Arthur Brown, Barrineau Park School Roads To Be Resurfaced

April 13, 2011

A portion of Arthur Brown Road in Walnut Hill and Barrineau Park School Road will soon be resurfaced.

The full 1.7 mile length of Barrineau Park School Road will be resurfaced from Molino Road to Barrineau Park Road. Only a 2.7 mile portion of Arthur Brown Road will be resurfaced, from Highway 97 to Pine Forest Road. The remaining 4.3 miles of Arthur Brown Road, from Pine Forest Road to Pineville Road, will not be repaved.

The project includes the shoulder work, striping and other routine items. Roads, Inc. will be required to maintain traffic flow at all times, closing one lane with minimal delays during work hours. The roads will be open to two-way traffic during all non-working hours.

Roads, Inc. of Northwest Florida was the low bidder on the project at $966,769.35 to be paid out of Local Option Sales Tax monies. Four other bids were received — ranging from a low of $1,226,051.90 from Panhandle Grading and Paving to $1,634,740.53 from Anderson Columbia.

The total $966,769.35 project also includes the resurfacing of a portion of Untriener Avenue in Ensley and Desert Street in Ferry Pass. Additional minor work will also be performed under the contract on Beulah Road, Bridlewood Road, Klondike Road, Eight Mile Creek Road, Leonard Street, Cross Street, and Chemstrand Road.

The exact start date for the resurfacing projects was not available.

Pictured top: Arthur Brown Road approaches Highway 97 in Walnut Hill. photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Arthur Brown, Barrineau Park School Roads To Be Resurfaced”

  1. Janice Parker on April 16th, 2011 9:42 am

    Said I didn’t know about Sunshine Hill Road and others in that area. Don’t travel them. Was speaking of Arthur Brown Rd. Sorry about the mix-up.

  2. Dorothy on April 14th, 2011 10:11 pm

    Wow , Either No one from Kansas road reads this site or they just don’t post on it.

    Plenty of roads need work.
    Proably none worse than whichever one we drive most often.

    Glad some are getting repaved.

  3. mary on April 14th, 2011 4:19 pm

    @ Janice Parker..How can I NOT travel the roads you mentioned..I live on Sunshine Hill Rd!! The speeders arent as bad a s the dang 4 wheelers & dirt bikes that are constantly going up & down the road!

  4. mary on April 14th, 2011 4:10 pm

    @ Janice Parker..How can I not travel those roads you mentioned..I live on Sunshine Hill Rd!!!

  5. Janice Parker on April 14th, 2011 9:48 am

    This is for Tallyho, I don’t know where you live but you must’ve not been down this road. There are patches over patches. And they need to finish widening and repaving Barrineau Park road to 99N. Then 99 N to at least the RR crossing in Bay Springs. The rest of it, I know nothing about. Haven’t been that way in years. Most of the people in that area and north use this route to get to Pens. Don’t travel Sunshine Hill, Gibson or Crabtree Church Roads. Too many speed breakers.

  6. Diddleysquat on April 14th, 2011 5:35 am

    Strange, I’ve been driving on all these roads for years and I can’t recall ever being “Run Off The Road” by any kind of truck.

  7. Hmmm on April 14th, 2011 2:13 am

    There is a difference between County Roads and State Roads. That is why some get resurfaced and some dont.

  8. joe on April 14th, 2011 12:16 am

    I think we can all agree the roads in the north end seem to be overlooked. I am run off the road by log trucks everyday on 99 (except sunday) also by trash trucks, fed ex, UPS, and any other large trucks that happen to be going by.

  9. savannah on April 13th, 2011 9:35 pm

    please do not say that barrineau park school road doesnt need to be resurfaced. yes 99 is an awful road, but apparently you have never been run off the road by log trucks on that road. there are a few pot holes that if you hit, regardless how slow you are going, you will pop a tire or tear off the front end of your car. I live down BPSR and it is absolutely necessary for it to be repaved. I have lived there since I was 6 years old and am now 22. repaving is long overdue.

  10. Know it All on April 13th, 2011 6:48 pm

    Mr. Green: sounds like you need to be a consultant for the North end!

  11. Oak Grove Bud on April 13th, 2011 6:48 pm

    What about Pine Barren Rd. north of Breastworks highway 4? This is a well traveled route to Northview High School. Needs to be paved and not keep patching patches.

  12. tallyho on April 13th, 2011 4:22 pm

    Just cannot figure out Aurthur Brown road, Who has that much pull for more paving, was it not worked on last year. I sure hope that the same people that did Pine Barren and hwy 29 from century to the saw mill is not the one whom is doing this. But wait did some one mention Hwy 99 needed paving for several years. Need to get the people out to vote up here and let your vote heard.

  13. joe on April 13th, 2011 3:40 pm

    what the , really, these roads are not as bad as several others in the area.
    what about 99? this is one of the worst roads in escambia county?

  14. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2011 12:43 pm

    PLEASE use the proper mixture of materials, so it doesn’t turn into a gravel road two years from now. Big rocks for the majority of the volume of the pavement, smaller rocks to fill the spaces between the big rocks, even smaller rocks to fill the spaces still left after that, asphalt to hold it all together and not let water in. No emulsions which leave voids for water to fill and freeze later. Properly compacted.

    Have the inspector make sure it is being done right. Have someone make sure the inspector is inspecting it right. Have some make sure the one who makes sure the inspector is inspecting right is actually doing so. That should be enough.

    David for getting money’s worth

  15. interested reader on April 13th, 2011 10:53 am

    Mary – I agree with you!!! Sunshine Hill road has become a highly traveled road since the opening of Molino Park Elementary and it is beginning to have a lot of wear and tear. There are huge pot holes, the “asphalt” is breaking up and turning into rocks and the road at the bridge is caving in. Someone please fix our road!!!

  16. guess who on April 13th, 2011 8:32 am

    I would start with Roads, Inc.

  17. mary on April 13th, 2011 4:40 am

    Oh how Sunshine Hill Rd needs resurfacing ..just the part that was a “red dirt rd” when I moved out here 19 yrs ago. Can anyone tell me who to call??? THKX!