Fake Cancer Story Spells End To Charity; Final Funds Benefit Century Council Member

April 8, 2011

Hundreds of people took part in a 2009 fundraiser at the Alabama Wing House in Atmore to benefit Sonja Luker, a woman they all believed had cancer.

Dozens of motorcyclists took part in a 75-mile Labor Day ride, while children swarmed the parking lot to spend money to play games and help the cause for a woman that claimed to have recently gone into remission from her cancer.

Many wore red t-shirts, emblazoned with words “I helped Sonja Kick Cancer” on the front and “It has been a long hard journey and knowing that could be over is overwhelming. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love Sonja.”

In the end, the event raised over $9,000 — money that was never spent on cancer treatment but went toward mortgage payments and to purchase a Harley motorcycle, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Ronnie and Jessica Cloud, owners of the Alabama Wing House, were amazed at the support local communities were willing to give to help someone in need. Jessica Cloud, who at the time considered herself one of Luker’s best friends, stepped up to form the nonprofit Kickin’ Cancer group.

“The outpouring from the community was unbelievable,” Cloud said. Another fundraiser was planned for an Atmore Park in October 2010. But that money, Cloud said, did not go to Sonja Luker. About $2,600 in proceeds were donated to Nadine McCaw, a Century town council member that continues to battle verifiable cancer.

The Clouds learned of McCaw’s fight against cancer from an article on NorthEscambia.com and took the opportunity “to help someone else in this community”.

The Clouds and Kickin’ Cancer are in no way suspected of any wrongdoing, according to Sheriff’s investigators. But no one else will ever benefit from the Kickin’ Cancer Foundation, Cloud said, because of the negative associations with Sonja Luker. The nonprofit will be dissolved.

“We have learned a life lesson, sadly,” Cloud said. “I don’t have any hurt or anger anymore. But we would like to see them (Chris and Sonja Luker) held accountable for their actions.”

Pictured top: Christ and Sonja Luker at a 2009 Alabama Wing House fundraiser for her alleged cancer treatments. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click  to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Fake Cancer Story Spells End To Charity; Final Funds Benefit Century Council Member”

  1. olyvoyl41 on June 27th, 2011 10:57 am

    It’s easy to feel duped when we do the best we can to help people that seem to be in need. Whether it’s a few dollars or hundreds that we give, when it is used inappropriately or requested under false pretense, it’s easy for us to say “I quit – never again”! I’ve been there – done that! Unfortunately, we are human and feel for people that need help and will give again and again. I started getting the “bills” and pay them directly instead of giving the people money. We even do that at our church.

    I’m thankful that Nadine McCaw was able to benefit from this because she truly needs help. She has had another surgery and hospitalized a few more times. Her struggle is genuine! Her pain is evident! She hasn’t asked for help, but is humbly appreciative of any assistance. She’s been through so much and is still a strong fighter and survivor. Please continue to reach out to help her. She didn’t let her community down – she’s been there for Century and the surrounding area.

  2. mother4 on April 11th, 2011 5:02 pm

    My husband and I own a business in town and we were taken by them as well, those red shirts you see, my husband made those shirts and they were done very cheap! however those weren’t the only ones we done along with some back pack bags with embroidery work on them as well, they to were done very cheap! We thought we were helping them out and looks as if we did! However we also was a vendor at the kicken Cancer in the park and the yellow shirts we made them as well,they even gave us the design that they had someone draw, but least they didn’t benfit from those…So sad I really belived their story, Chris came into our business and stayed for hours giving us the story I really felt sorry for them…Guess we were to soft or he was a good talker one…..

  3. jackie on April 11th, 2011 2:07 pm

    Please do not stop the wonderful thing you do with your fund raising..I am a single middle aged woman and I fear every day of my life that one day this terrible thing called cancer with come into my life…I cant afford good insurance cause of the low wages I make and with the high prices of today I just get by..People do need help sometimes and wonderful people like you are there with their time and money and prayers to help those who really need it..I speak for millions of people who truely thank people like you who give without a second thought..God does walk with those who give without wanting anything in return…may he bless you and all the people that deserve more than words could say,,Maybe one day we wont have to have fund raisers and cancer will be cured..But it cant without wonderful people like you…thanks again

  4. Mary Etheleen Mccaw April 11th, 2011 1:00 am on April 11th, 2011 1:32 am

    God Bless You, Mr. and Mrs. Cloud, Don’t let Satan win!! Don’t give up your godly work. Nadine Mccaw, is my sister in law, I would like to thank you for your love and and kindness, to the Mccaw family. our family has lost so many loved one”s to cancer. My Mother and Father and my Brother, died of Cancer! My Sister had a very rare bone cancer, Thank God she survived! I also am a 25 year surviver of Cancer. There are so many familys that need you. You are doing the Lord”s work, Jesus will take care of the rest. Remember you are Blessed and Needed by so many people.

  5. dola on April 10th, 2011 11:55 pm

    Yeah, well, they still good friends….

  6. Catrina Murphy on April 10th, 2011 11:46 am

    I’m so sorry this happened! You were trying to do a good thing and the intention, the heart and the kindness were pure. God bless!

  7. joe on April 8th, 2011 8:38 pm

    The community has been deeply hurt by this fraud case. Most people are generaly kind hearted and like to give and help their fellow man. do not let these two people, and those who assisted them, change all of that. there is still a lot of good to be done in the community. Don’t give up because of a few fakes who took advantage of us. This organization is a good one and needed. please reconsider your decision. you can really help people who need it!

  8. Bjay on April 8th, 2011 1:43 pm

    Please reconsider dissolving the foundation. I assure you that NOBODY has any illwill towards the foundation. If your feeling betrayed (and Im sure you are) Then take a break and refocus and then make the decision. If at all possible I would love to volunteer and help the foundation wherever I can.

  9. harley1 on April 8th, 2011 9:34 am

    As a former cancer patient and what I went through in surgery and chemo, along with my fellow patients, words fail any attempt to define such atrocious acts. It is about as low as it gets. To rob and steal compassion from others for pure selfishness has to be the most vile of crimes. How ironic that one or both of this pair should actually turn up with cancer at some point in the future would no doubt prove a man reaps what he sows. To those of you that may have extreme anger from being duped let me say this not only to you but to all who donated time and money. If you gave with a sincere heart and gave from the heart, you WILL be blessed whether it was a scam or not.

  10. Felicia McCaw Jones on April 8th, 2011 8:55 am

    Mr. and Mrs. Cloud,

    Please reconsider. If you must do something to take away this horrible association with this thief, just change the name. Maybe Escambia kicks Cancer or something. You halped my mom and dad (Nadine Mccaw) at a time when they really needed it. I know I had to bring the Dr. bills and pathology reports when you wrote the check to her bills, and I now understand why. There is so much good that you had planned for the organization, please do not let Satan take that blessing away!

    Thank you for the help you have given to all that have really been stricken by cancer, and I pray that you will find it in your hearts to continue.

  11. K.B. on April 8th, 2011 8:42 am

    Please don’t dissolve the foundation because of this….There are so many that can benefit from selfless peolple like you. This community is made a better place because people really care how their neighbor is doing. One rotten apple does not need to destroy that attitude.

  12. jay resident on April 8th, 2011 8:09 am

    This is so unspeakable!How could you lie so much about something so serious!Oh of course now she is claiming mental illness to try to keep from getting the max i am sure but wasn’t she just proven a liar in front of thousands of people that have heard this story? She and her husband have an illness GREED! They didn’t seem to have much mental illness keeping them from knowing how to spend that stolen money.I just think it is so sick to hear about such a lie when there are people everywhere truly fighting to live with and beat cancer and all the innocent children and famliy members it takes to early.These two should be made to lose everything they got with that money and forced to pay back every cent with interest!!! I could not imagen they could show their faces to anyone after this it was on the world news last night that is just how awful this story is.No one can believe people would be so terrible.Bet she isn’t smiling so big right now!

  13. mercy me on April 8th, 2011 8:01 am

    Discernment is a gift most of us don’t have, but I pray for it all the time. Keep loving and helping one another and don’t let the bad apples spoil us all. Anyone truly in need will provide concrete evidence of their need and it is NOT invading anyone’s privacy to expect some verifiable proof. My husband and I decide each Christmas which charities we will support in the New Year, then we also set aside some for unexpected causes like benefits and people who have unforeseen problems. But we keep our dollars local where we can see how and where they are used. Ask, ask, ask and if no evidence is forthcoming, keep your $$$ in your pocket and spend your valuable time with your family and friends!!!

  14. debe on April 8th, 2011 7:58 am

    Well, first of all, these people should hate themselves for doing something so despicable. This is just terrible.

    For all for all of those who helped, volunteered, or gave your hard earned money, just know that God knows that you gave from your heart to help. It’s not cool that these kinds of people took your money, but you did your part.

  15. ArmyCptswife on April 8th, 2011 6:54 am

    This is so sad! They have helped my mother, Nadine Mccaw, and I wish they reconsider. It’s sad when something like this happens and those who truly need the help can’t get it because of someone else’s stupidity. I thank them for what they have done for my mother, and hope they they will continue to help others. It would be a blessing.
    The thought alone, when I got the call offering to help, was enough to make me feel blessed. The help has lifted some of the burdens from my family. Thank you for all you have done!

  16. Mental Illness? on April 8th, 2011 6:38 am

    Okay, she says she has a mental illness. I haven’t read anything about her husband suffering any type of mental illness! I lost a brother, a brother in law is fighting blatter cancer and a sister in law is fighting lung cancer. There is NO sympathy from me in this disgusting situation. Being a parent, I do feel empathy for theirs.

  17. ProudArmyParent on April 8th, 2011 6:37 am

    Ronnie and Jessica,

    You don’t know me, but my husband also got taken in by the Sonya Luker cause to help her fight “her cancer.” There was a Softball Tournament at the Molino Ballpark, my husband was asked to volunteer to umpire it. He did over 11 games that day in the blistering sun. His knees and his back felt the pain for weeks afterwards, but when he left the ballpark that day he felt like he had truly done something to help someone he didn’t even know have a chance to “kick cancer.”

    A few months ago I had caught wind of the rumors that had been going around about “Sonja’s cancer.” It broke my heart to have to come home and tell my husband of the sham that family had duped on the community. I saw my husband’s face as I told him, it totally dropped, he literally got his knees taken out from under him on that one. Then he turned to me and said ,”I umpired in good faith, hoping my effort would help. God knew my heart that day.”

    Well I know my husband’s heart too! It is big and generous. I also know that if he was asked to umpire a Tournament again on a volunteer status for someone fighting the “fight of a lifetime” he would.

    So don’t give up “Kickin’ Cancer.” There are good people it can help. Keep something that started off as such a good cause and keep it that way. I know Nadine McCaw she and so many others like her need and deserve the help your foundation could give them.

    To others that were duped by the Lukers, there are others that truly need help. Don’t let this black spot turn you off from any good you could do!

  18. mother on April 8th, 2011 5:29 am

    Did the Sheriff office freeze the assets? Also Harley should be sold money donated to American Cancer Society. Maybe it could be used to help the people like my parent who is fighting for their life with cancer and never ask for one penny. All their assets should have been froze. Mental illiness is no reson for this she did not look to sad on the back of Harley. Her mother knew she did not have cancer. I can talk to my children on telephone tell something is wrong just by tone of their voice. Shame on her. Was it cancer money that bonded her out?

  19. Mark on April 8th, 2011 5:29 am

    Mr. and Mrs. Cloud are bound to feel “snake bit” by this deception but I wish they would reconsider their decision. In this world it seems all you ever hear about are people doing bad things. It is always refreshing to read about people taking a proactive stand to help one another. James 2:17 says faith without works is dead. They put forth the effort to help. Even if these allegations prove to be true it doesn’t deminish the fact that they and a large number of other people were willing to help a neighbor,friend or maybe someone they didn’t even know. and we know all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. They’re are still people out there who need help. If we citizens lose track of that because of one couples selfishness we all lose. I hope this is not coming off as being self rightous of course i’m not in their shoes. I just hate to see anyone give up something that has the potential to help so many people.