Escambia Elementary Teacher Charged With Molesting Student

April 20, 2011

EDITOR’S NOTE: All charges were dropped against the man in this story on May 10, 2011, after the accuser recanted her story. Click here for an update.

An Escambia County teacher has been charged with molesting a student at school.

Kenneth Wayne Campbell was released from the Escambia County Jail on $100,000 bond. The  46-year old music teacher at Spencer Bibbs Elementary School allegedly reached under the shirt of a 10-year old student and fondled her.

Pensacola Police Department Detective Lisa Cutler said the girl told her mother the incidents began a few weeks ago when Campbell began rubbing her shoulders in class. The girl said Campbell fondled her breasts twice and told her if she told anyone he would hurt her and kill her family. Cutler said the child’s mother notified police Tuesday after her daughter told her what happened.

The incidents reportedly happened in the school’s music room.

The Pensacola Police Department is asking for anyone that may information about the suspect contact Detective Lisa Cutler at (850) 435-1971 or the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1900.


45 Responses to “Escambia Elementary Teacher Charged With Molesting Student”

  1. layla on April 24th, 2011 10:17 am

    @ Gram….I am so sorry the people who were supposed to protect you, didn’t. I hope your posting will also make others think. You can NEVER tell what a person has lurking deep inside them.

  2. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2011 7:32 pm

    “I pray this is not another let’s get even with the teacher charges, I know Ken to be a good man”

    If you know him to be a good man, why would you want the charges to be true? I doubt you actually do, but when you say you pray it isn’t “another let’s get even with the teacher charges,” that’s the alternative. Either the child is falsely trying to hurt him or is accurately reporting what happened.

    Personally, I would prefer it BE a case of a false accusation and a recant of same and/or proof the accusation was false.

    Regarding those who wonder why a hundred thousand dollars was not put up to secure his release, it is possible this former substitute teacher doesn’t have a hundred thousand lying around, may not even have the ten thousand nonrefundable lying around. Not everybody is rich.

    Two things are certain: not all charges are true, not all are false. Otherwise we wouldn’t need courts.

    David for truth and justice
    wishing they were the American way

  3. just call me joe on April 21st, 2011 6:43 pm

    If it comes out that the child is lying, how will she be punished? If she is a liar, her punishment should be severe!! If he is guilty, then it will come out. I say innocent until proven guilty however! I do wonder why his friends and family have not bailed him out of jail yet. It seems like they could have gotten the money, property, etc together by now.

  4. art on April 21st, 2011 11:34 am

    you just dont wake up one day after turning 46 years old and decide, “you know, i am going to change course and now i like little girls.” nope, if this guy did what he has been accused of here, this is not the first time. most of the time they have been carrying on with this behavior for a long time, usually since puberty. where are the other victims? if this is an isolated incident i say tread very carefully because you may be accusing an innocent man. if this isnt the first time and there are others that need to come forward, please i hope they do. either way what a nightmare!

  5. you never know on April 21st, 2011 9:41 am

    This is so sad because we don’t know who to believe. I do know a man that is a great guy and he was falsely accused of messing with a kid and it was on the front page of the paper and people was talking like crazy. They found out the child was lying, but now some people still act like he is poison. To a certian extent his reputation was ruined forever. I think we should pray for them because either way the families involved will be hurt.I will just save my thoughts until the truth comes out I am neither a judge or jury.

  6. tbpcola on April 21st, 2011 9:36 am

    Wally, your comments are the best I’ve read. If the accusations are true, then the judicial system will take appropriate action. If the accusations are false, apologies should be asked and forgiveness given. We need to realize that we are quick to over react to sensationalism and should keep our emotions in check until ALL the facts are discovered. Regardless, we all need to adjust our way of thinking.

  7. just my words on April 21st, 2011 9:18 am

    if all the folks for behind this man and believe he is innocent then why haven’t yall put your money where your mouth is post his bail

  8. Wally on April 21st, 2011 7:28 am

    I pray this is not another let’s get even with the teacher charges, I know Ken to be a good man. I have worked with children all my life. Not till recent years have I seen where a good man’s name and life could be destroyed or tarnished just because someone accused them of something. If this girl is telling the truth then, Ken your in trouble, but if not, how will His name ever be fully restored. Why is it that the victom is always right before sentence is past. Where will all you commenters be if and when He is found not quilty. God knows what the truth is here and He will bring the truth to light. Pray for his family , remember they are suffering with him. Keep in mind people, all it takes is someone claiming you did something to them and you could be the one in the same spot tomorrow. When the truth does come out and if He is found not quilty. I hope the article proclaiming is innocense is bigger and longer than the one that started all this. You better believe and never say this could not happen to me or my loved one, You have no control over what other people might accuse you of doing!!!!!

  9. Gram on April 21st, 2011 3:16 am

    People please remember the child could read your comments. If she is telling the truth she is going through feelings that she doesn’t know how to deal with & it is very hard for her to talk about them. When I was 12 my adopted father almost raped me, the reason he stopped is I told him that I was going to tell Mother & everybody, I was so scared that I told him if he would not penetrate that he could feel me all over as long as he wanted to & I would not tell. The first chance I got I told Mother what happened, she said I know that is not true & you better not tell anybody else. I still choke up sometimes when I think about how it hurt that she told me to hush about it & would not let me tell her all of it & that she didn’t believe me. My first memory of being sexually abused by an uncle I was 5, I believe his wife & my parents knew he fondled me every chance he got but it was ok as long as he didn’t hurt my physical body, also the same for another relative. I think they were paying Daddy to allow them to so when another relative wanted to start I started charging all of them since daddy wasn’t going to stop them. they would pay me not to resist. Did my Mother care? I believe she did but she thought we had to stay & do whatever. I could go on & on but I just wanted to say parents please don’t tell your children you don’t believe them, listen to them, ask questions, protect them the best you can.

  10. Everett on April 21st, 2011 1:54 am

    Time will tell. It’s bad either way. The teacher gets drug through the mud whether innocent or guilty. The child is scarred either way.

  11. mason on April 21st, 2011 12:47 am

    Poor little girl my butt!!! Momma and daddy saw an opportunity to make easy money. God bless ken and his family we are all praying for you and to the little girl and her family may God have mercy on your souls for trying to ruin the spirit of this wonderful man and for those of us who love and know ken and his adorable family…karma is a you know what people and to put an innocent man through this crud is ludicrous

  12. EMD on April 21st, 2011 12:06 am

    What I wrote earlier, is what I think about accusations like this that are true. They make me sick to my stomach. I did not mean to imply that this man is guilty. I should have made that clear. I do not even know the man.

    I do, however know a woman who had been married to a man for close to 20 years, who claimed to be a Christian. She found out he had fondled their own daughter, years prior to her even finding out. She and her daughter and her son were devasted. It affected all their lives. And, later on she found out he had a problem with porn. He had supposedly stopped that, but he started back his obsession with that. Finally, the woman had to admit, that he just “weren’t right.” He was” selfish” in other ways too, but some folks are far sighted. They can’t see what’s up close. I hope all readers will believe this and remember it. The families of people that do what this man is “accused” of doing, suffer greatly, and need the understanding and support of those around them. And mental health professionals cannot “fix it.” Only God can.

    I just pray that the truth comes out, and the real offender is found out.

  13. dad on April 21st, 2011 12:02 am

    We teach our children to tell when someone is inappropriate with them. Then we don’t believe it? Or is it only because it’s someone elses child? I don’t know if he did it or not but I know just because he is a family man who goes to church doesn’t mean he is innocent. Plenty of church goers have done and are doing just what he is accused of.

  14. Been there on April 20th, 2011 10:45 pm

    Although I don’t know this man, I do know that people are capable of anything when they don’t think they will be caught. As a child, I was fondled several times by “friends” of the family that I’m sure everyone would swear were the greatest people in the world. You never know. If it was your daughter making the accusation, I’d bet you wouldn’t be so quick to jump to his defense.

  15. Mead Nobles on April 20th, 2011 10:34 pm

    My daughter grew up in the church with Ken. I would not hesitate to back this man 1000%. People dont change that drastic. .

    Ken, ALL the Nobles know, respect and believe you. Stay strong!!!!

  16. marsha on April 20th, 2011 9:16 pm

    This is a child I can’t understand how people could say such cruel things about a child. I guess thats why its of for people to hurt them. I have read so many comments on how people never believe a child it makes me sick but at the same time I understand what I will have to do if my child ever tells me somthing like this. Poor little girl will live with this forever it will never leave and what great grown ups being so cruel.

  17. bamagurl68 on April 20th, 2011 7:48 pm

    Really people????? Just because a man has a family or a great job lose does not warrant a reason to not do these things!!! There are sickos everyday that lose very prominent jobs in society and I am sure that nor their family came to mind when they acted on their urges to ruin a childs life!!!! I mean really!!! All the comments are clearly coming from those that have neverwent through this sort of devastion!!

  18. Cathy Gunter on April 20th, 2011 7:06 pm

    I just got word of this a few minutes ago, and my heart is breaking that someone, child or adult, would falsely accuse Kenneth of such an appalling act. I have worked closely with Kenneth for many years directing children’s choirs and leading the music for our church’s Vacation Bible School programs. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have I seen him touch, or treat ANY child in a way that was inappropriate. He has 1 biological and 2 step daughters of his own and a beautiful wife. There is just NO WAY he did this! I have 3 daughters of my own who grew up in church with Kenneth and his family. They are now 25, 22 and 20 years old and all 3 have said they don’t believe a word of this story and are willing to testify in court on Kenneth’s behalf. I know we hear stories like this on the news all the time and, yes, there are some perverts out there that prey on children, but this time they’ve got the wrong guy!

    Kenneth, we love you and know that the Lord is watching over you during this time. You will be in our thoughts and prayers continuosly until you are completely cleared of these horrible charges.

  19. EB on April 20th, 2011 6:28 pm


    “Through the investigative process it was determined that there was some validity to the accusations which prompted the arrest.”

    If by “validity” you mean a second ten-year-old girl, a friend of the ALLEGED victim, said she saw something, still not proof enough. They are friends. All the kids at that school live in the same area. I’m sure the parents know each other. Anyone could get in on this and it still not be true. I can’t give credit to a system that picks up, arrests and charges a man based on the testimony of 2 children within the space of 3 hours. Sorry.

  20. I agree! on April 20th, 2011 5:27 pm

    AC, I couldn’t agree more!

    I know this first hand!

    You never know!

  21. Insider on April 20th, 2011 5:14 pm

    Let’s give our justice system some integrity. Don’t think an arrest will be made based on a 10year old’s accusations. Through the investigative process it was determined that there was some validity to the accusations which prompted the arrest. Doesn’t mean he is guilty, but could very well mean that something did happen. Let’s protect the child first and every other child who he may have contact with. Professionals especially those who are in the ministry shouldn’t put themselves in the position to be questioned as to whether something happened or not. If it’s my child, arrest first and ask questions later, no matter who it is.

  22. Faylene on April 20th, 2011 5:02 pm

    Seriously doubt this happened. Music room in an elementary school; “threatened to kill her” if she told, sounds like a TV show. Her momma probably put her up to it to get some cash.

    By the way, Escambia had another teacher charged with sex crimes last year and he never made the paper. He was an adaptive PE teacher.

  23. T2 on April 20th, 2011 4:54 pm

    It will be pretty damning if other students have witnessed this guy actually rubbing the shoulders of the accuser, as she has stated. Teachers shouldn’t be touching any child, period.

  24. Thinker on April 20th, 2011 4:48 pm

    What EB, bj and AC said – they are rational voices in a sea of ignorance and short sightedness.

    Re: army wife – I’m a US Army veteran myself – we swear to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

    You’re domestic. You don’t shout fire in a crowded theater despite freedom of speech. Didn’t mean to insult you. Glad you agreed.

  25. be weary on April 20th, 2011 4:33 pm

    AC has said it all!!

    I have learned the hard way that you should ALWAYS DOUBT!
    You probably have read about it by now, but part of my extended “family” (The Lukers) lied to EVERYONE about having cancer, then in remission and sometimes the story was that she was about to die! We THOUGHT we knew our family members. Everything pointed to a very nice, normal, caring family who wanted to help out the community and in turn the community helped them out. And it all turned out to be LIES!
    Point is, you don’t really know ANYONE but yourself! You are shocked because he just doesn’t seem like the type that would do that. Well, let me tell you, they are not going to be obvious about it if they ARE the type. Sad circumstances, and if he’s innocent, may he be proven so, and if he’s guilty, may he never get out to abuse anyone else!

  26. EB on April 20th, 2011 4:10 pm

    Talking about Law and Order, obviously the little girl has watched too much of it. Hurt her and kill her family? Really? And he fondled her in the school? What a load of crock. No one is that stupid. Not someone with two jobs to lose and a life to maintain. Let’s use a little common sense, folks. Children don’t understand the consequences of saying these things. And if the family thought he had money to spare, heck, the parents could have cooked the whole thing up and told her to say it! And she would go along, not knowing she is ruining a man’s life.

    There is too much discussion about a case with no evidence other than the word of a ten-year-old. And the story is so incredibly not plausible that it almost makes me laugh–if there weren’t a very good man’s life at stake.

    If all it takes to ruin a man’s life is the accusation of a child, then we would all be in prison for something. Where was the due process? “Standard procedure” my foot. Besides the fact that as a teacher, there is a separate due process that is supposed to go through the school system. Missed that step too. Great police work, asking for the highest bail, too, with no previous offenses and no reason to leave the county or country. This whole thing is malarky.

  27. Glenda on April 20th, 2011 4:09 pm

    I would stand up for this man–have known him for years and do not believe a word of the accusation. He is a strong Christian, a family man, and a friend to be proud of. We love you, Ken, and family!

  28. bjay on April 20th, 2011 4:00 pm

    AC- pretty well said. Im just saying that im hoping for the best in this one.

    Justthinkin- you said ” 98% reoffend in 24 hrs after release from prison” I would love to see some sort of information backing this claim. I understand what your trying to say but I feel your waaaaaaaay off base with this stat. “

  29. just thinkin' on April 20th, 2011 3:47 pm

    EASTHILL, you are absolutely right. 98% reoffend in 24 hrs after release from prison. Some folks do not stand a chance at salvaltion unless they are in prison and away from the temptation of children!

  30. AC on April 20th, 2011 3:21 pm

    Of course none of us know what, if anything, happened in this case. However, we cannot judge a person based on the fact that they are “good” people, or “Christian” people. There are many “good, honest, Christian” people (or so we thought) that have committed some pretty heinous crimes. The truth is that none of us know the evil that lurks in the hearts and minds of those we THINK we know well. How many times have you heard the neighbors of serial killers on the news express shock to learn that the quiet, friendly neighbor they have known for years was really a monster? How many people have defended the numerous Catholic priests., ministers, camp counselors, scout leaders, and others who have been accused of molesting children only to find out it was really true? How many times are the wives, children, and family of serial killers, child molestors, or serial rapists surprised when they learn the person they thought they knew turns out to be someone else entirely? The fact that people are so trusting of these people actually enables them to commit these crimes. Now, I’m not saying Mr. Campbell is guilty. I’m just saying that we should not convict him nor should we acquit him without due process and trial. Those who have declared him innocent based on the fact that they “know him” and “know” he could never do such a thing, are no better than those who are calling for a rope to hang him. Let’s let the police and court system do their job (the real ones, not the ones you watch on Law & Order, disgusted).

  31. Bjay on April 20th, 2011 2:42 pm

    @armywife- I appreciate all your husband does for our country. I have to agree with “thinker” though. If we hung people today without due process then ALOT of innocent people would be dead. If that way was the right way then why did crime still happen back then? That obviously didnt work either.

    Now on to this case. I do not know ken that well but i have a close friend that knows him real well and all i can say is that my friend is very passionate about Ken’s innocence, his credibility, his christian walk, and his character. Im going to hope justice is done here and pray that for my friend and for Ken that his innocence is found.

  32. just my words on April 20th, 2011 2:40 pm

    this man hasn’t been found guilty yet–but if this man is innocent the aftermath of this will still leave some wondering if their children should be around him this will follow him the rest of his life.. But if he did this he needs to be behind bars for life, maybe the truth will come out–would hate for an innocent man be messed for for life.

  33. James on April 20th, 2011 2:30 pm

    None of us are fans of people who hurt children, but we do need to step back and get the facts before passing judgment on this man. People have been quick to step up and defended this man’s character. That says a lot. Praying that the truth comes out quickly for all involved.

    We are on a slippery slope here. We never want to dismiss the genuine cries of a child in trouble, or encourage a child (or parent) to cry wolf on a whim.

    Guilt, shame, and a very difficult future lies ahead for the guilty party. Unfortunately, in a case like this, both parties lose no matter who is found guilty.

  34. s mc on April 20th, 2011 2:23 pm

    innocent dont assume he is agood man the truth will come out we are not to judge that is up to god

  35. Cathy on April 20th, 2011 2:15 pm

    I know this man personally. He is innocent. I would stand up for him any hour, any day. I am praying for him and his family. Which is what anyone who knows him should be doing. Hang in there Ken. We love you. Those of you so quick to judge should probably have stones thrown at you first. He would never ever do anything to a child.

  36. army wife on April 20th, 2011 2:09 pm

    “to: Thinker”
    What kinda question is that? thats a slap in my face and my husbands! our loyalty is to America! I do agree with you about children faking, but you also have teachers who do these things and never get put away.but i’m clearly making a statement on what needs to be done these days. i’m stating a fact that if we still did what should be done in this world “today” we wouldn’t have the problems we have today!

  37. Diana on April 20th, 2011 2:05 pm

    you people have zero information and some of you say he’s guilty because he has been accused. now, let’s hope someone you least expect will accuse you of something so horrible and see where that puts you. maybe he is in fact guilty. can’t help but wonder if this took place in class on more than one occasion as stated, surely other students would have seen something. ya think? maybe he is in fact guilty, but God didn’t give me the ability to know just by looking at the man. for crying out loud. you don’t have that ability either. hopefully they will pull his computer. IF he did something like that, chances are, he has things he shouldn’t have elsewhere. and evidence will convict him if he’s guility not just an accusation alone.

  38. Cindy on April 20th, 2011 1:45 pm

    Have you considered that he is Innocent?? There have been many many cases where children and/or parents get mad or upset at a teacher and come up with false accusations.

  39. Priscilla Nobles on April 20th, 2011 1:19 pm

    Innocent until PROVEN guilty! My family and I have known and been affiliated with this man for over 15 years–around children and grandchildren and those of friends. He is not stupid and has led a good Christian life. He has a family to support. He is accused by a 10 year old child–now this situation needs to be investigated NOT determined by a bunch of opinions. Again, innocent until PROVEN guilty–not guilty until proven otherwise!

  40. DISGUSTED on April 20th, 2011 12:51 pm


  41. EASTHILL on April 20th, 2011 12:38 pm

    If he’s found guilty then the sentence should be First offence Last offence. Natural Life in Prison. When will America wake up and realize that while they may recieve salvation through the Lord there is no rehabilitation. Natural life eliminateds the posibility of re-offending!

  42. EMD on April 20th, 2011 12:35 pm

    Yucky, Yucky, Yucky, and disgusting. Just thinking about it, makes my skin CRAWL!!! Let’s watch more Hollywood and TV and listen to more vulgar “music” and see if it gets better!!! And, don’t forget Playboy and such, and hard porn, that “Doesn’t affect me!!!” OH YEAH! I KNOW better. Another life messed up by the demons we entertain.

  43. Thinker on April 20th, 2011 12:29 pm

    To: army wife

    Just what country are you and your husband dedicated to defend? Innocent until proven guilty is still our way here in the USA. There have been instances of children accusing teachers, etc of molesting them when it never happened. Not to say this is one of those, but what do we really know? These cases stir up powerful responses and lynch mob mentalities but we need not act upon these feelings and we shouldn’t write anything based on these emotional responses. Investigators will nail down the truth. Hopefully they’re trained in these kinds of volatile cases.

  44. army wife on April 20th, 2011 12:18 pm

    WOW, 200,000 for molesting a 10 yr old!!! serioulsy?!!!! our system is messed up!!! you can molest a child and get off on bond, but god forbid you kill a animal, you’ll get life for that!!! it’s called find a tree and get a rope!!!!! if we still did that today, we wouldn’t have the problems we have today! “sick people of today”

  45. Becky on April 20th, 2011 12:16 pm

    Nasty Nasty Nasty!! That poor little girl….he needs to be buried under the jail.