Many More Details Released In Fake Cancer Arrest

April 8, 2011


We now know much more  about the case of a  Molino husband and wife charged with raising thousands of dollars over several years from people who thought she was dying from terminal cancer when, in fact, deputies say she never had cancer at all.

Sonja Marsell Luker, 42, and Gerald Christopher “Chris” Luker, 43, were both booked into the Escambia County Jail Wednesday felony charges of fraud and grand theft. Both were released from jail on $10,000 bond each within hours of their arrests.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, numerous fundraisers were held between May 2004 and October 2010 that raised over $19,000. Evidence shows that about $14,000 was used to avoid foreclosure on their home in 2009 and about $4,000 in cash was used by Chris Luker to  purchase a 1997 Harley motorcycle.

The Sheriff’s Office investigation found that Chris and Sonja Luker personally received money from friends, family, church members and co-workers under a “scheme” that Sonja Luker was being treated for cancer. Investigators believe both  Chris and Sonja Luker are guilty of fraud in the scheme; witnesses said the couple was observed together at fundraisers talking about her cancer treatments.

Evidence shows that in a Facebook message to Christa Wilson, Sonja Luker stated, “Then came that I couldn’t show anywhere I had cancer but in 199 when I had a (information redacted). I fooled my whole family with this and don’t remember a lot about it”. In addition, investigators obtained letters written by Sonja Luker that indicated she did not have cancer.

Over 50 different pieces of evidence were collected by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office over the course of several months. But one key piece was missing — authorities say there was no shred of evidence ever provided by Sonja Luker that she suffered from any type of cancer.

Sheriff’s investigators obtained documentation from banks, insurance companies, hospitals and doctors that showed Sonja Luker did not have cancer and was never treated for cancer during more than six years of fundraisers. Additionally, investigators found that Sonja Luker was never treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas as claimed. Her medical records, deputies said, never included any mention of cancer.

Luker even tried to obtain money from the Chevron Humankind Employee Community Involvement program for her supposed battle with cancer.

None of the other persons involved in any of the fundraisers are suspected of any crime, investigators said. Many of the persons involved in the fundraisers are considered victims in the case.

Chris and Sonja Luker are scheduled to make their first court appearances on April 28 before Escambia County Circuit Judge Joel Boles.

Pictured above: Sonja and Chris Luker (in black shirts) are seen in these 2009 photos from a motorcycle ride fundraiser that benefited her alleged fight against cancer. file photos, click to enlarge.


278 Responses to “Many More Details Released In Fake Cancer Arrest”

  1. Justice on April 26th, 2011 9:50 am

    Hmmmmm two more days till we find out what kind of plea and justice there will be for the lying theives of the community…..

  2. Dead Poet Society on April 20th, 2011 7:12 pm

    In Sonja Lukers profile it says that laughter is the best medicine. I wish thats what she really believed then I wouldn’t have been out so much money now.

  3. ex-family on April 20th, 2011 11:41 am

    to Paula: they have already been there, done that. she has seen family members suffer with cancer and had many ‘friends’ with cancer whom she watched suffer also…so, no, prison is where they need to be. can’t wait for the ruling…i just hope it’s not a slap on the wrist.

  4. past friend on April 14th, 2011 12:15 pm
    Dad on January 4th, 2010 12:17 am
    Sonja, I agree with your Mom. You deserve this. You have fought a long fight . I am proud to call you my daughter.

    Mom and Dad on January 4th, 2010 12:07 am
    Congratulations!!!!!!!!! You deserve this honor more than any one I know.You have made your daddy and me so proud.We have seen you go through so much with chemo and radiation but you always had a smile on your beautiful face.I am proud to say that you kept the faith that the Lord could and would heal you. We love you more than life and would lay down our life for you. We are proud to call you our daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how do you feel now about your lying Daughter????

  5. for crying out loud ! on April 12th, 2011 12:34 pm

    I go to highland Baptist and we all are deeply sorry . I personally gave money and was friends with Sebastian . I keep praying for every body and hope that is what people are doing

  6. family on April 11th, 2011 6:59 pm

    please do not judge, christ died for all our sins and people make mistakes, no sin is greater than any other sin….. i pray for everyone involved (including the critics) and i know christ works in mysterious ways….

  7. mom2 on April 11th, 2011 4:38 pm

    Take a look on her Facebook It reads “work form home”. She needs to get a real job like in a cancer center..but with no pay!

  8. Dead Poets Society on April 11th, 2011 4:08 pm

    Roses are Red
    Violets are Blue
    Lying about Cancer….
    I’d hate to be you!

  9. Avid Relay4Lifer on April 11th, 2011 3:25 pm

    Again…please, let’s not wish this couple upon those precious loved ones fighting for their lives in a cancer facility. Our sick loved ones deserve to be cared for by family members or volunteers who love them and have a caring, passionate heart….not someone who has faked this horrible disease for profit!!

  10. Paula on April 11th, 2011 12:57 pm

    In my opion, I feel these people should not be put in prison, but court ordered to work at a cancer center with people who are realy in need of help from fighting this battle with cancer. I feel about ten years of them doing and seeing the true diffuculties that people go trough without pay maybe just enough to make them have remorse for what they have done. I have lost many family members from cancer and in thier honor and all of the other people who have cancer, I feel this would be the best punnishment for them. As far as the children of this couple they should not be brought up in such a shamefull way. If they do not want to donate thier time to a cancer center, then YES I feel that they should be put in prison, because this is one of the most horrible things that one could do for thier own selfesh reasons. All I can say is may God forgive the wrongfull doings of this couple and may they answer to him! And I pray that no one else does this terrible act!!!!

  11. me on April 11th, 2011 11:12 am

    Some people are absolutely disgusting! I say lock them both up for life, sell their house, sell that stupid harley, and any thing else they EVER had and give all of the money to REAL cancer funds! To do that to the community, to do that to friends, and to do that to FAMILY!? Some people really do have cancer you sorry pieces of crap! I hope they rot, and I don’t really care who has a problem with that. Let them sit in jail with some of those ‘fun-loving’ inmates, maybe they’ll get soemthing a billion times worse than cancer, and it still won’t even come close to what they deserve.

  12. poohbear on April 11th, 2011 10:14 am

    This story has drawn more attention than any other that I have kept up with. People don’t like being used for gain.

  13. Tesha (America) Lee on April 11th, 2011 9:11 am

    I for one know the toll and effects cancer can have on a family and would never wish it on my worst enemy. While watching my father take his last breath and knowing that cancer was that reason for that, I cant see why anyone would want to fake such a awful disease. For the couple involved if the allegations are true then I would like for them to talk with the families of victims that this deadly disease has taken out and maybe they will see that all the money and attention was not worth it and that it is not a playing matter.

  14. Molino-Anon on April 11th, 2011 8:07 am

    Guys, facts are, they DID spend time with people dying from cancer, some people even looked up to Sonja for her battles, when they were battling the same illness. Chris could stand there and go along with it and they STILL could sleep at night with themselves. Making them spend time doing community service with people dying from cancer is not going to be a lesson for them.

    They should spend the most time in prison with big bubba, and big bertha as possible. Once they go to fed prison, pen pal an inmate and let them know why they are in there. I’m sure a lot of pipe swinging prisoners in there has had close friends die from cancer.

  15. centuryhome on April 10th, 2011 11:20 pm

    I think these people should be made to go into hospitals, and nursing homes, maybe even St. Judes Hospital, and sit with people who are fighting Cancer with their lives! AT LEAST FOR 6 YEARS! They need to see an elderly man lie there with his bones portruding from his body, and a child who’s lost all of her hair and uses therapy from trained medic dogs and puppies to comfort her. As for the comment: “As for the ones that donated money you were not asked by my daughter to donate. She never asked anyone to put on the benefits, as a matter of fact the so called friends around Atmore and Molino did this on there own” GOOD FOR THEM FOR TRYING TO HELP SOMEONE THEY THOUGHT WAS IN NEED! Your daughter sure as hell SPENT there good-deed offerings! 6 YEARS worth. All I can say about this pathetic choice is what goes around comes around…only next time, the one who cries “wolf” will be eaten by the “wolf” because the innocent by-standards wont be fooled again! And this has made the community weary of donating to anyone else who REALLY has Cancer! Thanx for that!

  16. MolinoGurl* on April 10th, 2011 10:18 pm

    A family member of mine passed away from Cancer in 2007…this is something that hits close to home…How could you FAKE something like this Sonja???

  17. Dead Poets Society on April 10th, 2011 7:47 pm

    Roses are Red
    Violets are Blue
    Sonja never had Cancer
    Boy did I get Duped too!

  18. poohbear on April 10th, 2011 2:54 pm

    They passed the hat around where Chris works and collected over $1000.00 for the “cancer” fund, so I’m sure his coworkers are/were not pleased with him at all.

  19. NorthEscambiaNeighbor on April 10th, 2011 12:24 pm

    Any other updates? Is he still employed? We need the community to speak out about this, any evidence you have please pass it along to the ECSO.

  20. molino jim on April 9th, 2011 10:29 pm


  21. Jimmie b on April 9th, 2011 9:36 pm

    Sell the Harley & the house. And give the money to the cancer society

  22. Regina on April 9th, 2011 9:34 pm

    Lisa: Open your eyes for once please…..these people are NOT good people and they never have been. If you’re a concerned parent yourself, you’ll get Stacey and McKenna away from this situation now.

  23. poohbear on April 9th, 2011 7:39 pm

    I think what has hurt the people the most is that they spent their time and gave money to help a neighbor they thought was in need and all the time they were scaming everyone. You have a good heart people so don’t let this keep you from doing what is in your heart to do and that is to help people in need.

  24. StupidPeopleTheseDays. on April 9th, 2011 5:57 pm

    “Cancer has “knocked” at my door one to many times. Fighting for a cure for this disease has become my career.”

    This is in her “about me” on facebook. Isn’t it funny, “career”. Hahah, yeah it seriously was. Bumming money off of other people, thats just plain sorry to begin with. Although taken it to this extreme and actually lying about a life threatening disease to get it.

    I hope that this man and women have to sit in the jail the rest of their lifes.
    “You will reap what you sow.” Who knows, maybe God will strike them with just what they have been claiming all a long, CANCER itself. Then NO one will be there to graciously give money. Then what?

  25. Cynical on April 9th, 2011 5:04 pm

    Someone should sell, “I got scammed by Chris and Sonja and all I got was a stupid T-shirt” T-shirt. with Proceeds going to to the American Cancer Society.

    We should be laughing at our gullibility instead of shouting at Chris and Sonja. Their shame is already overwhelming because they had to live with the scam before it was revealed and dreading when it would be.

    Pick yourselves up off the ground folks and find another charity. You got to feel good for your contribution and that can happen again by supporting a new cause.

    Don’t be “cynical.”

  26. joshbaker on April 9th, 2011 1:09 pm

    I hope they both get cancer for real.

  27. Kay on April 9th, 2011 1:00 pm

    Personally I have a much larger problem with the story about the little girl
    named “toot” than the fact that I was snookered out of $20.00. I also
    have a large problem and heart for the people who know them and
    gave their time, love and support to have the events that gathered the
    town together to give THIER heard earned money. Think how they feel
    about having taken part in this farce.

    I am here to say I love ALL the PEOPLE who HAD THE HEART TO STAND

  28. Kay on April 9th, 2011 12:54 pm


    I thought it would be hard for me to give again without wondering
    for a while, but just this morning I went by TOM THUMB and there
    on the side of the road was girls with a mission and a bunch of
    donuts and over I went to see what I could do and what they were
    collecting for and when they said kids out came my hand from my
    pocket with a ten dollar bill in it.

    I never heard of Rays Church in McDavid and I don’t know any
    kids in Guatamala, but I’m sorry you do what you have always done.
    Heck I can’t even eat donuts and I told them to keep them.

  29. Kay on April 9th, 2011 12:46 pm

    I doubt they could ALL FIT into the court room, it would just turn into a mob
    in the street.

    Think how many people it took to donate $19,000.00 in small increments
    for the most part. When I was told the story and had tears in my eyes I
    only had a $20.00 bill in my pocket and never heard of the Lukers but
    gave anyway.

  30. Stealthbobber06 on April 9th, 2011 12:15 pm

    Some sorry people! Don’t know Chris well, but do know Sonya. I am a biker, and I do participate in charity rides for good causes. Glad I never did any of her rip-off rides. Bikers do these rides because they are good hearted people and like to do good things for people in need. Some bikers may not have the extra money to pay to do the ride, but, somehow they come up with it to help the needy out. What a scam……I just can’t put into words just how sorry they are…hope they get the maximum the law allows….I just hate it for the kids!!

  31. trouble maker on April 9th, 2011 9:36 am

    This is so sad I do fundraiser to help others that are really sick and need it this kind of stuff is what hurts other ppl. Hope they get what they got coming to them and if there are seen out hope some bikers give them what they got coming also hope I am there to help.Ya’ll should be ashame

  32. Michelle on April 9th, 2011 7:34 am

    To: Shawn Ray Rudd

    You said it well! I pray that God will bless little Toot’s life and that he will give her peace from this situation like she’s never known! As far as the Lukers, I have no words to say cause their actions have spoken louder than anything I could say!

  33. angry on April 9th, 2011 2:19 am

    I really believe there is going to be no hope for any of these people. The mother knew 100% that she didn’t have it. I went all the way back to when she got person of the year. The mother made comments on how she has watched her daughter be so sick from treatments, I wouldnt give a damn if my chil was 42 and going to have radiation or chemo i would be right beside him. My husband has a terminal illness and there with him at every dr visit if his mom cant take him. Thats so sad. Thanks to these scammers alot more people are going to have to stat going without because of the Lukers ignorance. I pray God has Mercy on you but i also pray you get the worse sentence you and your husband can get. I also think mom needs to be added to that arrest record to You think of all the kids that are dying really quick and would like to go somewhere but cant . That money raised would have helped those kids. I give to 2 place St jude and ronald mcdonald house. People please don”t let 2 bad apples ruin the whole batch William WE ARE TRULY HAPPY YOU BRING US STORIES LIKE THESE. YOU ARE A GREAT EDITOR.

  34. ANGRY on April 9th, 2011 2:05 am

    The whole story is sad but the worst part is that people are going to be so scared to help people who truly need it.You can look at her pictures on her facebook and tell
    she is as health as a horse. Most people who go through chemo and radiation lose weight and their. ( they lose it by it falling out not by shaving it).I want to say I have a cousin who has a tumor on his spine and him or his family has never take money like that. her holding that sign up in church was crazy i would be so terrified that the good Lord whould come and strike me dead or my children, People that a very sersereioss joke and to let it go on for so long, You need to live right but you also need to apologize to everyone yall have done this do

  35. Molino Res on April 8th, 2011 10:48 pm

    I wasn’t going to comment on this issue but I can’t restrain myself. I know the Lukers, however not very well. To say I was shock when I found heard about this is an understatement. For whatever reason I was not one of the Lukers chosen friends (fine by me and even better now!), I know Sonja said untruthful things behind my back to make others stay away from me. For ya’ll that aren’t from our cozy little town Sonja kinda reined over it, and if she said you were in you, you were in like flin but if she didn’t like you, you not admitted into the elite lil circle. The day after this aired on channel three and broke here on I woke and said, “Self ya know what? It’s a good day to be me! I don’t tie my life up in a pretty lil bow so people think I’m prefect and sometimes life is messy but for those who have chosen to be my friend know I am honest with no false pretences and a friend in the trust sense of the word.” The point of my post here is the Lukers through their lies and need for control to continue their lies have spread false rumors about many us and cause unnecessary riffs. I think it’s time for people to let by gones be by gones and redevelop our sense of community based on actually getting to know each other personally before making an opinion about someone, not basing our opinions on what someone placed on a pedestal says, because as we have learned is people tend to fall pretty hard and fast off those pedestals.

  36. Pineville PI on April 8th, 2011 10:32 pm

    PACK UP AND LEAVE TOWN!!!!!!!!!!

  37. joe on April 8th, 2011 8:34 pm

    May the power of Christ compel them to make things right again. The community has been deeply hurt by this. Most people are generaly kind hearted and like to give and help their fellow man. do not let these two people, and those who assisted them, change all of that. there is still a lot of good to be done in the community. Don’t give up because of a few fakes who took advantage of us. I say us, because I gave and supported too!

  38. William on April 8th, 2011 8:04 pm

    poohbear wrote: The court date for the Lukers is April 28. Wouldn’t it be nice if all the people she swindled money from met her at the courthouse….That would be a story there. Maybe William will be there for

    Not commenting on their specific situation, but a person does not necessary appear at their arraignment hearing. They can waive arraignment or have their lawyer appear.

  39. poohbear on April 8th, 2011 7:56 pm

    The court date for the Lukers is April 28. Wouldn’t it be nice if all the people she swindled money from met her at the courthouse….That would be a story there.

    Maybe William will be there for

  40. Past friend on April 8th, 2011 7:50 pm

    First, I want to say that when I first started to hear rumors of this , I said this is not true. But now I am pretty sure it is. But as someone who called Chris and Sonja friends for so long, trust them, love’d their children like my own,seen there children cry over the fact that their mother my die soon from Cancer, well it is just hard for me to handle. I hate to think of them in jail, but I hate think of them not being punished for all the hurt they have caused to friends, and their children. God be with Timothy and Samantha.

  41. Gerry Dumenkoffen on April 8th, 2011 6:46 pm

    Terri S. is right. “There are no words that can make any of us feel better,but we need to keep showing charity.We just need to make sure the need is really there”

    This is not the first time someone has taken advantage of a Church’s benevolence fund to pay a bill when they already had the money. We still need to be charitable to those less fortunate!

  42. 2BAD on April 8th, 2011 6:34 pm

    They have ruined their lives…their reputation and I am sure now the marriage…but to those that gave from their heart for these people… did the right thing…those that gave should not feel bad for themselves..GOD will still bless you….but the blessings of others are through

  43. Bent on April 8th, 2011 6:31 pm

    Is anyone interested in having a fundraiser for them so we can get them an attorney?


  44. more questions than answers on April 8th, 2011 5:57 pm

    Do they plan to apologize to friends, neighbors, family that did not know, their church, their community? Do they plan to give any of the money back?
    I have lost a relative to cancer and have one fighting it now. This is not a disease that anyone should even want to pretend that they have.

  45. NorthEscambiaNeighbor on April 8th, 2011 5:39 pm

    You are right, Gene was an investigator, SO WAS CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a mess.

  46. Terri Sanders on April 8th, 2011 5:07 pm

    What is also bad is that we the tax payers will pay for both their attorneys,that there are attorneys who will defend them at our cost,and that our lives have been shattered by years of lies.Some of us feel like fools,or suckers,been taken,duped.But just remember the Bible says man looks on the outward while God looks on the inside of us.There are no words that can make any of us feel better,but we need to keep showing charity.We just need to make sure the need is really there.

  47. Not Surprised on April 8th, 2011 4:20 pm

    Gene and KieAnn had to have known. They say they didn’t go to the doctor because they knew there was no doctor to go to,and that would prove they were part of the scam.

    Past sins are forgiven if repented and ask for, even forgotten by God, but the seeds sown in your past( before and after KieANN came into your life) are gowning. Gene someone call you a con artist and lier. They know you very well!

    Just hope the people of Molino will remeber the past and forgive the people who’s reputation you destroyed by your lies.

    Also Remember Gene was a Fraud Investagator (so someone has stated) , how could he not know??

  48. Sandra on April 8th, 2011 4:02 pm

    I have to disagree with Molino-Anon. They could very possibly be charged with racketeering under the RICO act and get as much as 30 years each in prison. Their criminals acts fall well within the parameters of RICO and I sincerely hope that the State Attorney will up the charges as the investigation progresses.

  49. Seth on April 8th, 2011 3:41 pm

    Anyone made any shirts yet saying, “I helped Sonja kick foreclosure”?

  50. Tracy L on April 8th, 2011 3:35 pm

    My heart is just aching for her friends and family. I just cannot imagine what they are going through. God bless you all! I am praying for you!

  51. me on April 8th, 2011 2:49 pm

    Molinogirl……get new shirts…….I HELPED KICK SONJAS BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. me on April 8th, 2011 2:45 pm

    What about Chris’ job? He made good money at the plant. I’m sure he was more that capable of paying the bills and feeding his family.

  53. Chris Jones on April 8th, 2011 2:44 pm

    The only thing more disgusting than what these individuals are accused of (let us remember that you are innocent until proven guilty) are the evil people who believe their opinions are gospel. You want to teach your children that cyber bullying is not acceptable then you do it yourself. The only person who can judge is God. Your harsh, libelous, and arrogant words are not desired nor required. You will be judged for your evil words, just as everyone else will be judged for their actions.

  54. poohbear on April 8th, 2011 2:36 pm

    Probaby most of the “I helped Sonja kick Cancer” shirts will end up at Goodwill or in the trash. Not many would wear one now unless it was in a negative way.

    I’m sure Chris, Sonja and sweet mom are reading the comments. The mom posted a couple of comments in the beginning but stopped. How do you defend Stupid?

  55. Bud on April 8th, 2011 2:22 pm

    These two should be sentenced to cleaning up the nuclear plants in Japan.

  56. Interested Observer on April 8th, 2011 2:12 pm

    There is a perfect place for someone with her “mental disorder”.

    It’s called “prison”.

  57. Been there on April 8th, 2011 2:02 pm

    I too am a cancer survivor. I am not defending these people because if they are really guilty of this, there IS no defending them. However, I just want to say that when I was undergoing treatment, I didn’t want any of my family there because I didn’t want them to see me suffer that way. I can understand not allowing them to be there if that was what happened.

  58. EMD on April 8th, 2011 1:25 pm

    I agree with what you last said, ■Avid Relay4Lifer

  59. Disgusted on April 8th, 2011 1:23 pm

    What a shame….My father retired from Monsanto (Solutia) and was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. He lived only less than a year from the time he was diagnosed. I, along with the rest of my family watched him wither away from the chemo treatments. He lost a huge amount of weight, was very weak, and did not live long enough to enjoy his retirement. It baffles me that no one went along with her to the doctor and to treatments. The last month of my father’s life he was at Sacred Heart Hospital. By the way his insurance paid all of his medical bills in full. This is disgrace to all who have battled cancer and are currently battling cancer.

  60. MolinoGurl* on April 8th, 2011 1:18 pm

    I would feel like a fool now with the “I helped Sonja kick Cancer” shirt. :(

  61. MolinoGurl* on April 8th, 2011 1:17 pm

    I would love to know what they are both thinking and feeling now. They can sit back and have money handed to them and thoughts and prayers going out to them with a smile on there face, knowing in the back of there mind its all a LIE….SICK!!! I am just SHOCKED and to think they were GOOD people. Sonja what do you have to say for yourself now? I think they owe everyone an explanation and apology for this behavior because its plain WRONG. :l

  62. poohbear on April 8th, 2011 12:24 pm

    To Lisa Carrell,

    Read the comments and arresting report and you will see what “Good People” this couple is.

  63. Polythenepam on April 8th, 2011 11:42 am

    Well the term pilloried comes to mind here. An appropriate punishment for them both, rotten tomatoes supplied for a donation to a REAL charity ! ! !

  64. Historian on April 8th, 2011 10:56 am

    Oh how I wish the audit trail could reach back over the past 15 to 20 years. So often people involved in charitable and youth organizations who attempt to run them using legitimate business rules are labled as non-compassionate and non-trusting. These SCUMBAGS surfaced years ago and escaped many times because the organizations they so skillfully integrated were ran using emotion rather than facts and good business. Allowing anything dealing with money to be ran on emotion vice transparent and sound business is the ideal environment for SCUM like this to operate. Like the great Ronald Regan said, “TRUST BUT VERIFIY”. I will work harder and give more because of SCUM like this, garbage like this will not win and force good people to become so synical as to not help those whose truley need their help and support, but I will demand good transparent business practices. There is no greater reward that seeing someone in need benifit form a good deed where credit for it not solicited or accepted.

  65. Lisa Carrell on April 8th, 2011 10:45 am

    My prayers go out to this family ….these are good people!!!

    Matthew 7:1-3

    Do not judge, or u too will b judged. (2) For in the same way u judged, n with the measure u use, it will b measured to u. (3) Why do u look at the speckof sawdust n ur brother’s eye and pay “NO ATTENTION” to the plank in ur own eye.

    I love you guys and i am praying for everyone involved in this.


  66. poohbear on April 8th, 2011 10:37 am

    If you go to their facebook page you will notice that Sonja’s cousin is a bail bonds person. So that’s how they got out so quick!!! hmmmmmmmnnnn

  67. EscambiaNeighbor on April 8th, 2011 10:34 am

    Well, where do I begin this comment? Everyone has pretty much spoke about everything that Chris, Sonja, KeiAnn, and Gene have done to everyone, the community, etc. The Vardeman family has known for many years how these people are. KeiAnn’s family also knew how they were. They all would take advantage of anyone they could. Chris would use his grandmother to get money, stealing from her until she passed. Then he turned to his Biological Father (that he never had contact with in his life until several years ago), and his family. Well it would be nice to know what his Father’s family thinks of their long lost nephew, stepson, cousin, stepbrother, uncle now. I am sure they would be so proud. The good thing that his Father’s sisters that are such ICONIC business women of atmore do not share the LUKER name. This is going to be an interesting timeline of events. Lets all keep focused and see the outcome.

  68. Avid Relay4Lifer on April 8th, 2011 10:28 am

    Sorry, folks, but I disagree with the suggestions of making this couple volunteer in a Hospice facility or hospital for critically ill children. If a member of my family (adult or child) was hospitalized, I would not want these two people anywhere near my sick loved ones.

  69. o on April 8th, 2011 10:26 am

    Shawn, Melanie, I’m sorry. I’m one of those people she told things too. That being said I’m now looking at all the things she has said to me in such a caring way about too many people. Think people who did she tell you about? Kianne your not left out in this. Did you know she’s blaming her mental illness on you. She has said horrific things about you as a mother, what you let happen to her. None of us have left out of her vicious cycle. I wonder what did she say about you to someone?

  70. Susan on April 8th, 2011 10:22 am

    To Shawn Rudd: My heart goes out to you and Toot. I don’t know you, but I read your post. What an ugly thing these “people” have done. I really hope you can put this behind you and find some peace about it. It won’t be easy.

  71. Lisa Carrell on April 8th, 2011 10:20 am

    all i have to say is these r “GOOD People” and some of these comments are just not needed. My heart goes out to this family.

    matthew 7:1-3

    Do not judge , or you too will b judged, for in the same way u judge others, u will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will b measured to YOU. Why do yu look at a speck of sawdust in ur btrother’s eye and pay NO ATTENTION to the PLANK in ur own eye.

    My prayers are with you all!!!

  72. Wondering Y ... on April 8th, 2011 10:18 am

    What about all the children she has brought into this? The teens she had parading around for her? The little girls she took everywhere? The little boy Hunter she told everyone she was adopting? They are all victims too! She has not only hurt grown adults and stolen from everyone but she has mind -gamed with all these innocent children and what’s going to happen to them? As grown adults the community will heal with time and prayers, no people will never forget but eventually these fresh wounds will heal; but, what about the children? The court system does not need to let her adopt the toddler, parents shouldn’t let their children around these people anymore and for the teenage boys hopefully this whole manipulation by their aunt and uncle will not destruct or shift their walk with Christ. Prayers to everyone involved. Hopefully you will all get the answers you’re looking for in order to heal your hearts

  73. poohbear on April 8th, 2011 10:12 am

    They may not get jail time but they will probably get a stiff fine and will have to do community service. I only hope the judge gives them the maximum that he can give.

    I have read the arresting reports and they do have the proof to get them.

    I neither want to spend my tax dollars to feed and clothe them so let them live their lives in shame. Just by reading the comments posted on here is enough to show them they are not welcome in Molino.

  74. Shawn Ray Rudd on April 8th, 2011 9:57 am

    To: Chris and Sonja

    Since I have no way of discussing this with you personally now, I hope you read this on here.

    I want you to think about what you’ve done to me and my family as well. For years you used my little girl Toot as your mascot with your fight with cancer. You’ve said openly to many people how she has helped you fight your battles with cancer. She has cried to me many nights wanting to spend the night with you to make you feel better, and she said many times she is helping you with her smile to kick cancer. EVERYONE knows Toot, and because of you and Chris everyone knows I’m her father. You’ve talked down about me to people at the ballpark, you’ve talked down about me to the girls teachers.

    Chris, you stood in my living room 2 years ago and told me what a sorry father I was, until I had to force you out of my house, while you tried to pull me out of my wheelchair! Toot has had her own battles to fight in her few 8 years of her life dealing with her cerebral palsy. I’ve also had my own fights for years dealing with my muscular dystrophy, never once have we asked for a hand out from anyone! Chris when you said this to me, I was working 40-50+ hours a week, doing doubles, and holidays, having to be dressed by someone, and showered by someone just so I could go to work and EARN a living for my girls, being as weak as I am with my disease. I said for years I wanted a trike motorcycle so I can drive across country to raise money and awareness for CP and MD, but it was never to the point I wanted to fraud anyone for it!

    I hope you two think about what you’ve done to Toot through all this, and all the lies you’ve told others about me and how I’m selfish and don’t think about or care about my two girls, main reason I rarely showed my face around the ballpark or their school functions when you two where involved. Also think about the many nights I’ve cried for you Sonja and thinking about how I’m going to tell Toot you’ve died from cancer. How if it weren’t for me letting you guys take her on vacations, and sleep overs, you would have never had her smile in your lives and now you never will. You stole my time to spend with my girls from me, and that’s not worth any amount of money!

    I’m hurt, I’m disgusted, I’m angry, I’m disappointed. I’m not jumping on the community band-wagon of outrage, this goes far beyond anything monetary or how sick you’ve claimed to be. This is much more personal than that, this is because of what you’ve put my little girls through.

    Tim, Sam, Gene, Ki, I’m sorry, I do love you guys and I hope you know that. Chris and Sonja, I will pray for you.

  75. me on April 8th, 2011 9:41 am

    ya know, it doesn’t matter if they go to jail, prison or whatever, they will pay more of a price being on the outside because now everyone knows who they are and what they are about. God will be the ultimate judge……..they do need to go volunteer at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham….would be a lesson well learned….they may think how lucky they are to have healthy children AND be healthy themselves. I certainly don;t want to have to spend my tax dollars feeding and housing them! Do you?

  76. hawghead on April 8th, 2011 9:16 am

    I guess if my child had done this, I too would be so embarassed that I would try to make excuses for their behavior. These two are nothing more than “con artists”. They played the scheme a little bit too long. It just shows how dumb they are. They should spend some time in the prison system so maybe they can think about what they did. Also my opinion is that their home, car and motorcycle should be seized and sold at auction and the proceeds should go back to the donors and the rest to cancer research. This story really makes me mad. These two are nothing more than trash…

  77. Molino-Anon on April 8th, 2011 9:07 am

    You guys seem to think they will spend prison time… They will not, this is their first offense in the courts, on a 2x 3rd degree felony for, larceny under $20,000 and fraud under $20,000 , that’s what the clerk of the court has posted, the most they will get is 1-2 years probation and possibly a very small stay in jail 30-90 days.

    I know a Molino man who was convicted of larceny he got 60 days in jail and 2 years probation first offense.

    Not trying to down-play it, it’s just how our justice system works unfortunately.

    Even if they do/do not spend time in jail, I don’t see how they can live in the Molino area, looking at the same people they’ve done this to. They should just move to Texas where they spent most the money buying cars, and vacationing er I having mean treatments…

  78. yahoo on April 8th, 2011 8:49 am

    I’d like to know who’s idea this was in the beginning and how long it took them to start their scheming and lying. I don’t think they really realize the toll their lies took on peoples emotions. When you hear of someone that you know and love having cancer, it literally destroys you, inside and out….you fear the worst. I just hope and pray that they never get it after this and i hope no one close to them gets it, because they will then see what they really did. I’m sorry, i am having a hard time with this one folks… can people get so low. If they were behind in house pmts, go get another job, call ur mortgage company and try to work something out, ask parents, grandparents,but don’t lie,cheat and scheme…you don’t know what you are doing to people. I bet you two are going to have to move far far away from these parts if you both don’t end up in prison…because i don’t know of anyone that would ever befriend either of you again. I would almost say your family will turn their backs on you also…and neither of you would probably ever get a decent job again, your faces and story are to well known around here. SHAME ON YOU, BOTH!

  79. me on April 8th, 2011 8:43 am

    I think they should confiscate that harley and auction it off and donate the money to cancer research!

  80. justme on April 8th, 2011 8:36 am

    OK, so they ARE guilty, she never had treatments AND she did a stupid thing by admitting it on FACEBOOK (ONE DAY PEOPLE ARE GONNA REALIZE THAT FACEBOOK IS NOTHING BUT DISTRUCTIVE IN ALL ACCOUNTS, I WISH EVERYONE WOULD BOYCOTT FACEBOOK)…ANYWAY…… now that all of this new information is out, including the medical records, WHERE IS HER MOM WITH HER COMMENTS ABOUT US KNOWING THE TRUTH???? Guess she fooled you too, mom…..sorry. Also, IF she had of been sick, WHY IN THE DEVIL WOULD HER HUSBAND THINK IS WAS OK TO USE ANY OF THAT MONEY TO BUY A HARLEY???? That money should be used for gas to go to treatments, pay bills, clothe and feed children and pay for help around the house and with kids while your in treatment…a motorcycle….REALLLLYYYYY??????????????

  81. cygie on April 8th, 2011 8:35 am

    You do not need to HOPE that God forgives you. He just does. Once you are TRULY repentant in your heart God will allow you to be washed clean and receive his grace. The only sin that cannot be erased is to NOT forgive somebody, which is in effect rejecting the Holy Spirit. It is interesting at best to read all these comments and see how these two have been convicted in the court of opinions by all these “non-sinning” folks. You can murder somebody with your tongue as easily as with any other weapon. I pray right now for these two that they realize the error of their ways and sincerely ask the Lord for forgiveness, be truly repentant, and then ask Jesus Christ to come into their lives and make them new creatures.

  82. all grown up on April 8th, 2011 8:34 am

    To those of you who have mentioned their ‘kids’….yes, it’s sad they have to deal with this mess too, but, if/when Sonja and Chris go to prison(what i’m hoping will happen)they can tend to themselves. They are grown. So, I do feel for Timothy and Samantha, but they can take care of themselves when the time comes.

  83. kim godwin on April 8th, 2011 7:44 am

    I just wanted to clarify my earlier comment… the “Kicking it in the park” fundraiser actually went to a family that was legitimately sick and in need.. the Lukers did nor benefit from it…

  84. poohbear on April 8th, 2011 7:28 am

    I hope the Judge they go before will give them the stiffest sentence that he can give.

    I do feel for the children, but the mother and dad seem to have known it was a lie and were in on it as well. In a sense the children’s thinking on their parents and their grandparents are not good thoughts.

  85. sunshinegrl on April 8th, 2011 7:24 am

    @forgiving her
    Yes we all mess up but this has been going on for years how can you justify that?You CAN’T. Facts or no facts she played on peoples kindness and if I done something like this for years then yes treat me no other way.

  86. sunshinegrl on April 8th, 2011 7:16 am

    @ wharf rat
    There is a big difference between swindling the state out of money and working on the kind heartedness of the people in your community. People give to others out of kindness and generosity and hoping that if something like this were to happen to them that they will have people around them (like sonja and chris) had to support them not monetary but just for support.

  87. ProudArmyParent on April 8th, 2011 7:04 am

    A few months ago I had caught wind of the rumors that had been going around about “Sonja’s cancer.” It broke my heart to have to come home and tell my husband of the sham that family had duped on the community. I saw my husband’s face as I told him, it totally dropped, he literally got his knees taken out from under him on that one. you see there was a Softball Tournament at the Molino Ballpark, my husband was asked to volunteer to umpire it. He did over 11 games that day in the blistering sun. His knees and his back felt the pain for weeks afterwards, but when he left the ballpark that day he felt like he had truly done something to help someone he didn’t even know have a chance to “kick cancer.”

    My husband is one of those men with a very big heart. After he had a chance to regroup from the news he turned to me and said, ,”I umpired in good faith, hoping my effort would help. God knew my heart that day.”

    I also know he’d do it again if someone else truly needed the help!

  88. Dola on April 8th, 2011 6:59 am

    No one could argue that such an elaborate hoax justifiable from any standpoint. Yes, rightfully this story has received numerous unhappy and ticked off comments already with countless more certain to come in the near future. However, I got to give it to them for quiet the lengthy timespan of the false claims and ill begotten gains. Additionally, I have know Chris and Sonja as well as their two kids most of my life and dont mind telling anyone that until this dramatic wrong doing I couldn’t have thought of a nicer family in general. Nor do I endorse their actions but cant bring myself to hate them for it either. Most of us commenting on this matter are parents ourselves and I sure there isn’t one person that would say if it came down to nearly loosing the roof over their children’s heads, or simply just a place to live in general, no matter how much they loved their kids, and/or spouse, there are just somethings they would not do. Sorry, but if ever my family and I arrive at a point in life that possibly in the near future we would be without shelter, clothing, or food, anyone doubting me when I tell you ANYTHING to keep me and mine from going without. Now as for the Harley, well, probably would have passed on that purchase.

  89. "At Lost for Words" on April 8th, 2011 6:33 am

    WOW!!! Well I would like to start by saying that I hope and pray for the community to heal as quickly as possible from this outrage!! Remeber what God said “forgive those who trespass against you” but NOONE will ever forget and is not intended to. You forgive so God can deal with them accordingly in his own will!! I to am affiliated with this family and am ashamed of all the actions that have transpired. I to believe that Gene and Kieanne should be held accountable for their knowledge and part they took in this scam and rewards they received for their own self gain. You know everyone who knows Gene Vardeman also know just how much of a con artist and liar he is anyway, Sonja had the best teacher. 99% of anything that came out his mouth was a lie, just like them trying to say they had no knowledge of this terrible act when they were involved the whole time. You know people on here are correct at how they are QUICK to judge and talk about others when not having facts about their situations and casting stones or their names and reputation but sure don’t like it being done to their family when there is facts and proof of the crime. Gene and his whole family have talked about his father, brothers, nieces, nephews, friends, in-laws, and annyone else they have contact with behind their backs and to their face without regard to the hurt and damage they have caused in the midst. Well I for one am glad to have been lucky enough to be placed outside their realm of high and mightyness that myself or my family was not caught up in the rift raft of the likes of them. I just hate it for one person in his family and that is his father whom was gracious enough to give him his last name and raise him best he could for him to defraud a community under his great name. His father is one the most Honest upstanding citizens in this community. And can only imaine the devastation this has to have on him. God Bless You All!!

  90. Ed on April 8th, 2011 6:17 am

    Cancer? Cancer? Why put all the blame on them? This is the same kind of CANCER that has migrated from the local level to Washing D.C. Or is it the other way around?

  91. whodat on April 8th, 2011 6:03 am

    Forgiving her, well she and Chris had better hope GOD forgives her because this just unforgivable to do this to so many caring and trusting people. This is just tooo……………………

  92. Kimberly Broxson on April 8th, 2011 3:44 am

    Sure everyone sins,but there is a cut off point. My daughter died in a car accident almost 2 years ago. I had a very loving community behind me. They give me money,because they knew i had to take off of work. Although we thought insurance woluld pay for everything we cut everything off. You can read on Even though im still are waiting on insurance to pay 25000 on 50000 worth of hospital bills. This community helped me trough a rough patch when my daughter died. I did not contin ue to milk the cow even when insurance didnt come through. Thank u the Molino community,and the Pensacola News Journal for helping get our daughters headstone. It is truly sad when u lose a child,and the money yall donated can be seen on our fb. She has a beautiful grave thanks to my customers,and Daves family at News Journal. Cant tank yall enough,ur money went to a good cause.

  93. joe on April 8th, 2011 12:21 am

    to think she was a 2009 person of the year for north escambia.
    What a Joke! She made the entire community look like fools!
    read the article and try to remember how you felt when you read it the first time.
    Moved and inspired are not the words I use to describe it this time around.

    or put in her name and search old articles to see it

  94. joe on April 8th, 2011 12:14 am

    she will get what she has coming! those defending her and crying “you don’t know the story or facts” are no better. I am very angry!
    Wrong is Wrong!
    when honest hard working people give their time and money to help a family in need (that is what happened here) and find out it was a scam, deserve answers! some people gave alot! I know I did not want this family to hurt the way mine did as we lost a loved one to cancer. Why? Why did you do it? we all tried to help?

  95. MolinoGurl* on April 7th, 2011 11:50 pm

    This is just SHOCKING. I hope her 2 grown kids are doing ok with this and can see past everything. I have a loss of words.

  96. Forgiving her on April 7th, 2011 11:19 pm

    Nobody needs to be blaming the parents and you have no right to say names or point fingers we all mess up and this was a time they messed up big. Not all the details have been giving to the public so if you have not talked to an investigator personally you don’t know all the facts and if you did not know them personally you have no idea what her life has been like. Yes what she did was wrong, but the bible says treat other how you would want to be treated and to forgive one another.

  97. Search on April 7th, 2011 10:47 pm

    So many people believed in this woman. I just searched her name in the search box at the top of this page and its a shame to read all all the comments from the previous pages about how people believe in her and how much they looked up to her

  98. Lea on April 7th, 2011 10:41 pm

    This women is sick. I watched my aunt Martty Green My grandpa Joe Roley & my Grandma suffer from cancer and this women is going to fake having cancer disgust me !!!!! I was close friends with Sebastian her kin people & she is sick to do this to her family. I know they new & there stupid for not telling anyone so many people felt bad for her & helped in anyway. & NO MENTAL ILLNESS GIVES HER A RIGHT TO FAKE THIS SERIOUS DEASESE ! I HOPE SHE IS PUT AWAY FOR A VERYYYY LONG TIME

  99. Ascend employee on April 7th, 2011 10:20 pm

    Well, let me tell you. I work at Ascend (Solutia) and I will be the first to tell you, although our health insurance isnt as good as it was in past years, there was really NO need for them to have to have raised money for medical treatment for the “cancer” that never was. Insurance would have paid for the majority of it…..maybe the trips for the fake treatments would have needed funding, but definitely NOTHING else. Last, all I can say is WOW, didnt know Chris could be so low.

  100. Sick on April 7th, 2011 10:16 pm

    I think they should get them for child abuse also….because what kind of parents would want to put their children through thinking their mother has a terminal illness????? Sick isnt even the word for all of this!!!! SERIOUSLY!

  101. Not cheesing anymore... on April 7th, 2011 10:12 pm

    Her smile sure changed from the back of a harley to the back of cop car. Haha this is hilarious. I just think who can walk in church every time the doors open and claim she is saved and blah blah blah. Then on Monday be the biggest liar and con artest in Pensacola. That’s just disgusting. And to say the family doesn’t know anything about the while circus. Lol yeah right. Hope u enjoyed all those steaks because in prison the place y’all will be for quite a while it’s pretty much peanut butter and jelly. But on a better note the only thing u can scam in prison is ramon noodles :-) ))

  102. Hurt. on April 7th, 2011 9:48 pm

    It hurts me to know that I wasted my time, money, tears, thoughts and prayers for this sick woman. (Sick as in disturbed) She took my family’s good hearts and has absolutely crushed them. Chris also, he was a leader in the commuity only to give false up to all of those who looked up to him. I have partciipated in many a fundraiser and it chills me to my core how she took so many peoples kind hearts and good wills for granted. She can blame her childhood past, or her being “hypnotized” but why in the world would anyone believe the disturbed lady who cried wolf?


  103. EWHS87 on April 7th, 2011 9:18 pm

    Where did the money go? They don’t appear to have a lavish lifestyle or lavish belongings. The Harley and the Infinity could have been purchased on his 75K plus a year job with awesome benefits, like insurance,

    So where was the insurance statements and Dr. bills that was hid from Chris and all the medications and the mediport to administer chemo. Everyone knows the Medical Facilities will not let you drive yourself home after most procedures. There is to much to hide for those close to Sonja not to know. THEY WERE ALL INVOLVED, There is no reason for home forclosure with his income other than to show a need for more money(fundraisers)They had money and got much more, but Where did the money go?

  104. Survivor on April 7th, 2011 9:15 pm

    People have to understand that when someone is diagnosed with Cancer you don’t have to have Chemo or Radiation. It only matters to how big and how much.
    The fact is cancer is cancer. I am a survivor, thank God I caught mine early, but still underwent surgery and bypassed the hard treatments. But, I could have not done any of it alone. I had to have my family. So yes, her family had to know she was lying. You cant go through cancer alone.

  105. kim godwin on April 7th, 2011 9:06 pm

    I was a vendor at the “Kicking it in the park” fundraiser for Sonja. My friend and I donated a portion of our earnings to help Sonja…. All I can say is, WOW!! What a blow in the gut to find out it was all a scam. I feel for Sonja and Chris’ children… The children are the victims……. so sad, just unbelievable!!

  106. caliper87 on April 7th, 2011 8:47 pm

    Well if this isn’t one of the “ah-ha” moments when the light bulb goes off, I don’t know what it is.

    I’ve watched the family from a distance, been at social gatherings with them, even
    attended the renewing of their vows and shed a tear or two because it was a sad thought that she might be dead in a year. The theme of the wedding was the LiveStrong colors. I never really got the whole “she’s sick and dying” and then next time I’d ask how she was and a miracle had taken place–cancer free. I remember this weighing on me, how could this be. If it worked for her, why wasn’t every cancer victim running to TX to get the treatment. Now I know. sometimes those instinctive reactions are the right ones.

    Is this family not tight with Roy Jones as well?? I haven’t read all of these comments, but it seems that she did some stuff with/for him. Was he a victim of the fraud as well?

    There is no telling how much $$ they got from sources, but a good fraud investigator and a forensic accounting auditor can come in and tear their financial records apart. Referrals available (just in case the prosecutor wants this done right)

    there are all types of fraudsters, this one takes the cake. My thoughts are with their children, how sad for them to believe their mother is dying only to find out it is a terrible lie. as a mother, i don’t get that, but its not for me to judge.

    I have read a few of the comments and while we all agree, this was not what society accepts as being a moral act, and believe me I am not coming to their defense, I’m not going to get up on a soap box and start pointing my finger and wagging it at them. It is what it is. they duped a lot of people. they got people’s emotions involved, and that was all it took. they got greedy, they didn’t stop after the first miracle cure and they will be judged for what they did, not only in a court of law, but; for all of you who do believe in meeting your God one day, they will be judged again. find peace in that. Once again, it is what it is. Greed gets you no where.

    I just didn’t think these two were that smart to concoct a plan like this.

  107. ANGRY on April 7th, 2011 8:45 pm

    There is 2 people whom i feel sorry for in this whole situation. her 2 kids and the people she scamed.How do these people sleep at night knowing what they have done. I went back on here and reasearched when she got awarded in 2009. They cant say her mom didnt know in that comment on that sight said. “She had been watching her daughter through chemo and radiation. I truly pray for them but i feel thay need to get a very harsh punishment. They need to send them to st judes or somewhere that there is kids with cancer and make her sit there and watch those kids suffer and die. God will give her something come judgement day. I truly will be praying for her kids. Its hard to pray for somone like that because she didnt think of others only herself. May God have mercy on her soul..I

  108. idk on April 7th, 2011 8:35 pm

    I agree with ” decieved”!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    These two people are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  109. BettyinMilton on April 7th, 2011 8:24 pm

    Anyone who donated to these rotten scammers should not be embarassed or ashamed. You did a good thing and should stand proud that you tried to help someone in need. The shame and embarassment should be felt by the low life liar who faked cancer to get money and attention. If she had cancer..the sheriffs would have proof by now and they wouldn’t have to bond out with stolen money. It is so sad..I at present have a best friend and a niece battling stage 4 lung cancer and it isn’t fun to watch them suffer.Punishment should include volunteer work in a cancer hospice so she gets a dose of what cancer really does to people.

  110. Flomaton Mom on April 7th, 2011 8:13 pm

    TO: Family

    I am so sorry for your losses. Nobody knows or understand until you’ve been there. Your in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this, it’s not fair…to anyone. Looks like she won’t be doing much fundraising anymore!

  111. Class of 1987 on April 7th, 2011 8:12 pm

    Kie Ann you make me sick to my stomach. Your daughter and son in law have lied to so many people for so many years. She faked a disease and stole from people that were her friends and of course lots of other people as well. I do know that her daughter has ask for money because she sent envelopes with a letter requesting money and where to send it and to the Sonja luker fund. You must be pretty stupid not to have known that she had this disease especially since you live next door or maybe you are involved in it as well. If your dAughters dying of cancer I cannot believe you wouldn’t have went to one appointment. I hope the judge puts them away for a long time and maybe you should join them. There is no mental illness so how many lies do y’all need to come up with. Shame on them and shame on you !!!!!

  112. wharf rat on April 7th, 2011 8:05 pm

    Ladies and gentlemen, these people are out there. I did not buy into this scam, nor did I know about it. However, there are thousands of people doing the very same thing, playing the system, declaring bankruptcy, and receiving SSI. I know ther are families who legitimally have to apply for both, but a high percentage of the applicants are nothing but thieves.

  113. Family on April 7th, 2011 7:29 pm

    To: Flomaton Mom

    She watched 2 of her sisters rott from cancer. Suffer from chemo and die from it all. Very sad what everyone had to see, but we saw the real cancer and how it really treats you. And Sonja never had to go through any of it. Judy Gibson and Marilyon Knight did first hand. I guess thats where Sonja learned how to act from it. Or what to say. Maybe we should of asked Sonja for help getting a fundraiser together for them and they’d be with us a little longer.

  114. a neighbor on April 7th, 2011 7:19 pm

    Well I know now how you afforded all your get togethers. What a shame. And for Gene and KieAnn, you can’t sit there and say They did nothing wrong, unless you profitted from the scam too. Just a suggestion instead of walking around with your noses in the air like your better then someone, why not hid your faces in SHAME!!!!!! How the Mighty have fallen…..these people act like they are soooo special, act like the neighbors are beneath them… well guess what? the neighbors didnt scam people out of money. You all should burn in HELL. I feel sorry for the kids, i hope they see that what their parents really are and learn from this and not follow in their foot steps.

  115. Pineville PI on April 7th, 2011 7:17 pm

    To all who gave, hold your heads up and know that you gave with the love and care of your hearts. The bigger you give the bigger you get! The shame or guilt is not for the givers and the ones who care. There are truly needy people out there who will appreciate kindness and generosity. Don’t let this act of greed break your spirit, you will be rewarded for your goodness.

    For Chris and Sonja: with acting like that ya’ll could have made a lot more money in Hollywood.

  116. seriously on April 7th, 2011 7:13 pm

    Wow! What a shame!! and just to think…there are so many people fighting cancer each day, the old and the young! Seriously sick!! These two liers and all involved that knew about it…you are sicko’s! Carma comes around…no more hand-outs!

  117. a neighbor on April 7th, 2011 7:03 pm

    Well now i know where the money came from for all the get togethers at your house….And for Gene and. KieAnn for you. you say they did nothing wrong then you must have profitted from the scam too. Now instead you walking around with your noses in the air like youre better than everyone else maybe you should hang your heads in shame. All i can say is HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN!

  118. joe on April 7th, 2011 7:00 pm

    perhaps this ladys mother can be charged as an accomplice as she seems to think there is no wrong doing and a mental disorder makes it ok?
    people will say anything when they are against a wall.
    this is sad that they lied to people who really care, I gave money to help her, I wonder if my money paid off the motorcycle. I have a family and children, we could have kept that money and paid bills!

  119. Flomaton Mom on April 7th, 2011 6:38 pm

    TO: KieAnn Vardeman
    Yes my day will come…and I promise you this I will be in a lot better place than your daughter will be!!! My mother died from cancer when I was younger. And for someone to lie and say that they have cancer that just makes my skin crawl and my blood to boil. And I do hope she rots in jail….she deserves no kind of sympathy from anyone, she is a sick woman!!!

  120. friend on April 7th, 2011 6:32 pm

    Some people are just plain stupid but these 2 are just down right ignorant.

  121. anonymous on April 7th, 2011 6:26 pm

    I know both her children and can attest that they truly believed their mother had cancer. However, from what I know, they have recently, prior to the arrest, found out it wasn’t true. I have seen them both talk about their mother’s “cancer” with heavy heart & deep conern that can not be faked. Maybe in hinesight they should have seen the red flags & figured it out but what child would even THINK to question such a thing about their parent. This is about the horrendous act of a parent or parents not their children. As hurt as everyone is by this, the hurt the children feel is 10 fold.

  122. lol on April 7th, 2011 6:23 pm

    karma is a – gene varderman and his wife had to know with their better than thou attitude they should be arrested for accompliance. so funny gene now walk with your head stright ahead not up while its raining you will drown. b porter what do you think of your friends now.

  123. don't know everything on April 7th, 2011 6:10 pm

    Hey I had breast cancer and while I had breast cancer my sister in law Marty Green was dying of lung cancer. If you could have seen Marty when she come home from her treatment yall would have known she had no treatment. I went to 33 treatment after work everyday. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She will have to answer to god. What goes around comes around.

  124. EscambiaNeighbor on April 7th, 2011 5:54 pm

    There is NO WAY that the family did not know about this. She refused everyone’s help taking her to and from appointments and never was hospitalized. As far as her mother and step father are concerned, well that will “all come out in the wash”. As far as her son and daughter are concerned, well not sure if they knew or not, that question will be answered also. And how many times has she tried to commit suicide? Head in oven, Attempting to jump off of a bridge, Overdose, Jumping of a truck and breaking her leg. WOW, Just cant wait to see who else is involved. Gene Vardeman has always been a snake in the grass. And KeiAnn, well she is a piece of work herself. They have always thought they were better than others. Always trying to be above the rest. Well now lets see how they ALL get out of this.

  125. just my 2 cents on April 7th, 2011 4:53 pm

    Wow, to all of you who defend this poor excuse for a human being; like the mom and Maggie Jackson (who said she has known Sonja for over 25 years). Please google “terminal cancer” on the web. If she had terminal cancer she would had died years ago. The husband knew. My ex-son-in-law had cancer and now has another type of cancer. You cannot hide not going to hospitals and getting some medical bills. Tina said in an earlier post that Sonja said she need Pet scans which means that she faked having cancer. Shame on her, her husband, and her mother. All they wanted was free money.

  126. ANGRY on April 7th, 2011 4:34 pm

    This story really amazes me. How in the world can someone lie about a illness like cancer. Some on here are saying her husband and mother thought she had cancer. There is just about no way that can be true. If i thought my spouse or my child had a disease such as cancer i would be at the doctor with them every visit, i would be at every treatment. For this to have gone on for so many years and they not know it is unreal. I have a sick husband when he goes to the Dr. his mother or myself goes with him. If someone is that sick and getting chemo they wouldnt be able to drive themselves home. Her having a mental illness is crazy to thats something to try and get her a lighter sentence. They need to send her to a cancer hospital where children are and let her see what those kids are going through. The money that she scamed from people could have went to help truly sick people. I hope they all get what they deserve.

  127. interested reader on April 7th, 2011 4:18 pm

    I have read these comments all day today and I am suprised at the hate. I know Sonja and Chris and I was completely shocked myself when I found out. I thought it was a horrible rumor that someone was spreading and I didn’t want to have any part of it. But I have already forgiven them for what has been done. (Remember – Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner) There have been a lot of poeple hurt by these actions, but we as Christians must forgive as God forgave us. Sonja, remember you DO have a lot of friends and once the hurt has gone away, we will still love you. I’m sure I will be bashed for my comments I have made, but that’s okay…you have a right to say what you want, as do I.

  128. Susie on April 7th, 2011 4:16 pm

    I can’t believe anyone would do this. How can they live with themselves? If they would have EVER helped a love one battle cancer, they could see what a terrible, traumatic experience it is. My brother battled cancer for 8 years and never asked for financial assistance. However, there are so many people that do need assistance because the doctor/hospital bills are tremendous. The ones who donate and give their time are angels. It’s a shame someone has to take advantage. How about some time at a hospice along with jail time?

  129. Tgood on April 7th, 2011 4:13 pm

    Sad story….. I have cancer with about

  130. poohbear on April 7th, 2011 3:58 pm

    The children will suffer and also the grandchildren if they have grandchildren, and any one in that area with that last name.

    Who will pay the mortgage now that they are caught?

  131. This is sad on April 7th, 2011 3:54 pm

    This is ridiculous!!! How could someone do something like this! She would not let ANYONE go 2 the appointments with her….and we all wondered why? This is why! She lied. All of that money she used for her own self satisfaction could have been used on REAL cancer patients. There are a lot of people out there struggling with money, doesn’t mean they should all fake cancer. They should have been truthful to themselves and everyone else. If the court system doesn’t give them what they deserve, Karma will!!!!!

  132. Molino-Anon on April 7th, 2011 3:54 pm


    Jesus did not show patience because Jews turned his fathers house into a market place… That would be like having raffles and fundraisers at your church or having a store within your church. THAT’S what he was upset over.

    On the cross he forgave the thief and let him into his kingdom.

    Don’t try to preach to me, and twist Bible verses, to your whim, that’s why I don’t go to churches in Molino, half are hypocrites and the other half like to twist the Bible to their own proofs and glory.

  133. fighting for life on April 7th, 2011 3:49 pm


  134. Molino-anon on April 7th, 2011 3:43 pm

    Fact is, this is the first offense either has faced and by CPC score they total 18.4, at most a score of 32 for 2 3rd degree felony. Any score over 44 is jail time.

    The most they will face is a month or 2 in jail, if not just a year probation, and a fine, most likely less than they gained from fundraisers. OR probation and restitution, which is still less than 20,000 by the charges they face and that could be paid well within the year or 2 of probation.

    Call it what you will, some will think they deserve more than that, but that’s the justice system.

  135. Local on April 7th, 2011 3:36 pm

    To Jennifer: Well said.

  136. Jamb60 on April 7th, 2011 3:33 pm

    right is right and wrong is wrong! It doesn’t matter who you are. There is no defending this!!! If this were my daughter, I certainly wouldn’t be on here making excuses and defending her, unless I was in on this scam too. To all involved, the truth will come out. Were you people not intelligent enough to know you couldn’t get away with it forever? Stupid is as stupid does!!!!

  137. Our family on April 7th, 2011 3:32 pm

    Our family will not throw this under the rug. half of us, or more, knew that she was faking this because she couldnt prove it. And I’m just saying, how many “cancer patients” have you seen thats overweight? And for her to shave her head, come on. She never really lost a strand of hair other than that.

    To anyone in her defense, can you recall a time she was “admitted” to the hospital? Is there ANYTHING on paper that YOU have ever seen. A DRs note, a prescription, anything? Have you ever personally went to the DR with her? Has anyone? Why is it so hard to prove that you went to a doctor?

  138. just sayin on April 7th, 2011 3:26 pm

    well put jennifer

  139. Jennifer on April 7th, 2011 3:11 pm

    Serina, I have not seen once on here where the children were spoken ill of…and it’s not just between them and the court system; the day they decided to take money from other people and attend and be a part of the fundraisers it became a public matter. The children should not have to pay for the mistakes of the parents but sometimes the truth hurts and in this case it will hurt the children and there is no way around that but don’t blame the people of the community, the blame is strictly on the parents. THey should have thought about their children prior to defrauding a community. It amazes me how so many people want to sweep this under a rug and forget about it, that’s why America is in the condition it’s currently in, no one accepts responsibility anymore for their actions.

  140. atmoreG on April 7th, 2011 3:07 pm

    What a terrible thing for these folks to do! I, like many others have seen family and friends suffer and sometimes die with cancer.. I have also seen how the medical bills financially ruin families.. This sort of deception only makes it much more difficult for those who are really suffering from this terrible disease to get help from the community..

  141. Another Family Member on April 7th, 2011 2:56 pm

    I meant Aug 2nd 2010, within a year.

  142. EscambiaNeighbor on April 7th, 2011 2:52 pm

    Molino Man ARE YOU SERIOUS???? Hope to see them on the freaking HARLEY…. WOW… It might not be a good idea for them to step foot out in public right now, hell much less ride around on a motorcycle.

  143. Serina on April 7th, 2011 2:46 pm

    To everyone who wants to bash and talk about the Lukers let me just say this. I do not know the situation and honestly I do not care to know.. Whatever the truth is is between that family and the court system and either way rather they did something wrong or didnt speaking of them in this matter does not make you any better. Right or wrong some people on here are clearly not thinking of their words or actions. Or how it may effect other people like their children who i went to school with and are wonderful human beings who also have access to this website. Whatever the situation is that is their parents and im pretty sure no one would like to hear some of the hateful things that is being put on here about their own parents. Tim and Sam i support both of you and your family just to let you know

  144. Another Family Member on April 7th, 2011 2:39 pm

    She did watch a family member die. August 2nd of this year, Marilyn Knight, KiaAnns sister. She passed away of Lymphoma cancer and Sonja watched her suffer. Thats what cancer is really like.

  145. Mom of 3 on April 7th, 2011 2:31 pm

    Very Hurt> you must be my soul sister because your senitments are my exact ones this morning while trying to explain to my 3 children why Mr. Chris and Mrs. Sonja had been arrested. Forget the money! The hurt is from deceit and lies that have spanned over many years. I feel that Sonja’s counceling for mental issues is warranted, but it should not be an excuse for a scam that went on for years. Every summer churches hold VBS and as children we are taught the ABC’s of christianity. A-Admit, B-Believe that Jesus is your savior and C-Confess you are a sinner. That adage can go along way in the life of an adult also.

  146. she did on April 7th, 2011 2:27 pm

    to pace girl, she has seen cancer up close. I believe she was ‘friends’ with some cancer patients…she’s commented on facebook several times in the past, “just lost a dear friend to cancer” This is truly a sick individual!

  147. Darius Longmeyer on April 7th, 2011 2:21 pm

    Whatever money you were “duped” out of, is a testiment to your compasion. You can still feel good about your contribution. Don’t be angry at them, they did let you feel good about yourself. So what if they made a little money. Was anybody really hurt? I think it was a really good con-job….made me smile

  148. Molino Man on April 7th, 2011 2:10 pm

    I hope you read this Mr. & Mrs Luker.. I’m glad you both made bond. I hope I see you both on your motorcycle when I’m on mine. May God bless the both of you.

  149. cantonment on April 7th, 2011 2:10 pm

    I have been reading these comments all day and agree with most. What a shameful person to pretend to have such a horrible disease. I have 2 family members that had cancer. One is in remission and the other passed away several years ago. Sonya & Chris should have to live with someone suffering from cancer (but not as a care-giver) and witness what someone with cancer has to go through day in and day out. The daily radiation that goes on for weeks. The chemo treatments that leave you so sick you can’t hardly hold your head up. They should have to bare witness to what the family members of these patients have to contend with on a daily basis. To watch their loved ones suffer and feeling so helpless because there is really nothing anyone can do but offer support. To pretend to have cancer is awful. To Sonya & Chris, be careful what you wish for. My feeling is that if either of you are ever diagnosed with cancer you most likely will be on your own. I don’t get the feeling that anyone will jump to the plate to help you out.

  150. Marshall on April 7th, 2011 2:06 pm

    I think that these two should be required to give double the amount they stole to cancer research as punishment. Let God handle the rest.

  151. FamilyMember on April 7th, 2011 1:48 pm

    Gene and KeiAnn have lots of stuff to say, but are saying nothing at all. You both knew of this crap, ya’ll deposited checks into your accounts to loose traceability of the money. Also you used money for payments of your house, and to catch up their house payments when they would go into foreclosure. If it were not enough that you took money from your 3 grandchildren that you (SO CALLED) raised, now you took advantage of this mess. So much could be said, but everyone knows the truth about GENE KEIANN CHRIS AND SONJA. Everyone of you have turned your backs on brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents. See now that you all might need one of us and guess what, GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE to call on. YOU all are a disgrace to the family, may you all pay for your ignorance.

  152. Pace Girl on April 7th, 2011 1:31 pm

    My mom had cancer 3 years ago….. She didnt want to have radiation treatments or stay in the hospital long because she didnt want to rack up a huge bill for my step dad. She had stage 5 and died at 53 (lung cancer). How sad that someone would say they have this disease. I agree with what someone else said. They should have to go watch peoples loved ones die in hospice as I had to watch my momma.

  153. Local on April 7th, 2011 1:30 pm

    To molino-anon:

    Jesus did not show a lot of patience to thieves in this example:

    St John 2

    13And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

    14And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

    15And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;

    16And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.

  154. EscambiaNeighbor on April 7th, 2011 1:23 pm

    WOW, this is so sad but the family KNEW. KeiAnn and Gene, both of you KNEW this was going on. You both placed checks in your accounts. Everytime Chris and Sonja’s house went into foreclosure there would be a benefit. Court records will show that the dates match up. The HARLEY that Chris bought, well guess that was some of the benefit ride’s money that was raised for Sonja’s (Miracle Treatments in Texas). All the problems you both created with your own family, WOW. Chris and Sonja would go on trips to Texas to visit his family, and mooch off of them. Yes its true they do supply CARS to everyone of them. Chris has a great paying stable job, wonder how long thats going to last now? Maybe there should be some investigating in the house that KeiAnn and Gene live in, who and how is it being paid for? They ALL tried to live the GOOD life. Gene, KeiAnn, Chris and Sonja you all are wrong for what has happened. You all have caused family and friends to turn their backs on you all. Even to go as far as shaving her head, WOW. It is amazing that they were both released on bond. Gene and KeiAnn, hope ya’ll still have some cash stuffed away for your bonds.

  155. Bout Time on April 7th, 2011 1:22 pm

    I too have been waiting for this story to break wide open! Some of us have had our doubts about Sonja’s cancer for years! We wanted to believe her! But how do you question some one regarding their cancer? What do you say? For someone who had so many types of cancer, and going through so many type of treatment, to me she always seemed so healthly…except of course when she SHAVED her head!! It was known that she NEVER let her husband, mother, church family or friends EVER go to any doctor visits! Look at her record with the clerk of the court! Every year their house went into forclosure and lord and behold…after every fund raiser, her house was suddenly caught up on payments! She drives a brand new infenity and bragged about fixing to buy another brand new one. Chris has a brand new harley thanks to the latest fund raiser! Come on….really? If my wife or daughter had cancer you can bet you butt I would be at EVERY appointment no matter what! She never let anyone go with her. No one ever spoke to ANY doctors, or ever seen her getting those chemo treatments!! She was arrested and will be prosicuted because there are NO doctors that can validate her treatment! Plain and simple. The only that “will come to light” in court is the amount of money that these two people took under false pretenses! Chris was arrested too because there is no way he did not know what was going on! He is just as guity as she is at this point. I do not think this is how this hole thing started. I think she was only seeking attention in the beginning. But then she realized she was making money and lie just grew and grew..truly like a cancerous tumor. I feel like Chris got sucked into the money pit and now they with both suffer for their actions. As far as “mental issues” HELL YES baby it’s called GREED!!

  156. Dee on April 7th, 2011 1:10 pm

    This is horrible, and my prayers are with everyone effected.

  157. Bouttime on April 7th, 2011 12:44 pm

    I too have been waiting for the day that this happened! There have been rumors for years about Sonja’s “cancer”! Everytime I heard ANOTHER fund raiser was taking place, I wanted to pull my hair out! There has been times in my own church, that friends of Sonja’s have stood up requesting our attendence to help sonja in her fight aginst cancer.A lot of people that know Sonja, Chris and her family have had doubts for years. But how can you question someone about them having cancer? What do you say? We all wanted to believe her but her actions always said otherwise! When a person goes through as many chemo treatments as she has claimed to go through, look sick!! She has always appeared SO healthly! Except, of course, when she shaved her hair off! Her husband, mother, friends or church family has NEVER been to ANY doctor visits! She refused to let ANYONE speak to any doctors! RED FLAG!!! Everytime you asked her how it was going, she suddenly had another type of cancer! Look at her record with the clerk of the court. Their house has been in forclosure every year since 2005 and lord and behold….a fundraiser was given and suddenly the house payments where caught up!! She drives a brand new enfinity and bragged about fixing to buy a 2011 enfinity! Chris has a brand new harley! Come on people….if she truly had cancer she would not have been arrested! With ALL her cancer treatments, certainly one of the hundreds of doctors could have pleaded her case! They where BOTH arrested because they BOTH took money under false pretenses! If my daugter or wife had cancer you can bet you butt I would be there at every appointment and no one would stop me! Yet no one ever questions her for wanting to do this alone???? WTH!!! Sooo sad! Hope it was worth it Sonja and Chris! Hope you loved that all mighty dollar!! As far as mental problems?? HELL YES baby!! It’s called GREED!! They mad their beds…now they both can l lay in them!!! What a disgrace!!!

  158. Betrayed on April 7th, 2011 12:19 pm

    All day I have read all the comments and debated on weither I should post anything or not, but the more I think about it I just cant help myself to say It is funny how this part of my family turned their backs on thier dad, brother and neices and newphews when our grandma passed away a few years back. They pushed us to the back burnner like we was scum and acted as if they was high and mighty and we was dirt. Talked bad about us to the ENTIRE community (just because and making stuff up about us when we did nothing) and stole from my grandma while we was burring her. With that being said we still felt bad for her and the family when we found out or thought she had cancer, to be pushed away when we offered our condolences and now I understand why. Thank you for pushing us away and not allowing us to be caught up in this mess. All I can say atleast we didnt defraud the community. For ten years you treated us like crap and we still cared, betrayed you father brother, neices and nephews, lied to people about us and stuff to get yourself ahead and look where it got you.

  159. Molino on April 7th, 2011 12:13 pm

    How convenient that Sonja befriended Jessica after she helped build Drew’s Field, clearly she was just a pawn in their sick game.

  160. HeartBroken on April 7th, 2011 12:09 pm

    I can’t say that I am shocked because I heard this day might be coming but I can say that I am terribly heartbroken and conflicted. Because I know Chris and Sonja personally, I know that they are deep within truly good people with compassionate and caring hearts.
    I can also understand how severe depression can lead to otherwise good people doing unthinkable things and getting so caught up in them that they can’t see a good way out. BUT what I can’t understand, is how this went on for so long without raising some red flags with those that are closest to Sonja, especially Chris and KieAnn. I know what it is like to love and trust someone and want to accept what they say is the truth especially when it is something so horrible as having cancer. But honestly, how could you not suspect there were some unthruths in her stories? I often wondered myself about some of them but did not feel it was my place to ask to see proof…but you would think her husband or Mother would. It is hard to believe that no one ever went into the Dr. appointments with her to hear for themselves what the doctor’s had to say. And for that reason, I feel that partial responsibility does lie with at least Chris and maybe even KieAnn. Ignorance is bliss but it doesn’t absolve one from the truth or the law.
    I can also understand KieAnn’s lashing out at comments, as it would be every Mother’s natural instinct to defend her child but if you are angry or disappointed at Sonja, or yourself for not realizing or doing something sooner, or at a person or incident that may have triggered all of this then direct that anger towards the root of it…not at the people on here that feel betrayed or disgusted. They have a right to their feelings and opinions just as you do. It seems to me that your energy would be better directed more towards getting Sonja and your family the help they need…both legal and mental…and not at posting angry comments with threatening undertones on websites.
    I am truly brokenhearted at this whole situation. My heart aches for Sonja and Chris, their families, the real cancer victims out there, and mostly the community that supported Sonja. It’s not very often that one person’s (mental/marital/family) problems end up affecting a whole community. I have not spoken to Sonja since this all started coming to light, but I know she is a God fearing Christian and is bound to be very remorseful that she has hurt her community and embarrassed her family so badly. I feel empathy for her, her family and the community and I will continue to pray for her (as I did when I thought she had cancer) and I will also pray for the community to share in my compassion and to find the strength to begin to heal and forgive her as well.
    This does not mean that I think she should not have to be held accountable for what she has done though. Mental illness may be a ‘reason’ this happened but it definitely is no ‘excuse’ for what Sonja did.

  161. Report on April 7th, 2011 12:07 pm

    If you feel you are a victim or have information reguarding this (or any) crime, please click the link below and fill out a complaint.

  162. Jamb60 on April 7th, 2011 12:03 pm

    Are her children involved or did she let them believe she was sick and dying? Either way she is a despicable person. Wonder if it this was the husband or wife’s idea. I guess this is the way her mother (KieAnn) raised her since she keeps defending her daughter’s actions. WOW, WHAT A FAMILY!!!

  163. Greatful on April 7th, 2011 12:00 pm

    All day I have read all the comments and debated on weither I should post anything or not, but the more I think about it I just cant help myself to say It is funny how this part of my family turned their backs on thier dad, brother and neices and newphews when our grandma passed away a few years back. They pushed us to the back burnner like we was scum and acted as if they was high and mighty and we was dirt. Talked bad about us to the ENTIRE community and stole from my grandma while we was burring her. With that being said we still felt bad for her and the family when we found out or thought she had cancer, to be pushed away when we offered our condolences and now I understand why. Thank you for pushing us away and not allowing us to be caught up in this mess.

  164. Concerned Parent on April 7th, 2011 11:48 am

    Yes, there are a lot of fundraisers in our area for various people needing help. But I know someone who has some equally devastating medical needs and desperately needs help but I don’t see a single person coming out to help HER and her children. What makes a family more deserving than another? And, yes, people DO know the problems she has and yet not a soul has offered to help her in any way whatsoever….no offers of help with housework or yardwork, home repairs, groceries, clothing, etc. Where is HER help??

  165. ProudArmyParent on April 7th, 2011 11:44 am

    This made me so sick months ago when I first heard the rumors. I had to come home and tell my husband. My husband volunteered and umpired a co-ed softball tournament at Molino ballpark last Summer to help in a fundraiser for this woman. He did over 11 games that day in the blistering sun and his knees and back paid for it for weeks afterwards. When I told him what I heard his face just dropped. We did not even know this woman, but we heard her “story of cancer” and my husband jumped at the chance to help when he was asked. Then to have his knees taken out from under him literally by hearing she was a fake!

    GOD HAVE MERCY ON HER, because the people around here will not forget her lies.

  166. molinoresident on April 7th, 2011 11:43 am

    i have to say, it amazes me. fortunatly i did not attend any fundraisers or donate any money. had none to give. but i did pray for her and her family, commented on how good she looked after chemo, commented on her posts on fbook, and was a friend to her. even looked up to her for being strong and continuing her normal lifestyle. be ing a mother, a wife friend, and all the work she has done at and for the ballpark when her children didnt even participate at any longer. it is a shame if this is true. never wish it on anyone, but i hope she has it or had it at some point. still just cant believe it!

  167. Felicia McCaw Jones on April 7th, 2011 11:40 am

    Yes sir…..This is a huge SLAP in the face to all those who are really fighting the fight. The ones who can’t keep food in their system, who are in so much pain that they can’t bare to breathe……The ones who have lost 30-50-100 pounds in just a few months, the ones who are do depressed wondering if they will live, and worrying about their family…… This is a slap in the face to my mother who is fighting Clear Cell Renal Cancer…..It’s a slap in all of our faces.

    I am not judging anyone, that’s not my job…. But I am free to express my disgust at what they have done, not only to those who they STOLE from, but those that are sick—as now, those givers will always have doubt. I can guarentee if she ever had any cancer…..She could get the proof by calling the Dr and getting a bill

    With that being said, I hope they get exactly what they deserve!

  168. Concerned Parent on April 7th, 2011 11:32 am

    It is entirely possible that the husband did not know that she was lying…..IF she was. I don’t know because I’ve had no dealings with these people. However, I can easily see how she could have lied to him and had him believing that she was battling cancer. People lie to their spouses all the time. I hope, for his sake, that if she was lying, he was NOT involved.

    I too am a cancer survivor and I actually gained weight during my treatments, not from eating but from bloating and medications to help me keep up my strength.

    I am assuming that her medical records will all be brought forth and it will be proven one way or the other. Let’s reserve judgement until then. An earlier poster said that having some people who are angry with you make accusations against someone would not cause them to be arrested. Well, my response to that is HA, aren”t you the naive one? Men are arrested all the time because girls get mad and accuse them of rape or molestation. People are arrested for child abuse every day because their child got mad and told lies to “get back at” them. Open your eyes.

    For those who have donated to this cause, please wait until it is PROVEN before you let this “betrayal” harden your heart.

  169. ha on April 7th, 2011 11:25 am

    and that’s supposed to be “God may judge, AND I do too.” not, that God doesn’t judge.

  170. ha on April 7th, 2011 11:22 am

    God will get ‘em, God will judge and punish or forgive or whatever else has been said on this board…well, God ain’t here to do it, so WE have to do it. God may not judge, but I DO! It’s up to US, on this earth, to judge them for their crimes they’ve committed. Why should WE be forgiving?
    This has been going on for SIX YEARS!!! These “humans” have NO CONSCIENCES! Period. She, with her “supporting” husband ,has possibly, indirectly, killed people!! Taking funding away from those whom it was intended for. An earlier comment was made that someone could have fought longer and possibly survived if funding were available…so sad. I don’t care if it is family or friends, at the end of the day we’re all just humans, regardless of where we came from. And each is responsible for oneself while on this earth. She and he should be punished to the fullest extent possible. And I hope it’s soon.

  171. Faker on April 7th, 2011 11:20 am

    I have been waiting on this story to break since the detectives started knocking on people’s doors questioning people close to this situation.
    North Escambia Person of the Year —
    Molino Christmas Parade Founder — Softball tournaments, motorcycle rides, and who knows what fundraisers were done through Solutia. If there was insurance anyway, what were the fundraisers for? To pay deductibles??
    I wonder what they did on all those trips to Texas they took to “seek treatment”
    How could Sonja sit in front of someones family member and tell this person what they should expect to deal with and feel during her chemo and radiation treatments. You can do a search on this site on Sonja. Look up Highland Baptist Church’s Cardboard Ministries…… watch this video and look for Sonja and her husband’s ministry on their piece of cardboard.

    Kieann, the rest of your family is appalled you went along with it. You mean to tell me a mother who lives beside her daughter does not know if her own daughter is going through cancer treatments?
    I guess the trips to Texas “cancer centers” were to visit the inlaws and their car lot…….

  172. tom cat on April 7th, 2011 11:17 am

    I believe a proper sentence would not be to send this couple to jail, but to let them spend a life sentence in a cancer institue watching people of all ages die of this terrible disease that they mocked. Even babies. All the dollars and people’s efforts that went to this in lieu of someone that truly needed it, and could have possibly made a difference.

  173. poohbear on April 7th, 2011 11:13 am

    I hope both of them have to do a lot of community service and see what really can still happen to them.

    Don’t tempt God and what this couple did sounds like they were tempting someone.

    They have to go to bed at night and know the community is against them for what they did and that is going to hurt them for the rest of their lives. They will have a record and won’t be able to live as a normal family anymore.

  174. Not Ashamed on April 7th, 2011 11:07 am

    My husband was one who went on the rides and donated money because he felt it was for a good reason. Because he gave with the right motive then God will honor that so we aren’t worried if these stories or lies are true. My sister died of cancer almost 4 years ago and she was only 38, something I’m not over yet. The pain families feel after watching a love one go through this is unexplainable and that’s why I couldn’t go on these rides. It wasn’t out of not caring for this family that kept me from going on the rides it was because every time I heard of a ride my sadness for my sister returned. I’ve lost so many people I love because of cancer and if this turns out to be it was a scam it will make me sick that people could use something like this for their gain. I don’t believe people are really angry as much as they are hurt for being used. Never be ashamed for helping someone as long as you give from the heart.

  175. on April 7th, 2011 11:02 am

    Angi B do you REALLY believe that he would never go to a doctors visit, a treatment, or to the hospital when she would have surgery during all of these years? Or what about the no doctors bills coming into the household, don’t you think he might wonder about that????

  176. molino-anon on April 7th, 2011 10:58 am

    I’ve read every single post this community has made, and for it to be as Christian as it appears to be sure (outwardly) does not sound like it, sounds more like what it is a community full of hypocrites, not all but a vast majority.

    My family has been just as affected if not more so than any one person on this site commenting, as well as those involved in the fund raising. Instead of regurgitating hate and anger, how about practice a little restraint and patience, and maybe something Christ himself taught time and time again, that is love.

    This case is a life lesson for everyone, and a life lesson for our children that were close to Chris and Sonja, that we now have to sit down and explain to them why this has happened.

    It is not our place to point fingers and blame, money will still be raised for cancer, heart disease, muscular dystrophy, and everything else we as a community raise money for.

    Am I angry, damn right I am… am I hurt, I’ve cried all morning, and for years knowing someone I loved was supposedly dying of cancer. In the end it is not up to me to condemn nor wish any ill will. In the end its God’s choice to let them in or burn in hell for eternity, luckily we have a forgiving God, more forgiving than this community appears to be.

  177. Brattgirl on April 7th, 2011 10:45 am

    That is why it is so important when helping individuals raise money that the money is paid directly to the sources needing to be paid, hospital, physician offices and pharmacy etc. not individual people. If food is the need then gift cards from specific grocery stores (not Wal-Mart, because clothes can be purchased there and returned for the cash money which can be used for anything) need to be given. I personally have helped with accomplishing a fund raiser for a specific family and the results were wonderful. The first thing I did before ever becoming involved was to pray and ask God for guidance. He answered and had the situation completed within two weeks and the family was grateful.

    I pray if this is true that restitution will have to be made and the American Cancer Association from the state of Florida and Alabama will receive half each of the total amount raised as people in both states helped with the donations.

  178. Justme on April 7th, 2011 10:41 am

    This is so sad…If they are convicted I hope they are ordered to sit in jail until they repay every amount of money that came into their pockets.

  179. Heather M. on April 7th, 2011 10:39 am

    Sad to think of how many people died because they needed money for treatment when these 2 greedy, heartless “people” were stealing from them all..God Bless the families of the people who actually HAVE cancer or have lost their lives to cancer! Those 2 can rot UNDER the jail as far as I’m concerned..I say we make them work 24-7 to repay all the money they stole from the community and all the survivors and fighters of cancer that actually NEED IT!! Sick, sick people…It disgusts me to know we’ve got “people” living in our wonderful community that would do this kind of thing!!!!!!!!!!! KARMA WILL GET YOU BOTH!! enough said!

  180. rukiddingme on April 7th, 2011 10:35 am

    This is really a shame. As a survivor myself for almost 13 years now, I am in shock. A person that has acrtually gone thru this, and is blessed to be a survivor, you still are in fear every day of your life. You have a pain somewhere, and you wonder, OMG, is it cancer? The mental part I don’t believe goes away. But please don’t let what these people have done make you not give or help. Relay4life is a wonderful organization. The American Cancer Society. We can’t let one persons greed put a damper on our giving, helping, or being there for those that are truly in need. Those of you that have had, or in the struggle now of this awful disease, continue to fight the good fight. And those of you that have the courage and faith and heart to help, continue to do so. I do not know these two people, or the family. It will be hard I am sure for any of them to face the kind and giving people that were there for them. But that will be part of their punishment I am sure.

  181. BrattMom on April 7th, 2011 10:34 am

    How convenient that Sonja befriended Jessica after she helped build Drew’s field, clearly she was just a pawn in their game.

  182. mercy me on April 7th, 2011 10:28 am

    Local cancer dollars need to remain local. Real cancer victims cannot get any help from the Relay for Life dollars once those hundreds and thousands are sent to the black hole of national sites. Have YOU seen an RFL report on the mega-millions raised by every tiny town and group in the entire USA every single year? NO? Neither have I. So, continue to raise cancer funds, and then use them for LOCAL people fighting the disease. And don’t give out big lump sums to people. Give according to their immediate need then expect receipts. It’s just being accountable to the donors, and also making the recipient responsible for their actions and the donated funds.

  183. Gail Chaput on April 7th, 2011 10:26 am

    It is ridiculous to even try and protect this couple. Mental disorder or not, they accepted the money and efforts and if she has a disorder, what about her husband? Does he also have a disorder? Was the rest of family sitting by and allowing it to go on with their eyes closed so they could feel innocence also.. Seriously??? Yes, it’s a shame and no I don’t know any of them but right is right and wrong is wrong. Someone close to her knew better than to allow it to continue. DIdn’t anyone go to the doctor visits with her to see how progress was going? My brohter died in 2009 and I was with him at EVERY doctor visit, handling all his bills, finances and in the end, his personal care. I KNEW what was going on with his declining health. Where was her family? How could they not know it wasn’t cancer? Yes, God will judge later but for now, the courts and their peers will.

  184. Muffy on April 7th, 2011 10:23 am

    I’m sorry for what happened. I knew Sonja and Chris just about all my life. We all went to school together. My children went to school with there children. Chris coached my daughter in softball. They are still some good people. Sin is sin. There’s no big I;s or small i’s in God eye sight. But one thing I like about God, he is a forgiven God. My prayers goes out to Chris and Sonja, and their children. My prayers also goes out to the ones who had gave and supported the cause. Pray that God will strengthen all of you. I also had a daughter that had cancer. Believe me, it was not easy going through this. But some way and some how the Lord brought us through it. AS a matter of fact, it was the daughter that Chris coached. My daughter is heal!

  185. The truth will set you free !!!!!! on April 7th, 2011 10:07 am

    This was takin’ off there facebook these are some VERY sick people. May God give you what you deserve.
    About Sonja-Chris I am the wife of my best friend Chris. The proud Mom of two of the greatest kids..Timothy is 24 and Samantha is 22. Cancer has “knocked” at my door one to many times. Fighting for a cure for this disease has become my career.

    If you knew me when we were in school, then know I am still the same way! I love to talk and I love kids (would have had a whole bunch but wasn’t in God’s Plan)! I am truly married to my soul-mate and best friend..Chris! Cancer has tried to break my spirit but I have Won for now….I have two of the best kids in the world..that have stood beside me and held my hand through very difficult times. Smiling is the best medicine of all …and I never take one day for granted!! My ballpark family is the GREATEST! God sent Jessica Cloud to save me!


  186. jodi on April 7th, 2011 9:54 am

    old flame i think that the dad is always the last to know the mom is always told everything and i think that she should be held as an acc.for sure she knew and aided in the scam check her bank account and u will surely find that she has one that her husband doesnt know about that she new all along any mother would know if her daughter had cancer just dont hold the rest of their family to blame for this because she has had some very fine sisters that should hold their head high not in shame because of what Kieann and her daughter have done just saying( moma knows )moma always knows) she should have been booked with her daughter and you all will soon find out that moma was in on it…….

  187. Jennifer on April 7th, 2011 9:52 am

    Judge: To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration….This is for those of you on here preaching “do not judge”…It’s not judging when you are stating the facts. As far as bringing the Bible into it, here’s one for ya; Proverbs 6:16-19 says, “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”… Oh and heres another one…
    1 Peter 2:13-15 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
    Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
    For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.
    God wants people held accountable for their actions, we as Christians are commanded to obey the laws of the land; just because God’s grace is freely bestowed on us or because someone has a “mental disorder” does not mean that person should be freed of their sin, they must be held accountable.

  188. Becky on April 7th, 2011 9:42 am

    If my friend would have had the money to have chemo when she had her relapse, she wouldn’t have died. She was a young 32 year old mother of three. She lost her job and health insurance when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer….while pregnant with her last child….she was unable to work as she was already stage 3. Medicaid wouldn’t pay for chemo. Think about that!!! She has been gone for a little over a year now. All of those fundraisers could have saved her but someones greed and selfishness got in the way.

  189. very hurt on April 7th, 2011 9:39 am

    I am hurt by the manipulation. I called them friends. I didn’t donate any money other than buying food at benefits, but I did donate my time. My family has listened to their story many times and have seen the lives that it has touched, always in a positive way. Until now. Today I am searching for the words to explain to my children how someone who touched them so deeply with their story of perserverence, faith, and love lied to them. I am praying for you, Chris and Sonja. But forgiveness can only come when you are ready to finally be honest with yourselves and others. I believe that there are people who will support y’all if you will do the right thing.

  190. gail on April 7th, 2011 9:38 am

    I have a brother-n-law that has stage 4 cancer now. And we can certainley prove all thats wrong with him by showing proof of scans, Drs. visits and hospital stays and more. And if she truly had this she would also have proof.

  191. aubrey king on April 7th, 2011 9:35 am

    over a period of six years noone noticed she was no better or no worse?I had cancer and you can see it taking its toll on the body.I have more respect for a robber than someone who deceives people into beliving they are sick in order to get money.

  192. Shocked on April 7th, 2011 9:30 am

    This is a sad situation. These people coached my son and I felt my child was safe when in their hands. I was so wrong! Yes, they are innocent until proven guilty.
    I personally had very quick battle with cancer and either you have it or not. No matter how big or small. I thank God everyday I am here for my children. Why would someone play this card when it is a serious health issue. The emotions that go along with having Cancer are unexplainable. Never did I ask or would ever ask for money because there are so many support systems to help and did they not have insurance!
    I am thankful for living in this community. Getting a simple card, a phone call or a shoulder to lean on lifted my spirits. Money can’t cure you. It can only help fund the fight for a cure.
    Another issue is the involvement they had in the Ball Park and concession stand. What monies did they take from our community Ball-Park?
    It is people like this that hurt the ones that really need the help. Not only did they hurt this community, but they have hurt future people in need. People will now hesitant to give.

  193. HARD TO BELIEVE WHAT I'M HEARING on April 7th, 2011 9:27 am


  194. cygie on April 7th, 2011 9:20 am

    To SavedbyGraceMom63: Praise the Lord! Jesus paid the price for our salvation and one who is truly saved is covered by the blood. Agreed that sin is sin, no matter the size. These two folks, guilty or not, will answer to the courts and finally answer to God for their actions. Instead of judging, alot of folks here should be praying for these two to repent. If God judged us based on the comments here, we would ALL be in the Pit with the son of perdition. As a blood bought born again Christian, all I can do is pray that the two folks are TRULY repentant, and in their hearts accept Christ as their redeemer.

    Right now Jesus is drawing in the dust and keeping quiet. John chapter 8

  195. Angi B. ♫ on April 7th, 2011 9:18 am

    This is truly unbelieveable that someone would say that they have cancer when they really don’t. Even having your husband drop you off at the doctors office like there were really cancer precedures being done, and keeping him from going in with you; by telling him “Oh it is just to much for you to deal with”!!! Mr. Luker shouldn’t have been the one arrested here. He obviously believed his wife and her lies about it all…

  196. Decieved - on April 7th, 2011 9:16 am

    PS – I want my money back!!!!!

  197. Decieved - on April 7th, 2011 9:15 am

    Think about this: If the police have enough evidence (which is proof people) they would not have made the arrests to begin with! This is the process… I have a hard time understanding those that put on here innocent until proven guilty. That does apply in some instances but I don’t really think that is the case here. It goes with out saying they lied to a whole community, stole money, lived the highlife etc. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out you actually lose weight when you take chemo – when I always asked what type of cancer she had I got a “I am not really sure” or “she is in remission now” or “stomache” or “lung” – I wondered for a long time……….it just all doesn’t add up for me.
    That being said, I think this woman needs help. You have to have something loose to decieve and lie to your friends and family…Hopefully she can get the help she needs. Mentally ill, NO – needs help, YES!

  198. Local on April 7th, 2011 9:12 am

    Sounds like she should have produced Medical Documentation to prove her innocence. This is just the EPITOMY OF SELFISHNESS! SHAME ON YOU! Molino is a loving town but you that are guilty will be getting a very ice cold shoulder from now on……..and deservedly so!

  199. molino mom on April 7th, 2011 9:11 am

    they would not have arrested them if they had not already subpoenaed medical files. It is what it looks like.

  200. on April 7th, 2011 9:09 am

    The article states that the sheriffs office have been investigating and found no evidence. I’m sure the Lukers were given a chance to show medical records before now.

  201. Tina on April 7th, 2011 9:08 am

    Let me start by saying I debated posting here because with all the drama I just was not sure I wanted to even give this another inkling of my time. But since I read Kieanne’s post I do have something to say and I put my name on here because I want Sonja to know just how badly hurt I am.

    I helped with the softball fundraiser. We talked to Sonja asked her permission because she said she needed PET scans insurance would likely not pay for. She initially said the community has done so much for me I really just don’t know, but after discussing it she said okay. Sonja picked the date. So, Kieanne if YOU do not have the facts do not say another word about those of us that stood beside your daughter, loved and prayed for her. Because trust me I have two small children I could have spent the day with instead of having them and my husband who suffers severe back pain out in the heat helping with all of the stuff going on that day. I went to church with your daughter and I thought we were very good friends. She came to me with her newest claims and now I am wondering is that for real. I had to explain to my elementary aged children why people they knew had been arrested and what fraud is before someone else told them. You are not the only one affected. There are many of us that our children have been exposed to this mess. Children they gave false witness to.

    To those of you asking how could you do a fundraiser without proof…we loved her dearly and thought she was our friend. Why would we question her? Her family was there, her husband was there she had a support system. So why on earth would we have doubted her. DO you ask to see a medical history before you drop your change in a jar at the convenient store? No you do not. I am sorry for those in her family that are caught up in the hurt and pain of this mess and I pray for the Lukers to repent and turn to the Almighty Lord to forgive them of this sin.

  202. molino jim on April 7th, 2011 9:07 am


  203. Donna Lambeth on April 7th, 2011 8:53 am

    I’ve seen a lot of comments here in which, people say that they feel stupid for falling for this scam. None of you are stupid, you just have a kind and compassionate heart and soul. Thank God for people like you! Another thing is that people may be likely to not help others who really are suffering because of cases like this one. I just hope that this doesn’t stop you from helping those who really are in need. If you don’t know the difference, you could always make donations to cancer institutes and hospitals all across the United States. As for the people who pulled off this scam, I believe that they should have to pay restitution in the amount of what they gained and pay it to cancer facilities. CRIME REALLY DOES NOT PAY in the end…..

  204. mom on April 7th, 2011 8:51 am

    I didn’t read all the comments here due to being at work, so forgive me if this had already been said…..I feel the ONLY way to solve this is to demand that her medical records be turned over to the courts. This would solve it all…..i certainly HOOPE and pray this isn’t true for a lot of peoples sake. My best friend lost her son (6 years old) to leukemia many years ago, a young, innocent child. She spent many many months at a hospital with him trying to pay bills and keep herself sane, hoping and praying that her son would be the miracle survivor, but he wasn’t and she finally had to face that reality. She certainly could have used money to help pay bills at home. This is a sad story, IF it’s true, but they haven;t been convicted yet, it is all heresay, so don;t judge anyone until all the facts are out, it isn’t fair on anyone’s part.

  205. relay4life on April 7th, 2011 8:47 am

    Don’t give up on supporting. Start supporting Relay 4 Life for a great cause. Friends help friends in need because that what friends are for. If they had known the truth they may not have held all the events for her.

  206. KDN on April 7th, 2011 8:46 am

    You know what they say about Karma………….

  207. veronica morris on April 7th, 2011 8:32 am

    by the way I am not condeming them either i have no hate in my heart just hurt….they hurt my trust and cmpassion and i want an apology not an angry comment ….I can forgive cause it heals my heart ….I hope the community follows suit as they start showing true remorse and repent…God is a Daddy what would you, as parents, do to a child who lied and decieved????? I dont think the first thing you would do is start telling what the people they lied to did wrong why would you thing God would do that??? seriously im a mother too and i love my kids but the best thing you can do for them is hold them accountable and love them anyway….

  208. charity fundraiser on April 7th, 2011 8:30 am

    For someone who has a mental disorder, she sure knows how to organize a hell of a fundraiser!! Anyone who has ever organized a fundraiser knows the amount of work and time it takes to put one on……Just take it and swollow it folks, we have been scammed…Nah……no mental illness here!

  209. veronica morris on April 7th, 2011 8:20 am


    Instead of bashing people for being hurt or making excuses how about showing some remorse so people CAN start forgiving and i have shown my name cause im not ashamed of being hurt over something so decieving in my loving community….hopfully they will repent but thats more then saying sorry its turning totally away from sin its not anger at people they hurt… far all your comments have been defensive and full of excuses not responsible…face it they are busted and true healing cant come from denile.. i have personally found this a loving caring forgiving comunity and am very proud they were so willing to help one of there own and see no shame in them talking about there hurt and im sure God my father understands it too and wont punish them for it…Please refrain from use God as a punishment for showing hurt in my experience He dont work that way

  210. NorthEscGuy on April 7th, 2011 8:11 am

    Sorry to hear of all this, but i am sure that Chris and Sonja are not the only two that are involved in this. What about the checks that she received and were deposited in her stepfather (Gene’s) bank account. What about every event that was put on in her honor, Kieann and Gene were there with shirts and stories of how POOR Sonja POOR Sonja. So for now Chris and Sonja are the only two involved, but lets just wait and see what else or WHO else is involved. Kieann you and Gene get ready, hope ya’ll kept some of the donations for your bail out.

  211. READER OF NEWS on April 7th, 2011 8:05 am

    @KieAnn Vardeman, the truth always reveals itself no matter what, praying for you and your family. People do become so caught up in what starts out as “small” lie (even though a lie is a lie) and in their minds they believe it, no matter what anyone else thinks or does. It is beyond most people’s “normal” thinking that someone could do something of this nature and “get away with it”, because having a sound mind we cannot go to their depth of thinking, we cannot imagine someone would falsely state terrible things are happening to them. It is hard for us that have dealt with loved ones that did have terminal cancer to think someone would choose to pretend that they had this horrible disease. I have by experience dealt with people that believe what they believe regardless of what is real and what is the truth. It is some form of a mental breakdown, but my question to you is, did you once ever question the cancer? All we can do as Christians is forgive all for what they do, because they know not what they do, and go on. As her mother, it is difficult to accept the illness of a child in any capacity, so try not to respond with anger at the comments, if you cannot state the Facts, on here because of legal issues then say so, and end it, continually going back and forth is not going to resolve the problems you and your family face. Praying for all

  212. mamat on April 7th, 2011 8:01 am

    judge not judge, lest yee be judged. find out facts before comdeeming this girl. she may have took the money raised but it seems to me before i’d have given a fund raiser, i’d have proof of the cancer. don’t you think. she probaby thought this was easy, let’s try again.

  213. WHAT A DARN SHAME on April 7th, 2011 7:47 am


  214. mytwocents on April 7th, 2011 7:46 am

    I am a cancer patient and this makes me so sad. Some of us never have any help and are left all alone. I am surviving and I thank GOD every day. If this woman and man ever get any illness who will they call on, GOD? They better get on their knees every day and ask forgivenes for their sin. They have raped the good that help the sick.

  215. o on April 7th, 2011 7:38 am

    Here’s a thought for you. She lied about cancer (to some she has already admitted this) what else has she lied about? Think about what she told you about Sue and the problems she was having with …, lie maybe? Or how so and so’s kid did this, Joe had an affair, poor Mary. What did she say about you? We are all finding out things that are lies. Kianne did she lie about you? Was it true when she told some you were a bad mother and thats the nice thing she said about you. She said lots of things about lots of people. Now start thinking and mending fences.

  216. Chris on April 7th, 2011 7:35 am

    To KieAnn Vardeman
    Does your son-in-law have the same “mental disorder” that your daughter has? For that matter, do you? For multiple persons to be complicit while knowing the truth, is nothing more than deceit and theft.

  217. JP on April 7th, 2011 7:35 am

    The Lukers are accused, not yet convicted, of deceiving people for their own
    “advantage”. Hmmmm I wonder how many accusers they have that are guilty
    of basically the same thing? Perhaps not to the same degree. By this I mean
    lying to a parent or spouse, or perhaps the IRS, or what have you. Deception is
    deception to whatever degree it may be used.
    Maybe we should dust off the old BIBLE and see what it says about “casting
    the first stone”. The LORDS prayer is good. I also like where it says remove
    the mote from your own eye before taking the splinter from someone elses’.
    I’m not saying what they are accused of is “ok”. I am saying,as humans made
    in GODs’ immage we should all consider OUR ways and seek forgivness from
    one another for our sins against one another so GOD can forgive us our own sins against him.

  218. EWHS Class of 1991 Grad on April 7th, 2011 7:34 am

    To KieAnn Vardeman:

    You need a reality check. How could you as a mother not know the truth from the beginning? A mother (that lived next door) would have been there when she was sick trying to survive so many so called bouts with cancer. Were you all suffering from mental illness? Did you benefit from the money? What difference does it make if people put their names on their comments? Are you going to go rough them up for speaking their minds about the disgust and embarassment that they are feeling?
    I no longer live in the area but had heard about Sonja having cancer. I prayed for her and her recovery. As you say she never asked for the fundraisers, but I guess she never turned away the money. You say she never asked for the fundraisers? I don’t know anyone that has asked for someone to raise money for them. Good people offer their help and do it out of the kindness of their hearts!

  219. Bent on April 7th, 2011 7:33 am

    Whether she has a mental health condition or not it doesn’t make accepting funds like this okay. It’s not an excuse as there were other members of her family that should have known better. How cold and heartless to accept money in this manner.

  220. Cat in the Hat on April 7th, 2011 7:29 am

    Just look at her in the pictures. Everyone I know on Chemo (I work at a hospital) loses weight. There is no mental illness here – just dishonesty in its worst form. They were living the high life while others were scraping by and still found enough to give. I just wonder whose idea it was in the first place to hurt this great community the way they have and would continue today if they had not been caught. I think the pictures are sad for the people standing with Chris and Sonja. They have big hearts and these two are scum of the earth.

  221. Interested Observer on April 7th, 2011 7:27 am

    “Mental disorder”, huh?

    Well, if that’s the case, then that reflects DIRECTLY on the rest of her family (including you, her mother) for letting this SHAM continue for so long. Hopefully, the law will look into ALL parties involved in perpetuating this outright LIE. If you, her mother knew, then you should be prosecuted right along with them.

  222. sunshinegrl210 on April 7th, 2011 7:05 am

    To KieAnn Vardeman
    Mental problems..This has been going on since 2009..why haven’t you as a parent talked to both you daugher and her husband about how dishonest this isfor them and for all involved (including you) your to blame to for not letting anyone know what was going on it might have saved you and them alot of embarrassment. You said that she never asked for fund raisers..well I was raised to help people who are in need of helping whether they want it or not that is what kind hearted people do for each other…not take them to the cleaners or for granted. Hope you can live with yourself knowing you should have done something or said something to someone!!!

  223. Janice Parker on April 7th, 2011 6:54 am

    I have a cousin who’s wife is battling cancer as we speak. He refuses to take anything he doesn’t need. Said God would get him if he did. He told everyone that if he had a need, he would let people know. Too bad everyone doesn’t have this attitude.

  224. poohbear on April 7th, 2011 6:02 am

    This is so sad, now if she was to REALLY get cancer there would be no one to help her because of all the lies that have been told.

    It is no disgrace to have mental problems but it is a disgrace to be put in jail for fraud.

    If this was my daughter and I knew the truth and knew the truth would help clear her name I would get on here and write my heart out trying to clear my daughter’s name. Sonja and Chris you do belong together as both of you don’t know how to be thankful for the health you have. Cancer is a word we all hate to hear being told to us and then you fake it. I would be afraid I would really get the worst kind for doing something that sick.

  225. mary on April 7th, 2011 5:45 am

    The ‘bond” was set very low & yea I believe that it was “cancer $$” that bailed them out so quickly! I can t find words to dicribe how I feel about these people besides “LOWLIFES” They better have to pay back every1 who ever “donated” to her cause!

  226. Christy Yuhasz on April 7th, 2011 5:28 am

    ‘So sad’ has said it all. Mental shmental! Until she knew she would be caught.

    She had no mental disorders for as long as I’ve know her. (all my life!) It’s possible she may start to have some now, because she’s realized how sick she really is, and not with cancer! I am just in awe over this whole thing! How can someone do this, I ask myself. How can someone go on for SO LONG betraying family/friends/community/ACTUAL cancer patients? Hurts my heart to hear it, but only for those deceived by this. Years ago, I reached out to her, leaned on her when I discovered I had pre-cancer cells and was scared out of my mind. (I have no cancer by the way, turned out to be an easy fix by burning them off) But, I turned to her for advice, for help…how stupid I feel now. A sick feeling in my stomach because not only are we family(which means nothing sometimes)but, because of the REAL cancer patients/survivors who SHOULD have had all of this funding go to them to help with their struggle.
    For the record, this will not stop me from donating to a good cause, but does make me skeptical.
    Here’s hoping that this nasty news doesn’t affect the ones that really need help in the community.

  227. jenny on April 7th, 2011 3:11 am

    it is aweful that someone would fake having cancer just aweful people fight this disease day in and day out and to lie, if she did, none of us truly know the truth but her and her husband and God know the truth and how greedy to lie like that to get money where are people’s morals anymore I mean my heavens it is sad

  228. jenny on April 7th, 2011 3:09 am

    You know it is sad that people fake ( if she did ) having a terminal illness that a lot of people fight everyday and even are succumbed by death. I just don’t understand why people don’t have better morals these days. People are so greedy they will do anything to get what they want instead of just going and working for it. I hope she is not guilty that is sad if she is and SHAME SHAME SHAME on her!

  229. appalled on April 7th, 2011 2:59 am

    @kieann vardeman
    how can you say they did no wrong?!!!! you defend both your daughter and your son n law! if your daughter has a mental disorder does your son n law have one as well? and lets ask do you have a mental disorder cause if you are familiar with all the facts, that means you were also aware she was defrauding the public! mental problem or not all the people you are defending including yourself helped her defraud the public!!!!

  230. mdas on April 7th, 2011 2:42 am

    Such a shame, a dirty rotten shame! And I feel for the mom but HOW DARE she blame the good hearted and loving friends of Sonja! Thats another dispicable act in itself.

  231. So Sad on April 7th, 2011 2:09 am

    Funny, she didn’t have a mental disorder until this situation caught up to her finally after all these years. No therapy was needed until now-maybe to look good in court? I suspected this was a lie when I started to add up how many different types of cancer she had claimed at the ballpark..lets see there was;
    Stomach,brain, blood,lung,and ovarian cancer. Thats just the ones I can remember. Most of them pretty fatal to most folks, but not to her. She claimed all these chemo treatments and such, but never lost a pound during the process of all that or lost her hair (until she shaved it off). And then about once a year she would announce she was in remission, then around ball season time-the cancer would return (usually a different type, for those of you who are trying to keep up). Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out for themselves. I donated no money or participated in any fund raisers because of this, but God bless the ones who did-for the right reasons.
    Kieann, I do feel sorry for you -she lied to you as she did us, but there is no “real truth” that is going to come to light except for more deception which will hurt you even more, unfortunately. I pray for you, their children and your family.
    I had hoped Chris was innocent and just loved her too much to see the truth but after he bought a Harley Davison after the last fundraiser-that woke me up. Had they stopped years ago after milking thousands of $$ out of the community-they may have never got caught. So now Chris will probably lose his job so who’s going to give them money now? It won’t be anyone around here, I can promise you that. You reap what you sew.
    Sonya, you can’t condemn your friends for wanting nothing to do with you when you have betrayed us in such a horrible, torturous manner. We constantly prayed for you thinking you were dieing from cancer…MY GOD, what have you done, what were you thinking? We’ve been around you for years so please don’t play the mental illness card..your (use to be) close friends know that is not true. Maybe the praying for you brought this to light. How sad the picture above is with the T-shirts “I helped Sonya Kick Cancer”. They must feel as stupid as everyone else does that fell for this “scam”.

  232. Steven on April 7th, 2011 1:51 am

    There are only a few “truths” that even need to be considered. Did she or does she have cancer or not? If not, it is fraud under the law. It is said that she has a mental condition. Does her husband share the same condition? The chance that both would have “mental problems” that would negate them from knowing right from wrong are highly unlikely. The investigation and trial will certainly bring everything to light. Just remember, if she did not have cancer, regardless of who set up the fund raisers, her and her husband broke the law by accepting the money under fraudulent pretenses. And no, I do not know them or have any stake in this as I have never given them money. Nor has anyone that I know, that I am aware of. I choose to give through organizations that I can research…..The Red Cross, American Cancer Society and Susan G. Komen. Are they guilty? I have no idea. But it will be discovered in time.

  233. huh on April 7th, 2011 1:40 am


    What are you talking about? They found no evidence that she had any cancer, its clearly fraud , she defrauded people of money. And worse, of people that actually have cancer and do need the money.

    Lock them up I say

  234. Charlene Ferguson on April 7th, 2011 1:20 am

    My sister is a friend of these two people. She attend I believe everyone of these events. I see the pictures on her fb she posted of Sonja’s fund raisers. All I got tonight, was this link in email from her. No comment, no opinion. Just the link, Nothing as to how she feels, or what she believes. I’m sure she is shocked and dismayed, and quite frankly doesn’t know what or who to believe.
    If this is not true, and there is an explantion, than all these people who supported her, that were there for Sonja including my sister and her family, deserve to know the truth. So Sonja’s mother, if you know the truth, why not share it and quit saying “You do not know the facts or the truth” and if she’s innocent ” than tell the facts and truth” I’m sure everyone is all ears at this point. A lot of people are hurt and feel taken advantage of. If you being Sonja’s mother can shed some light on this for all these people, that had faith in your daughter and gave when maybe they really couldn’t, why aren’t you telling the facts and truth?
    ” The truth shall set you free”

  235. Mr.Donaldson on April 7th, 2011 1:16 am

    Kie Ann I don’t know your daughter our son in law personaly,you say she has a mental disorder, yes that is a very sad but why did Chris go along with it in the above photo.Why didn’t he come foward and say something so that your daughter could get the real help she needed. Me and my family were praying for your daughter to get better along with every one else at church who is sick an suffering,and my mother who has been fighting with canser for over 15 years now which will eventuly take her along with my step dad.I don’t know the hole story abought your daughter just what I have heard I hope Chris & Sonja get the help they need.

  236. Unknown on April 7th, 2011 12:50 am

    Ummm… I need my $20.00 back I paid for ” Sonja to fight cancer” !!! This is awful and a disgrace!!! I hope she pays… I have lost family from cancer and for someone to lie about having it!! Are you serious??? What sick person !!!

  237. peace out on April 7th, 2011 12:39 am

    Innocent until proven guilty. Come on this is America, give them a chance to explain

  238. savedbygracemom63 on April 7th, 2011 12:36 am

    To you all who have condemmed these people; I ask you to remember that a saviour died for ALL of OUR sins over 2000 years ago! Our God does not rate the severity of our sin! SIN IS SIN to him no matter how great or how small!! So if you think your small sin is any less significate to him, it is not!! To Sonya and Chris; I pray for you and your family; Today may look bleak, but remember you are our Fathers children and HE LOVES YOU!!! To those who think I have no right to be so forgiving, I only hope you never are in any position one day to need this same understanding! To Sonya; I know a very special heavenly spirit who loved you and that as his mother He made me proud for his unconditional love for all of you!! God Bless!!

  239. joe on April 7th, 2011 12:18 am

    I do not know these people. If this woman did not ask for money or benifits (as her mother said) why did she take them? taking money under false pretenses is still fraud! there is some fault of her own here. if she was not sick she should not have taken money! she has a hard road ahead of her as her jury pool will come from citizens from the area, the same citizens she duped into giving money to her for her “illness”

  240. KieAnn Vardeman on April 7th, 2011 12:17 am

    To Praying we all have to answer to our God about our sins, you me and everyone and we have plenty of family members that have died from this horrible disease but she has a mental disorder that I will not discuss on here please feel free to contact me and I will discuss it. She did not want to have the benefits but once again the so called friends kept wanting to do something for her and again I will not go into this on here.I do not understand why none of you will use you name . Are you afraid that we might know you?

  241. homebody on April 7th, 2011 12:14 am

    My dad died of cancer seven years ago and my niece is a cancer survivor.
    Their suffering was horrible! If this couple did what they’re accused of doing they make me sick!!! I hope there is an explanation. I would hate to think they could be so cruel and uncaring.

  242. Bjay on April 7th, 2011 12:08 am

    “stunned and shocked” you nailed it! The few people on here defending them say that we dont know all the facts. Well lets here some of them. If they know the facts then post them so we all can understand. Obviously the facts are these people (who I do not know) have lied to people who were close to them and then stole their money. In your own words mother “You do not know the facts or the truth all you know is what a bunch of lying friends and family tell you. if you would shut you mouths trying to degrade them and ask some one who knows the truth you would know that this will be cleared up”. Maybe you should shut your mouth if you dont have anything to defend your daughter with.

  243. big dummy on April 7th, 2011 12:07 am

    Highland Baptist has many great members with big hearts and big $$$. Solutia & Champion Paper Co. does also. Local churches & organizations as well. I had hoped this was untrue, & still do. Alot of real cancer patients will suffer if this story is true. How can anyone live with themselves or in the same town if this is true????? I’d be afraid of my kids suffering from bad things I had done against my fellow man & community. Does the almighty $$$$$ mean that much???? Why would anyone steal from their church, or God???? or their neighbors……… or their family,…..or their (so-called friends)………I’m in “Molino”………dumbfounded……….

  244. Praying on April 7th, 2011 12:00 am

    Kie Ann-

    If your daughter never asked for money why was she always at a benefit. If she didnt want or need money why would she allow all those fundraising events. If she is innocent why are you even saying she never asked for money….. bc by all means if she really does/did have cancer then she should be seeking for some help for the fight…
    the truth will prevaile… and your right— “know the facts”— there may be other circumstances- however- i am quite cirtian if Sonya had a REAL dr stating she had cancer there would not have been an arrest just from “hear say” from some enemies… i never have wished that someone had cancer but in this case I hope she does have cancer- bc if not she is one sick individual and will have to answer one day to god and see all those faces of children, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers- that died of cancer that sure could have used the REAL help.

  245. stole my $$$$ on April 6th, 2011 11:56 pm

    @ KieAnn
    So you are saying your daughter had the right to receive money, from people, to help her fight cancer that she never really had?

  246. stole my $$$$ on April 6th, 2011 11:48 pm

    @ Know the facts-
    I know the facts, do you? I know her latest story and it is not true either. The facts are- she has had months to prove she ever had cancer, and never could. She has lied to the police, her friends, her church and the community. She has also admitted to some people what she has done, but now claims it was because she has a mental disorder. The only thing that has caused her mental problems is the fact that she is going to JAIL! Think about it befor you stick your neck out for someone. They may not be the person you think they are. I learned this the hard way!

  247. KieAnn Vardeman on April 6th, 2011 11:48 pm

    To just wondering??????????
    You better believe I am very proud of my daughter,but you people on here all you want to do is talk about something you know nothing about but watch your words and make them sweet,because you never know when you may have to eat them.
    To old friend of Dad say your name so we will know what kind of friend you really are because if you are a friend you know the truth.No friend of ours or my son-in-laws father would say this because they know the truth///////////

  248. stunned and shocked on April 6th, 2011 11:47 pm

    KieAnn Vardeman please tell us the truth! Give us something solid that disputes the evidence against them. I don’t want to believe it. However, from my understanding it is, so please tell us how it is not. Please share how this is going to be all cleared up.

  249. embaased for them on April 6th, 2011 11:40 pm

    Instead of beating them over the heads, we should be praying for them. EVEN IF this isn’t true, the humiliation would be bad enough. These people are close friends with some of my family and they are saddened and sickened. All things happen for a reason. Be sure your sin will find you out…Maybe IF this is true, they will find Jesus…TRULY repent…This will not affect me giving to Relay for Life or other organizations. Truly praying for this couple!!

  250. Kimberly Broxson on April 6th, 2011 11:37 pm

    it is such a shame that such a tragic thing has happened to our very giving community. I too have donated my hard earned money to this couple even when I didnt have it. Thats fine they have to live with their selves. If it were me I COULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT. The sad thing is the people that really need help will have to suffer,because people are scared tp donate. Afraid they will get screwed over once again. Right now we are trying to get donations for autism a much needed cause. Its a shame people are reluctent to donate because of this. Im sorry this has happened because we have a stong community that helps,and now they feel burned.

  251. JRL on April 6th, 2011 11:32 pm

    Karma is creeping….be careful what you front in this world, it sure is something that may be lurking around the corner later ! Shame is an understatement….

  252. just wondering? on April 6th, 2011 11:29 pm

    Her Mom must be so proud!

  253. pm on April 6th, 2011 11:29 pm

    @ Old Friend of the Dad

    Shame is lost in this country. Very few people teach their kids that they should be ashamed of anything they do. Our schools teach the kids the *everyone is special” and books are published all the time about how to help yourself to what rightfully belongs to another. A sense of entitlement has come over some people and they don’t care one snippet how they take good things and make them bad. My question to everyone is this: When you see a jar on the grovery store or drug store counter with a sad story on it how willing will you or I be to donate a dollar or two for what might be a very just and needy cause just because of this fraud.. Sadly most of us will think twice and that is really a shame. I know because my parents taught me to be ashamed of the bad things i do and i in turn have tried to teach my kids the value of some good old fashioned SHAME.. I totally agree with MicheleG that this is disgrace.

  254. KieAnn Vardeman on April 6th, 2011 11:25 pm

    Oh for the one that said they bonded out with cancer money and wants them to rot in jail,,,,,,,,,,,,,you day will come

  255. KieAnn Vardeman on April 6th, 2011 11:23 pm

    To all you so called friends and family//////////
    This is my daughter and son- in-law that you are talking about .You do not know the facts or the truth all you know is what a bunch of lying friends and family tell you. if you would shut you mouths trying to degrade them and ask some one who knows the truth you would know that this will be cleared up. But you can believe that the so called friends and family that told the lies will be known.As for the ones that donated money you were not asked by my daughter to donate. She never asked anyone to put on the benefits, as a matter of fact the so called friends around Atmore and Molino did this on there on. Please feel free to contact some one that knows.

  256. CountryGirl on April 6th, 2011 11:14 pm

    I am totally shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see the out come of this when they go to trial. You can’t do wrong………………. and get away with it.

    And Amanda …………….I agree with your comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  257. Flomaton Mom on April 6th, 2011 11:03 pm

    I hope they rot in jail!! These are some sick people!!!

  258. Molino Resident on April 6th, 2011 11:00 pm

    Wasn’t she voted person of the year a couple years ago? How sad for this community that believed in her.

  259. Know the facts on April 6th, 2011 10:58 pm

    Some of you need to keep your mouths shut! Sometimes there are other circumstances that the news and papers do not post! the media is always out to say the bad and the good is always hidden! BEFORE ANYBODY SAYS ANYTHING YOU NEED TO GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT!

  260. Bent on April 6th, 2011 10:55 pm

    Search her name on this website and read all the comments people have left her, wishing her well….how very sad. I don’t know how someone could sleep at night with all of the guilt they must have felt.

  261. Molino Mom on April 6th, 2011 10:54 pm

    Well, when I first found out about this I was shocked, then I was hurt, then I was not sure it was true, then I had to account for my participation in the fundraiser, then I had to explain to my dad what his $200 went for, then I had to explain to my children how people they know picture showed up on the news, so tell me how we are not supposed to be upset. How are we stand beside someone we the proof overwhelmingly shows a pattern of lies?

  262. Sickened on April 6th, 2011 10:51 pm

    I bet they bonded out with their “cancer” money

  263. WOW on April 6th, 2011 10:49 pm

    Makes me sick to think of all the money that could of went to children, babies, REAL cancer victims. I wonder how many have died so that they can have their money. So.. SO Very sad.

  264. ashamed on April 6th, 2011 10:45 pm

    Will any deacons or members of local churches pls contact ECSO with info on donations made to this ………cause…………regardless of $10 or $10000. Current Pastors have client/privelged info, so they don’t have to discuss this despicable crap!!!!!

  265. Maggie Jackson on April 6th, 2011 10:44 pm

    “suspects in an alleged on-going fraud” does not mean either of them have been found guilty of anything. I have known them for over 25 years and my feelings for them have not changed. Matthew 7:1 “Judge “not”, that ye be not judged.”

  266. Amanda on April 6th, 2011 10:42 pm

    I think they should have to do coumminty service and every Relay and American Cancer Event with in 200 miles and see they joy the surviors have during these events. My Grandmother died of brain cancer and this Stuns me!

  267. Cindy on April 6th, 2011 10:42 pm

    Really….please. What a sorry couple of folks! We try to TEACH our kids to be honest and tell the truth!!! Remember what happens in the dark comes to the light……..stealing money, when it could have been put to GOOD use. For someone like my grandmother that really had cancer and died from cancer :(

  268. Wait on April 6th, 2011 10:39 pm

    May be guilty, maybe not…..may be one, maybe both…..if so, shameful. If not, I won’t be railing an here against them until one or both are PROVEN guilty.

  269. My Jaw Dropped! on April 6th, 2011 10:35 pm

    As a member of the Molino Community and someone who has been around for all the fundraising I am stunned! How could these people pull this off and for such a long time? I felt so sorry for her…. I am just speechless. Just goes to show you never really know someone when you think you really do!

  270. Just me on April 6th, 2011 10:34 pm

    My faimly used to donate money to them all the time it was the only reason we did really for life and much more I found out about this awhile back and didn’t know if they getting arrested does make younthink twice before u donate money it is just wrong to cheat people out of there well earned money

  271. Have Mercy on April 6th, 2011 10:30 pm

    Shocked beyond words!!! If you needed a loan – all you had to do was ask. I am so glad she does NOT have cancer but also feel so betrayed because we all helped because we were convinced our contributions would make a difference in her battle against cancer. There should be some guidelines or requirements for community fundraising so we can be sure it is legit.

  272. Bent on April 6th, 2011 10:24 pm

    What a shame! Now people will think twice to help those that really need it. Shame on the two of you.

  273. jacksonvilleguy on April 6th, 2011 10:24 pm

    WOW. tried to tell everyone… but no one would listen…..

  274. Old friend of the Dad on April 6th, 2011 10:23 pm

    This is about one of the sorriest things anyone could ever do! I hope they make this couple face everyone who they accepted money from and apologize to them… the shame will eat at them.

  275. cygie on April 6th, 2011 10:22 pm

    For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Titus 6:10
    Not my job to judge, just pray that these two seek repentance and a better way.

  276. Unknown on April 6th, 2011 10:19 pm

    They will get what they deserve, what they did was a disgrace to the people who died and have fought through the most deadliest thing it seems like now days. I just can’t see how sick someone could be to do this they have no heart for other people or themselves to do people like this.

  277. cheryl on April 6th, 2011 10:16 pm

    I’m speechless!

  278. MicheleG on April 6th, 2011 10:13 pm

    What a disgrace to all the honest people who have fought and continue to fight a valiant fight against cancer. I hope they throw them under the jail!