Commission Approves Conecuh Woods Mega Landfill

April 18, 2011

The Conecuh County Commission voted 3-2 this morning to approve the application for the proposed 5,100 acre Conecuh Woods landfill which will be constructed upstream from North Escambia. Woods’ landfill, will include a 1,600 acre “disposal cell” from Range to Repton to near the Big Escambia Creek. Big Escambia Creek flows southward into Escambia County, Alabama, through Flomaton and drains through a North Escambia swamp into the Escambia River and then Escambia Bay.

Many other governments in South Alabama and Northwest Florida have passed resolutions in opposition to Conecuh Woods, including Escambia counties in Alabama and Florida, the Town of Century, Atmore and Flomaton.

Even with the required approval from the Conecuh County Commission, the project may still remain on hold. Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley issued an executive order declaring a moratorium on new landfills in the state.

The approval is expected to also be challenged in court.

Pictured: Residents gather in Evergreen, Alabama, in February to protest the Conecuh Woods landfill. File photo courtesy WALA FOX 10 for, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “Commission Approves Conecuh Woods Mega Landfill”

  1. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2011 6:41 pm

    “Imported waste” is waste which didn’t originate at the landfill?

    David downstream
    but wondering where else
    while hoping for careful monitoring

  2. jeeperman on April 20th, 2011 4:19 pm

    The other landfills within 100 miles are also licensed to take “imported waste”.
    Dont be fooled into think “imported” is anything better than local waste.
    That imported waste is very lucrative to those other licensed landfills.

  3. art on April 19th, 2011 1:46 pm

    and by the way, don’t marginalize my environmental concerns by insinuating it is a front in order to protect the interests of the preexisting landfills in our area. it is my understanding the landfill being developed by this particular company is for imported waste. so there would be little danger of “competition” to the many landfills already in use around here. imported, like from out of state, up north somewhere….just sayin’….

  4. art on April 19th, 2011 1:19 pm

    how is this bad for our water supply? anybody ever hear of cracks? oh, yes, they do happen even in the best laid plans (or liners,as in this case). it happened in missouri, so don’t tell me it can’t happen here. it is like playing russian roulette with my kiddos future. if you have children and/or grandchildren, do you want them to inherit a tainted water supply? it may not leak at first, but what happens 10, 15, 25 or even thirty years into the future when the cell gets old and it starts leaching contaminants into the aquifer? i happen to be proud of our region of the south, our beautiful forests, our springs and rivers. we have a wonderful climate to boot. i want my children and grandchildren to enjoy this area and if they so desire be able to grow a garden or use the land to live on and raise their families. sp don’t give me that line that this company is coming into the area to spend millions so we can all have the jobs we so desperately need. the bottom line is can they make a buck. do you really think they give a mite’s sash about you or me or our kid’s future? it is all about the money. so, yes, SHAME ON THEM!

  5. JUST a Thought on April 19th, 2011 9:46 am

    Just curious where the information comes from that this landfill is so bad for the water supply? They do call it a cell for a reason. Most modern day landfills are lined with either a impermeable plastic liner or lined with a clay dirt that is impermeable not allowing anything to escape into the ground. Basic fact is we create waste and must deal with the best way we know how. This company is wanting to come into your community and spend millions of dollars and create jobs for one of the most unemployed states in the union. SHAME ON THEM!!

  6. jeeperman on April 19th, 2011 9:18 am

    I am not.
    I hate the blatant hypocrisy of the other good old boy gooberments voicing their opposition to this landfill based on enviromental concerns.
    In reality, none of them are concerned with the enviromental effects at all.
    Because everyone of them have an interest in keeping the competition away.
    Allowing this landfill to be built means less dollars going into their pockets.
    Directly or indirectly.
    They all have landfills in their jurisdictions to protect from more competition.

  7. Jane on April 19th, 2011 8:44 am

    Great. Let’s pollute some more water. Haven’t we done enough damage to our environment?!!

  8. art on April 19th, 2011 6:58 am

    not in my neck of the woods, you betcha, and i will tell you why…it is dangerous to put this landfill in such close proximity to our dad gum water supply! it is a huge aquifer we sit on, don’t anybody get that? yes by all means put this land fill where it cant leach into somebody’s water supply, and somewhere there is not such high population density…this is craziness! how in the world are they getting away with this is beyond me!

  9. Freddy on April 19th, 2011 5:20 am

    The three that voted yes must live in a different county?!?!?!?

  10. Concerned resident of Conecuh County on April 18th, 2011 11:37 pm

    Since the people who put their money into trying their best,and so far succeeding (unfortunately). They should be made to build houses on top of the landfill, that they claim is not going to hurt the environment, along with the people helping them to get it done. Never put your faith or trust in man , only in God. Heaven help all of us and I hope they know they should not be able to sleep with a clear conscience! We all need to keep up the fight for our children and their future and the future of the environment as a whole. Get on the phone, write letters, and anything that will let them know it isn.t over and we will be heard and they need to open their ears and eyes and spend a week working at the DUMP in Escambia County, Alabama.

  11. Mad on April 18th, 2011 9:20 pm

    Politicians need to fear the people. How can these commissioners vote this way when they now how the public feels about the issue??

    Obviously we know the answer is $$$.

    But what recourse can the people take other than simply not re-electing them? They don’t care if they get re-elected, they’ll be taken care of either way, so that’s not enough.

    Time to bring back the tar and feathers. Or worse.

  12. friction against the machine on April 18th, 2011 7:35 pm

    Amazing how local politicians always seem to be lackluster and not vert smart. County commission there is obviously corrupt. Look what happened in escambia county alabama in the early 90s….commissioner Fields voted in favor of the landfill which was in his own district. The voters showed him the door,but fob james, who owned the landfill, gave him a state job. Now don’t you all think those crooked commissioners who voted for the conecuh landfill are going to get jobs with the landfill company? Its an outrage.

  13. deBugger on April 18th, 2011 6:27 pm

    Now we can only hope that it gets tied up in intrastate environmental litigation so long that it will never get opened.

  14. meeee:) on April 18th, 2011 6:14 pm

    i think that they shouldn’t build that land field some people have allergies but whatever they dont care about anybody but there self .. :)

  15. Bell on April 18th, 2011 5:37 pm

    Why are you so interested in the well being of Conecuh County?

  16. hawghead on April 18th, 2011 5:34 pm

    Let’s see if I got this correct. It’s ok to build this landfill, just not in my neck of the woods. That sounds reasonable…….

  17. jeeperman on April 18th, 2011 4:44 pm

    “Many other governments in South Alabama and Northwest Florida have passed resolutions in opposition to Conecuh Woods, including Escambia counties in Alabama and Florida, the Town of Century, Atmore and Flomaton.”

    Of course they did. This landfill will be competition. Especially Escambia County Florida.

  18. NotAgain on April 18th, 2011 4:31 pm


    That sounds about like how the Studer ballpark stadium boondoggle got sold to people down in Pensacola.

    I reckon you use the same tactics to sell a piece of crap, no matter WHAT it looks like.

  19. Atmore G on April 18th, 2011 3:21 pm

    How in the world can the county commission vote to approve this when so many of their constituents oppose it? I hope the citizens of Conecuh county remember this come election time.. I am so sick of politicians on every level of government who do not vote the will of the people!

  20. UH, HUH! on April 18th, 2011 2:58 pm


  21. Court on April 18th, 2011 1:54 pm

    Well I can assure you this is not a Florida -vs- Alabama issue. The comment at 10:03am shows your true colors by lumping all Alabama and Conecuh County citiziens into one group. Think before you speak buddy!!!!!!!!!! I can promise you that 75% of the citiziens of Conecuh County did not approve of this landfill from day ONE!! It’s ashame that the county commissioners decided to vote for the MONEY instead of for the CITIZIENS. This landfill proposal has been well planned from day one. Why Alabama? Because they have some of the weakest environmental regulations in the nation, “ADEM”. Why Conecuh County? One of the poorest counties in the State, cheap property, large population of African Americans and a small population, so only five commissioners total. Perfect opportunity to wave some money in front of crooked White men and poor Blacks then the landfill gets approved. Best I understand, there were three white commissioners and two black commissioners. The two blacks voted for the landfill, which was represenative of their district. From talking with citiziens it seems most of the lower income blacks were for the landfill because the sleezy, white business owners and landfill committee filled them full of BS about how much money this would bring the county and how every citizen would benefit, especially the poorer blacks. Most saw this as an opportunity to better themselves and their families. The only ones that will become wealthy with this landfill will be the same sleezy white men who tricked the blacks into approving the landfill. Also, two out of the three white commissioners voted against the landfill. The one white commissioner which voted for the landfill has told citiziens on numerous occassions he was against the landfill. Now we should be able to see who got paid under the table. It’s also my understanding this individual has built a nice home in another part of the State and will likely be relocating in the months or years to come, so he really doesn’t care what the citiziens thought about the landfill. According to other news sources, the Citiziens for a Clean Southwest Alabama told the commissioners, “we’ll see you in court”. Not sure if it will help or not, but it will defintely slow things down.

  22. Thinker on April 18th, 2011 1:51 pm

    There will be hell to pay one way or the other. Folks do live to regret their decisions and that goes for those who stand by with their hands in their pockets. When our common environment is at stake we MUST get involved. If you will or could be affected by this decision, I believe you have a right to sue. Seems to me a preemptive legal action is appropriate.

  23. Bell on April 18th, 2011 1:19 pm

    No such thing as “the will of the people”.

  24. jj on April 18th, 2011 12:26 pm

    It sad let hope Bently can stop it

  25. M on April 18th, 2011 12:04 pm

    It’s ashame when you elect your peers to do what the people want,to protect citizens and do whats right.And they sell out.Too late now to vote them out….it’s done.The next elected group will do the same thing when money is flashed in thier face. There is less and less hope for this country. Their all the same

  26. bama54 on April 18th, 2011 10:48 am

    Now whoever approved this landfill, you need to vote them out of office!!

  27. art on April 18th, 2011 10:26 am

    i am so very sad to hear this…it must be challenged and defeated once and for all. water quality is paramount because the quality of life depends on it. you don’t let your well get poisoned do you? you don’t let your neighbors poison your well either.

  28. Name (required) on April 18th, 2011 10:03 am

    That Alabama desires to become a garbage dump is hardly surprising….

    …. especially since Florida will absorb most of the penalty in terms of
    water quality degradation.

    This is truly unfortunate.

  29. MSBU on April 18th, 2011 9:57 am

    Well, looks like they got into some of ems pocket in time!