Lawrence Cooper Of Bratt’s Cooper’s Grocery Passes Away

April 11, 2011

Longtime Bratt resident and businessman Lawrence Cooper passed away on Sunday. He was 84.

Lawrence Cooper and his wife Doris operated Cooper’s Grocery in Bratt for well over 50 years before announcing that it would close last October.

Funeral services for Lawrence Cooper were held Tuesday. at the First Baptist Church of Bratt with Rev. Gary Wieborg officiating. Burial followed at Godwin Cemetery in Bratt.

Lawrence and Doris Cooper were named 2010 North Escambia Persons of the Year. Reprinted below is an October story in which the Cooper’s announced the store’s closure.

A long chapter in the lives of many North Escambia residents is closing soon — Cooper’s Grocery at the Bratt Crossroads will soon be no more.

“I don’t know for sure when we will close it, but it won’t be long. Probably by the end of October,” Doris Cooper, 77, said Tuesday. She and her husband Lawrence Cooper, 84, have owned the country store at the heart of the Bratt community for 54 years.

Besides church, Cooper’s is, without a doubt, the center of the Bratt community. Mornings are a hustle and bustle of activity at “Coop’s”, with moms and children buying those last minute snacks for the school day at Bratt Elementary. Northview High students grab sugary snacks and caffeine to fuel their day.

The wooden front door creaks and moans as it opens and rings the bell to signal another customer. Wooden shelves are stocked with most everything imaginable. Cokes are sold in various sizes of plastic bottles like any other store. But there’s the sound of pure American nostalgia each time the top is popped on a glass bottle of Coca-Cola using the bottle opener located at the front counter. Glass bottles of Coke have been sold at Cooper’s since it first opened at the end of World War II.

The Coopers have offered credit to members of the community for decades. Customers were, and are still, able to add their purchase to their “ticket” for later payment. No credit checks needed, basically just residency in the community.

Some of the charge tickets are old and yellowed, waiting decades for payment. Tuesday morning, Mr. Lawrence located one from 1957. “3 doz. eggs $1.65. Gas $1.55. Groceries $21.35.” They know they will never be paid for the purchases 53 years ago. The gentleman that made the charges is long since deceased.

“But sometimes they will come back in here and make a payment,” Mr. Lawrence said. “I had a guy come in here and make a payment on an old one that I could not find right away. It wasn’t much, but he knew how much it was down to the penny that he owed.”

“I hope and pray that we’ve helped a lot of people,” Mrs. Doris said. “Sometimes that just what it is about.”

Anyone that has grown up around Bratt will happily tell you their memories about the candy counter. Well-stocked with all-time favorite candies, its the stuff dreams — and memories — are made of for little ones.

“Momma would give me 15 cents. We may have been poor, but I was spoiled with my 15 cents in here,” Donnie Bass, longtime Cooper’s Store customer said. “I would get a big candy bar, they were much bigger back then; a Coke and a honey bun.”

Bass, 64, has never really stopped going to Coopers. These days, it’s not uncommon to find Bass at the end of the counter, sharing his lighthearted outlook on most any subject that’s fit for discussion.

Known as the defacto mayor of Bratt, Bass and his buddies gather most mornings at the store to discuss the latest “news” of the day. They talk about the world’s problems, America’s problems and the local problems. And they always have a solution in mind.

“The world’s problems have been solved right here in this store,” Bass said, as he contemplated where he and his buddies will meet after the store’s closure. “I hate it when traditions are broken, don’t you? We might meet at my house, but I don’t know if that’s going to fly.”

It’s no secret that the solutions proposed by the men of Cooper’s Store have not solved America’s problems — the problems that have led to the demise of the store.

“It’s the economy really,” Mrs. Doris said as to why the store will close by the end of the month. And she said the couple hopes to do a little traveling. Then she started naming the trips taken through the years, all funded by the their little country store.

“We were blessed,” she said. “We able to do a lot with our children. We were probably one of the first families from Bratt to be able to go to Disney World.” Then there was the trip to California during which Mrs. Doris refused to get out of the car in Nevada because of legalized gambling.

“It was a Sunday and I wasn’t going to set foot on the ground in that state,” she said.  As his wife continued to recount found memories of road trips with their children, Mr. Lawrence interrupted.

“We went to Wawbeek one day,” he said, bringing a chuckle from those around the counter. Even at 84, his humor is quick-witted.

Cooper’s Store adapted over the years to changing times. They once stocked a full line of groceries including fresh meats, hardware, clothes, shoes and animal feed. The store sold gasoline until just recently, and they also added a pizza/deli counter. “We would sell so much back then,” he said, from suppliers like J.U. Blacksher, Flomaton Wholesale and Lewis Bear.

The meat and cheese scale is still at the front counter — mostly used to weigh babies, she said.

Mrs. Doris’ own children are no strangers to the store, with all having worked behind the counter at one time or another.

“It’s been our family for all these years,” she said. “I’m going to miss seeing all the people in the  community. They are like our family.” photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Lawrence Cooper Of Bratt’s Cooper’s Grocery Passes Away”

  1. m.r on April 15th, 2011 9:22 am

    MR.Cooper will truely be missed !

  2. Nicholas Blanton on April 13th, 2011 6:41 pm

    Mr. Cooper was, and always will be, the kind of man that those of us who carry on can look up to and aspire to be.
    I remember going with my Father to Cooper’s store and talking college football, usually AL vs FL and such. When the Blanton family experienced loss, Mr. Cooper was always there to express his condolences and help in any way that he could.
    The world truly lost a remarkable man, and he will be sorely missed.

    With Regards,
    Nicholas Blanton

  3. Mom of twins on April 12th, 2011 9:01 pm

    We (my brothers and I and various friends) would go and hang out at Cooper’s in Highschool. And as a Student them 1997-1999 we would go every morning before school let in to hang out with our friends. That was the place to go before and after school most every day. Everybody who was anyone would go there to chill. And Mr. & Mrs. Cooper never had a problem.. Now me as an adult I still go there to buy things. My children love it. No matter who the owner is now, or will be in the future, it will always be Cooper’s… We will always miss Mr. Cooper. Rest in Peace.

  4. Neta Tipton on April 12th, 2011 8:30 pm

    Mr Cooper was a Godly man who really practiced his religion. Next to God, he loved his family and in the 16 years I have known that family I have seen that in many ways. I am Blake Gilmore’s other grandmother and I am so glad he did not have to suffer anymore. I know when that day comes, he will be in heaven. God Bless Mrs. Doris in this time of her great loss.

  5. Tabitha on April 12th, 2011 6:05 pm

    Mr.Cooper was a very nice man,all my prayers and thoughts go to his family.

    R.I.P Mr.Cooper

  6. Stephanie McCullough on April 12th, 2011 4:52 pm

    My thoughts and prayers goe out to the family there are no words that can take the pain away i can only try to compfort you in this difficult time. I will always remember Mr Cooper sitting there behind that counter with that big smile he was the friendliest man and showed his kind heart . I am very sorry for your loss and this community will have a big void.

    RIP Mr Cooper

  7. Blake Gilmore on April 12th, 2011 3:42 pm

    This man is my grandfather, I just can’t put into words how much i miss him, i love you papa. Thank you to everyone who attended the funeral today, he would have been so happy to know all the people that came. But when I start to get really sad, I just think about everything he has done for me and really everyone he has ever met, he is the nicest, and sweetest man i have ever met. You will be missed.


  8. Angela Stewart Sessoms on April 12th, 2011 3:03 pm

    Mr. Cooper was one of the kindest, most gentle men I have ever known. The life he lead set an example for all! Every time I pass the store I think about him and how kind he has always been to me….. I know he will be missed by his family.
    My prayers go out to his wife Doris, Carl, Shannon, Leslie, Lindsey, Marion, and Judy.

    Angie Stewart Sessoms

  9. WORRIED RESIDENT on April 12th, 2011 7:50 am

    When I told my son about Mr. Cooper’s passing, he said “He was so nice, he was my friend”. Our prayers go out to the family. We are so sorry for your loss.

  10. Jackie Stewart Johnson on April 12th, 2011 4:24 am

    Becaise of people like Mr. and Mrs. Cooper it makes you look on a small community and understand why you were born and raised there. I remember the 5 cent Coke a Colas, the Nehi Grapes and 4 for a penny silver bells I purchased there from time to time. I rembember my son going into the store and getting what he could with his quarters and also, getting what he wanted and leaving a ticket taped to the register until myself or my husband entered Coopers and we paid. One of the things I miss most since Coopers closed is the red rind hoop cheese that was always in the cooler (Cooper cheese as we called it.) Ms. Doris, Carl, Judy and Marion you are in our prayers, we love ya’ll.

  11. neighbor on April 11th, 2011 9:46 pm

    My sisters and I went to Coopers every weekend, and some week days during the summer….we would buy candy, and pay in loose change. LOTS of pennies!! Mr. Cooper would stand there behind that counter with a smile, as he counted out the change for us. A wonderful, good hearted man! Bratt will not be the same with out him!!!

  12. Nancy on April 11th, 2011 9:25 pm

    “Go rest high on that mountain”, Mr Cooper. We all will miss your sweet smiling face and the free “treats” you would give my little boys when we stopped in at the store. Lifting up the Cooper family in prayer.

  13. Jaxson Lee on April 11th, 2011 8:25 pm

    Mr Cooper was a very special person in my life I grew up in bratt as a little kidbut have since moved away. When I would come back my first stop would be my mema and papas house, and my second would be Mr cooper’s store. My thoughts and prayers are with Mrs. Doris and family.

    With love,
    Jaxson Lee

  14. tom Gerlach on April 11th, 2011 8:03 pm

    Gona be a Void on that Corner in Bratt…Sorry for ya’lls loss.
    God Bless his family

    Tom Gerlach

  15. SteveH on April 11th, 2011 7:24 pm

    Mr. Lawrence was a very special man. So many people have so many memories with him. I remember going by Granny Gillies on Saturdays as a boy for biscuits and jelly, and then on to Cooper’s for a soda,chips, and candy. Mr. Cooper always treated everyone so kind and made you feel like you where the most important person to come into his store that day. He was my Sunday School teacher and Deacon at Bratt Baptist, but more than that, he was my friend and fellow brother in christ. Until we meet again Mr. Lawrence. May God Bless and comfort Mrs. Doris, Carl,Judy,Marion, and their families.

  16. Bonnie and Sonny Davis on April 11th, 2011 7:18 pm

    I’ll try to remember Uncle Lawrence the way he used to be before he had the stroke etc. He was loved by all of his nieces and nephews and also all the great nieces and nephews. He always loved my boys so much and when we got to come home from the Carolinas he always wanted us to come see him and we always did……there was love from both sides Uncle Lawrence and us… we dearly loved him and will always miss him….I know he is in Heaven with Jesus and all his brothers and sister and a whole lot of family from Doris’ side of family and I know he is having a ball up there. Its got to be great to see everybody that has gone on before you……Aunt Doris and family we love you and will see you when we get to come down…….

  17. mary m. on April 11th, 2011 6:29 pm

    He was one of the first people I met when I moved down here and made me feel right at home. He will be truly missed. I stop there everytime I go through Bratt. Prayers go out to the family….

  18. Amber K. on April 11th, 2011 6:19 pm

    RiP Mr Cooper! That building will ALWAYS be Coopers. :)

  19. Regina McClearen on April 11th, 2011 6:18 pm

    I was so shocked to hear about the loss of such a nice man like Mr, Cooper. I know that the community will miss him very much. He was always so kind to me and always willing to tell me a story or two if I had the time to sit and listen. He made them so interesting though that you wanted to take the time to sit and listen. I am so very sorry for your loss but I know that the angels in heaven are rejoicing that there’s one more angel in heaven, He’s probaly telling anyone who will listen the stories that he shared down here with us. Again so sorry for your loss!

  20. ... on April 11th, 2011 4:19 pm


  21. Jo Morgan on April 11th, 2011 2:46 pm

    Uncle Lawrence, You will be greatly missed. I know you are in heaven right now with Pa Shirley and Johnny (my dad) and the rest of the family. We are so lucky to have another Angel looking down on us and looking out for us. We love you!

  22. Becky Strobaugh on April 11th, 2011 1:49 pm

    Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Doris were there when my mother was a girl, then when my brother and I were kids, then my boys, now grown.

    The candy counter (penny candy) and chocolate sodas were my favorite and it was such a big deal to be allowed to go behind the counter and pick out my favorites, to spend the nickel I had (this was in the early 60’s). My brother’s first job was stock boy at Cooper’s.

    Through the years, every time we returned on my Daddy’s military leave, the stop at Cooper’s was always a treat. When I returned to stay in the early ’90’s Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Doris helped me out many times by holding my check a few days so I could buy what my little ones needed. When I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and then Daddy’s prostate cancer, the Cooper’s always asked after us and offered prayer. Mrs. Doris asked after the entire family when I saw her in the store last year for the last time.

    Mr. Lawrence will be missed sorely. He was a generous person who looked out for all of us and did whatever he could to help. Our prayers are with the entire family.

    Becky Johnson Strobaugh

  23. Carrie on April 11th, 2011 12:55 pm

    Sorry for the loss, he was a soft spoken man, who was sweet as can be!

  24. Yellar Hammer on April 11th, 2011 12:46 pm

    So sad.

  25. RickA on April 11th, 2011 12:32 pm

    I can only imagine Mr Lawrence meeting Jesus face to face on Sunday morning. I bet he had the biggest smile and a twinkle in his eye. Praise the Lord for this great Christian man and his work here on this earth. I have always been thankful for his guidance as my Sunday School teacher at FBC of Bratt. My thoughts and prayers are with Mrs Doris, Carl, Judy, Marion and their families.

  26. tracey on April 11th, 2011 12:30 pm

    Mr. Cooper will be remembered. He was such a kind man. btw my family still calls the store “Cooper’s”.

  27. Countrygirl on April 11th, 2011 10:37 am

    God must have needed another Angel. Thank you Mr. Cooper for all the kindness you and your family have shown our community over the years. Thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends. We all can take comfort in the knowledge that we will see him again in our heavenly home. God bless the Cooper Family!!

  28. ProudArmyPrarent on April 11th, 2011 9:33 am

    My prayers and condolences go out to the family. Such a truly NICE man. God Bless you Mr. Cooper.

  29. Ronald Morgan on April 11th, 2011 8:55 am

    I can still picture Uncle Lawrence standing on Grandpa Cooper’s front poarch with that cigar. I’ll miss him.

  30. Bonnie on April 11th, 2011 8:40 am

    Austin and Bryan my thoughts and prayers r with you guys if u need anything let me know. Love yall.

  31. Sandi on April 11th, 2011 8:26 am

    Sorry to hear about Mr.Cooper, as a kid back in the 70’s we would spend the summer with our grandma Barnes,we would love to go into that store and get candy.
    A legend has passed, but the memories are still here. God Bless the Cooper family at this time.

  32. Molino-Anon on April 11th, 2011 8:02 am

    Mr. Cooper was indeed a very kind man, and the store is a well known landmark because of him. He will be missed, my thoughts and prayers are with his family. God Bless

  33. jeff laborde on April 11th, 2011 7:57 am

    hope yull doing ok

  34. Emily Johnson on April 11th, 2011 7:52 am

    Mr. Cooper was a very sweet and kind man. He will be missed. My prayers go out to the family.

  35. Stu on April 11th, 2011 7:03 am

    God Bless the Cooper family during this time. Mr. Cooper was a good, Christian man, so we have hope of seeing him again “in a little while.”

    It’s hard to imagine Bratt without him.

  36. Kristi on April 11th, 2011 6:17 am

    Mr. Cooper will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to friends and family. Bratt was a better place because of people like the Coopers.

  37. David Huie Green on April 11th, 2011 5:48 am

    sorry for your loss

  38. molino jim on April 11th, 2011 5:41 am


  39. art on April 11th, 2011 5:20 am

    mr cooper was a very nice man. RIP mr cooper, many will miss you.

  40. northender43 on April 11th, 2011 5:10 am

    The community lost a great man. My condolences to the family.

  41. angie k. on April 11th, 2011 3:47 am

    The Community of Bratt will not be the same without Mr.Cooper around what a dear sweet man he was ,he will be missed greatly!!!! love and prayers go out to Ms.Cooper And her family .

  42. Driv3n on April 11th, 2011 2:46 am

    I’ll miss ya…I’ll always remember when you used to chase me and Coop around the store…

    Love ya Mr. Cooper.