Man Charged With Burglarizing School Twice

April 7, 2011

An Atmore man has been charged with burglarizing Escambia County High School twice last weekend.

Michael Lafrance Williams, 40, was charged with two counts of third-degree burglary by the Atmore Police Department. Investigators said the Atmore school was burglarized two separate times. During the break-ins, an undetermined amount of money was taken from vending machines, and several offices were entered. Police believe Williams was looking for money during both burglaries.

“A search of Williams’ vehicle revealed several items taken during the burglary and used in the burglary,” said Atmore Police Investigator Robby Williams.


7 Responses to “Man Charged With Burglarizing School Twice”

  1. ifshoefits on April 8th, 2011 10:26 pm

    Problem is that our chief justice will find a way to get him out as soon as possible so she can “fix” him!

  2. Kay on April 8th, 2011 11:25 am

    @look – honey your right but way to late. Someone should have told this guy that
    years ago.


  3. look on April 8th, 2011 9:50 am

    Mr. Williams, go get a JOB! People ARE hiring all the time…I know of at least 4 people that got LOCAL ATMORE jobs YESTERDAY…HELLO?????????? You don’t have to rob and destroy property to get money, do it the honest way

  4. bgr on April 7th, 2011 1:04 pm

    To “Wondering”….I too am glad that William does not refrain from displaying photos and descriptions when posting the articles. We the public, deserve to know what is going on….I believe that falls under “freedom of speech and press”. Unlike the newspapers published in Atmore which contain more advertisements than “news”…but remember…this is just in my opinion….and you know what they say about those..everyone’s got one!

  5. Kay on April 7th, 2011 12:50 pm

    How many low life pieces of garbage are there in this town? When and where
    will it end? We are certainly going to have to quit cutting back on our jail
    personel. Infact we are more likely going to have to start building more jails
    and hiring more people.

    I;m beging to see some of the merit in shot dig and shut up or what ever it
    is you red necks say. lol Ok just kidding about that and I guess that is
    wrong because this is all NOT A LAUGHING MATTER.

  6. Avalon on April 7th, 2011 11:27 am

    Excellent work APD. Keep it up.

  7. Wondering on April 7th, 2011 11:10 am

    Someone in another article mentioned they wished William wouldn’t post pics and descriptions. Well, here’s a reason he should… there have been a couple of dudes acting suspiciously in Walnut Hill. They were seen at a spot where a few hours later a vehicle was found to have been robbed… also they have been seen by a couple of other people acting suspiciously. We saw the truck they were driving and my dad-in-law talked to one of the guys. I’m very curious if this is the same guy… and if there was more info released, we’d know for sure.