Majority Of Florida Voters Disapprove Of Obama’s Performance

April 9, 2011

Slightly more than half of Florida voters said they disapprove of the job President Barack Obama is doing, according to a poll released Friday.

The phone survey of voters taken in Florida March 29 to April 4 by Quinnipiac University found 52 percent of voters disapprove of Obama’s job performance while 44 percent approve.

About 4 in 10 voters say he should get a second term, compared to about 5 in 10 who say he shouldn’t.

It appears to be mostly about policy – 70 percent of those polled said they were inclined to like Obama personally – with 30 percent of them saying they like him, but disagree with what he’s done as president.


20 Responses to “Majority Of Florida Voters Disapprove Of Obama’s Performance”

  1. eab on April 11th, 2011 11:31 pm

    Kay said….”HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    I disapprove of everyone’s performance right now are you kidding me??????
    They can ALL take a HIKE!”

    Well, Kay….I think you have been listening to too much Steve Martin (let’s get small).

    But I agree with you on all points.

  2. Kay on April 11th, 2011 9:48 am


    I disapprove of everyone’s performance right now are you kidding me??????
    They can ALL take a HIKE!

  3. Matt on April 10th, 2011 11:20 pm

    remember o bama change we can live with I CAN.NOT AFFORD ANOTHER 4 YEARS OF O BAMA CHANGE

  4. eab on April 10th, 2011 10:50 pm

    ProudArmyParent said…“How is that hopey, changey thing working for all of you?”

    I said….well, I can see Russia from my house and my teenage daughter is pregnant.

    That work for ya?

  5. No, sarah - please on April 10th, 2011 7:03 pm

    “How is that hopey, changey thing working for all of you?”

    I always enjoy an intelligent conversation, BUT, can we – NOT- QUOTE SARAH PALIN?

    Intelligent conversation —- get it???

  6. ProudArmyParent on April 10th, 2011 4:23 pm

    “How is that hopey, changey thing working for all of you?”

  7. ProudArmyParent on April 10th, 2011 4:20 pm

    Barack Obama, one term only President!

  8. eab on April 10th, 2011 1:49 pm

    The One Without a Name said….”maybe blaming Bush has finally gotten old?”

    I said….Nope. And it never will. Obama is not, in my opinion, a good president simply because he has done little of what he said he would.

    But Bush is still up on him 2 wars to 1, a financial collapse that is the worst since the Great Depression, and new levels of lying to the American public. If you don’t know all that, maybe we can get you a hunting trip with Dick Cheney and y’all can talk it over. Obama may well end up being historically bad, but Bush already made that mark.Ignoring it ain’t gonna change things and you can’t make it go away as hard as you wish for it to.

    So far as changing the subject goes, you brought up the fact that “I am thankful that some errors only last for 4 years.”.

    So am I.

  9. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2011 9:48 am

    “I pray he gets another 4 years and another after that. ”

    Please understand he is constitutionally limited to two terms–not three.

    He’s voter limited if someone better runs against him, or can convince voters he or she is better.

    David for legality

  10. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2011 9:45 am

    “dribble down effect.”

    That’s a good use of terminology.

    It’s even more dismissive of the idea that others benefit by improvements in economic conditions of the wealthier than calling it “the trickle down effect” since it sounds like what dribbles out of the mouth of a child or moron. Neither of them deserve to have any money and leaving it with them helps nobody, especially those who could use it “better”.

    If taxing the wealthier higher than others were a good thing, we should simply confiscate ALL their property and see who is left and what is left of the country. But looking at it that way doesn’t get across the result desired: that of having someone else pay for what we want and need.

    David not in agreement
    but still impressed by the usage

  11. Kathy on April 10th, 2011 8:28 am

    Over 70% of Florida is republican, what do you expect? President Obama has given you the middle class over 12% in income tax reduction. You people have the slave mentality down pat. Only the wealthy should be lowly taxed because YOU will get some dribble down effect. You believe your leaders the republican few who tell you a bunch of crap and you suck it up like nectar. President Obama got us through Bush’s mess of government, banks and industry. But you blame President Obama
    for every little problem. I pray he gets another 4 years and another after that. At least the middle class will get a chance to revive. Fools!!

  12. Sheila Rodgers on April 10th, 2011 7:31 am

    It’s simple folks- llook at the quality of your life- is it better or worse- and do you see it improving? Are you working and if not do you see a decent job(one you can survive on) in your future? We need change for America to stabilize.

  13. sad on April 9th, 2011 6:09 pm

    SAD, that people base their opinions NOT on facts – but party lines, when the truth is NOT one party or the other! Hey, that’s how they vote — party spins!!!! GIVE ME, JUST THE FACTS , PLEASE!!!

  14. Name (required) on April 9th, 2011 6:05 pm


    It is refreshing to hear you bring up the Governor in this thread…
    discussing the story is MUCH more then we can expect… maybe
    blaming Bush has finally gotten old?

    The promises Obama made that got him elected were empty…
    and the electorate is finally figuring that out. I hope they do
    not forget next November…..

  15. eab on April 9th, 2011 1:14 pm

    The One Without a Name said…”I am thankful that some errors only last for 4 years.

    I do hope the electorate as learned it’s lesson.”

    I said…You are correct sir or ma’am. But that still gives us a long time to put up with Rick Scott. From the comments I have seen here recently, the electorate has,indeed,learned their lesson on Scottie. Citizens of Florida are becoming quick studies.

    I don’t know who the next president of the US will be or who will replace Scott as governor but I’m thinking Obama and Scott could go into business together. Obama could handle sales and Scott could handle the end. Yeah that’s it….the “finance” end. The new company would only stea–err…do business with the taxpayers.

  16. David Huie Green on April 9th, 2011 10:50 am

    “the 44% that approves, must be the idiots who voted him in”

    Actually, more than 44% voted him in, so it seems some of those who voted for him may disapprove. One the other hand, this is a poll of Florida voters and many didn’t see him as somewhat better than the alternative, John McCain.
    (I still do.)

    David for supporting the President
    and keeping Joe Biden out of his office

  17. fed up! on April 9th, 2011 9:59 am

    WOW…! the 44% that approves, must be the idiots who voted him in! he hasn’t done anything for us,except screw us over! he doesn’t care about the American people. people need to open their eyes!

  18. Name (required) on April 9th, 2011 8:15 am

    I am thankful that some errors only last for 4 years.

    I do hope the electorate as learned it’s lesson.

  19. eab on April 9th, 2011 7:37 am

    Well, this one is bound to get some play. It ain’t like we gotta know anything to run with this.

    I kinda forgot Obama was still president. He has been laying low lately. What gives? We may be able to complain about Paul Ryan’s Republican budget proposal but that’s all we can do. The Democrats have shown nothing to this point. At least Ryan has come up with *something* to look at.

    I dunno. Can you have a debate when one side does not seem to truly have a position?

  20. Mike from Seattle on April 9th, 2011 4:25 am

    Fools with polls.