Escambia Shys Away From $200K In Commission Chamber Upgrades

April 13, 2011

The Escambia County Commission probably won’t spend nearly $200,000 to renovate their five-year old meeting space.

The commission discussed possible renovations to improve meeting efficiency — including sound system upgrades ($6,000 to $17,000), modifications to the dais ($173,500) and lectern microphones ($8,000).

“It’s not a prudent use of tax dollars,” County Commission Chairman Kevin White said.

White, who represents North Escambia’s District 5, agreed that there are visibility problems with the dais – - the raised platform behind which the commissioner sit at the front of the commission chamber.

“It is a pain to see who is wanting to speak; sometimes they are just sitting there waving their arms,” White said. As chair, White sits at the center of the dais with the other four commissioners on either side of him.

Some commissioner did agree that upgrades to the voting system should be considered. Commissioner use a push button system to cast their votes or to alert the chairman that they wish to speak, but the chair does not know which commissioner wishes to speak. The voting system would cost an estimated $23,000 to $60,000 to upgrade.


7 Responses to “Escambia Shys Away From $200K In Commission Chamber Upgrades”

  1. jeeperman on April 14th, 2011 2:44 pm

    LOL, I think YELLOWHAMMER meant that it would take more than $200 of time and effort to wade thru the BOCC redtape in order to bid on the job.
    As well as make the right $$ contributions into the right pockets.

    The bigger question (ignored) is who directed county staffers to investigate how much all of these improvements would cost……………….
    Why the same members of BOCC that are now questioning the entire project of course.
    Remember too, this “upgrade” is to upgrade and replace what was installed brand new five years ago.

  2. non-electrician on April 14th, 2011 3:16 am

    @YELLARHAMMER… Pray tell, what does a simple comment about the efficacy of a solution and the efficiency of government have to to with “you don’t even understand the bidding process with the government”?

    Major fail in comprehending the simple point of my comment.

  3. Escambia resident on April 13th, 2011 10:09 pm

    HELLO!!!! DOES OUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KNOW WE ARE IN A RECESSION?? Do county commissioners know how ridiculous this sounds? If it is a pain for commissioners to see who is speaking, then stand up so you can see! If it is a pain to cast your vote or alert the chairman that you wish to speak then stand up, raise your hand and open your mouth. IT IS A PAIN FOR MY HUSBAND AND I TO PAY HIGH GAS PRICES, IT IS A PAIN FOR US TO PAY $800.00 A MONTH FOR SORRY HEALTH INSURANCE FOR 2 PEOPLE, IT IS A PAIN TO PAY FOR HIGH FOOD PRICES, IT IS A PAIN TO HAVE OUR HOME INSURANCE GO UP $400.00 IN ONE YEAR, IT IS A PAIN TO BE LAIDED OFF AFTER WORKING OVER 30 YEARS. But quess what! We have learned to sacrifice and get our priorities in order. No tears here!!!!! When County Commissioners really figure out what sacrifice is then I would love hear about it. STOP WASTE!!

  4. YELLARHAMMER on April 13th, 2011 10:38 am

    To the non-electrician blog I am glad your are not an electrician also because you don’t even understand the bidding process with the government.

  5. Carly on April 13th, 2011 8:13 am

    I’m glad to see that during these major cutbacks coming to our education system and the support funding being taken away from APD that the Escambia County Commissioners had enough sense to put this project on hold. I pray White and the others use common sense when a decision is made to upgrade.

  6. George on April 13th, 2011 6:59 am

    Maybe they could just raise their hand when they want to speak and save $20,000…..

  7. non-electrician on April 13th, 2011 3:48 am

    I’m not an electrician but I don’t think it would cost thousands of dollars to simply run a 2nd wire under the table from the members ’speak’ button to a simple light panel of perhaps colored bulbs placed at the chairman’s seat. Any commissioner’s request to speak would light up at the chairman’s seat position. Surely, this would not cost more than a couple hundred dollars. We used to make these light panels in Jr. High School.