Atmore Mayor Howard Shell Won’t Run Again

April 12, 2011

Atmore Mayor Howard Shell announced Monday that he will not seek re-election in 2012. Shell said Jim Staff, mayor pro-tem and District 5 councilman, had served the city well, and that he was “in training” for the future.

There are just under 21 months remaining in Shell’s current term as Atmore mayor. He was first elected to the Atmore City Council 1984 before being appointed mayor after the death of then-Mayor Patricia McKenzie. After winning the mayor’s race twice, he remained in office until being beaten in 1996 by Rodney Owens, an Atmore chiropractor.  He returned to office in 2000 and is serving his third term since returning to office.


36 Responses to “Atmore Mayor Howard Shell Won’t Run Again”

  1. SmartIdeas on April 22nd, 2011 2:25 pm

    Maybe ” Bobby Stabler or Shane Harrell “Would Be The Best Candidates for Mayor. Two Great Singers Who Both Have Had Great Publicity And Know Everyone. And Have Always Stuck to their Roots. And I Believe They Would Fight Hard For Us And Get Us Where We Need To Be In This City. Just An Idea And My Opinion.

  2. bridgeacross on April 15th, 2011 5:43 pm

    I agree that David Strawbridge would be an asset to Atmore as Mayor. He’s a breath of fresh air with a bright young mind!

  3. Formeratmorecitizen on April 15th, 2011 5:39 pm

    Atmore is a dying town. It is sad to watch the town I grew up end turn out the way it has. Maybe he can add this to his list of accomplishments. Glad I decided to move away after 35 years.

  4. hometownboy on April 14th, 2011 6:48 pm

    Raised in Flatmore, haven’t lived there in about 10 years, but Rivercane will pay off and was forward thinking. It is one of the only chances there is for growth of Atmore. Atmore’s growth has been controlled by one business/political family for several decades and until that stops, it won’t be allowed to grow. They have scared away any new industry or facility that would pay a decent wage in Atmore for years, just to protect there own business and money. I agree that there is probably a need for some youth in the city’s leadership ranks, just make sure they have a realistic understanding of what kind of change they achieve and what they will be allowed to achieve, if they don’t “buck” the current and long-standing system.

  5. Robert Yoder on April 14th, 2011 3:26 pm

    Atmore will never become all that it can be until its citizens learn to respect authority –parents, teachers, bosses, policemen, councilmen, mayor, governor, and president. There are respectful ways to appeal to authority, but slandering them reveals what is in our hearts–spite, rebellion and lack of character.

    No political leader will be able to turn around Atmore if we don’t learn character and teach our children to do the same. (We can start by keeping the promises we make to our spouse).

  6. dola on April 14th, 2011 12:36 pm

    There would be major problems with some of the folks named as prospective candidates. We need to keep in mind that more than likely regardless of who we would like to see go into the mayors office next, Poarch does, and will continue to play a big part in that decision. I hate it worse than anyone, but how do you stop it? This town is no longer ran by big name farmers and businessmen, but money yielding casino owners…

  7. atmore citizen on April 14th, 2011 12:11 pm

    It is about time that Howard stepped down. But not to one of the “good old boys”. The councilmen aren’t any better! They are all “yes men” . How about some women running for council? Or better yet for Mayor.
    I would like to know why didn’t Atmore get to vote on the new city sales tax? Baldwin County got to vote on their new sales tax. But no this was decided by Shell and the council! They checked with other surrounding cities, so they decided we needed to be brought up to their standards. No the problems is we don’t have enough of money to pay for the “Rivercane” so they had to come up with revenue to pay for it. Shame on Shell for buying so much land (and again without the decision of the council or citizens) and not being able to pay for it. Step down for sure Howard!

  8. bamadude on April 14th, 2011 8:48 am

    the only problem with all of these suggestions is that the position doesn’t pay enough for anyone to want to run…

  9. Why on April 13th, 2011 11:28 pm

    David Strawbridge or David Swift for mayor!!! Both of these guys are bright young minds in the Atmore community!!! Get them boys !!!!!

  10. atmore dad on April 13th, 2011 9:52 pm

    Brian or Brandon those are two names i like both have a great name.. and family values..

  11. what ever ~ on April 13th, 2011 8:40 pm

    Bryan McGill–Educated–Professor of Criminal Justice–High character–Discipline–Would be tuff on Crime!!!

  12. mom on April 13th, 2011 3:34 pm

    what about Brandon Smith or one of the mothersheds???

  13. JohnJohn on April 13th, 2011 2:53 pm

    I second the motion for Sara Cunningham Smith or David Strawbridge.

  14. go fly a kite on April 13th, 2011 2:46 pm

    Please no Kelley’s in office! That is not a good idea either! I would really love to see Sara Cunningham Smith or David Strawbridge become the “OFFICIAL” Mayor of Atmore!

  15. Bill on April 13th, 2011 12:19 pm

    Does anyone have the facts on what the requirements are to run for mayor of Atmore? The exact requirements please. Thank you.

  16. Mr E on April 12th, 2011 10:34 pm

    Cmon Atmore speak up.We have all the potential in the world to grow and expand.We need a LEADER not someone that is a little Howard.He has been ok doing some good for the town.We need someone in office that wants to make a change for the better.Someone that is willing to spend hours working on things to improve the citizens of Atmore Alabama’s lives.Some people may believe it’s just a small town but the people of Atmore’s hearts are the size of NYC.So Atmore let’s speak up,let’s make change,let’s find someone with heart and caring for this town.Let’s find the perfect person for the job.

  17. stephen in atmore on April 12th, 2011 8:21 pm

    Hey where did that Kelley guy go. didnt he want the job a while back..

  18. shucks on April 12th, 2011 7:43 pm

    Sell Rivercane ??…Who will buy it…the Indians ?? There is an old political saying
    to..RAISE TAXES…THEN RUN LIKE #$%@…I guess he is not that bad
    I would like to see Mr Owens back in office…TIME FOR A CHANGE

  19. dola on April 12th, 2011 7:35 pm

    Thank goodness!!!!!!!!!! Now, if we can get someone in here that cares to grow this town alittle…..

  20. respect on April 12th, 2011 7:25 pm

    To the people who have been so rude and disrespectful with their comments–you should be ashamed! I do believe the Mayor is “elected” meaning he got the most votes. If you think you have all the answers and could do a better job, then you need to put your name on the election ballot and let the voters decide!

  21. Thoughtful on April 12th, 2011 3:58 pm

    I’ve always heard…Be careful what you wish for.

  22. ole timer on April 12th, 2011 2:35 pm

    I agree with bama dude. I think Mr. Shell needs to go along with his secetary, the whole bunch. It’s time for a new leadership. Someone who dosen’t do what the so called social elite of Atmore want. You need someone who will do whats good for all of Atmore and not just a few. Atmore has been run this way for as long as I can remember. It’s long past time for a change.

  23. just a life long resident on April 12th, 2011 2:08 pm

    I moved out of the city limits of Atmore years ago because Atmore has been run by a select few and this is the reason it is in the shape it is now. It seems to me by the comments that the public are starting to see what I saw a long time ago. There is a time for a change and if they don’t do it quick Atmore will be like Prichard the employees will not have any retirement or anything else to look forward to if they are not on the state retirment system. The only ones getting any raises is the ones that can vote their own raise and that is the councel and none of the actual working people.

  24. River Rat on April 12th, 2011 1:35 pm

    Before we condenm Rivercane, why don’t you folks look at the incoming
    revenue–bet it is more than outgo, and this is just the beginning. As it
    grows (and it is) it will produce much income. Almost like owning a city.

    Howard has been a very good money manager. He never saw a tax or
    fee that he didn’t love. This will be Mr. Staffs training and they do this
    well. Will it continue? Will Howard step down a few months before the
    election to enhance Mr. Staffs chances at the polls??

    One thing I have never liked about the mayor and council is that everything
    is preset before the meetings. Unless someone makes prior requests
    nothing can be brought before the council at a meeting. Probably not as
    democratic as I would like. Again will Mr Staff be trained in that manner?

    In the name of city cleaniness no one is allowed (ask Bill Salter who is
    sueing the city) no one can put up advertising signs. Would you call that
    blight, or the sign of a progressive town. The law suit will continue from
    a very strong pocketbook.. How does Mr. Staff feel about this? His training so
    far says no. Selling signs is a business and advertising draws people..

    Should we have a new crew? Mr Owns’s crew did not work out that well???

  25. stephen in Atmore on April 12th, 2011 12:08 pm

    so is Mr. Staff the acting mayor at this time.. if so why isnt howard going to go ahead and step down.. im glad he is training his replacement but we may not want him. personaly im glad he is leaving i hope he takes some of the old dogs with him lets get some that hunt.

  26. Mr E on April 12th, 2011 10:54 am

    Howard has been ok.But in office for way to long,Atmore needs a young leader,A leader that wants to help and change Atmore for the better.We have tons of potential for growth.Atmore is a great town with great people.

  27. joe on April 12th, 2011 10:17 am

    it is a shame the city can not elect someone from another community to come in and clean house. there is too much “good ol boy” networking going on in atmore. Atmore needs growth and development otherwise it will become another poor southern slum town. the people of atmore deserve better than that!

  28. doubtingthomas on April 12th, 2011 10:05 am

    The problem as I can see is not the Mayor, he travels in some pretty elite circles and has the uncanny ability to get committments from politicians to help the city. The five members of the council have proven time and time again that they will only be inept for the duration of their time. Putting any of this group back in office will be another mistake for the folks of Atmore.

  29. JohnJohn on April 12th, 2011 9:42 am

    A lot of people want the city to sell Rivercane and everyone wants to see economic growth in Atmore. How would selling Rivercane help growth? It wouldn’t…it would only put us back to square one, without the possibility of the city ever generating any tax revenue. We just need to give it time. I think Mayor Shell had the best interest of the city in mind when purchasing this property for Rivercane. Thank you, Mayor Shell, for your many years of service and I wish you well in the future.

  30. Thank YOU on April 12th, 2011 8:57 am

    Thank You Jesus!!!!Maybe we can get some growth in Atmore and take this city for a turn around.Im sure all of us are thinking prayers have been answered but we need not to vote for any of his people.We need a stable,established,eagered,driven young person to take over and make this city better.Hopefully this will mean less crime,more jobs,and a better opportunity for us and our kids…

  31. maryt on April 12th, 2011 8:32 am

    i agree bamadude, we need the “out with the old, in with the new ” crew….we need someone younger and more eager to see Atmore grow and thrive…electing the mayor pro tem who always agreed with the mayor is NOT what atmore needs….if he is elected, the same old voices (old council) will always be whispering in his ear. ATMORE, WE CAN’T ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN!!!! IF you know someone who would be great for our city, PLEASE ask them to step up….personally, I’d like to see Mr. Joe Webb back here as mayor….

  32. Interesting on April 12th, 2011 8:31 am

    Why stay until his term is up? Just drawing a paycheck? The Rivercane deal needs to be SOLD and get out from under the debt he put us in. Needs to talk more about what is happening in our city government than to go on and on about what his wife is planting and his children. Wish we all had it so good. Most of us have to sit home and cut back and wonder how we will pay our utility bill and buy gas. Why does Atmore not allow us to walk our pets in the park but then on May Fest they have a pet contest and the elite few take their pets? We pay taxes to keep the park up, pets under 35 lbs. should be allowed. Most of us do pick up after our pets.

  33. BamaDude on April 12th, 2011 6:49 am

    This is GREAT news…he is way too controlling and thinks he owns the city. He is even trying to hand pick his successor (Jim Staff). This city needs to distance itself from Howard Shell and all of his cronies that are holding positions and being paid with taxpayers money!!

  34. Let's hear it on April 12th, 2011 6:46 am

    This will be a good thing for Atmore. We need someone younger, more eager to serve all of it’s citizens.

  35. Good on April 12th, 2011 5:48 am

    Good riddance. Do we have to replace him? Why do we need a mayor?

  36. toobad on April 12th, 2011 5:07 am

    Wont run again ?? AWWWW MAN…Atmore will shut down now thats for sure….
    Rodney ?…your turn again…lets do it brother