Century Set To Consider Community Center Rental, Security Rules Again

April 4, 2011

The Century Town Council will try again tonight to approve new rental policies for the town’s community centers in response to several recent violent events.

After a double shooting during a “teen party” at their Habitat building, the council about a month  ago to “get tough” with new rules to curb violence and policy abuses at their community centers.

The town’s community center rental agreements were rewritten by the town attorney with the new policies set for final approval on March 21, but the council delayed any action over concern that some non-profit groups could be hit with a $350 rental fee.

Mayor Freddie McCall returned to council Monday March 21 with a recommended policy that was developed with input from the town’s attorney, Matt Dannheisser.

The attorney, according to the mayor, recommended that the council  require security provided by off duty Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies  at community center functions at $25 per hour. McCall recommended charging for a six hour minimum for deputies, possible refunding any time over four hours not used.

With a $100 rental fee, a $100 deposit and a $150 fee for the deputies, the total cost out of pocket for an individual or group to rent the town’s Habitat Building or Ag Building would increase to $350.

At their last March meeting, the council table action on any new community center rental and security policy, opting to return to the town attorney for an opinion. Council members wanted to know from the attorney if they can forgo the security requirement for non-profit groups

The latest agreement will be presented to the council tonight during their 7:00 meeting at Century Town Hall. The meeting is open to the public.

Until a policy is approved, the council has issued a moratorium on renting the buildings — only the mayor can override the moratorium.

Pictured: The Century Habitat Building. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Century Set To Consider Community Center Rental, Security Rules Again”

  1. concerned citizen on April 4th, 2011 3:29 pm

    Just hate to see the community center on hwy 4 priced so high that most people in our town can not afford to use it. If the only people that can afford to use it are the people who sell booze and what ever else then the Town will be no better off , they will be the only one’s still using it. Place a reasonable time for the building to be closed, say 10 o’clock and i believe this will help a lot.

  2. Bob on April 4th, 2011 1:15 pm

    Would it be safe to say that the non profit groups do not drink alcohol, or have someone present that a drive by shooter might be interested in? I don’t think so.

  3. t2 on April 4th, 2011 9:15 am

    Freddy has a very valid point. I once was manager over Lake Stone and the cut off time for the building rental was 10 pm. And there was a rule of no alcohol. We had very very little problems out of this. I think the only problem that we really had was people missing the garbage can with food. So a cut off time would probably solve a lot of the issues. Most teens dont really get wound up til after they are plastered and usually that takes them until the wee hours of the night/morning. And if it is a decent group, they wont mind the cut off time. It would be a lot better than paying all that money during these money tight times.

  4. Bob on April 4th, 2011 8:13 am

    An outsider looking in once more. Why worry about such trivial matters when a few special interest groups want a special deal. After Centurys track record with this facility the council has but one choice. Everyone pays, if that makes you unhappy then take your non profit to the fellowship hall of your favorite church. Century is setting itself up for a big kill if this activity continues. Pass the ordi nance as is and get on with business.

  5. commonsence on April 4th, 2011 5:58 am

    Stop playing Politics, and move on with JOB creations for Century. Come up with Ideas that will put the City of Century, Fla. on the map and not with the Highest Crime statics in the nation. We already have the most Poverty stricken area in the county. It’s time to move forward people, “THINK OUT SIDE OF THE BOX”. it’s 2011.

  6. Freddy on April 4th, 2011 5:35 am

    You know there’s a real simple way to solve this.
    Only rent the buildings from 8am to 8pm.
    It’s the late night party thing that’s causing the problem here and it’s not fair for church and social groups to have to pay more for the misgivings of these misfits.
    I think we would be safe to say that, if someone wants to rent the building for late night activities, their up to no good.
    I’m not a citizen of Century, but hopefully someone that is will suggest this to the city counsel tonight.

    Has there been an arrest made on the guy that shot the two people at the last wild fling?
    Oh well I guess we’ll wait until he kills someone. If he is crazy enough to open fire on people once he’ll do it again.