Extension Service Gathers Community Input

April 6, 2011

About two dozen people took part in an Escambia County Extension Service public meeting Tuesday evening in Century. Extension officials gathered input as they develop a community vision for their programs in Escambia County. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Extension Service Gathers Community Input”

  1. David Lamb on April 6th, 2011 11:02 pm

    When did Escambia Extension office change? At one time we had Edwina and her two assistants for 4H and Narvo Stevens and his two assistants (men) for the boys side. What do we have now? It appears to be very watered down and stretched to the limit. At Cottage Hill 4H meetings one agent was always presentI concur with TJ.

  2. TJ on April 6th, 2011 6:13 pm

    lets keep the 4h and get another agent. one that is about doing what is right help kids learn about livestock and farming. the money will be gone in no time but the land will always be here for the PEOPLE of this county. you have everything out there already to do cows and pigs you could do some farming all so. the way this world is people will need to know how to raise and take care a small farm to feed them self. KEEP THE 4H GET A NEW COUNTY AGENT WHAT IS IN THIS FOR HER?