes?? Come to a meeting sometime and listen to the projects that pta is involved in that gives the money back to the school. For every fundraising project that is done, there is 3 projects given back to the school. Some ppl would see that more often if parents were more involved in their child’s school. As for uniforms….My children dress appropriately to begin with, but it would be easier to help them decide what to wear each day. “Will it be khaki, or khaki? No fuss.

  2. Anonymous on April 3rd, 2011 9:17 pm

    Mom- Where does the $ go for the “Hat days” and such.

    Usualy they send home a flyer with the info on hat days or whatever day it is and at our school this money goes to Relay for Life or a specific fundraiser by PTA. If its PTA it goes right back into your school. Thats how we pay for the copy paper, markers, play programs, ribbons, PE mats, reading programs, math programs, and all the little extras thats provided to enhance your childs education. The district doesn’t pay for these things.

  3. T on April 3rd, 2011 2:15 pm

    YES! Uniforms should be A MUST! No more tails showing, no more belly buttons showing! :)

  4. ???? on April 3rd, 2011 8:37 am

    This is one thing the SCHOOL board CAN have control over…STOP LETTING THE PARENTS AND STUDENTS run the school system. I say let the board make the decision and stick to it. This is part of what’swrong with our schools, parents trying to run the schools, but yet, most of them you never see at any school events. Congratulations to those parents who are involved, you will see the payoff one day. The whole 12 years I went through school, my mom was involved…she worked the concession stand, was a homeroom mom, went on field trips, came and helped clean the school before the new year started, etc etc etc….there are parents that I never saw and still haven’t seen over 30 years later! School board members, you can control this issue, just make the ruling and stick by it. They will either buy the uniforms or they can take their little angels elsewhere or homeschool them…..THEY WILL HAVE THEM BACK IN SCHOOL AND IN REGULATORY UNIFORMS IN LESS THAN 3 MONTHS! It ain’t as easy as you think it is!

  5. Janice Parker on April 3rd, 2011 8:28 am

    No matter how this turns out, they cannot keep your child out of school if they don’t wear a uniform. The state of Florida says so.

  6. Beegee on April 2nd, 2011 12:58 pm

    If it gets to the point,in the very near future,that it becomes mandatory…then let the county pay for all the uniforms!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Bam on April 2nd, 2011 12:26 pm

    As a parent I loved it when my kids wore uniform, no fighting over what they are going to wear to school and since everyone is wearing the same thing, its less of a distractions for them. Most of the times what the school selects as a uniform is generic enough that you can buy the items cheaper than regular clothes your kids would wear too. Khaki, navy blue or black pants can be purchased at the Dollar General store, along with plain white polo shirts. Splurge a little on a windbreaker or sweater with the school’s logo. I used to buy my kids 3 complete outfits when school first started and add to it throughout the year, change the pants to shorts and long sleeves to short sleeves. When it was all said and done with one boy and one girl outfits I spent about $300 for the year. Regular clothes would cost me that much just for my son and probably double for my daughter. Of course the kids don’t care to wear uniforms but they are NOT going to school for a fashion show, they are there to LEARN.

  8. and next on April 2nd, 2011 10:12 am

    If the teachers expect students to dress appropriately and enforce that expectation by make them change put on zip ties or school issued sweats to cover themselves, the kids will learn the wear appropriate clothing. If you don’t have high expectations, you are going to have bigger problems than dress code! By they way, I would love to teach in a uniform. It would send a message of authority and unity.

  9. Molino Mom on April 2nd, 2011 8:59 am

    you know we don’t go to Bratt, but we live in the Northend and do go to school out here. I have two children in the school system. I think that in our school I have really NEVER seen one child sag their pants and I have never seen one girl even in 5th grade wear anything unappropriate. Either the teachers catch it or the parents aren’t allowing it, but as a regular volunteer to our school. I just don’t see it. However, that is not to say that I have not seen it at other schools in the district. So, to be fair I can see that this may be something the district has to consider across the board to control other areas. It doesn’t matter to me anyways. I don’t have a lot of extra money, but we will manage if this is what is found to be best for all the children in the county. It is only clothes why all the fuss? At least they will look nice.

  10. me on April 2nd, 2011 2:15 am

    As a parent I would not support uniforms for many reasons. For one our children should be allowed to decide what they are gonna wear to a certain point and not all thrift stores has a size for everyone so I’m sure some parents will have to buy new and may not be able to afford the cost of uniforms. It doesn’t matter if its khaki pants our blue jeans as long as they fit correctly and are worn the way they are meant to be worn people spend to much time and energy looking for ways to change things that don’t really need to be changed just give my child the education he has a right to receive and I will keep on paying my tax dollars as usual. By the way are any of the schools that have uniforms thinking of making teachers were them also. Some teachers wear VERY DISTRACTING clothing. Lol but its true. Have a blessed and wonderful day.

  11. Dixie Chick on April 1st, 2011 10:46 pm

    You can’t use the argument that uniforms are neater. Look at Atmore. The boys wear sagging pants and the girls wear skin tight pants. It doesn’t matter if you have uniforms or not kids will always push as far as they can.

  12. ProudArmyParent on April 1st, 2011 9:17 pm

    I sure am tired of looking at dirty draws, but that is what they make zip ties for. Problem solved!

  13. just saying on April 1st, 2011 9:00 pm

    “aren’t you tired of seeing the boyz’ underwear from those sagging pants that are 10 sizes too large?”

    I am a public school teacher who has taught in a school that required uniforms, and you know what? I spent an inordinate amount of time telling “boyz” to pull up their pants. After having taught in both a school that required uniforms and one that doesn’t, I can honestly say that students in uniforms are really not more “uniform” than students in “regular clothes.” However, checking for belts, appropriate shoes, and the correct color of an undershirt did take up lots of time–time I could have spent teaching children. As for Bratt Elementary, I don’t care what they decide because I don’t teach there and I don’t have a child who attends Bratt. I’m just saying that some of the arguments used for uniforms are myths.

  14. Bob Hudson on April 1st, 2011 7:51 pm

    Soapbox, School makes rules for the proper dress code,( no uniforms) That is funded with my tax dollars+ school sends out rules for proper dress=parents must follow rules, to keep a child in a tax payer funded school.. Simple as that. Never thought that I would be concern about this out in the country. Blue -jean’s never wear out, seems they just go more in to fashion. The more hole’s the better, I call it pre-wore-out , you know, its like, No, I did not wear them out, it just looks like I did.

  15. wader79 on April 1st, 2011 7:47 pm

    You guys are fussin about this already and it hasn’t even happened yet. Pray about the situation. We need god back in our schools long before anything else.

  16. Oversight on April 1st, 2011 5:57 pm

    ProudArmyParent, if you’re really a public school teacher, then aren’t you tired of seeing the boyz’ underwear from those sagging pants that are 10 sizes too large?

  17. ProudArmyParent on April 1st, 2011 2:36 pm

    To answer your comment, “There is always the home school option for those who howl of the in justice of uniforms. The only problem is that the ones making the most noise are the same ones who are too lazy to take the effort to educate their own kids”. Just because I do not agree with the uniform option does not mean, I’m too lazy to take the effort to educate my own kids, the problem is I’m too busy educating yours!

  18. Bob hudson on April 1st, 2011 2:28 pm

    I’m sorry, That was Dr.Spock, and no, not the one on Star Trek.

  19. Bob hudson on April 1st, 2011 2:11 pm

    So these studies that show improvement in grades, are they the same studies that took discipline out of schools,(spanking) because it was to damaging to their little egos? Are these the same studies that have lead to no respect for a teacher? Are these studies the same one’s that have given the children the idea that if they are not in control and can do what ever they wish, they are being abused? Sorry do not buy in to the new social age. Yes I was paddled when I was in school, and you know what? I brought that own myself. It also taught me to respect the rules and to behave. Now I know this goes against one of the most liberal minds of child raising , Mr.Spock I believe it was. But he was wrong, and now look at where we are today.

  20. Soapbox on April 1st, 2011 2:08 pm

    Talk to the parents about inappropriate clothing? You are kidding me. They bought it in the first place. duh. And Bob, got any kids in school? Didn’t think so.
    Good grief, not taking away the right to vote, just dressing properly in school. Who knowes they might actually learn how to dress appropriately. Never know.

  21. Bob Hudson on April 1st, 2011 11:36 am

    Here we go again, (Government) I mean, schools are run by the government are they not? Telling you what to do.What a minute , don’t they do this in China, where they control the schools? Just a thought.

  22. Bob Hudson on April 1st, 2011 11:27 am

    Just another experiment in the Social control and behavioral of people and children. Lets all dress a like , lets all think alike, No,we do not want you to be independent thinkers. No we do not want to prepare you for the real world. We want you to grow up and do just what you are told, when we tell you. If a child is not dressed correctly, get on the phone call the parents and resolve the issue, make sure the Parents follow the rules. But like normal days in this country, it is much easier to punish the masses, than to confront the issue, and enforce the rule’s. While you are at it , do not use their names, just give them a number, I’m sure that would be much easier to track also. This idea has always been a stupid one.

  23. Considering on April 1st, 2011 10:54 am

    I have a niece with 4 children enrolled at a public school that requires uniforms. Their uniforms consist of any color polo or plain white shirt and khakis or undecorated blue or black jeans. It allows a little more flexibility along with the regulations. As far as costs go, she says it saves her a tremendous amount of money. Although her children are all a little different in size, they can share the shirts and she doesn’t have to buy 20 different outfits to get them through the week. They pass down their jeans and khakis to one another and yes, she finds and buys a lot of them at consignment shops at a fraction of the cost. I think the key is not too many limitations and perhaps just a little consideration.

  24. SOS on April 1st, 2011 10:26 am

    Look, all of this crap begins at home..If children dress inappropriately, you need to speak with parents..The child’.s parents are buying their clothes..Why punish those that do not dress inappropriately. DUH !!!

  25. Really? on April 1st, 2011 8:55 am

    I agree with the fact that some kids are wearing inapropriate clothing to school and other places and something needs to be addressed about that. As to the economics of purchasing uniforms; the purchase of the uniforms is probably a little cheaper when purchased, but kids will only wear them to school and will get out of them as soon as possible. This means that they will still need the other clothes that are being purchased now. This means TWO sets of clothes. How can this be less expensive, especially for those who are having difficulties now?

  26. MOM on April 1st, 2011 8:50 am

    The SURVEY clearly states that:

    This is only a survey to determine if the majority of the parents/guardians would like more information about school uniforms. This is NOT a vote for or against school uniforms for the 2011 – 2012 school year.

    It does not say that it would be mandated for the 2011 – 2012 school year. The SAC committee does not want to go through with the entire process (which includes a lot of things), IF a large majority would vote NO anyway.
    The “DISTRICT” wants to give the parents at each school this OPTION!!! They are NOT telling us what to do. PLEASE get all the facts!!!!!!!

  27. justathought on April 1st, 2011 8:40 am

    its not the kids ruining the school system, it’s the parents…just read all these comments, nothing for the betterment of the kids and education, it’s what the parents want or don’t want!

  28. soapbox on April 1st, 2011 8:35 am

    Suggestion: Go look at the schools that do not have to wear uniforms, then go to a school where they do. Does not take a rocket scientist to see that the uniform shirts and pants look neater and more appropriate than the clothes that they are given free rein to wear. They at least cover what needs covering and present a good clean appearance. Good grief, they have the rest of their lives to wear whatever. Be parents not buddies.

  29. Mom on April 1st, 2011 8:28 am

    I can see it now. Uniforms Monday through Thursday. “No Uniform Day” on Friday — if you pay $1. Just like all those “Hat Days” they do for $1. Where does the money go?

  30. Oversight on April 1st, 2011 8:25 am

    There is always the home school option for those who howl of the in justice of uniforms. The only problem is that the ones making the most noise are the same ones who are too lazy to take the effort to educate their own kids. And all they seem to be concerned about is the daily fashion show.

  31. ProudArmyParent on April 1st, 2011 8:09 am

    Tate Mom, several years back Ernest Ward Middle School tried the uniform policy on a voluntary bases. I was one of those parents who thought this will great! Cheaper, easier to get my child ready in the morning, and he would just look so much better. WRONG….the uniforms were no cheaper, and just the hassle of deciding blue, gold, or white shirt was a pain the butt. After awhile you get tired of seeing your child in the same thing day in and day out. Oh and lets talk about the pants, I was constantly replacing them because being a boy and khaki being as thin as it is there were holes, and those holes would not do and patching khaki just looked even worse. Oh and then there are the stains that will not hide on khaki as well as they can be hidden on jean. So NO uniforms are not a good answer if we are talking more economical! They also look really tacky after they are worn and worn and worn.

  32. whitepunknotondope on April 1st, 2011 7:54 am

    “Uniforms would cut down on dress code violations and would improve academic achievment. There is research to prove it does.”

    Show us the research. And check your spelling while you’re at it.

  33. whitepunknotondope on April 1st, 2011 7:52 am

    Hate the idea. Just another example of SCHOOL DISTRICTS stepping into individual rights areas where they do not belong. My tax dollars pay for these chimps, so they damn well better focus on the quality of TEACHING and don’t try to tell me that my child has to wear a uniform to school.

    If I want my child to wear a monkey suit I’ll enroll them in the military or get them a job at BK.

  34. robert on April 1st, 2011 7:42 am

    most kids don’t like the uniforms that they have to wear in Alabama!!!!!! All this is doing is trying to give school more control over the parents just like this teachers grading parents crap!!! I WORK FROM 8 TO 10hrs a day 6 days a week to provide for my family and no i’m not involved with the school very much but i am involved in the sports programs that they are involved in. when you are a one income family with 3 kids something has to be given up either school functions or the sports functions and seeings as i work during the school functions i support the sports functions.

  35. Resident on April 1st, 2011 7:20 am

    Who is going to buy the uniforms for families that can’t aford them? In today’s economy, many parents dress their kids in hand-me-downs or thrift store finds. I can put my kids in new looking brand name jeans for $1.89 from the thrift store. Not $10 for new uniform pants. That $10 will buy five pairs of jeans.

  36. THE DOER on April 1st, 2011 7:17 am

    Tate Mom: Do not speak for “MOST PARENTS.” I know what my kids have on before school every day, and I know what they have on when they get home, and yes, I work outstide the home. Kids need to be taught boundaries on what’s appropriate and what’s not. We don’t need more RULES telling us what is appropriate and what’s not. We already have these in place at the district level.

  37. Tate Mom on April 1st, 2011 7:12 am

    Actually, uniforms would be cheaper. You can buy them at Target or Walmart. It would usually consist of a collared polo shirt in the school’s colors and kakhi pants. No more going to every store in the mall!
    Most parents are unaware of what their child is wearing once he or she gets off the bus. Uniforms would cut down on dress code violations and would improve academic achievment. There is research to prove it does. As a parent with two children in the school district, I think it is a wonderful idea. I want my child to go to school to learn and not worry if his/her clothes meets the approval of his/her peers or whether my daughter is showing more cleavage than a stripper or whether his pants are down to his knees. I hope more schools follow suit.

  38. christine on April 1st, 2011 5:59 am

    i do not approve of having uniforms/there is no way that we would be able to afford them.we have 3kids.husband who is on peritenel dialsysis and needs a kidney.both of us are disabled and doing the best we can just to get by without adding and having to pay for uniforms.thats extra money we dont have.

  39. The DOER on April 1st, 2011 5:25 am

    Why don’t we just go ahead and tell kids what they’re going to be when they grow up? Kids need room to be creative. If parents monitor what is appropriate (based on District dress codes guidelines), this issue shouldn’t even be discussed!