Consumers Wary Of Gulf Seafood; Gov. Scott Says ‘It’s Safe’

April 20, 2011

Despite repeated studies showing no detectable effects from the BP oil spill, Florida seafood continues to get a black eye in the minds of Florida consumers, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Florida Department of Agriculture.

The survey found that 63 percent of Floridians have concerns over seafood safety, up from 48 percent in January.

“Over the last year, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has tested 230 samples, and our results confirm that Florida seafood is safe to eat,” said Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam. “The fact that we’ve found nothing of concern to the public is good news. Unfortunately, that message is not out there.”

Gov. Rick Scott said he hopes to change that perception through advertising and marketing efforts like the tour of the Panhandle he’s on this week.

“We know that it is safe,” said Scott, who attended a fish fry Tuesday evening. “The bigger concern would be if it wasn’t. …. Our job is to make everyone in the world know that that not only does it taste good but it’s safe.”

Pictured: Gov. Rick Scott fishing along the Gulf Coast Tuesday. Photo for, click to enlarge.

Story By Michael Peltier
The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “Consumers Wary Of Gulf Seafood; Gov. Scott Says ‘It’s Safe’”

  1. ABC on April 21st, 2011 11:58 pm

    Yep just like all the medications that have been approved by the FDA now almost everyone in America has a potential lawsuit for taking a multitude of now dangerous meds,,,,,,,,,and guess whose getting rich off of it, the lawyers, who indeed become politicians eventually……………Tell me Isnt there something wrong with this picture???????

  2. ABC on April 21st, 2011 11:56 pm

    If someone can find me an honest politician in our government, then maybe I might just listen, however why are they finding more and more dead dolphins and other birds and animals?????? I and my family wont touch any fish from
    the USA Heck they send it to China, to have it cleaned and packed.. is that sane?
    We were down by the bay eating a DQ and stood out and looked at the bottom of the bay,,,,,,,,,,,YUCKO nasty nasty nasty.
    Be sure to read all frozen fish packages, if it doesnt come from Alaska and packed up there we dont eat it………………………

  3. Polythenepam on April 20th, 2011 7:30 pm

    Everybody can say what they want I’m not eating anything out of the gulf. When they first started using the dispersent I looked at the MSDS sheet on it . It said CARCINOGEN when everyone else started making a big stink about the dispersent I went back and looked at the MSDS sheet on the internet again this time it said DETERGENT.
    I’m so confused…….

    Not even a conspiracy theorist……..

  4. Elizabeth on April 20th, 2011 5:02 pm

    Yes, the seafood is quite safe. We, your trustworthy government, have tested this seafood through our government run and funded agencies. Our government’s spokespeople have given very assuring speeches that all is well! So go on, eat the seafood! We, the government have spoken and we have never been known to be wrong. Here, have a nice glass of Kool-Aid to wash it all down.

    I for one will not even walk on the beach even with my tennis shoes on, much less eat anything that came out of the Gulf.

    “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” -Ronald Reagan

  5. EMD on April 20th, 2011 11:05 am

    So the DISPERSANT just went away????!!!!! And, our governor is a chemist too?I love seafood and am missing it so very much. However, if I am sick or dead, I won’t be able to eat any food. PROVEN safe seafood………………………NOT!!!

  6. tired of gov. on April 20th, 2011 8:38 am

    Why was he even allowed to run for governor after being convicted of Medicare fraud while working at a hospital corp. as CEO? He should be in prison. Oh yea he paid a hefty fine. He says he doesn’t really like the people of FL. Well we don’t like him either!

  7. People Sick on April 20th, 2011 8:00 am

    Well let the Gov and all the politicians eat the seafood and get sick. The people that worked in the clean up are sick as I knew would happen. The sea animals are found dead. The chemicals put into the water doesn’t just go away. It is there and the harm has not been seen yet as to what will come. I will not eat the seafood, Why eat poison when we know something is poison?