Lawmakers Push To Collect Taxes On Your Internet Purchases

April 6, 2011

As lawmakers consider budget plans that make deep cuts in health care and other state spending, supporters of boosting revenues by broadening existing taxes are pushing to collect taxes due on Internet purchases.

On a 5-1 vote, the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee approved a measure aimed at trying to subject Floridians’ Internet retail purchases to the state’s sales tax. The bill would bring Florida’s sales tax code closer in line with other states to make it easier for online retailers to gather the tax for the state — something many of them do not currently do.

State residents are technically already required to pay sales taxes on Internet purchases, but as a practical matter, few do.

“This is not a new tax,” said Sen. Evelyn Lynn, R-Ormond Beach. “It is simply a tax that is not being collected.”

Brick-and-mortar retailers support the bill, saying the current system gives online outlets an unfair price advantage, an argument lawmakers who support the change adopted.

But it’s not clear how far the measure will go after legislative leaders have spent months pledging to fill the state’s $3.75 billion budget shortfall without new taxes.

Sen. Anitere Flores, R-Miami, argued that state retailers should be adapting to the new Internet economy in order to level the playing field.

“I think that’s the more fair way to do it,” she said, “not by saying we’re going to add a tax to our friends and neighbors who are trying to save money.”

By Brandon Larrabee
The News Service of Florida


19 Responses to “Lawmakers Push To Collect Taxes On Your Internet Purchases”

  1. Ken Albin on April 11th, 2011 6:32 pm

    So they have already ripped off the middle class, destroyed education, and driven the morale and pay of public workers even lower. Now they want to finish the job and not leave us enough to stay in our homes and eat properly? How did we ever deserve these people and when can we get rid of them?

  2. eab on April 8th, 2011 10:19 pm

    David said….”“five is legal since they don’t enforce it concept and then five more would become legal since it’s only five above that and then five more…..” until they are airborne and swearing they were driving “legally.”

    I said…. Kinda sounds like the old major league baseball Reserve Clause, eh? (laugh)

    That one worked for a while and saved the owners a lot of money.

  3. David Huie Green on April 8th, 2011 7:46 pm

    “One of the things that puzzles me about “law and order” folks is their driving habits. I suppose most of us break some of the laws we don’t agree with”

    I read in a church bulletin once: THE WORST SINS ARE THOSE OF WHICH I AM NOT GUILTY. I’m pretty sure the idea was that we excuse what we do but not what others do.

    As far back as my failing memory will take me people have assured me you are allowed to go five miles over the posted speed limit to allow for possible mechanical calibration errors. Then they shoot by you as you drive the posted limit as if you are going five miles per hour too slow. Okay, actually they act like you are going at least fifteen miles per hour too slow, but I assume it is based on the “five is legal since they don’t enforce it concept and then five more would become legal since it’s only five above that and then five more…..” until they are airborne and swearing they were driving “legally.”

    I hydroplaned on US 29 and Black road June 1972, spun around, ended up half on the road, half in the ditch. I explained to my father that I wasn’t speeding, that I was doing 50 at the time. He explained that the posted speed limit is the limit under perfect conditions but we should use some brain power and slow down for flooded roads and suchlike. In other words, don’t see what you can get away with, see how well you can do all you do.

    David missing Daddy, world’s most patient man
    two days before the third anniversary
    of his death

  4. eab on April 7th, 2011 4:06 pm

    David said….”Still— if we extend that thought, if they begin vigorous enforcement of speeding laws after being lax in some areas, some would say they just passed speed limits.”

    David…..if we are reduced to “some might say” then we have no basis for discussion on most any subject, because “some might say” anything.

    The extension of “my” thought is this….if you ain’t gonna enforce it, repeal it. If you are gonna enforce it, then don’t blame it on your predecessors . The folks who are planning to enforce this one are already saying “err…we didn’t pass this, so let’s blame it on someone else when we put it into effect”. If they are truly against tax increases, then repeal it rather than enforce it.

    Anyway I won’t argue either but not because I never do. It’s because I ain’t crazy enough to think I would win one with you.

    Vigorous enforcement of speeding laws would not anger me. I have been driving for 40 years and my next ticket will be my first. One of the things that puzzles me about “law and order” folks is their driving habits. I suppose most of us break some of the laws we don’t agree with.

  5. David Huie Green on April 7th, 2011 11:20 am

    “If it ain’t being paid now that’s zero. If they force it to be paid later, that’s increase”

    I can’t argue with that, not that I ever argue anyway. I’m perfectly happy with blaming it on a Bush–George, Jeb, or even GHWB if it makes you happy.

    Still— if we extend that thought, if they begin vigorous enforcement of speeding laws after being lax in some areas, some would say they just passed speed limits.

    In fact, there are a bunch of laws which aren’t being enforced vigorously and to my way of thinking, that’s the worst kind of laws. People ignore unenforced laws and then officials can arrest them for infractions whenever they wish. Selective enforcement or selective prosecution can be used to abuse power. Many laws would be revoked if everybody had to obey them, but they stay on the books if only a few have to do so every so often. (Consider our immigration laws: our president–whose duty is to execute our laws–laughs about them. Many businesses would shut down if they were enforced. Food prices would rise.)

    It looks like the legislature is trying to enforce what they enacted. I’m still not convinced they have the legal standing to tax cyberspace. The federal government could do it, but I’m just not sure about the state level laws.

    I can imagine them passing a law and letting it sit for a few years then deciding to enforce it and saying, “Well, it’s been on the books for years, why are you just now complaining?” It could be they realized how much business is being done online and figure it’s time to get in on the action.

    David considering
    motives and methods

  6. eab on April 6th, 2011 11:39 pm

    David said….”If it is technically true, it is factually true.”

    I said….I suppose that could be the interpretation of the following, fro Merriam Webster…”a : based on or marked by a strict or legal interpretation”.

    But you are certainly right that the government can and will get either you or what you have to satisfy a tax. So when/if the republicans push this one through they will be the ones pushing the tax increase. If it ain’t being paid now that’s zero. If they force it to be paid later, that’s increase.

  7. David Huie Green on April 6th, 2011 8:42 pm

    “We the people need to revolt just like Egypt and Libya and stop this crap.”

    There is a noticeable difference. People running the government in those countries seized power by force of arms. Those who replace or replaced them will do so by force of arms rather than free elections. People running the governments in this country were elected by those who chose to vote.

    We don’t need to revolt. We MIGHT need to vote for other leaders if we ever decide we don’t like the direction the ones we put in office are going.

    We have the power.

    We are responsible.

    David knowing we have taxation WITH representation

  8. Pineville PI on April 6th, 2011 7:13 pm

    We the people need to revolt just like Egypt and Libya and stop this crap. Surely all the jails are too full for our Government to arrest people for standing up for whats right. We the hardworking taxpayers carry this Country while the rich continue to get rich and push us closer to poverty. Something has got to change. Workers can”t even afford to retire and afford to live with the rising cost of everything! WE CAN’T CONTINUE IN THIS DIRECTION MUCH LONGER!!!!!!!

  9. Sara on April 6th, 2011 11:16 am

    If you want to get rich in the state of Florida – here’s what you do: Work as a CEO for a large hospital corporation, make a ton of $$ off Medicare then use that $$ to run for governor and as a side line, scoop up a few health clinics that happen to do drug testing; sell those off to your wife, then start drug testing all the welfare recipients in your state. Cha-Ching! Let the money roll in! (To your wife, of course).

  10. David Huie Green on April 6th, 2011 10:44 am

    “Flat Tax is what we need.”

    Possibly depending on the nature of the flat tax. I remember seeing the joking proposed tax form:
    1. How much did you make last year?
    2. Send it in as your flat tax amount.

    Thus gathering more of your money by a simple means isn’t really helping you.

    They say it’s to level the playing field but in a perfectly level field, water never drains off. That’s a metaphorical way of saying if there is no benefit to online purchasing, folks won’t do it. Even with the taxes, the field isn’t level because you can buy what you need without driving many miles, risking wrecks, buying fuel, having wear and tear on the vehicle.

    So if they were really trying to level the “playing field” they would make you pay that difference as well.

    ” “this is not a new law” statement. While technically true–”

    If it is technically true, it is factually true. The question could be raised, though, how the state can charge taxes on purchases not made in the state. The Supreme Court has ruled that cyberspace does not exist in one single place, thus online sales and purchases do not take place in Florida or any other physically existing place. They can tax the individual bringing in the things bought elsewhere, but that might be the USPS until it shuts down.

    That being said, if they put you behind bars in a physically existing place for not paying what they claim you owe them, it doesn’t matter if you are right and they are wrong. You’re still locked up.

    David pondering
    the imaginary fields and spaces

  11. Name (required) on April 6th, 2011 10:35 am

    The taxes this will collect are already owed… just not being collected.

    Republicans are for collecting taxes as the law provides… they must, otherwise the astounding debt burden the democrats have amassed will crush our children.

  12. eab on April 6th, 2011 9:58 am

    My goodness. The Republicans are already breaking their promises. That didn’t take long,eh?

    I love the “this is not a new law” statement. While technically true, I guess this bunch will start collecting and then blame the tax on those who came before. If they feel compelled to collect it only because it’s on the books, then just take it off the books.

  13. Kay on April 6th, 2011 9:27 am

    @Bryan – when was the last time any of them kept their promises?

  14. Kay on April 6th, 2011 9:25 am

    Yes there is no such thing as a party for the people anymore. There is
    only the party for the trying to get rich and stay rich people who love power,
    money, and control.

    It’s just them against US and we are losing how many of you know people
    who have lost their homes or jobs. How many of you are struggling.
    Do you really think anyone is doing a good job for us. They are still borrowing
    from our enemies to give aid to other countries as tho you, I and our
    children can afford that credit card.

    While WE right here in Pensacola have to pay $10.00 every single month
    just to be a customer of GULF POWER. Look at your bills. We are charged
    every month just be a customer. Do any of you have a business that when
    a customer comes in you add $10.00 to their bill and write Customer charge
    beside it.

    This is all just getting stupid and WE are Allowing it. Their probably needs
    to be a million man march on washington. Voting them out will take
    too long, how many more have to lose their homes? How many more
    have to take in their children and grandchildren?

  15. Bryan Bethea on April 6th, 2011 7:42 am

    Hmmm, doesn’t sound like the Republicans are living up to their promises…

  16. Jane on April 6th, 2011 7:42 am

    What will they find to tax next?
    They cut tax dollars for programs for the elderly and poor and add it to taxpayers. I guess we need to remove more legislators from office…remember this when you vote!

  17. bama54 on April 6th, 2011 7:14 am

    Flat Tax is what we need.

  18. SW on April 6th, 2011 6:42 am

    Just goes to show that there is really little difference between the parties.

  19. huh on April 6th, 2011 1:34 am

    Republicans taking away more of your income for taxes